Word of mouth advertising is the least expensive way to advertise.. But usuing it will not hurt my family.. If they can make $1000 extra month, how long will it take to do that at minimum wage, or a little better. It look like James you need to check out the real life business out there, because you would be surprised to find out the real world is different than what you think. Some companies may not consider cigars for smokers rates and another might. Its about buying a term policy and people having an issue with not getting anythng back at end of Term. I do not need cash value insurance since I have set aside money to pay those bills when I die. But why not talk about the products you sell, if you can defend them. (The one that ran with his tail between his legs.) When I did my last policy comparison, the competition was coming in a hair cheaper. Who wons their producers and clients. SM, @ everyone That way if I need it I have it. When I was younger before I was an owner, I had a friends father die. Well it may have dropped, but then again it goes up again. I may recruit new Trump is worth a lot more, but it a lot less liquid. I know that you are A WELL-INFORMED CLIENT and not a wolf in sheeps clothing. Nothing. But that is changing. Or it does not work out, or was not a good solution. The freedom to choose my carriers with out a fear of having my contact cancelled. If a bank took the life savings of people there would be a lynch mob. Life insurance relaces then income of the person. Especially, when I return the treatment by the same way that I was being treated, no one wins. Everyone knows if you go with cut rate products you get cut rate service. ANd most people waste that watching TV. Some people just dont like the point of paying for Term and not getting anything in return except coverage. Either way they are not good companies. How do you know my companies? want to be treated. Nor do they do things that are not good for the client. That can only be done by cash value insurance companies, and therefore are not able to be done by Primerica. 6. Im hurt, youre telling people to stay away from Primerica? Population health-focused MSN program, for aspiring leaders in nursing and community health. Not picking on Walmart I admire Sam Walton just using his success as an example. I am sorry. This shows you ways to get out of debt without refinancing your home. The big issue for me was the Why, I was at PFS. Again this is coming from a person who did not know what you get for the $99, not the $199. I see why you push this crap, you make more money on it. Well atleast when you come back to help them you are not selling a different company. So since you refuse to do the work, which is typical of people who fail at Primerica, he is what a Yugo is. You are right #2 its usually 8% to borrow but it not your money. Next week SHE is closing $600,000 in variable annuities and shell earn over $18,000! I asked him to repeat what he said about Primerica. Well first if they beat your current set up (say the way you pay your debt, and through what bank etc) they can actually buy out that loan from whoever youre with, and transfer it to CitiBank or w/e. This captive vs non captive thing has me divided. They teach about Risk Tolerance. James, I am so glad you have decide to stop having a battle of wits, that you are so unarmed for. Which agent would you choose, PFS or an independent that can offer more options, more products and cheaper policies? A few misunderstandings that need to be addressed are: An FNA is NOT required of new associates, or part of any registration process. The poster had a bad trainer or RVP, and that is not the way we do things in my office. -, Since we never talk about this point. Remember the client ALWAYS pays for everything. Unfortunately, it didnt work out for me. Since it cost so much more no one hardly evers buys a b or c policy, since the agent is selling price. . Primerica lost and I was dead in the water until I came across a Primerica debate on a mesage board and people hit me with facts, not rah, rah.. Somebody has to drive the bus, as long as its not me. Now, If someone helped them get to that huge estate, they might keep them around. Selling them policies they knew where bad, but laughing all the way to the bank. Sicne you are not close to my equal, it offends me. Since they are the deep pockets. Yes we get paid four waysYes we get actual licenses.Yes people are going to talk crap about the company because 1 out of 10 will make it hereand Yes the industry is threatened by our crusade. -, And Since I have said this time and time again cheaper does not make it equal. No one makes anyone work at primerica! See its all about options to fit the needs of the client. Atleast, when the author of this initial review claims a disclaimer of not completely knowing whats going onhes honest there but he should completely put that first and in BOLD PRINT. Prudential Thats all most are saying. I would think that side account would be drained or at least have a sizable amount used for health care cost. How about skinning your knees as a kid? First is a robo program called Core Portfolios. How about health insurance? I just do not know if I would be able to do both as I am just starting as a nurse. In fact, I have stated that I have never sold nor, nor has anyone in my agency (I have 35 life-licensed reps). Remember it is Buy term and Invest the difference, not blow the difference. At first it was not taxable, not included in your income tax. But most people are not here to make lots of money, but somethign to help them along the way. What about software? There are PFS reps. posting on other boards on the net. As far as me joining Primerica, the reason I havent is because I dont want to. See my post a while back. See I have a small brokerage account for my stocks. Recruiting is encouraged, however, in the same way I wasnt pressured to join Primerica I will NOT pressure others. Now Michael will say differently but then he is so wrong on so many levels it is not even funny. Its a we can come into a home and leave a person better off than before we came type of program. I couldnt look my family in the eye and do it. It allows someone to understand the fundamentals of building a business without having to put out a massive amount of cash to obtain it. Until you got more an more unprofessional, I figured you deserve the benefit of the doubt. If someone twists the facts I bet your sates DOI would love to here from them. Third, you need support. I have an adviser on call, I do nto have to make an appointment on Monday through Friday before 5 pm. The comissions are low compared to the company that I have now. Thats their only marketing method. Sometime the client needs to invest so he can retire, have his kid go to college, or just get that first home. If they dont like it they can always just go back. So please the only time someone should be using an annuity is when they have exhausted every other tax break they can. Or by the way, if youn think you know the best way for estate conversion why are you using the most expensive product to do that. Some major companies put you in a term policy but have it raise every 5 year. This is absurd. Also, the real numbers in PFS are out of 100 new reps, 83 will quit, 15 will become decent part-time producers, and 2 will become RVPs. Since you said you offer these worthless products, does that mean you will sell what ever you can make a buck on? And that is a month. I think you said you have a fiduciary duty to take care of your client. , Now, I am curious, have you noticed what the premiums have been doing over the last 10 years? They cut 10 years of their debt, by showing them how to use a debt stacking program that is theirs for free. -. Primerica isnt doing anyone any favors. Since 1977 over 50% of the insurance companies that were in business have folded. He seems to have forgotten his mistakes. Taking the entire amount for burial and having fun before the client dies, will destroy the family. We provide the vehicle for you to get to a better financial place by mapping out where you are and how to get to where you want to be based on YOUR specific case. ), The only reason to buy it out side work is if you want to pay more, and give your agent a hand at paying for his good life. Or do you think the Companies give money free to agents? . That is the person they are responsible for, not the person insured. It is like sales amn saying all those things about Primerica, had to eat his words. What you do not have to worry about is with James is things like having support and training. Since I have only your word, and it is suspect tell me what you think you get for the 1.50 less? . A person can get a commission contract the same or better outside of PFS. Population health-focused MSN program, for aspiring leaders in nursing and community health. I know many people work out of their home, and a home based business is great. Good evening everyone. Any company wants you 50 to 60 hours a week, for what you say. Thats 613.08 per year savings. They get to make a choice. You sound like the guys on all these websites. If I want to add other carrier I can. Underwritten by National Benefit Life Insurance Company (Home Office: Long Island City, NY), in New York; Primerica Life Insurance Company (Executive Offices: Duluth, GA) in all other US jurisdictions; Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada (Head Office: Mississauga, ON) in Canada. Yes it may cost a little more, but then value does. Some are guaranteed so he can keep it. -, Example of what Tom doesnt know, but says it like he does, Immediate Ownership: Well the IRS says you are a business owners, but you say they are not. Like going to the show store, buying a pair of running shoes and getting only the left one, who would sign up for this? Considering you want whats best for your clients why are limited guaranteed products a better consideration than a fully guaranteed product? I can make money this way without EVER recruiting ANYONE. I am sure if I had his help this post would have exceeded any limit that they have here for characters. Main example is this: Ive replaced whole life products for a family where their ACTUAL BROTHER was the insurance guy that sold them their expensive/retirement stealing insurance policy.moved them over to TERM INSURANCE which was cheaper for them and yes, the difference saved and other monies they had was invested according to their risk tolerances in proper investment vehicles. By the way why do they need to pay for something that is not needed? Insurance is to cover a risk, and teh game plan is for people to have Cash when they are retiring, not an insurance policy, because everyone, with some cerebral ability, cash is king. last note, in addition to the 199 fee (which is eventually refunded)you also pay 25 dollars a month to have acces to their online data base (POL). Are you not getting enough referrals? If this were you and you had limited funds, whould you just get the PFS policy or shop? HE CHOSE to make a higher commission of his own familyinstead of doing the best possible practical thing for them.so you wonder why go with Primerica? I take this personally because____________. Letters of Transfers. I was responding to Tom from his comments to the blog that I posted on July, 26, 2008 from James @ 9:26 pm. Now you are using Insurance talk. So please get off this kick that we need to cover all the bases. SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 40% is more like 240,000 of 600,000. Do you commit any other moral crimes? Its you. It is worth over 7 billion dollars. No, since it is a waste of money, like accidental death and dismemberment. I am an informed client. First Here is some facts. This is the Professional way to act? (By the way, I have a E350 2008 and love it). Finger Printing 4) You can sell your RVP position for about 10x annual earnings. Bill, I am not a chick. I am not stupid, I learn from my mistakes and correct myself. WebThe Best Types of Assisted Living Programs for Different Levels of Cognitive Impairment. and try to get those people to do the free analysis. This is on the assumption that you were ever an agent, not one of these people who goes on the board and make noise about Primerica. Would you trust the bosses at Enron, with what you know now? Look up you PFS guy and let him take your abuse. Thanks for reading! I guess you never expected someone to read it, just take your word. You actually answered why PFS didnt work for you and i appreciate you did b/c with your layout of eventsthere could be some validity to your conclusions. Remember INVEST the Difference. 4. Or do you want an agent that lives near you to help you. I mean if you knwo of some tell us. Did I read this right!?!?? As for your postings about AIG. You can even have your Rep. coach you.. You are right that there is many costs in a policy. The problem is now he is using what the cash value companies have been doing and putting Primerica name instead. Again, You are making things up. I will solicit and sell only Primerica financial products and services. Never a full-time requirement. And I ahve had an increasing benenfit rider. They add products when it is good for the client and for the company. At older ages people dont need fluctuating cost. I, on the other hand, am excellent at math and logic and studying so I wanted a career that would challenge that on a daily basis or put my mind to work without boring me to a mid-day nap everyday. It covers your licenses, including Life, Health and Disability, Mortgage appointment, Securities, Primerica Prepaid legal, and the ability to get paid on referrals for Auto and Home owners insurance. But if you are paid more in commissions where doe sthe money come from? Especially when an agent is part-time. But then again I had a friend that got tired of getting these calls sent letters and said repeatily not to call him and they ignored him. Highest Foreclosure rates in decades. As for being cheaper it has to be since it lacks value. Tom do some research. I do not want to sell only one a/c brand. Does anyone know the current commission levels at PFS? **Tom the point isnt about savings. I have seen some policies that my friends had that imploded in 7 years. Sooner or later the counselor runs out of people to hit up and they quit working for Primerica. Do PFS agents talk to their clients about the potential of a Senior Settlement? The upfront fee is $99 and $25 a month online access fees. Its funny how youll criticize MetL life insurance and then go and use thier annuity product. So much for the heart and soul. Do you know why ROP was created by the Insurance companies? That is do all this work for someone else to get the sale by underbidding you. This is America and there should be competition. Not just a Life insurance sales person saying he is a financial adviser. Level premium and a level death benefit does have cost. I guess you forgot about quality. Are you Life Insurance Licensed? If you can, but then again you are looking for those that are looking for price. Now you may say but Michael does not sell it so why should we care. Can you please stay on topic once? The sales force pays for that. There is a reason why she was untouchable. You cant take your premiums off your taxes. We have already had a client seminar in her office with 24 attendees. Because that would cost the clients more money. Before I say anything about my experiences here, Ill let you know about me. . As for recruiting, it is a by product. Do you really want to pay a couple pennies less and get considerable less service? I can understand your bitterness with Primerica. He taught as a coach. Term4Sale is owned by COMPULIFE Software, Inc. which sells term comparison software to thousands of life agents throughout the U.S. and Canada. Anyone can use it, even someone who does not hold a license. But then again Micheal, or is it Thomas, will say something like our ROP term is lower than Primerica. Truths about PFS IBA. No, they use their house as a piggy bank, and then whine when they run out of equity. It is AIG. Right. Just know the business. This is one of the reason why they are no Value term. I know it is hard to believe but there are still places like that. In my opinion, its pretty hard to put a price on that. I assume that its like auto insure you only use it when you need to such as theif, crash, fire, & vandalism. Policy and people having an issue with not getting anythng back at end term. But there are still places like that free to agents I did my last policy comparison the! Recruiting anyone get the sale by underbidding you even have your Rep. coach you.. are. 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