VAT registration number GB297839624. Become a Patreon patron Partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children and join us for our monthly patrons-only Zoom call on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time (UTC+0). It is not going to be another group of people, it is going to be Gods people, His saints, the church, who will possess that kingdom and be involved in continuing to expand it. Both can be true. We are never going to meet some magical mark of perfect performance. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fathers hand. There are a number of things we can do to build our spirit. The instrumental music featured in this series is by Samuel Lane (SML Music) and can be streamed fromSoundCloud. I want to subscribe to Engaging God! Discipline itself is not very pleasant. He loves you. Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). For it was the Fathers good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven (Colossians 1:13-20). The influence we have in the heavens will be manifested here on earth. Therefore we can just be. Years ago I was very systematic in how I approached (and taught) things because that is the way I am wired. The glorious true loving God who is Love, Light, Spirit and Fire emerged from the destruction of my orthodox belief systems. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. There is no life left in the old system: it is dead and gone you have to move on. [If video does not play, view it on YouTube]. Just try it out! He wants to reveal His heart to us so that we can express His heart in a much more relational way. Please note that we are now inviting you to take part in the full release of the programme, not the alpha or beta test groups]. He is unveiling His heart and intentions to us: we cooperate and outwork that through who He has made us to be. Thank you! But what it came down to was this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart 6 talking about this. Even after Jesus returns, and we go into the age to come, the kingdom will go on increasing. We do have a destiny, but it is to be who we are. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. Mike has a mandate to see the sons of God released into the fullness of their destiny. Get the videos of the original Restoration of All Things event! The book of Hebrews is almost entirely about the differences between the two covenants. If you still think you can separate yourselves, or feel separated because of your past life, or things you might do, or thoughts you might have, remember this: God takes no notice of what you or others think, He just takes notice of who He is. The Father desires that all the limitations and restrictions placed on us by religion are removed; everything that hinders us from going to the places God wants us to go and actually outworking our destiny. *Technology permitting: automated process on completion of online registration form and payment plan setup. Life is joyous! He continually enables us to walk in our destiny: and it is more about who we are than what we do. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time. I look forward to every day because there is more to experience, more to explore, more to just rest in and to just be. Mike is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme. River of Life Every day, Jesus saw what the Father was doing and cooperated with it. I am only responsible to be who I am created to be. All mankind can become fully mature sons, not just some, because God is so unconditionally loving that He leaves nobody out of the all. They are smiling and enjoying talking about you; because they are talking about who they know you to be, rather than who you think you are. Mike and his guests presented The Restoration of All Things 3online event from 17-20 June 2021. But your choice can only separate you in your own head, it cannot separate you from a God who loves you unconditionally. Rev Dr Mike Parsons. Rest is the opposite of works, so when we live in the rest of what Jesus has done we dont have to work for our own redemption and reconciliation. We need to die to self-importance, self-promotion, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, even self-belief. When I first saw the movie The Matrix I discovered that the false and fabricated reality of religion had been pulled over my eyes. Someone may appear to have done nothing in their life but love their family, yet He places such a high value on that. When we become Christians, we say that we make Him Lord of our life: we must make sure that He really is. Gods love will never stop because He cannot stop being Him: He can never deny Himself and who He is, so He continues to love. Meditate on Bible verses and passages. He died so that wecould be free from the flesh, because our flesh died with Him. I used to think I would one day have to give account for all those things I havent fulfilled. If I am, then again I am operating in an old covenant mindset. This includes continued access to the video recordings afterwards, so if the timings dont suit you, you can play any sessions you miss at your own convenience. Did God say I should do them? If you want things to be different, you have to make intentional choices Most of the time that means just getting out of the way. We believe and teach that every person carries within them a God-given superpower that is vital to the body of Christ. So look out for all the amazing things that are coming! He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Then, of course, we only would want to do the things that we see the Father doing, not because we should but because it is the desire of our heart to be in relationship with God who loves us in such a wonderful way. And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, This is the covenant which I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws upon their hearts, and write them on their mind, He then says, And their sins and their lawless deeds I will no longer remember. Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required. In June 2014, Mike Parsons posted here on this blog seekingfellow-travellersfor this journey. . If you want to get fit and have rippling muscles in the natural, you have to go to the gym and train, session by session, week after week, until you build muscles. Get it today! That again was something the Father said to me: Are you trying to please me? and of course I said yes because I was! Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? We really like to think we can at least do something. But we know that the more we try not to do something, the harder it is not to do it. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. Self-help, self-expression. Mike Parsons FREE video series for 2022/3. But that word may also have further meanings, and they can be equally true, and equally valid. Introducing 'Engaging God'. Meanwhile we also need to deal with the soul. This entry was posted in Mike Parsons, Take Heed Ministries on January 30, 2019 by takeheed. If so, what is the consequence of not doing them? Or you can use the blue button tocontact usabout makinga one-time gift. conferences for 2018. The cost of the full intensive is72(inc VAT). He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. So Jesus is above everything. You may ask, Why Patreon, as you already have the Engaging God programme?. That is how good God is. Look how they have treated me! OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. The expansion of the kingdom is going to come through Jesus body, the church. Available now Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. Those subjects are part of most churches foundation courses (they were certainly the basis of ours). Come to God and ask Him to build our spirit. You can do the same. This journey, full of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths beyond beyond once again. That is His highest agenda. Check out Mikes YouTube video How To Enter The Spiritual Realm And Interact With God. Unconditional love requires absolutely no sacrifices or offerings but an Old Covenant mindset always requires something: it requires our obedience, our obligation, our duty which are all dead works and none of them have any value whatsoever before God. And to get there, youve got to do this and youve got to do that, otherwise it wont happen. So it is better to just focus on each individual living in rest, which will in turn bring rest to the planet. To start with, it wasnt accepted and they were called cranks, but eventually some more mainstream scientists also discovered that light was slowing down. Hebrew logic doesnt see things the same way. That may be for you and you alone, in your situation and circumstance, and it may apply to nobody else. It is not as if we have crossed over into this millennium and now everything is at rest. Mike Parsons, a pioneer for us in this present next age, gives us a brief account of his journey with the Father up to the present. event of 2018. The Angel of the Lord admonished Joshua,the High Priest, who was standing in the presence of God in the heavens and said. [All of these types and shadows were concluded and fulfilled in Christ, their living substance. And, like Him, we can do so in a very creative way. Ardmore Baptist Church, 501 Miller St., Winston-Salem, will celebrate the first Sunday of Lent services at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Pastor Tyler Tankersley will begin the Lent season with a sermon . And that is really what we need to understand and engage. Our flesh wants to please itself; our spirit desires to please God. 2. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. Over 6 hours of video recordings. And His mercy is triumphant, which means no matter what obstacle or hindrance might get in the way of us experiencing unconditional love, His mercy has already triumphed over it! Topics likely to include:Restoration of fatherhood and sonship Call to the Joshua Generation Accessing the fire stones of destiny Engaging the Ya Sod, the Fathers heart in the what was (eternity) Standing in the 4 faces of God Operating in the Order of Melchizedek. The following activations are taken from the Engaging God programme, I would have always said that I believed that God is love but my understanding of that love is very different now that I know it by experience. This reflects the size of the book (800+ pages). Your first 2 weeks free. If you can just grasp that one truth in an experiential way, it will transform your life as it has transformed mine. You can find us on Patreon at What was predestined was relationship. I learned a lot of Bible verses that way but it never renewed my mind: the only thing that renewed my mind was an experience of God that changed my mind because now I knew the truth (and that truth was different from what I thought before) and now I agree with Him, which is what metanoia (usually misleadingly translated as repentance) actually means. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! As I ponder where my journey began, I remember as a child dreaming of adventures, quests and exploits of derring-do, and being drawn to films and TV programmes like Robinson Crusoe, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Lawrence of Arabia, Forbidden Planet and Lost in Space. It is the same with your spirit. Everything in dealing with the flesh is dealing with humanism and dealing with independence. Gods good, acceptable and perfect will is proven or known when we experience it but we have taught people that you can only know it by faith. In My Journey Beyond Beyond Mike shares about the restoration of a Father and son relationship, hearing the voice of God, seeing and travelling in the spirit; he explains how he began exploring supernatural dimensions to access the heavenlies, engaging with the angelic realms and legislating in the courts and assemblies of heaven. Thank you! Click the image for more details. But God said, Will you just trust Me? About Avril. We rule in light, rule in love, rule in righteous power. I longed to go beyond the small Cornish town that framed my life but films and dreams were my only avenue. Persevere. Live loved, love living, live loving, 282. The first layer of truth may be literal: Joseph was given a word that Gods people would be 430 years in Egypt and then they would be set free, and history tells us that was how it was. So I dont believe that our scroll of destiny is a list of achievements that we need to accomplish. The Eschatology of the Restoration of AllThings, FREE video series on Unconditional Love, 282. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. Once we understand who we are and what our identity is, we can start ruling the house (our own house, but also the house of the Lord). My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. God is not male or female God is a spirit, and encompasses everything because He is infinite. If we can really get hold of that reality then it will free us up so much to discover just how powerful we are and how amazing our sonship is. Yes, all things that Jesus created out of the desire of the Fathers heart in the power of the Spirit; but no to everything we have created from the DIY independent path of the knowledge of good and evil that has been cursed. This is something people have been asking for for quite a long time. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (John 1:3). It releases us to be ourselves and it stops us from believing we have to perform to earn it or deserve it. Operating under an Old Covenant works-based performance-orientated mindset towards God will wear us out; we will never be at rest if we think we have to earn His love and favour. God is going to bring good out of everything, even the things where we may not have heard clearly (or even at all). Deeper into intimacy with God, deeper into God Himself, deeper into the Truth (Jesus), deeper into revelation? Were passionate about helping people helping the sons of God find and fulfill their destinies. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. Note: If you have an account but are unable to access it, please contact us at [email protected], In this short introductory video, meet Mike Parsons, the creator of. The me I am at the moment, I know, is not the me that I will eventually be. Well, if God cannot look upon sin, if God cannot look at a lost world, how could Jesus ever have come? So which meaning is correct? The world doesnt exactly seem to be in the throes of rest. A church in England carries a lot of material Gil and Adena Hodges lead Kingdom Equipping Center. Again, because Jesus is the Living Word, He can give you a personal revelation of any word, any passage, any part of Scripture that He chooses. He is the conclusion, the completeness of everything that God said, to bring us into the reality of that today. - Mike Parsons. It needs to go on the cross. We are the temple now, a holy temple in the Lord, and this is the most wonderful part a dwelling of God in the Spirit. Throughout my life, I have resonated with the mind-expanding possibilities of science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel superhero universe comics and, more recently, films. If you're not yet ready for an Engaging God subscription, check out the other teaching available on this site. So the Old Covenant was immature, and the New Covenant will bring us to maturity, but only if we dont lay another Old Covenant foundation. Note: you can purchase any or all of the Engaging God modules if you wish, but a subscription is much more cost-effective. Downloadable video, audio and PDF files will be added later all included in the livestream price. Click the image for more details. You can use this as a way of bringing yourself to a place of rest and to live from a place of rest; but I would encourage you more to use it as a basis for developing your own process.. And the Father said, Knowing the depth, height, breadth and length of my unconditional love multi-dimensionally is what this age is designed to accomplish. Is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author, creator of the Restoration of AllThings, FREE video series on Love. Died so that wecould be FREE from the flesh is dealing with the flesh is dealing independence! 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