, Reek From Middle English rek, reke (smoke), from Old English rc, rec, from Proto-Germanic *raukiz (compare West Frisian reek, riik, Dutch rook, Low German Rk, German Rauch, Danish rg, Norwegian Bokml ryk), from Proto-Indo-European *rowgi- (compare Lithuanian rkti (to smoke), rkas (smoke, fog), Albanian regj (to tan)). Fire source - To light your plant or herb stick, youll need a match or small gas lighter. I tend to visualise the sacred three as being the gods, the ancestors and the nature spirits: Smooring the fire,, Romania Please correct me if this is closed or needs initiation. The "Nine Herbs Charm" is an Old English charm recorded in the tenth-century CE[1] Anglo-Saxon medical compilation known as Lacnunga, which survives on in the manuscript London, British Library, Harley 585. And yes, the research did show that this form of smoke cleansingspecifically burning havan samagri for one hoursignificantly reduced the bacterial count in the air. He is the guardian of the gods, and when the world ends at Ragnarok, Heimdall will sound a magical horn to alert everyone. Aim for sustainable herbs, ones we can grow or which the earth offers us in organic abundance. Fragrances and Sprays. A particularly popular incense of the day was called kyphi. [7] [8] You can also pick up each crystal and pass it through the smoke so it's totally surrounded by the incense's healing properties. Recaning. The burnables that resonate with me at a cellular level are the coniferous evergreens common to the northern forests, as well as fruitwood from my orchard and the protective garden herbs that my people have grown, and harvested, and cherished over centuries: comfrey, elderberry, valerian, lavender, rose, etc. Perhaps you heard about an issue that came up a few years back that started when a number of popular American media outlets featured smoke cleansing articles with titles like, The Science Behind Smudging and The Benefits of Burning Sage Include a Better Nights Sleep (no wonder its an ancient ritual). The articles referenced a 2007 study, , Medicinal Smoke Reduces Airborne Bacteria, The study took place in India, looking specifically at havan samagri,, a mixture of ceremonial and Ayurvedic herbs, wood, and roots used throughout India in fire oblations. Fylgja is a supernatural being or spirit, that in Norse spirituality was seen as an alter ego that took form as an female animal spirit. These herbal blends would be burned on charcoal or thrown into a heating or cooking fire to fill the space and be inhaled. Use moonwater to . After that, gently blow out the flame so you see orange embers on one end. Create Your Own Smoke Cleansing Traditions, Also look at the means by which you burn your botanicals of choice. Smoke Cleansing, or "Saging" tho visually similar to smudging, is instead the simple process of burning an herb, incense, wood (or anything safe to burn that has cleansing properties, honestly) and using the smoke to waft over and cleanse an area or item. This is done with a smokey outdoor fire, and uses a number of different plants, depending on region and availability. Ask your spirit guide to assist in purifying and cleansing you, your space, and/or your crystals. From there, slowly begin walking about your home, directing the smoke towards the corners of the room, areas where you spend a lot of time, electronics, and mirrors. The subject is depicted on some of the picture stones on Gotland. Smoke cleansing is a common form of cleansing. 2. Incense was also used by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners to support emotional and physical wellness. The members of the community would take turns jumping the fire through the smoke to cleanse (purify), heal, and protect. The Christian church saw the pagan rites as deviltry, and medieval authors took little interest in them, as compared to the myths. Light the end of the herb with a candle. [2][3] Saining can also refer to less formal customs like making religious signs to protect against evil, such as the sign of the cross. A particularly popular incense of the day was called. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from, mindbodygreen. , mango wood, etc. Negative energies can build up in and around you and often, its not enough to get rid of them by simply opening up your doors and windows. When Indigenous people gather white sage, they always leave the root and say a prayer . In all the spells and charms where the broom is used to repel something evil, the disenchantress or the witch always says to said evil to leave and go far away because I will sweep you with the broom (C eu cu mtura te-oi mtura) otherwise. Bookmark. Greenman Meadows. Those who drink gin already know the "medicinal" properties of juniper. We want to see your creativity and love for a natural and sustainable lifestyle. Heimdall is a god of light, and is the keeper of the Bifrost Bridge, which serves as the path between Asgard and Midgard in Norse mythology. Fan for spreading the smoke - For this purpose you can use a feather to spread the smoke all over your body and in various parts of a room. Read on to learn more. There are different ceremonies and rituals that can be done. On this day be present: for this statue which stands before you ceremoniously grant him the destiny that his mouth may eat, that his ears might hear.[3] The rituals facilitated the idol taking on the persona of the deity, awakening the supernatural force within it, and enabling it to see, act, eat and drink the offerings and smell the incense:[4] almu ann ina la pt p qutrinna ul iin akala ul ikkal mul iatti, this statue cannot smell incense without the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, it cannot eat food nor drink water.[3] Four exemplars from Hellenic Uruk do not include the pit p stage, but instead introduce a burnt offering of a brushwood fire, lamentations recited by a kal-priest and the presence of the monarch. Another TCM burnables therapy with a long history of use is moxibustion; often used in conjunction with acupuncture, practitioners burn ground mugwort that is formed into sticks. Choose herbs and resins to burn and play sound bowls/drums to create your own sacred corner. Through the medium of fire and water saining, people bring the spirits of the botanical world to their aid in safeguarding, purifying, or healing a person, an animal, a place, an object, or an entire community. May the Sun shine into you, And may you find the energy Our ancestral record shows we have been farmers and gardeners of one sort or another for centuries. After Havde's and Vitastjerna's first night together, she had a dream about three snakes entwined in her bosom. You can also smoke newly bought or received crystals to get rid of unwanted energies that may have touched them. Star Seller. over time, the term has become popular; it experiences . Frankie Desdemona's Cleansing Moonwater: 1. [1] Thymiateria were used in antiquity to burn incense during religious rituals such as sacrifices or offerings to the gods. Regularly clearing the energy in your space through smoke cleansing produces a positive impact on your well being. This is my practice. These techniques are done during a ritual with intentions being focused on your needs. When she isnt working in the garden, cleaning the henhouse, preserving food for winter, pruning the fruit trees, or writing and editing content for really fantastic small businesses, youll find her in her quilting room, or somewhere with her nose in a book, or up in the mountains alongside her husband and her terrier pup, Gracie Cakes. Kyphi is a compound incense that was used in Ancient Egypt for religious and medical purposes. Wave the smoke across your crystal. Aura cleanse - Energy workers or those who are involved in energy healing techniques like reiki, tarot reading, and pranic healing would cleanse their own aura before every ritual. Using a feather or your hand, gently fan the smoke onto your body. Carved from marble, this thymiaterion is composed of three parts: a stemmed foot, a deep receptacle, and a lid. It was an integral part of the Bt rimki and Bt sal m rituals and may have been a cleansing rite in its own right as it is listed separately in the Exorcists Manual, perhaps in the form of tak-pir-t nusstiq, burnt offerings. You can use one type of herb or mix different herbs and resin together. However, the form of smoke cleansing that most people are familiar with today is smudging. The commercialization of smudging is unfortunate on multiple frontsit is cultural appropriation of North American indigenous practices, it has created serious issues around illegal and/or irresponsible wildharvesting of traditional smudging herbs, and it disregards the wealth of other forms of smoke cleansing that are just as ancient and powerful. In ancient China and across Asia, incense was ever-present in Buddhist, Taoist, and Shinto temples and in the veneration of ancestors. They were also extraordinary craftsmen, very talented silversmiths and jewelry makers. This is performed to ward off bad spirits, send prayers to the spirit realm, or as a pleasant offering to their gods. It will also clear your mind, dispel unpleasant energies, and raise positive vibrations in your space to stimulate peace, harmony, and forgiveness. You can use your hands or a feather fan to direct the smoke. Saining is an age-old Celtic practice. The environment where we live in is the place mostly filled negativity. Thanks to Snorri Sturluson's writings and the surviving mythological poems, we know a lot about the myths which form the basis of Norse religious beliefs, but little about day to day practices. Seasonal holidays in the Celtic calendar like Beltane and Samhain traditionally included a fire saining. 4. They would also run their livestock through the smoke and bring the smoke into their homes. They also recommended herbal smoking mixtures to address respiratory problems. 3. He is rarely seen without his enormous flaming . Seir is a collective term for the Norse wisdom and techniques, and it would probably land somewhere between religion and magic. These ancient Hindu texts written in Sanskrit detail the use of incense as a healing tool to support recovery from illness and, equally important, to create a clean, peaceful, nurturing space in which to heal. Place water and herbs in a pot and bring to a steady boil. While smudging is unique to the Native peoples (and must be duly recognized as such . These are only a few of the smoke cleansing rituals practiced in many cultures around the world. Smoke as part of ritual was also important to the ancient Israelites, so much so that God gave Moses an incense recipe. For more than fifty years, samples from archaeological excavations at Sosteli Iron Age Farm have been stored in the . The weihs group is cognate to Latin victima, an animal dedicated to the gods and destined to be sacrificed. She had a deep understanding of healing herbs, energies, communication with the spirit world and the spiritual essence of all things like animals, vegetation, mountains and water. Its important to understand what each herb, wood, or resin does so youd know which plant aligns with your intention for performing a cleanse. Its important to understand these properties and to align them with your goals and intentions. The saga begins with Gotland being discovered by a man named ieluar (Tjalve) (Gutnish: Tjelvar). Once you're ready, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light it using your match or candle, and let it burn for about 20 seconds. In Romanian lore, the besom is a potent object which becomes truly magical at special occasions. Once you have cleansed your runes they need to be empowered. At this time, communities would build a ritual fire, often with juniper, rowan, or elder. Surtur, also spelled Surtr or Surt, is a deity in the Norse pantheon. The Roman Catholic church practices incense burning to amplify prayers so that petitions and intentions would rise to heaven. E, National Museum of Australia produced this video. The essence of smoke is mystical and ecovative, and is a fundamental human symbol of higher realms. This was interpreted as a symbol that all things are connected in circles and that they would have three sons. The Assyrians burned cedar, cypress, juniper, boxwood, and fir. Users of both practices must, however, use herbs that are sustainably harvested and are significant to their intention and ancestry. Regulates erratic menstruation, brings on delayed periods, expels afterbirth, helps with menopausal symptoms. *House of Formlab Presents A Magick Guide to Smoke Cleansing. The traditions of the Vlva is very ancient, and their roots go back more than 2,000-3,000 years. 5. When it comes to revival of these lost traditions these ways of smoke cleansing can help modern practitioner who is unable to be taught or wants to avoid problems that can come from people over using surviving Indigenous ceremonies. The circle, once cast, should be anywhere from six feet and up. in equal parts, which was to be blended and salted in such a way that it would be pure and sacred. We know, however, that long before the Vedas documented this use of smoke cleansing, people throughout the ancient world burned herbs to create sweet-smelling smoke in their temples, in their home alters, and in places of healing. In the 14. in sickrooms and hospitals to purify the air. Do not use water, and do not try to blow on the stick (it is considered to be disrespectful to the spirits). Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have also utilized traditional smoke cleansing for thousands of years to support health, wellbeing, protection, community, and connection with their land. So give your crystal a periodic smoke cleanse to refuel it., Join me as I. The numbers nine and three, significant in Germanic paganism and later Germanic folklore, are mentioned frequently within the charm. Odin will fight the wolf and lose his life, to be avenged by his son Vidar (Varr), who will pierce the beast to the heart.,, May Thor Hallow > Thor Vigi "ur uiki" > "rr vigi" > "Thor vigi" > May Thor Hallow in runes, sii ur > Sii orr > May Thrr safeguard May Thor protect. May Thor work magic possible translations,, Picture of it, Apple Wassail old rites but later by ancient standards for blessing crops and trees. In West Africa, there are long traditions with N'tabanok (Cola cordifolia), Ganianka (Combretum mole), and Nr(Parkia biglobosa). As Jonny Wilkes explores for BBC History Revealed, they were pagan, polytheistic and had a plethora of ways to worship, as far as can be told. In terms of supernatural powers and deities in the Nordic faith, the Norse believed that there were two races of deities: Aesir and Vanir. It holds the essence of the person, or even an animal and allows you to focus your energies on the proxy for the cleansing. (2018, April 4). The use of mint in funerals and association with death and the afterlife probably had practical reasons and came about because the strong smell of the herb would cover up any decaying odor from the body of the deceased. If you wish to get started with your energy cleansing journey, Peace Streaks can provide you with all the tools you need for your smoke cleansing ceremony. A Sage Smudging Ritual To Cleanse Your Aura & Clear Your Space. But as you incorporate the practice into your daily life, youll be more mindful of your thoughts and actions, feel better (about yourself and your environment), and have a more positive attitude. To cleanse your space, hold the stick and walk counterclockwise around the room. The members of the community would take turns jumping the fire through the smoke to cleanse (purify), heal, and protect. Smoke cleansingburning botanicals, resins, wood, etc. I will leave you with the leftover juniper and items and leave with all the negative energy and spirits banished. This is reflected in the botanicals I bring into my saining traditions. Slices of bread or toast were laid at the roots and sometimes tied to branches. The Assyrians burned boxwood, cedar, cyprus, and fir in their homes, altars, and healing places. Smoke cleansing can be done to drive away negative energy, elicit a sense of community, mark a sacred space, or induce good sleep. Over 20 people have this in their carts right now. Old English, like Gothic, had a second term of similar meaning, woh "holy", with a substantive wh or wg, Old High German wh or whi (Middle High German whe, Modern German Weihe). Smoke as part of ritual was also important to the ancient Israelites, so much so that God gave Moses an incense recipe. Please note that smoke cleansing is not the same as smudging, which refers to a specific indigenous tradition. Then blow it out. Want to learn how to respectfully work with at-risk plants? Retrieved from, Collins, A. In 2009, we hosted our first video contest and with the growing interest in short-form video, we thought that 2022 would be the perfect time to bring it back! Throughout Northern Europe, into Scandinavia, juniper was regularly used for cleansing rituals in the spring. The story goes that a water nymph named Minthe had an affair with Hades, the god of the underworld. These rituals were carried out in large groups on the estate of the local chief who functioned as a priest during the ceremony. Exodus 34-35 tells us it included storax, onycha, galbanum, and. These ancient Hindu texts written in Sanskrit detail the use of incense as a healing tool to support recovery from illness and, equally important, to create a clean, peaceful, nurturing space in which to heal. New Age spirituality has gifted us with many energy cleansing rituals to revitalize ourselves and our spaces. Make sure you place your Juniper stick in a fireproof container, use caution while burning and do not leave unattended. In pre-Christian times, a vlva was a highly esteemed woman and the graves that are usual. It is unclear whether they were doing this as a spiritual practice, some form of cleansing, or both. * (n.d.). At the bottom is Romanian sweeping traditions but I cant say 100% if its open or needs training I trust the blogger on their own culture, Its an old post so no worries if I made any errors in it or history. Numbers nine and three, significant in Germanic paganism and later Germanic folklore are! And fir in their homes, resins, wood, etc they also recommended herbal smoking mixtures to address problems! & feature=emb_title extraordinary craftsmen, very talented silversmiths and jewelry makers Catholic church incense! Higher realms around the room would also run their livestock through the smoke onto your...., expels afterbirth, helps with menopausal symptoms much so that God gave Moses an incense recipe, however use... Talented silversmiths and jewelry makers //, https: //, https: // v=jENOZqJQoaY! Traditions of the day was called authors took little interest in them, as compared to the Native (! 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