Epub 2014 May 28. Mol. Bevacizumab (Avastin) [1] is an exogenous inhibitor, which inhibits the biological activity of human VEGF [2]. Front Chem. The problems with tumor volume measurements by calipers, 3.1 Tumor growth: Height is not equal to the width of the tumor, 3.3 Caliper measurements are time-consuming, 3.4 Caliper measurements ignore a larger volume, https://ugobasile.com/products/catalogue/pain-and-inflammation/plethysmometer, A Structured Light Based Laboratory Animal Subcutaneous Tumor Scanning System. In the concept of model-based treatment, a continuous and precise tumor volume monitoring is needed concerning which, may be possible in the near future by nanotechnology [38]. @0u !7oyc5/Ck Eichelerger, L.E. Tukeys HSD test resuled in significant difference between case1 and case2 groups (p = 0.038). Measurements with caliper were done on the 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 24th days of the experiment in Phase I; in the case of Phase III/3, they were done on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd and 23rd days. The tumor volume calculation was executed using the formula V = (W2 L)/2 for caliper measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, and L is tumor length . Stretching of the skin around the tumor of the mouse will cause an under-estimate of the tumor volume since the tumor is pressed into the body (see Figure 13. below). National Library of Medicine In order to reduce such deformations on the tumor during measurement, it is possible to reduce the stress on the body of the animal by using two hands. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click & Morel, M. Clinical, mammographic, and sonographic determination of preoperative breast cancer size. Accuracy of Optical Imaging for Measuring Tumor Burden In Vivo . Tumours of the rat. Comparison of clinical assessment, mammography and ultrasound in pre-operative estimation of primary breast-cancer size: a practical approach. to calculate several estimates of tumor volume using the equations for the volume of a sphere ([4 /3]r3), Here r is average of a, b and c the volume of an NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. The width of a fully formed tumor will be much larger than its height. Breast cancer measurements with magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and mammography. Figure 4. In Phase IV, control group contained 5 mice, case1 group contained 10 mice, and case2 group contained 10 mice as well. Using the above mentioned iterative method, the resulted equation is This problem can be explained by our observation, namely tumors which were grown without therapy have more symmetric and solid closed shape, in contrast to tumors which were grown under antiangiogenic therapy. First way is the caliper measurement; in that case tumor diameters (width, length) are measured with digital caliper. The authors say special thanks to Katalin Dezs MD. PLoS ONE 10(11): @L Pk5*Gj@>Sk%SLL4w^c{j[hP(/h8HP_ @Ch( Measured data is the MRI-measured tumor volumetumor mass pairs on the 23rd day of Phase III/3 (case and control group). This effect is illustrated in the included video. In Phase I, 10 mice were sacrificed at the 24th day of the experiment. Predicting tumor volume in radical prostatectomy specimens from patients with prostate cancer. The whole experiment consisted of four phases; the article focuses on the Phase III/3 and its results together with the comparison of Phase I and Phase III/3 (Fig 1). Tumor volume in subcutaneous mouse xenografts measured by microCT is more accurate and reproducible than determined by 18 F-FDG-microPET or external caliper. On the bottom left graph in Fig. calipers and Water Displacement methods Tumor mimicking objects Vol. An average penny has a diameter of 19 mm and a height of 1.27 mm, yielding a volume of 360.1 mm3. These measurements gave us accurate tumor volumes to compare the accuracy of this new technique in measuring tumor volumes. The study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. The aim of the experiment was to create and validate a clinically relevant tumor growth model (using C38 colon adenocarcinoma), focusing on the effect of angiogenesis. 2023 Jan 20;42(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13046-022-02578-w. Zhao R, Chen P, Qu C, Liang J, Cheng Y, Sun Z, Tian H. Cell Death Discov. The cells are forced to grow laterally because of the surface tension of the skin above, and the flesh below, which therefore expand the width of the tumor length and widthwise rather than along its height. Inhibiting the glycerophosphodiesterase EDI3 in ER-HER2+ breast cancer cells resistant to HER2-targeted therapy reduces viability and tumour growth. Starting with f = 1, we have investigated the goodness of the fitting, using an iterative method. 37, 19 (1996). PubMedGoogle Scholar. Med. Clin. Wrote the paper: JS ZS PK LK. r>12TzPn 4x PUj50"pJ{{>y{.mn|Cvz{PP5x kH:5:YM.gn?c[J8oQWkR_!X/C@6P@WT=gO5Sn>om}&SI cyT>E"TnkhSju>~yVOm^C~0__ww@ y[xQr33?6O~hZcR{{u]=O5T. 2013 Oct;67(8):771-6. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2013.06.011. Measure the three dimensions of peanut M&M's, serving as our similar-sized tumor surrogates, using vernier calipers. The results of the three investigated cases using C38 mouse colon adenocarcinoma (Phase I, Phase III/3 control group, and Phase III/3 case group) were compared using tumor volume values from MRI measurements (Phase III/3 control and case groups, 23rd day) and evaluated data (Phase I MRI tumor volume calculated from linear curve fit, 24th day). . The other way to measure tumor volume is the usage of small animal MRI, a non-invasive in vivo technology giving the possibility of a more precise volume measurement [29]. In the experiment 9.4 Tesla field strength Varian small-animal MRI was used. Eur. . There are no further patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. PMID: 11208850. Mammary tumors seemed to take on an oblate spheroid geometry. The caliper, unlike the scanner, does not consider that the height of the stack changes while the length and width remain the same. A study[4] (Figure 5.) 2015 Feb;43(2):145-70. doi: 10.1177/0192623314532036. Tumor growth Tumor regression Number of Number of volume volume doublings Percentage additional halvings: Decrease in Percentage decrcase in increase Volume Area" Diameterb volume doubling number Volume Area" Diameterb Doubling of Halving of Volume 1 .o 100.0 58.7 26.0 Volume 1 .o 50.0 37.0 20.6 Pathol. This means that continuous, low dose antiangiogenic factor (VEGF) administration is needed. calculate an average volume based on two extreme segmentations; one including most of the border, and one excluding it. Kobayashy, T. et al. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. Careers. Based on the experimental data, model identification can be carried out which describes the mathematical model of the investigated biological process. Google Scholar. A solution to these problems is the TumorImagerTM scanner. The results presented here were provided by them. Quantity of the optimal solvent administration was also examined in this subphase. . Further geometrical or visual data are not stored simultaneously. In this study, the researchers measured the same tumors with calipers and the scanner for a about month and a half. BMC Med. In longitudinal studies, sequential measurements of tumor volume with a non-invasive method are essential. Levenes test showed that the sample variances are equal (p = 0.108). Tumors were cut into two pieces for sample processing: one piece was stored in formalin, and the other piece was frozen using liquid nitrogen. Read the article on why you should not use calipers! Russo, J. Small MRI measurements were done in the Preclinical Imaging Center of Gedeon Richter Plc. In Phase I, tumor growth was investigated without antiangiogenic therapy for 24 days (mice were sacrificed when the tumor reached a lethal size). Under these conditions, the formula for the volume of a tumor becomes. Because the industrys caliper-based formula allows for these inclusions in nonexistent volumes more often than not, it yields inaccurate measurements, which can confuse. Homogeneity of variance was examined with Levenes test; the sample variances are equal (p = 0.052). Therefore, its formula will always overestimate the tumor volume until the height equals its width, as seen in Figure 3. Role of real-time sonography in assessment of breast diseases: a review of 200 cases (Abstr). J. Urol. 2022 Dec 5;10:998013. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.998013. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Thank you for visiting nature.com. J. Nucl. A diagram of an ellipsoid, with the derivations of the variables needed to calculate its volume. Isofluorane (0.95 x 2.0%) was applied for inhalational anesthesia, and intubation was performed. Although the low dose bevacizumab therapy is well known in the literature, we found no article (in the English literature) regarding very low dose and quasi-continuous bevacizumab therapy, as used in our study. Tumor volume was measured with digital caliper as well. Westerlind, K.C. & Russo, I.H. Gullino, P.M., Pettigrew, H.M. & Grantham, F.H. Of course, for the closed-loop design frequent and precise tumor volume measuremets are required, thus the problem of tumor volume measurement has to be solved as well. 26 December 2022, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Med. Figure 14. . Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. (5) The post hoc test resulted in the following. Even though, almost 95% of the researchers who have been doing these measurements for decades, as a company who developed an accurate and faster device for such measurements, we realized that most of these people do not know the mathematical nature of the formula they use to calculate the tumor volumes measured by calipers. Since the real geometric object assumed to represent the tumor is a parallelepiped (rather than an ellipsoid), the flat bottom surface of it will leave a larger section of the tumor below than the interpolated surface following the body contour of the animal as seen in Figure 10, below. Nevertheless the result of our study shows that the effectiveness is even better. This approach presents an alternative to calipers which, although cheap, fast, and easy to use, introduce many biases for tumor volume estimation. Powered by WordPress Mammary tumors seemed to take on an oblate spheroid geometry. For ultrasonography measurements, we calculated tumor volume . Later in a study, when a tumor grows into larger masses, the shape of the tumor can differ greatly from an ellipsoid, as shown in Figure 7. In Figure 4., the value given by caliper measurements (VC, red squares) does not change when up to 15 pennies are stacked. 39, 16 (1996). The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W (2) L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor . Figure 17. Affiliation Typical side-effects and adverse events are arterial and venous thromboembolic events, bleeding, hypertension, febrile neutropenia, infections, proteinuria, mucositis, and hand-foot syndrome. Imaging 16, 816 (2008). How the device is positioned over the tumor will not influence the result. (Inbred C57Bl/6 mice from our institute were used throughout the studies.) The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W (2) L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor . Evaluated the accuracy of common four formulas given in the literature to estimate xenograft tumor volumes based on manual caliper measurements and proposed formula (0,45 L*W*H) could estimate tumor volumes as good as prolate ellipsoid formula. . A quiet and modestly T2-weighted spin-echo scan was acquired at 4.7T (TE = 15 msec, TR = 1100 msec, 0.5 mm isotropic . constant low-dose therapy because in the case of controller-based administration, the control signal (administration dose) can vary from zero to the maximum tolerable dose according to the perceived tumor volume. Breast Cancer Res. Tumor volumes ranged from 0.5 cc to 187.9 cc, with a median of 21.8 cc. It was on the 10th day, since HT-29 colorectal adenocarcinoma grows slower in mice than C38 colon adenocarcinoma. Most of the operators in these studies were highly experienced in caliper measurements, but they only had one day of training in scanner measurements. Med. <> The C38 colorectal carcinoma line was maintained by serial subcutaneous transplantations in C57Bl/6 mice. Using a caliper, growth of the tumor in height is not measured as only width and length changes will affect the calculated volume. Article No, Is the Subject Area "Magnetic resonance imaging" applicable to this article? A tumor image, its 3D shape and all geometrical data are automatically calculated and stored. Autopsy revealed large metastasis in the lung, this is the suspected cause of the death. Cells should be suspended in a volume so that 300 l contains required number of cells per injection. 2022 Dec 20;3(12):100852. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2022.100852. 47, 510 (2001). We have found in our previous study [32] that measurements without contrast agents resulted in high quality images, where tumor can be circumscribed precisely, thus the usage of contrast is unnecessary. The second result which is discussed in the article is comparison of the effectiveness of bevacizumab administration in the case of protocol-based and quasi-continuous therapies. () and were used with the parameters displayed in Table 1Parameters for Gompertz growth were taken from Benzekry et al. Open Access Tumor volumes measured with a Plethysmometer (VPleth) independent of caliper and scanner measurements (VC, VS) vs. VC and VS. Table 1. Can the Kuznetsov Model Replicate and Predict Cancer Growth in Humans? Figure 18. In a study done in England, the researchers at the end of their experiment, dissected tumors and measured their weight with a precise balance, and used these weight values of the tumors to compare results of the caliper and the scanner measurements. by US (c.c) Vol. Traditionally their volume growth has been monitored by using a mechanical caliper. In addition, calipers also place undue strain on the animal during measurement, assume conditions for a perfect ellipsoid (which most tumors are not), and can lead to unnecessary losses of money over time. Tumor volume was measured in two different ways. 2009, 18 (2009). The explanation of the effectiveness of low dose VEGF therapy is the following ([3944]). However, it has to be taken into consideration that in several cases using antiangiogenic therapy, tumor shape is irregular (berry-shaped). Our hypothesis is that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. Figure 6. In other fields, such as treatment of diabetes mellitus this closed-loop control is already solved; known as artificial pancreas (continuous glucose sensor for measurements, insulin pump for infusion and control algorithm) [47], [48]. Timing wise both methods perform the same. contracts here. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142190.g001. Open Access A 3-D illustration can be found in Fig 7. a) berry-shaped tumor; b) x-diameter of the tumor; c) y-diameter of the tumor; d) z-diameter of the tumor; e) berry-shaped tumor with ellipsoidal estimation. The TumorImagerTM line of scanners by Biopticon Corporation fixes these problems by keeping the animals relaxed during measuring and yielding measurements closer to actual values than caliper-based measurements. The closer the slope of a line on this graph is to 1 and the y-intercept to 0, the closer the measurements of the device it represents are to the exact values of the tumors volumes. Mice were killed after 38 days. Yes This does not alter the authors adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. A direct 3d measurement tool such as the TM900 does not induce such method sensitivity but cannot exclude operator dependency of the obtained values. Forbes, D., Blom, H., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Moore, G. & Perretta, G. Euroguide: On the Accommodation and Care of Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, London, 2007). We monitored the vital parameters of 4 immunocompetent mice, and there was no serious toxic side-effect or lethality regarding to the usage of bevacizumab. A tumor expands in width rather than height as it grows. The second subphase (Phase III/2) was similar to Phase III/1, mice received the same dosage of bevacizumab as in Phase III/1, however sample size was higher (6 immunocompetent mice in control group, 12 immunocompetent mice in case group), and bevacizumab administration started earlier, on the 3rd day of the experiment. Generally, to make caliper measurements, the measurer first traps the tail of the mouse under her fingers, then, grabs the neck of the mouse, and aligns the mouse in her hand in a way to expose the tumor for length and width measurements. B){00)Y$Ixlr{dYe}#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ,^X_zN5:EZN]zM^k /Wu^ZZi#Ju.!L!z@u*kUim|+aZmjth-}z5'^|= 4L1_]qVZV*h@! To overcome all of these difficulties (continuity of the administration and side-effects), model identification should be determined and then a control algorithm (controller) can be designed for the created mathematical model. A smaller standard deviation in a set of measurements suggests a lesser possibility of error. A smaller diameter mask will help to position the tumor in the center of the scan, but it will not alter this effect. Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Table 1. The software captures data hands-free via the use of electronic calipers, balances, and an optional foot pedal. If the length or width of a tumor is twice its height, which is often the case for many tumor models, then its measured volume will be overestimated by 50%. PMC The dose depends mainly on weight. One can find datasets in Table 3. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. The athymic (nude) mouse is a useful model for studying the biology and response to therapies of human tumors in vivo. Make sure you get accurate measurements for length, width and height. Get just this article for as long as you need it, Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout. Treat. Our results for the case group (daily, quasi-continuous small amount administration) and the control group (one big dose according to the protocol) are [45] have found that the combination of low-dose cyclophosphamide and ginsenoside Rg3 therapy can be more effective than the normal administration. Disclaimer. Would you like email updates of new search results? (Fig 2). The authors measured dimensions of rat mammary tumors using a caliper and using real-time compound B-mode ultrasonography and compared the calculated tumor volumes with the real tumor volume to identify the formulas that gave the most accurate volume calculations. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, Corrections, Expressions of Concern, and Retractions, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142190, http://www.gene.com/download/pdf/avastin_prescribing.pdf, http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/EPAR_-_Scientific_Discussion/human/000582/WC500029262.pdf, http://www.protocol-online.org/prot/Protocols/Xenograft-Tumor-Model-Protocol-3810.html, http://www.targeson.com/sites/default/files/content/pages/pdfs/tail_vein_protocol_2012_0.pdf. 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. Due to the collaboration between medical doctors and biomedical engineers, model-based treatment protocols can be created. tumor height has to be approximated. Finally, measurements made with the TumorImager scanner showed a significant difference 10 days earlier between the treatment and control group as opposed to caliper-based measurements. Lab Animal Faustino-Rocha AI, Gama A, Oliveira PA, Alvarado A, Fidalgo-Gonalves L, Ferreira R, Ginja M. Faustino-Rocha AI, Silva A, Gabriel J, Teixeira-Guedes CI, Lopes C, Gil da Costa R, Gama A, Ferreira R, Oliveira PA, Ginja M. Biomed Pharmacother. PubMed The article discusses two results. However, if the treatment is lengthy, the problem of side-effects also has to be considered. In both cases, the height of the tumor will be much smaller than its length or width (Figure 2.). where f is a constant which belongs to a certain tumor type. Google Scholar. Yes Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Our results provide a theoretical background for a much more effective bevacizumab treatment using optimized administration. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Yes J. Ultrasound Med. volume42,pages 217224 (2013)Cite this article. Analyzed the data: JS ZS PK DG DAD LK. In several recent studies ([21, 22]), tumor volume is calculated assuming ellipsoid shape: The size of maximum tumor volumes observed in our study fulfills the requirements of Hungarian animal experimental research protocol. The R2 value for the scanner is 0.99, as opposed to that for the caliper being 0.90, which signifies that the scanner is more precise in its measurements than the caliper. We have investigated different methods to find the best tumor volume estimation since it creates the possibility for precise and effective drug administration with a much lower dose than in the protocol. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Radiology 254, 110118 (2010). Better results can be obtained by proper handling of the mice. According to angiogenic inhibitor administration, our hypothesis was that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. Caliper- and scanner-based measurements during the various stages of a tumors growth. Average of tumor volumes for every measurement days of the experiment can be seen in Fig 8. Even the same operator, with different trials or at different moments in time does not always hold the animal in exactly the same way. 54, 401414 (1975). Possible mechanisms mediating an association between physical activity and breast cancer. By using a caliper, one will measure width and length of the tumor and then calculate the volume using a standard formula, such as /6 x W x W x L or 1/2 x W x W x L thus assuming a standard and constant shape of the tumor. produced by the TumorImager-2TM so that the animal is aligned under the mask each time similarly to the previous scan. When tumor cells become able to produce proangiogenic factors (the process is called as angiogenic switch), it will result in abnormal and inefficient vascular network (with high vascular permeability and poor perfusion) due to the hurried process of vessel formation. Tumor volumes have been calculated for all A431 tumors by the conventional caliper/formula method and by ultrasound with the ARTIDA system. In addition, the gap between tumor volume values for caliper-based control and treatment groups is smaller than that for scanner measurements; the significant p-value was over 50 times higher when using calipers (p > 0.05) than with scanners (p < 0.001), suggesting that the caliper-based measurements are not statistically significant. Figure 5. J. Oncol. Tumor morphology was investigated using standard Haematoxylin Eosin staining on the samples stored in formalin. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. The third subphase (Phase III/3) was designed with the same bevacizumab administration as in Phase III/1 and Phase III/2; nevertheless, tumor volume was measured not only by caliper but by small animal MRI as well. 55, 11761180 (1995). The protocol was approved by the Hungarian Animal Experimental Research Ethics Council (llatksrleti Tudomnyos Etikai Tancs, ATET), Permit Number: 22.1/1159/3/2010. Cancer Res. Res. CA Cancer J. Clin. et al. Objectives: Volume measurement of subcutaneous xenograft tumors in nude mice models is an important metric to assess tumor growth or response to therapy. An official website of the United States government. Cancer Inst. Furthermore, caliper-based measurements cause undue stress on the animal and, by extension, the tumor, which can further distort measurements. The other eight tumors exhibit forms that cannot be compared to a perfect ellipsoid. Yes Thus, caliper-based measurements, using the formula , are most accurate in real life for tumors in which height roughly equals width but prove less accurate as height becomes more unequal to width, as is the case with almost all real tumors. 2023 Jan 12;9(1):5. doi: 10.1038/s41420-023-01300-9. Notice that in the caliper group, the average standard deviation is larger than that of the group whose tumors were measured by Biopticons TumorImager scanner. Fornage, B.D., Toubas, O. 37, 331337 (2011). Though experienced researchers can make these measurements relatively quickly, it can be time-consuming to not only make the actual measurements but record them and transcribe them to storage media such as Excel for hundreds of animals. Open Access articles citing this article. This paper reviews the standard technique for tumour volume assessment, calliper measurements, by conducting a statistical review of a large dataset consisting of 2,500 tumour volume measurements from 1,600 mice by multiple operators across 6 mouse strains and 20 tumour models. 01 July 2022. Secondly, the aspect of side-effects are not inconsiderable. Yes Pursuant to one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, each sample has normal distribution (ppIV_control = 0.981, ppIV_case1 = 0.998, ppIV_case2 = 0.854). The caliper-based findings can lead researchers to believe that the drug is less effective than it actually is because the change in tumor volume between the control and treatment groups is smaller. That is independent from the use of a direct optical 3D measurement tool or a caliper. J. Therefor it allows a direct 3D capture of the volume. []. To compare more than two samples, ANOVA test was applied. Tracking tumor growth with real tumor scan pictures. Comparison of volume measurement results between four users. Tumor growth can take place under such conditions; however delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs is obstructed. This saves money, as mice, drugs, and calipers can be costly for researchers. %PDF-1.4 Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary December 2022, Bulletin of mathematical Med. Quantity of the optimal solvent administration was also examined in this subphase between case1 and case2 group 5... ; 3 ( 12 ):100852. doi: 10.1177/0192623314532036 model identification can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration N-methyl-N-nitrosourea... 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