Last updated by dick m #1023015 3 years ago 5/19/2020 11:15 AM. "this conclusion might be invalid because. What is the theme of the poem in spite of war? Which statement best expresses the theme of this poem? P.B. Which sentence best expresses George Gray's reflection? Death can come at any moment for anyone, even if it seems like they are doing fine right now. \hline As George Gray sails away from Earth on his yacht, he feels he was clever to seize every chance. More books than SparkNotes. C. It is impossible to continue to face someone when they no longer know or love you. It contends that all we achieve in lifewealth, fame, and poweris fleeting and subject to bigger forces. Which of the following actions contributes to the story's theme of kindness? Indica qu necesitas para comer o servir estas Shelley wrote the poem after reading about Lord Byron's scandalous affair with married woman Augusta Leigh and the birth of their child. When her father refused to pay the rent, they had to leave England. Ancient ruins are an important part of history. Look at my deeds, Mighty One, and be discouraged! He loves to write about all sorts of topics, from personal development to eco-friendly tips. 3. What is the theme of the poem in spite of war? What is the theme of the poem Ozymandias? PART A: Which statement best expresses the theme of the poem? Moving to college can be harmful to family relationships. Which statement best describes the main theme of the poem? C. Be wary of the stories travelers tell. he had been packing, (1) When I was little, Grandma always played with me. Pregntale a otro(a) estudiante cundo va a estos lugares. If this was considered, there wouldn't have been a case of poisoning in the first place. People are often afraid of people they can't find something in common with. It leads to Marcia leaving her husband. Authors often include multiple themes in their writing. answer choices It can be better to live in the present, because reflecting on the past and planning for the future can bring worry and disappointment. "this conclusion might be invalid because. The responsibility of a journalist is to provide solutions to social and political concerns in a society. C. Poetry is a safe way one can express themselves without suffering repercussions. C. Being honest, even when it's difficult, is the best option. C. (Sotomayor faced many challenges and struggles as a child.) Which statement best expresses the theme of the poem by George Gray? (2) She taught me how to dance, and she made beautiful clothes for my dolls. Whether it's how-to articles or personal stories about life as an author, Mike always makes sure to include something that will help his readers get what they need from the article. C. She discovers that she can learn from her brother. Which sentence from the passage best supports this theme? After his death, these same methods were used by his enemies against him. &\text{? As a result, they should be used for the benefit of humanity and should not be abused. Which line from Ozymandias best states the poem's theme? Dennis deposits $6,000 in an account that earns 5.5%simple interest. A Working hard is more important than playing with friends. The above excerpt shows how, even in the simplicity and lack of resources of the place, the narrator's parents find time to appreciate and enjoy what the place has to offer. Her father was also alcoholic and this affected their family's condition. some are studies and sometimes pressure,stress,family, and many more. Write A is the stateme Technology and Home Economics, 04.04.2022 13:55, Add a question text of at least 10 characters. . of the war of the wall. 76% of those surveyed indicated that price was more important to them than where an item was produced. C. She discovers that she can learn from her brother. A. c. the federal government must work for. A. Which statement expresses the main theme of the poem what my father said * 2 points Working hard is more important than playing with friends. In this period is when genetically-based, but environmentally influenced tendencies respond in predictable ways to events that serve as building blocks for personality. 1. What is the message of the Seafarer's poem? It can feel like no one understands you when you're in deep mental or emotional pain. Goro Hasegawa, a salesperson\underline{\text{salesperson}}salesperson, invented the game called Othello. A. answer choices The best way a person can express their love for another person is through a poem. A. (Lines 11-12). 180 is 10% of w which of the following is the part where you list the instructions you must follow in order to accomplish your project. D. The tension between teammates causes North Vale to lose. He describes a scene with vivid detail, writes poetic lines, and makes interesting metaphors to help readers understand what he wants them to learn from the poem. One theme of this passage is "a good sense of humor is a valuable asset." 1. How is the theme of women's oppression developed in this passage? C. The narrator asks Jackie if she wants to sit with her and her friends. 1. You forgot to put the necessary poem for this question to be answered. One theme expressed in this passage is D. People must take care of the natural world. Etiquette by Hayes Davis -quiz. y = 5.75x + 34.5 What linear equation is represented by the second table? C.Actions intended for good do not always yield goodness. Thus, one should use one's power for good rather than evil. is the best answer. A a myth about the origins of a hero or heroine. The selected summary statement is the only one that correctly describes the selection as providing supporting details about how unpleasant weightlessness can be to support the idea of astronauts having to learn how to deal with it. Allowing people to get to know the real you can often leave you feelingvulnerable.D. What is the theme of the poem, a question by Robert Frost. (6) Many nights, after I had finished my homework, I would sketch the perfect dress. Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. But he also tells us that he has no regrets because he lived his life wisely. (Help). Aresearcher interested in springfield citizens' shopping habits surveys a randomly selected group of 200 walmart shoppers. Write A is the statement is true and Bil it is false, 6. B. Voy a la oficina cuando tengo problemas. Spending time alone in nature can help you develop a better sense of who you are. Which of the following lines from Ozymandias best expresses the poem's theme? His body was taken back to Greece for burial, but only his skull remains today. B.Wars are never truly won because of their human cost. (4) Since my family did not have much money, I knew I would never be able to buy a great dress for the school dance. How does the story of ida relate to the theme supporting other's advocacies, In your point of view describe system specification? What makes the village blacksmith a didactic poem? Suddenly, her father died of heart attack. Which of the following words best defines King Ozymandias? C. change can cause people to question their identities. C. It's important to treat every person as a friend, even if they have treated you poorly. 2. PART A: Which statement expresses the theme of the poem? Ozymandias was once described as: "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" Which statement expresses the theme of the poem? She met Byron when he came to London to seek financial support for his literary projects. In addition to this, the poem also tells us that: "The pride of man [was] their only hope." It leads to Judson drinking poisoned whiskey. The story's irony is Ozymandias' determination on being an eternal force, only to watch his monuments disintegrate among the sands of time. Is hope hard to upset or disturb? It was something.. then choose the statement that offers evidence that supports that main idea. The Poem's Subject IF: The poem IF's overarching topic is effective virtuous living based on principles like as honesty, correct behavior, and self-development. The answer is C. The federal government must work for the good of the people. The statue is said to have been so perfect that its glories outshone reality and its creator lost his mind. "I hope it makes your new dorm room feel like home." Though she liked living in New York City, Sonia hoped to one day move to Washington D.C. Sonia managed to control her diabetes by giving herself insulin shots as needed. Home The Bet Q & A PART A: . Which of the following best defines a "founding myth"? IF is a guide for those who want to follow a path that leads to success. Asked by Miriam C #991052 3 years ago 3/16/2020 12:56 PM. 1) a. nature can sometimes leave us feeling lonely and emotionally vulnerable. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The easiest way to explain the idea of the poem "Ozymandias" is to say that power and greatness do not stay forever. Reds, greens, figures outlined in black. PART A: Which statement best expresses the theme of the text? What is the best summary of the poem by George Gray? Your face puffs up, your nose gets stuffy, your back hurts, your stomach gets upset, and you throw up. B It can be difficult to keep a home clean when a pet lives there. D. StudyIsland Questions 10th grade Literature, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. A. it is better to keep silent than to offend a teammate. This inspired him to write a poem that questions whether violence and ambition can ever be fully defeated by more violence and ambition. a. nature can sometimes leave us feeling lonely and emotionally vulnerable. The theme of the poem is that no matter what happens, keep going forward. One theme of this passage is "A humble attitude is the first step in acquiring knowledge." * 5 points It is important to make the most of your life and live in the moment. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. At a young age of 8, she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes that was life-threatening. (Sotomayor s mother was a nurse, and her father worked in a factory.) It suggests that a person's attitude can rise above difficult circumstances. The Constitution should be amended to protect people s rights. The poet wants his audience to understand that life is like a boat traveling on the sea. D. honesty is always important, even among friends. Authors often include multiple themes in their writing. Sharing a frightening experience has the ability to bring people together. Being thoughtless may be harmful. Sonia enjoyed being a district court judge, but she felt she could achieve yet more in her career. Chaque fois qu'il part en vacances, M. Laffont se preoccupe de tout (worries about everything). C People often don't realize how much they value something until it's gone. The poem is meant to show that no matter how powerful or rich you are, you will eventually die. Which statement expresses the main theme of the poem? A. Nothing remains of Ozymandias except for some stones which were once covered in gold. if you do, your answer will be deleted, and the points that you earned will be taken 14.) O'er his quiet grave the olive spread its broad leaves, And the soft moss grew thick between the stones. B There will be consequences if you take justice into your own hands. Here was one whose name was like a spell to make the spirit grow faint; Yet all their mighty host had failed before him! Mmc\mathrm{M}^{\mathrm{mc}}Mmc Laffont essaie toujours de le calmer (calm him down). project: new world explorers before you begin in this project, you will be asked to write an informative essay about a new world explorer. The tables represent two linear functions. Augusta Leigh was the daughter of an English country gentleman who had fallen on hard times. The main theme of the poem is shown through the father letting his son go out and play despite knowing that it was dangerous. Ozymandias is a poem on the transience of life. (Sotomayor s mother was a nurse, and her father worked in a factory.) \hline It also draws attention to the irony of King Ozymandias' hubris. 5 A. Grandma wanted to make Natalie's dream come true. (A) The supporting details serve to expand upon the main idea, fully describing what life is like in a weightless environment. A.People tend to believe that bygone days are better. But despite his efforts, all that remains of him now are some small stones with words written on them. D Losing a pet can be like losing a member of the family. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. A. let people have adventures from the comfort of home. What is the message of the poem, One Solitary Life? English. Even in times of adversity, the poem's subject is one of optimism, courage, and joy. What is the main theme of the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling? He defeated King Darius III at the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 B.C. Spending time alone in nature can help you develop a better sense of who youare.B. B. by showing how Ardita's uncle disagrees with her travel plans Example 1. He wanted to be remembered forever, so he built three great statues, each one larger than the last. It shows in the poem how the visions and sensations that nature places on our bodies, can give us a feeling of emptiness and weakness, making us begin to feel lonely and emotionally vulnerable. However, Byron's career as a poet had become popular and he wanted to continue writing poems. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 1. They come with time limits, just like the lives of those who possess them. (When she was young, Sotomayor traveled to Puerto Rico with her grandmother.) C. Family members must learn to develop their own identities. PART A: Which statement best expresses the theme of this poem? "Sonia Sotomayor" is the author of "My Beloved World." A. B. However, he became despondent when he could not defeat Death. B. B. 6.) She tells them not to allow the negative things in life to get you down. Even in times of adversity, the poem's subject is one of optimism, courage, and joy. If astronauts are able to survive a one-year journey to Marsthe shortest possible trip to the Red Planetthey will have to learn how to deal with this weird environment. Some things endure longer than others. - commonlit question. D. She forgives her brother for ruining her computer. You never know when your time will up so don't waste your life by focusing on negative things. O B. Hello. In conclusion, the poem tells us that: "The work of men lives after them." E. My parents would be at the top of the empty hill / sitting at the rusty, wrought iron table in an orb of / orange candlelight (Lines 15-17). His body was buried near Cairo in a royal tomb but after thousands of years his body was removed from the crypt and taken to London where it now lies in an unmarked pauper's grave. He thought he could defeat death by making his own monument lasting beyond death. You might just find out tomorrow that you have only got time for a cup of coffee. (Paragraph 1) PART A: Which statement best expresses the theme of the poem? he turned from the bathroom cabinet, entered the expensively primitive living room of his mountain camp, and crossed to a closet set in the pine wall (Paragraph 2) B. The weak wind languidly shook the green trees, As they murmured in a melancholy tone, "Ozymandias, loveliest of living poets!". Larry can write about anything because he constantly keeps himself updated with the latest trends in the world of publishing. It also demonstrates that being strong doesn't mean that you are a hard person who punishes others, but rather that you can be strong while still having feelings and caring for others. A. What poem would you compare Ozymandias to. D If you commit a crime, you will likely be punished in a similar fashion. Which statement expresses the main theme of the poem? A. 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I have no fear of death. Heptagon name ABCDEFG B. Grandma always played with me. Ozymandias is a poem on the transience of life. Life may take some unexpected turns, but there is always a way through difficulties. This poem is often considered one of Gray's finest works. He sailed into the unknown and enjoyed every moment of it. A. Underline the appositive in each sentence below, and draw an arrow from the appositive to the word or words it identifies or describes. The poem is about George Gray, a man who has squandered his life in quest of his destiny. Your body gets upset and confused. the soil became extremely dry, and when strong winds blew, they created tremendous dust storms. One theme expressed in this passage is. 2. The competition between teams tempts Antwone to cheat. D.(Sotomayor s father died of a heart attack when he was just 42.). B. B. And is there any irony in the poem? 3. Aresearcher interested in springfield citizens' shopping habits surveys a randomly selected group of 200 walmart shoppers. The Preamble also establishes that power of the government comes from the people who live in the country and not from the people who are in power, (D) they will have to learn how to deal with this weird environment. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert, Which statement expresses a main idea in Chapter 1 of Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (3) She was my special friend, but I had no idea just how special until I was in ninth grade. Overall, the theme of Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ozymandias" is that power is fleeting, even for great kings who assume their authority is everlasting. (8) I guess I figured that, 11 Read the passage. read the following sentence from the textbook that expresses a main idea about chinas official policies. Which of the following actions causes Marcias fear? B. The sentence that BEST describes the poem's concept is: A In order to live life completely, one must take chances. Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. The main idea of the selection is that even in a one-year trip, which is the shortest amount of time required to get to Mars, they will have to learn how to cope with the lack of gravity because its effects on the body are harsh. Such events show that Sonia faced many challenges and struggles as a child. In the last part, the poet asks God to help others find their own destinies because this world needs more people like Gray who accept their lives and don't try to change it. Each part contains two lines with the same metrical structure: an initial rhyming couplet followed by a final non-rhyming couplet. Was considered, there would n't have been a case of poisoning in world. A poem another person is through a poem was more important than playing with.. 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