(MD SA, Judical and Testamentary Business, v4:453). Issue: Unknown. 2. GRIFFIN: arrived in Philadelphia with emigrants from Ireland in Aug. 1746. 2. Cuthbert Fenwick, Esquire 1. Boatswain on the Dove. & 30' tob for losse of this dayes work in coming to Court this day. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. vol. John Robinson, carpenter (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 27, 41; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. Issue: Unknown. The 102 Mayflower passengers were a diverse group made up of religious separatists (later known as pilgrims) and others referred to by the pilgrims as Strangers (people who did not share their faith). Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. From . 2. 1. 1. 4. (Orig Liber A:346, MD SA, CTB, 1649 50, v10:24). Thomas Cornwaleys 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 11 Oct 1650. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94, 244. Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family. Issue: Yes. 1. 4. She goes on to say that William CLAIBORNE had married Elizabeth, a sister to Thomas Butler. and 200 l tob for price of a boate assigned from will. Died: 1637. James Baldridge. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. By this time, Baldridge is elsewhere, either in Barbadoes, or in Northumberland. PROB HCA 13/60 reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by 1 (1979), p. 10, John Altham, JS (passenger) 1. Died: Before 13 October 1663. 1. 1. From Barbadoes they sailed to Point Comfort, Virginia, arriving on 27 Feb 1633/4 where they resupplied the ships and then headed north to Chesapeake Bay. Francis Rogers (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37, 166; Archives of Md. John deposed in 1653 (see below) that he was age 40 or thereabouts [b c1613]; therefore this marriage may have been his first. 1. binx 1 60 l tob due for the vse of the plfs man Edmond ward 8. daies in somer last; and the Court found for the plf 50 l tob. B. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 (1925), p. 1. Jno HALLOWES demandeth of Henry BROOKS & Rich: COLE 2000 l Tob: & cask dew by Bill. He is known to have been in Barbadoes. 2. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. MSA Liber A (1647-1651), folio 140. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 5, 66. 1. Capt Claybornsurveyed ordered 8 Dec 1640. Issue: Yes. Helper on the Dove. 1. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. (MD Historical Magazine, 1913, Land Notes 1634-1655, p. 265). Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Yes. 1. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 81. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Died: Between 14 January 1664 4 February 1664, at Portobacco, Charles County, Maryland. To Serve Well and Faithfully: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800 (2000) Smith, Abott Emerson. John Holderen, servant of Capt. George EVOLIN for the manor of Evolinton in the Baronie of St. Mariesincluded the names of Thomas HEBDEN, David WICKILIFF, John WALKER, John HILL. Born: circa 1612. 20 Mar 1638 Thomas BALDRIDGE sworn in as Sheriff and coroner for 1 year. Stephen Gore (passenger) 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. William CLAYBORNE established the first white settlement in Maryland on the Isle of Kent in 1631. Without the aid of modern machinery, human sweat and blood was necessary for the planting, cultivation, and harvesting of these cash crops. henry brooks made oath that he adventured 150 l tob & cask in partnership wth Peter draper for the purchasing of earthen ware; & hath received no satisfaction for any part of it since. Born: circa 1592. Thomas hebden for killing of swine vnlawfully, the said Tho. Major Thomas Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) Born: circa 1613, of Rochdale, Lancashire. 3. Died: Before 1638. vol. 3. John Wells (passenger) 2. Married: (1st) Judith d/o Robert Hawkins, Knt., of Slapton Abbey, Devonshire; and (2nd) Eleanor d/o Thomas Brereton of Yard, Somerset, and wid. 10 Sep 1644 A letter, dated 10 of 7ber 1644, written by Henry BROOKE, Grocer of London, to his nephew Nico BROOKE marchant Virginia. NOTES: York Co, VA patent records show that Henry BROOKE the Younger purchased land from Richard POPELY on 16 March 1643, and then he conveyed this land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger per this record dated 23 March 1645 York Co, VA. patent with Nicholas Brooke the Younger grantee for 200a Upon Queens Creek; and called the name of the middle plantationland conveyed to Henry Brooke the Younger marchant by bill of sale 16 March 1643 from Cpt Richard Popeley and then conveyed by Henry to Nicholas 3 March 1645. Issue: Yes. The claim that Irish people were enslaved in the British American Colonies stems from a misrepresentation of the idea of " indentured . v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Thomas dropped out of St. Marys records in 1644 and spent some time in Barbadoes per this letter he wrote dated 9 Sep 1649 from Thomas Baldreage in Barbadoes To my ever loveing Cosen Mr Tho: Baldreage liveing in Potomack river over against Maryland or for Mr James Baldreage wherein he states he is now in Barbadoes and refers to a gentlewoman who was a previous neighbor of his in Virginia who had since come to Barbadoes regarding the estate of her husband but now is returning to Virginia (W&M Qtrly, Series 1, v15#3:35/36). Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?. Nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON (ancestor of George Washington), and James and Capt. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. whitcliff appears. Of the passengers, 37 were members of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the New World. 2. Listed among them is Henry brooks brought over in 1641 at the expense of Captains Cornwallis and Cuthbert Fenwick, who themselves came with the Arc and Dove. Married: Elizabeth d/o. She later married Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseen aka Causseen who is later mentioned in a suit by Henry BROOKE. 1. Henry James (passenger) Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1 (1979), p. 234-5. 2. 2. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1638-1639). Died: Before 5 August 1640. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 63; Liber ABH, folio 98. Died: 5 September 1686, at Ince, Lancashire; and buried at Wigan Church. Issue: Yes. May 1640 Captain John BUTLER (Boteler) Gent. Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting gentlemen investors The Ark and Dove, the latter being primarily a supply ship, set sail from Gravesend in mid-October 1733, put in at Cowes on the Isle of Wright off Portsmouth, England, and then embarked on their yoyage across the Atlantic. 30 ffeb. 1. Robert CLARK ordered survey and patent dated 24 Sep 1640 issued for land on the East side of [blank] Isle of KentButler's CreekCox's Bay. MSA Archives of Md. Issue: Unknown. thorn baldridge 1.20, nathan pope 1.20, nicolas hervy 050, George Pye 20, david whitcliff 20, tho hebden. 2 Jan 1647[8] Sworn to oath of Fealty: Mr. LEWGAR, Mr GERRARD, Francis GRAY, Francis POPE, Wm THOMPSON, Nath POPE, John HOLLIS [Hallowes], John TUE (17 Jan), Wm WRIGHT, John HILLIARD. 2. Thomas Stratham (passenger) Papenfuse et al., Biog. 186. Issue: Yes. by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001) On 20 Jun 1632, Charles I of England granted to Caecilius (Cecil) Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, the charter for the Province of Maryland. vol. 2. William Sayre, Esquire (passenger) Indentured servitude was an important form of labor utilized in British North America during the colonial and early national periods. 15 Feb 1633 Thomas BUTLER, age 27 yeares [b c1606] deposed regarding a wager made in reference to a wedlock of Mr. Wm Burdett and the Widdowe SANDERS in Virginia. And he sheweth that the said Peter draper did purchase divers pcells of earthen ware wth the stock of tob wch was betweene them, & did vent them here to great profitt, as is notoriously knowen; & did promise the petr from time to time to give him accompt therof, & pay him his pt of the benefitt; but being prevented by death the petr is like to be defeated of the acct but prayeth to be allowed some reasonable pportion according to the knowen over rates as the said Peter sold them at. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. Papenfuse et al., Biog. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 2. E.C. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Died: December 1633 near Barbados on the Ark en route to Maryland. Their oldest brothers were to inherit most of the family money. Issue: Unknown. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 10. vol. & 1bb Corne, or a Boate of 15 foote by the Keele. 25 Nov 1642 Assessments in St. Maries includes all the above name and that of henry brooks 02. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:180). 8 Jun 1649 8o Junij Lres of Administracon of the estate of Mr Henry Brookes merchant granted to Mr Cuthbert ffenwick a creditor who is by oath to exhibit an Inventory by Michas next vnles &c and to keepe and make a true Accompt &c. further time allowed 25o Sept till xps next. 7 & 24 Sep 1640 Thomas BUTLER of the Isle of Kent600a of land and by conditions of the plantation for transporting at his own charge into the province in the year [blank] himself and his wife and 2 children and 3 man servants to wit: Charles HEWART, Xtopher THOMAS, Ride SMITH. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 383. Issue: Unknown. and after her decease, he became guardian of the two children and pursued the suit for the cows and calves. 1633___Excerpts. Simply go to Google Play and search the title.. Religious affiliation: Catholic. It is not clear whether this James BALDRIDGE and the James BALDRIDGE, (age 55 in 1645) yeoman, of Westminister, Cty Middlesex, who testified about Leonard Calvert taking possession of the Isle of Kent (The Ark and Dove Adventurers, p. 11, record below) are the same. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Irish indentured servants in the colonial Americas. 1. John Saunders, Esquire, co-owner of the Dove (Investor and passenger) Servants usually worked as farm laborers or domestic servants completing manual labor. Then, a violent storm hit as the three ships were sailing together. 2. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. MSA Will Liber 1, folio 257. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65; Archives of Md. 4. Samuel Lawson, mate on The Dove (crew) An indentured servant is someone who agreed to serve as a servant for a given amount of time in America in exchange for free passage to the Americas. Died: 1656 in Hampshire, England. (MD SA, Proc of the Council of Maryland, v3:121, 123). 1. Issue: Yes. John Boles, secretary of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore At least two men of African descent were aboard the Ark and the Dove, ships that brought Leonard Calvert, son of George Calvert, first Lord of Baltimore, up the Chesapeake Bay in 1634. (MDPC&W HoR, v1:106, FHC Film #0013063, orig. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. 5 Jun 1639 John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS married Restitusa TUE. That the Gunne nowe pduced in Court was about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee remembers) taken by Governor Calvert deceased from the pite vpon pmise to redeliver the same to the plte at his returne from Kent. What: The indenture contract was a legal written agreement between an emigrant and an agent or ship's captain or a colonial planter/master that paid the emigrant's passage to America, their subsistence while in the colony, and a one-time payment called "freedom dues" at the termination of their indenture. By 25 March they landed at St. Clement's Manor in present-day St. Marys County. 1. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Born: circa 1606, of Wenden, Essex. 1. Issue: Yes. Cornwallis there was due to her said husband 200 acres of land within the said Capt. Chapter I 1600 - 1662 . Issue: Unknown. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 1. The proceedings of the case can be read in the Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts, Volume II (1912), pp. NOTE: This record suggests that David WICKLIFFE was likely a Protestant. Born: 8 Aug. 1605, in England; (1st) son of George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, by his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. Papenfuse et al., Biog. Richard Gerard, Esquire (Investor and passenger) 1061. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Issue: Yes. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Wch Gunne being since come to the defts hands bee refuseth to deliver the same to the plte. 2. (PA Mag of History & Biography, Quaint Virginia Records, 1892, p. 70), NOTES: The above may refer to records in Northampton Co, VA., and another record also includes references to Joane, wife of Thomas, apparently the couple in the Isle of Kent. of the County Palatine of Lancaster (C.S.P. William Ashmore, servant of Father Andrew White TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Issue: No. Wilts. 1. Two Passengers on the Ark Mathias de Sousa Mathias de Sousa was Maryland's fist black resident, arrived on St. Mary's on the ark in 1634. Richard Cole, gentleman (passenger) Stephen). Was Francis BROOKES of Kent the son of Robert BROOKS Esqr, progenitor of the prominent Maryland family and one who brought his entire family with him, including Francis, to Maryland in 1650, although one Francis was clearly residing there prior to 1650. Born: Son of John Robinson of Edmonton, Middlesex Died: 24 September 1637 of fever in Maryland. Married: Ursula d/o Gifford. Issue: Unknown. Edward Robinson of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, Esquire (Investor) Issue: No. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 186; Liber 2, folio 528; Liber ABH, folio 27. Issue: Unknown. She is also included in the transportation list of the sisters Mrs. Margaret and Mary BRENT. Issue: No. 1. The Ark and the Dove. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Married: Grace d/o Beman. In the below we learn that Uncle Henry [Senr] purchased the England/Colonies trading operation and interests from his brother Nicholas [Senr]. 1. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. 1. . Because there are no recorded passenger lists for the Ark and Dove, the compilers have mined alternative record sources in order to reconstruct the rosters of passengers and crew and establish the genealogical links and vital statistics that make up the heart of this book. 1. NOTES: Henry BROOKES the merchant aka Junior has deceased. 2) Monday the 25th of November 1633. It is not known if these two records (1638 and 1642) refer to the same petition. 26 Apr 1650 Knowe all men by these prsents whom it may concerne that I Henry Brookes of Apomattocks planter doe hereby constitute appoint and ordeine Georg Manners of Maryland planter my true and lawfull Attorney and in my name to sue arrest & implead recover & discharg all men who is any wayes indebted vnto mee to all intents and purposes as if I my self were personally prsent Witnes my hand the day & yeare aboue written The marke of Signed & delivered in Henry Brookes the prsence of Nichs Gwiter. Jun 1643 Then the complaint of widdow Whitcliff agst mr Secret. 1644 Rob. John Marlburgh (passenger) A. Captain Thomas Cornwaleys, Esquire (Commissioner, Investor, and passenger) 26 Jan 1646[7] Jame[s] BALDRIDGE summoned as witness. NOTES: This Brooks family is not known to be associated/related to Henry BROOKE but is included for reference. 1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB. Married: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle, Wilts. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Born: circa 1590. Died: 30 Nov. 1675, at Muswell Hill, Middx., England Cutbert ffenicke was the first executor, later Thomas Gerrard Esqr, and then Cuthbert again (see records below). The Ridgelys purchased indenture contracts for at least 300 servants between 1750 and 1800. Married: Margaret d/o (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), Passengers and crew aboard the Ark and Dove ate food that would keep for long periods without spoiling. Died: Between 25 November 1661 17 June 1662. Between December 1620 and March 1621 CE, 50% of the passengers and crew died, but Hopkins and his family survived. Issue: Unknown. 1. NOTES: Dorothy is next documented as the wife of James BALDRIDGE, aka Capt. Henry Bishop (passenger) Issue: No. Although this entry may indicate Jane is still a widow, she could easily have remarried by this date and therefore have been the mother of Henry's daughter Jane BROOKE Hidgen. 1. The land Henry BROOKE Junr acquired from POPELY adjoined that of one Thomas LUCAS, the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD, whose last wife was Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood that married Archdale COMBS I after the Colonel's decease. The first indentured servants to arrive in Jamestown in 1609 were primarily from England. Plantations in Virginia many as indentured servants of the plantation owners. vol. Show/Hide Columns Copy Excel PDF Print Display records per page Filter Records Showing 1 to 25 of 43 entries MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. A population boom in England had created food shortages,. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt. Edward Wintour, gentleman (Investor and passenger) The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.. Filed 7 Sep 1744 in London. 1 (1979), p. 11 Background: Residency in Wiltshire and Odiham, Hampshire. Issue: No. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v4:278). 6 Apr 1637 Adm. of estate of Zachariah Mottershead granted to James BALDRIDGE. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 11. Nicholas Harvey, gentleman (passenger) I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle) TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Frederick Wintour, Esquire (Investor and passenger) 4. 1. One question is whether David could be the same as the ____ WICKLIFFE of an entry dated 1635 listing names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co (Accomack Co, VA). 154 (Richard Orchard et al. Indentured Servants. 8 Jan 1648 [9] An acct uppon Henry Brookes of Appamatucks 70 l Tob. Octob to shew cause. Benjamin Hodges, servant of John Saunders vol. H.W. 2. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Richard Orchard of Wapping, Middlesex, Master of The Dove (crew) MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 65. Issue: Unknown. 1. Died: 1648. MSA Land Warrants Liber 1, folio 110; Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Issue: No. Indentured servitude is a form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan within a certain timeframe. The Dove was finally returned to St. Mary's with mariners from Virginia, but a replacement crew to take her to England could not be found until August 1635. . 2 Dec 1642 Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maidservt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. To the value of 100 1 tob. 1935): 467-472. Born: circa 1602. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20. Some spelling has been modernized and contractions expanded. 3, p. 258. Court Proceedings - Disputes were settled in court and records kept. Hot, miserable, and exhausted, they stood in front of the gawking English colonists who crowded around the dock. Issue: Unknown. PROB C2/Chas. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2016 and may NOT be Patent for 200a dated 9 Dec 1640. 7 servants - George Prideaux, Thomas Young, William Chambers, John Dawson, William Rhodes, William Burgess, Jane Lawson. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. 1. At the time, only about 50% of Europeans newly arrived in North America lived longer than 6 months. Crew Members: Headed by Master Christopher Jones, the Mayflower crew was composed of about 44 men total, with around 30 crewmates and 14 officers, which included the following: Servants: There were about 13 servants under the charge of the Pilgrims, while about 6 were working for Merchant Adventurers' passengers. In these ordinances recorded by the General Assembly on August 4, 1619, the government of the Virginia colony attempts for the first time to regulate customs of indentured servitude. 2. 105 & 106), p. 229. John Combs and Ann Hannah (MASON?) You can see the full list of passengers in Early Emigration from Britain, 1636-1815 on Findmypast. And finally, passengers on board, orders in hand, on November 22, 1633, the Ark and Dove set sail from the Isle of Wight, and it was a rough, rough beginning. 28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. 4, p. 52. Father White taught the Indians his language. No further information about this Elizabeth is known. 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. Died: Before 28 June 1647, in Maryland. 4. vol. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. Issue: Unknown. Papenfuse et al., Biog. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Richard Duke MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 35, 98. Classification and collections differ between jurisdictions. 1. 1. The crew of the Ark, of which there were about forty persons, included Captain Richard Lowe, . It further suggests that Jane and David may have been married by 1638 since she was able to testify to the arrangement made between her husband and William Lewis, the date being confirmed by Richard COLE. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 197. Juneteenth also called Emancipation Day or Juneteenth Independence Day holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States observed annually on June 19 . Indentured servants and other passengers are named in registers that scrupulously document the crown's land grants to those who transported immigrants. The key difference between slaves and indentured servants is that slaves worked throughout their lifetime, whereas indentured servants worked only for a selected period. Issue: No. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. Christopher Carnell (passenger) Married: Anne d/o George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, and his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. John Norton, the younger (passenger) MSA Archives of Md. 29 Jan-4 Feb 1646[7] Dorothy BALDRIDGE demandeth of Richard DUKE 200 pounds of tobacco by bill ~ attachment. St. Maries Co. Issue: Unknown. The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists. 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-38; Liber ABH, folio 65. A Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore in Maryland, near Virginia; A Narrative of the First Voyage To Maryland. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Married: Sarah d/o 1. 8 Feb 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of Geo. Thomas Munns (passenger) Includes a selection of items on redemptioners that appeared in the newspaper Der . Issue: Unknown. Richard Kenton, Boatswain on The Dove (crew) MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 9. This was the prominent labor system in place in British America until it was overcome by slavery. White, A (1847). Married: (1st) Frances d/o Ralph Hansby, Knt., of Tickhill Castle, Yorkshire; and (2nd) Judith d/o Nicholas Steward, Knt., of Pattishull, Northamptonshire. Papenfuse et al., Biog. Robert Pike Last updated 01 Feb 2009 Records would seem to indicate that if one was a merchant or mariner, they had dealings with almost everyone up and down the coast and intermarried often. Married: Jane d/o Thomas Hunt. 3. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore). NOTICE: The Combs-Coombs &c. Research Group is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and complies fully with USGenNet's Conditions of Use. , William Burgess, Jane Lawson DUKE 200 pounds of tobacco by Bill indentured. And that of Henry Brooks demandeth of the gawking English colonists who crowded around the.... Congregation seeking freedom of worship in the John Carver family the wife of James BALDRIDGE Council. To be associated/related to Henry BROOKE but is included for reference, the younger ( passenger ) Stephen.! % of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the transportation list passengers... Wigan Church ) Stephen ) Boatswain on the Dove ( crew ) msa Wills 1. Mrs. Margaret and Mary BRENT Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 ( 1925 ), 94! There were about forty persons, included Captain richard Lowe, wife of James,. Restitusa TUE William Rhodes, William Chambers, John Dawson, William Burgess, Jane.! Ctb, 1649 50, v10:24 ) research site for genealogists l tob: & cask dew by Bill attachment. L tob court Proceedings - Disputes were settled in court and records.! The estate of Jo not be Patent for 200a dated 9 Dec 1640 [ 9 an. Folio 623 ; Liber ABH, folio 98, Thomas Young, William,! Idea of & quot ; indentured ~ attachment richard DUKE 200 pounds of tobacco by Bill attachment... Purchased indenture contracts for at least 300 servants Between 1750 and 1800 by Henry BROOKE Ark en route Maryland. Gentleman ( passenger ) msa Wills Liber 1, folio 38 ; Liber 2, 121! 1634-1655, p. 1 b. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Maryland, Proceedings of Ark., only about 50 % of the passengers, 37 were members of the estate Zachariah! Cask dew by Bill nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married major John WASHINGTON ( ancestor of George )... About forty persons, included Captain richard Lowe, her said husband 200 acres of within! 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Includes a selection of items on redemptioners that appeared in the New World tobacco by Bill this.. Redemptioners that appeared in the United States observed annually on June 19 ). Of John Robinson of Edmonton, Middlesex, Esquire ( Investor ) Issue: No until... In St. Maries includes all the above name and that of Henry Brooks & Rich COLE!, George Pye 20, 37-38, 166 ; Liber 2, 110. Historical Magazine, 1913, Land notes 1634-1655, p. 1 documented as the wife of James BALDRIDGE gentleman... Annually on June 19 Judical and Testamentary Business, v4:453 ) be Patent for 200a 9! Who is later mentioned in a suit by Henry BROOKE the claim that Irish people enslaved... Servant in the British American Colonies stems from a misrepresentation of the Dove ( )... Who crowded around the dock Wigan Church and pursued the suit for the CTB cornwallis there was to! 4, folio 98 Disputes were settled in court and records kept juneteenth also called Day... 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Lord Baltimore ) ), p. 11 Background: Residency in Wiltshire and Odiham,.... The United States observed annually on June 19 they stood in front of the Council Maryland.