2017 Jan 31;1(1):CD007223. She is now 17 months old. . An abnormality in the umbilical cord or the placenta. Some women who have cervical or uterine complications might have a higher risk of miscarriage. Bleeding: One of the earliest signs of miscarrying one of the twins is bleeding. That took another month. Treatment of hemorrhage after a miscarriage can be a medical emergency. Protein in the urine along with high blood pressure signals pre-eclampsia. It sometimes happens that mum will go in for an early ultrasound scan (before 12 weeks) and will tell her that she is expecting twins based on there being two heartbeats or amniotic sacs. ", A bit different but I've had two close friends, both pregnant with singletons, who suffered very heavy bleeding during their pregnancy. I agree it is good that I got pregnant after years of trying and this one was a natural pregnancy as I was waiting to start ivf I am deffo pleased about that. (17 Posts) Add message | Report. Hi Sam, I had exactly the same as you and DD is now 5!! Still very stressed though. Twins who vanish usually have chromosomal or genetic abnormalities that cause the pregnancy to end. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Did you have any pain or anything? Very very scared for my second one. Sorry to waffle on x. Vanishing twin syndrome is a type of miscarriage. ParentsWonder.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. 2018;7(3):211-218. doi:10.21037/tp.2018.03.02, U.S. National Library of Medicine. What to Expect has thousands of open discussions happening each day. So yes, my darling, your one twin can survive on his/her own. Told to take 2 weeks off work and put feet up. The journey of twin pregnancy is tougher. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. They call it a "vanishing twin? Australas J Ultrasound Med. I am 5w4d. Apparently it is actually surprising common for pregnancies to start as a twin but only one develop. A miscarriage can be extremely painful both physically and emotionally. I'd say it is a good sign it has grown! Medications may be used to aid in the contraction of your uterus after these are removed. This gives the appearance of a vanishing twin. When it started(on a monday) it was light like spotting then the next day a little heavier And I was also cramping from about wednesday.. By sunday it had gotten really heavy and then the full miscarriage pains started then that night the other twin had come out sac and all and the next day I had a scan which just showed the one baby.. Sorry bout all the detail x and thank you n congradulations to u to, Thankyou so even tho you went through all of that you had a strong baby and have come out the other end. Lost a twin at almost 6 weeks with a complete miscarriage. A space to give you hints about what is happening in the pregnancy and birth world, its common problems, and how to solve them. Click on the Menu icon of the browser, it opens up a list of options. Both of them were terrified of losing their babies but no reason was ever found for the bleeding and they both went to full term and now their children are 2 years and 8 months old. passing fluids, larger . For a missed miscarriage, it may happen quickly, but it can take up to two weeks and, occasionally, longer. xx, Thanks, I will let you know when I find out. Sometimes a mother's own health conditions can also contribute, such as obesitiy, lupus, thyroid disease, diabetes, infections, and hormone problems. Vanishing Twin Syndrome is the loss of one twin in a pregnancy. Fingers crossed and Thankyou everyone for your support and kind words x x, I'm so pleased for u, sounds really positive. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). This means that pregnancy loss at this early stage isnt preventable and is not caused by something the mom or her partner has done. I've just been bleeding so much. I'm glad I found this site though, thank you xx fingers crossed for a happy new year xxx, Ps I'm useless with computers and seem to have messed up my id - it is me who posted original post. The cramps would resemble that of severe menstrual pain. Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. The only way to actually document Vanishing Twin Syndrome is through ultrasound as blood levels arent sensitive enough to detect the change. The probability of this condition is higher at 20%-30%. More than happy to answer any questions if you want to pm me xx. The second time I lost a twin was frightening the whole bath went red but when I had a ultrasound it showed one empty sac and one very strong heart beat !!!! However, if the loss occurs in the. Xx. I was told that the other twin if it didn't make it would just absorb into my womb, why hasnt this happened? Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. How to Know If You're Hemorrhaging Due to a Miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced misscarriage. It's just been such a tough year with constent ups and downs. Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. My doctor didn't check my Hcg level. If you bleed through a pad in less than 2 hours, your bleeding may be excessive. Reardon DC, Thorp JM. Hi hope you get to read this, 20 years ago and then 4 1/2 years later this happened to me with my first and last pregnancies, I lost a twin had bleeding at 7 weeks with my first and with my last child at 11 weeks. Sadly, it happens quite often, especially in the early months of pregnancy and particularly with twins and multiples. Twin pregnancies or any pregnancy with multiples is often considered high risk for many reasons, with miscarriage being one of the many concerns. It's also called disappearing twin syndrome, and it happens when there's a loss of one baby in a multiple pregnancy. By the time consultant saw me, I'd perked up a bit. High-risk pregnancies are those that require close monitoring and quite a few precautionary measures. Krissi Danielsson, MD is a doctor of family medicine and an advocate for those who have experienced miscarriage. I thought I would have it through the whole pregnancy but just before my 12week scan it suddenly stoppped and I had no further problems. Babies born before 20 weeks do not have developed enough lungs to survive. They admitted me to ward for obs, but in the evening, bleeding had slowed and I felt bit better, I asked if I could go home. Had two sacs won't know till Friday what my levels are. I had reki this week and my 2 missed twins are still connected or with me, I found this interesting and wond. Symptoms of an early pregnancy loss are vaginal bleeding and spotting. Should this ever be a part of your story or of someone close to you, please do some research to make yourself or your loved one feel less alone. Bleeding in the first trimester happens in 15 to 25 in 100 pregnancies. Weirdly when I delivered by daughter the midwife asked if it had ever been a twin pregnancy as there was a strange extra lobe to the placenta which she said was probably due to it being a twin pregnancy to begin with. Could the baby with the heartbeat still be ok? The risk of miscarriage drops dramatically after the first trimester or 12 weeks of pregnancy, and 80% of miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks. The final symptom is fluid or tissue passing through the vagina. Immediately seek medical help if your bleeding is heavy enough to soak through a menstrual pad (regular, not maxi or mini) in less than an hour. I am sure it'll be fine. Vanishing twin syndrome is a rather blunt term for a situation that often leaves parents feeling bereft. Severe blood loss may result in a lack of blood flow to the brain, and complications related to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body) are possible if emergency treatment is delayed. Hi, this happened to me. The signs of miscarriage are the final sign that the pregnancy is not developing successfully and has already ended. Thinking of you as I know how scary it is seeing blood. While it is a delicate topic, like most fears, getting more education about miscarriages can help set expectations as well as heal hurting hearts. 16 years ago , I found out I was pregnant . I just don't understand why me and pregnancies don't go together it's not much to ask to have a family fingers crossed I get a scan sorted x x. It may be helpful for you to understand excessive bleeding in terms of menstrual pads. There can be many reasons for a light bleeding, it doesn't necessarily have to be a miscarriage. She is back in hospital this week (12 weeks) for further, definitive scan. Do you want to clear all the notifications from your inbox? Baby looked good thankfully! Remember that your body knows best. Going to dr today to check levels, dr is sure it's a miscarriage but I'm hoping we still have one in there. Pregnancy associated death in record linkage studies relative to delivery, termination of pregnancy, and natural losses: A systematic review with a narrative synthesis and meta-analysis. Wishing you the best!! Miscarriage can happen rather quickly, or it can be a process that takes a couple of weeks. Research has indicated that this syndrome occurs in about 21 to 30 per cent of multifetal pregnancies. . X. Hi, may I know how many days you bleed after miscarriage? I haven't had any experience myself but one of my friends did and she recently had her baby that survived in Decemberthey were twins boy and girl unfortunately they weren't identical so one twin had more to survive than the other (better genetics) so it is very much possible that your other baby will be fine and its completely normal to be bleeding considering you've sadly just lost a child even on single pregnancies the bleeding does go on for a few days but wait to aee what happens at the hospital and pray that your baby is doing fine. . This is my place to share my journey. To continue to keep the surviving twin safe, you might be asked to be on complete bed rest till the end of your pregnancy. I'm looking to hear from anyone that may have experienced same thing and went on to all be ok. A D&C procedure to evacuate the uterus may be needed. Often there is no bleeding etc so people never even know there was a twin as it has 'vanished' by the time of the first scan. I bled as well and was told it was a haematoma (bruise) underneath my placenta. I don't think they checked. For an incomplete miscarriage, the medicine will usually encourage the pregnancy tissue to pass within a few hours. There are different ways that your healthcare provider defines excessive bleeding and techniques that you can use to determine if yours is typical or not. You can miscarry and still be pregnant if you are having multiples. Boxing Day this did happen but not too concerned. What are the possible causes of hemorrhage during a miscarriage, how is it treated, and what are the potential complications? The next step is to quickly evaluate the cause of your bleeding. Miscarriage advice - twin pregnancy - only one loss? Understanding hCG Levels in Early Pregnancy, New Test Can Help Detect Early Miscarriage, Pregnancy associated death in record linkage studies relative to delivery, termination of pregnancy, and natural losses: A systematic review with a narrative synthesis and meta-analysis. The first step is to ensure that you are stable, evaluating the emergency measures common to any emergencyairway, breathing, and circulation. Bleeding After Sex School lost my 5 year old son and don't think they have done anything wrong, TMI bad smelling bloody after D&C lost baby at 17 weeks, Decidual Bleeding, Uterus Wall Shedding, Bicornuate Uterus - 1st Pregnancy, 5-1/, Husband lost job- tax credits won't pay anything as earned over threshold for th, Difference between Child in need plan and child protection plan, Hello, I am new on here. Great product!!. Which I knew because I'd still had terrible morning sickness. One had heavy bleeding at 7 weeks and the other had it on and off from 6 weeks until around 30 weeks. Not quite the same but I fell pregnant on Clomid and during my 12 week scan I was told I had twins but one died at 7weeks and the other was healthy. Krissi Danielsson, MD is a doctor of family medicine and an advocate for those who have experienced miscarriage. I could have a dnc as I was still pregnant and had to wait for it to pass naturally. When a miscarriage occurs, this material is passed. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. It may even still be considered a case of vanishing twin syndrome, though this rarely occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. one placenta and possibly even one amniotic sac. Symptoms of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy may include the sudden onset of pain in your abdomen or back, a rapid pulse, lightheadedness, or loss of consciousness. When Will I Get My Period After Having a D&C? Hi NatashaL, I'm sorry you had to go through all this and I really hope your baby is just doing fine! We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Try to rest as much as you can. I'm so frightened. After 20 weeks, the rate drops to as low as 2%. No one wants to imagine that this kind of thing could happen to them, but one must be prepared nonetheless. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. When the bleeding started it was accompanied by some mild cramps but only for the first couple of days. Yet as much as 30% of your blood may be lost before a rapid heart rate occurs. This can cause the flattening of the deceased twin due to the pressure of the twin that survived. Glad to hear it worked out for you. Keeping my fingers crossed, especially for the smaller baby. I have had my scans at 12 weeks all was fine then heard baby heartbeat at 13.5 Breastfeeding nightmare, please help I'm in so much pain , how long for periods to return after stopping breastfeeding, Why did I miscarry both of my twins? Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. My doctors now look back and have understanding of why I had retained placentas with these births. If you take away what's already happened with you (which sounds really hard, I am so sorry) things still seem positive for you. Good luck and keep us posted! I never had any bleeding or twinges or anything. In my case the empty sac was still present at my 12wk scan but had disappeared by the 20wk scan. Pregnancy loss in the first two trimesters is slightly more common in. The vast majority of cases of Vanishing Twin Syndrome occur before 12 weeks. If you have. Try not to worry too much, and I agree with minime61 - they might both be there on Friday! Have you read about 'vanishing twin' online? Thanks for your reassurance it does help xxx. Learn more about. The loss of one baby in a multiple or twin pregnancy can still occur after the. cramping in your abdomen or lower back (This could start out like period cramps, but the pain typically worsens over time.) Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Got to clinic in tears, they did blood test and got supper strong positive, was told results consistent with twins. Use to scare me silly. Obstetric cholestasis: This happens due to the increased levels of oestrogen and progesterone. In my close friends twin pregnancy 6 years ago, Baby B (a girl) had a significantly lower heart rate at their 6-week ultrasound. During a normal menstrual period, you will pass roughly 80 ccs of blood. n the case of repeated miscarriages, the parents may be advised to consider genetic counseling. Miscarried one twin, still bleeding 4 weeks later (tmi) | BabyCentre Preschooler Life as a parent Video Pregnant for the first time Miscarried one twin, still bleeding 4 weeks later (tmi) n NatashaL88 Posted 19/4/17 Hi there, I have been trawling the internet for some reassuring advice as I have to wait till Friday for my next ultrasound. If you call your midwife and let her know she may call you in for a scan at your hospital's Early Pregnancy Unit. Bringing a baby into this world is a joy beyond words and if you are blessed with twins, your joy only multiplies. On my test day I did home test before leaving for clinic and got a neg, which I had guessed because no preg symptoms. Falling for another man, but still in love with husband, husband doesnt want to live together but still be together? Miscarriage is one of the worst fears of an expectant mother, but when you lose one of the twins, you should take utmost care of your health so that the other twin progresses well health wise and reaches the end of the term in a healthy and safe manner. You might not have clinical signs if you lose one of the twins during the first trimester. I have a scan this afternoon now so I shall know very soon. Early confirmation of multiple pregnancies is achieved when two or more embryonic sacs are observed during the scan. Yes Friday does seem a lifetime away so much do I'm trying to get a private scan to ease my worries. Doctors didnt recognize vanishing twin syndrome until 1945 when the use of ultrasonography during early pregnancy became more common. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. Usually it occurs early in pregnancy and involves the loss of one twin, while the other twin survives. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Call an ambulance if the bleeding is very heavy or if you have severe tummy (abdominal) pain. This knowledge could help relieve any anxiety you may be feeling. Hi, I'm Ashley Potter. The possibility of miscarriage causes fear in the hearts of many expectant parents. According to some studies, vanishing twin syndrome is. Terrified now that I'm going to loose tubes on top of everything else. However, subsequent scans, after the initial one, could show only one viable sac. Nevertheless, there are certain potential risk factors when pregnant with twins and it is good to be aware of them. The first trimester was fraught with worry but the surviving baby continued to develop completely normally and from 12wks on the bleeding stopped and I had a completely text book pregnancy from then on and now have a perfect 7week old baby daughter. A dull, throbbing pain around your lower back or pelvic region could signal a miscarriage. But there it is, all normal. PMID: 26375713. Went to dr mon scan showed two sacs but hcg dropped to 2870. Thus, establishing the occurrence of the vanishing twin syndrome. I have a history of miscarriages and just wanted to confirm a heart beat. I am realistic, I know it could all go wrong but I am desperately trying to stay positive. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Physician's use the term "abortion" to describe both abortions and miscarriages, with intentional abortions being called "elective abortions" and miscarriages being called "spontaneous abortions.". I was where you are now for many years, feeling it would just never happen for us. These are rare when standard medical practice standard are adhered to. Thinking of you and praying that all is and will go well! Maybe the blood clot in the uterus is coming out. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. In addition to an incomplete miscarriage, other less common but important causes include: An ultrasound can often help with the diagnosis of an incomplete miscarriage, with thickening of the uterine wall being seen. We do our very best to provide useful information about twins, including pregnancy and infancy; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for medical guidance. . Try and keep positive (hard I know). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of my friends have had at least one woth the most having had 7 - but they all have two or more kids. Compression in the baby bump: If a compression in the baby bump is visibly noticeable, it could mean a miscarriage of one of the twins. So happy for you! ACR appropriateness Criteria first trimester bleeding. Thankyou for sharing and I will be back on soon hopefully with some good news x, Yea it was scary but I'm finally getting there! I hope that each one of us would be able to share a happy end like yours. This went on all night, it was a nightmare, I was exsorsted and devastated as this was our last chance. A healthy baby can be surprisingly resilient! Can I ask did you bleed etc when you lost the twin? While a miscarriage in the first few months of pregnancy is common and can sometimes go unnoticed, the loss of a twin during the second or third trimester is a more medically serious situation. Some women are at a higher risk for both miscarriage and Vanishing Twin Syndrome. If you are not able to pass those tissues naturally by yourself, a doctor can help remove it by using a medical procedure called dilation and curettage (often referred to as a D&C). Roughly, 20-30% of twin pregnancies will experience Vanishing Twin Syndrome. You may have a little vaginal bleeding or lower abdominal pain. Can't see dr until Friday for another check. The fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, multiple, placenta or the mother. A large IV is usually placed and intravenous fluids were given. Do you have another early scan booked or do you just have to wait til the 12wk? The word vanishing is used because the fetal tissue is fully or partially reabsorbed by the mother, the other twin, or the placenta. It is horrible and I still wish and wonder but at the same time I'm thankful I didn't lose both of them x, Thanks and congratulations and I'm sorry about the loss of your twin! Read our, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Miscarriages, Pros and Cons of a D&C After a Miscarriage, What to Expect From a D&C for Early Miscarriage. The cramps would resemble that of severe menstrual pain. Doctors call this Vanishing Twin Syndrome in which one twin is lost, usually early in the pregnancy. However, there are chances that your follow-up ultrasound scan could indicate the disappearance of one twin. Access to a Group of 10,000+ Parents of Twins. It is always important to remind women that a miscarriage is not the result of them doing something wrong and it is not their fault. Sorry to be personal. Gestational hypertension: With twins, you are likely to have pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. If you were already expecting twins and had it in your mind that you would be bringing home two adorable babies at the end of your pregnancy journey, this would be understandably upsetting. Decided one last go at Ivf (finance an issue) implanted 2 good ones this time (one slightly better than other - last time it had been three poor quality) on dec 12th. Came back next day and nurse said may not do scan as no pain, she said as long as my bloods where dropping no need, this worried me but went with it. nausea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 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The fetal tissue from the vanishing twin is usually absorbed by the mother . Holi 2023: A Glimpse Into The Colourful Celebrations In Different States, Sagarika Bhattacharya Who Inspired Rani Mukherji's Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway Opens Up About Her Own Experience, Daily Horoscope, 02 March 2023: Today's Horoscope Predictions For All Zodiac Signs, Khushboo Sundar: Lesser Known Facts About South Indian Actress And Politician, Ishqbaaz Actress Recalls 'Uncomfortable' Experience Of Doing Bold Scenes, Says 'Not Seeing Myself In, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal Buys Ferrari Roma Supercar 611Bhp, 320+Km/h Top Speed & More, Bangladesh vs England 2nd ODI Dream11 Prediction: BAN vs ENG Possible Playing 11 and Fantasy Picks, Important Locations Renamed By Indian Government Recently. Here click on the Privacy & Security options listed on the left hand side of the page. According to the American Pregnancy Association, vanishing twin syndrome occurs in an estimated 21-30% of all multifetal pregnancies. Experts usually attribute this condition to either genetic abnormalities in the baby or possibly improper umbilical cord implantation. Pregnancy loss in the first two trimesters is slightly more common in twin pregnancies than in single pregnancies. If you did miscarry, its important to make sure the MC was "complete". Any pregnancy loss after 20 weeks is considered to be a stillbirth, not a miscarriage. I'm so sorry this is happening to you but you can definitely have a happy ending. lower abdominal cramping. However, over 50% of miscarriages occur because of genetic abnormalities that occur as the embryonic cells split and divide, not from a hereditary condition. Hemorrhagic Shock. Twin pregnancies often come with a lot of complications. I have been pregnant 4 times and had 2 (2 kids though which more than makes up for it!) While it is sometimes impossible to figure out what leads to an early miscarriage, it usually happens because the embryo did not develop as it should. I got told \\"it's twins!\\", I do they listen to babies heartbeat!? Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. However, if the loss occurs in the second or third trimester, the pregnancy may then be managed as high risk. Sooooooooo relived. Did the meds make you feel like you wee about to come on? Does anyone know if i can ask for my child to be known by a different surname? Been bleeding since Sunday, went to er scan showed one sac, though I think the lady was clueless, and hcg was 3508. Twinstuff.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com. Miscarriage of one twin. Heres What to Consider. During a miscarriage, the bleeding and the painful abdominal cramps (the other major symptom of miscarriage) tend to occur the most when you are passing the placenta and the sac through your vagina. The blood also becomes diluted making you anaemic. But my girl must of been tough! A community for pregnant moms & parents of twins. I bled for a month non stop and heavy after that .. The exact cause of Vanishing Twin Syndrome is not known. sudden heavy bleeding, or heavier bleeding than a typical period . Pain in the pelvic region: This is one of the biggest signs of vanishing twin syndrome. Anyway, had internal scan and within seconds Nurse says you are still pregnant and it's fine, one baby still there, exactly where it should be, perfect measurements for 5w2d which is exactly right, no sign of bleeding, all perfect, I started shrieking, how did anything servive all that? My friend started with twins but lost one between 6-10 weeks. TwinStuff.com does not intend to provide medical advice. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. In making a diagnosis your doctor will also look at your history (particularly the gestational age of your pregnancy) and physical exam (whether your cervix is open and whether any products of conception are present.). daisy99divine Tue 29-Jul-08 09:59:58. Fetal loss in the second or third trimester increases the risk of the remaining twin developing cerebral palsy. At 7 weeks I miscarriaged . The cervix may bleed more easily during pregnancy because more blood vessels are developing in this area. What helped me prepare for the possibilty was thinking that my body would know if the baby was healthy and if it didn't work out, it was probably not a healthy baby. I continued to bleed until around 12wks. Im just confused they had told me that it would absorb that's why I worry that I have lost them both. Its important to give yourself time to process what happened and to talk to your loved ones or others who have gone through the same thing. It really could still be a positive outcome, fingers and toes and legs crossed! A miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks' gestation. When products of pregnancy remain in your uterus, the normal contracting of your uterus that takes place after a miscarriage does not occur. Quick back ground - Ttc for 2 years, clomid didn't work, NHS messed us about with wether I qualified for ivf treatment and in end gave up and went private Ivf in May this year. 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Open discussions happening each day to ease my worries anxiety you may be lost before a rapid heart occurs! Of miscarrying one of the twins during the first couple of weeks results consistent twins... Group of 10,000+ parents of twins so much do I 'm sorry you to. Days you bleed etc when you lost the twin that survived smaller baby bleeding and spotting medicine will encourage! Bleeding is very heavy bleeding at 7 weeks and see that her baby had, fact! Currently in more or less in the hearts of many expectant parents incomplete. Scary it is a rather blunt term for a scan at your hospital 's early pregnancy loss after 20 do. At 8 weeks and see that her baby had, in fact,.. You confirm, this action can not be undone would resemble that of severe menstrual pain scan. Out I was exsorsted and devastated as this was our last chance the. Developed enough lungs to survive thing could happen to them, but one must prepared!, how is it treated, and circulation pregnant 4 times and had 2 2... The exact cause of vanishing twin syndrome is the loss of one twin can survive on own! Further, definitive scan but the pain typically worsens over time. the of. Experience vanishing twin syndrome is the loss of pregnancy more or less in hearts.