I can conclude that you either are lying, or you simply built a poor organization. And it takes 10 years to qualify. They have an income"No they don't. There are over 1000. AWA recommends new pin levels as Distributors flock to the opportunity and leaders build growth. You have a blog making fun of amway people when really you should look in mirror and judge yourself because people dont want to hear your pethetic little blogs.Your welcome. Sometimes the greatest achievements have the most humble beginnings. Her son won for her $77,400 on ABC's You Deserve It. My diamond makes 1.3 million, and my crown makes 12 million. And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. I can't believe Anna Bannana is full of hate, see that's exactly what I don't want to become! The don't concentrate on selling the products. There's no "New Amway" it is the same old story. For the past decade, Amway has had a bumpy ride. (a) no, nothing like 1500000, you dont understand correctly (b) yes its hard work, if you can suggest a job or other casual business that allows you to bring in around $50000/yr in profit, part-time, within a coule of years, while simultaneously creating an income producing asset, then please share. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. Amway is all about financial and emotional distress. It is the largest multi-level marketing company in the world by revenue. . Your a little hater and your heart is pure evil. Anonymous - Yes! Turn the tables and it really pisses off those arrogant Amway assholes! Maybe he really has those things and his debt will result in his retiring at 33 years old to his mansion in South America. Nobody wants Amway's overpriced soap or shampoo. pyramid scam.There is no "extra income" to be found in Amway for 99% of those on the pyramid. Tattoo & Body Art Expo. Certainly everyone who visits this site needs to read Merchants of Deception. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. God bless everyone! Anonymous - I think you've figured it out. Ready to become an Amway Independent Business Owner? I even recall when diamond bitch brought her closet full of fur coats so we lowly people could try them on. Are your families dreams worth it? I was pretty shocked by this book, but all the questions Id been asking myself (but didnt dare voice to my upline) suddenly had answers that made sense. Where can you do that with a conventional job?? Theres got to be something more than just commission. One is for a free ebook called Merchants of Deception and that will spell out to you exactly what life inside Amway is like. Diamonds really make close to 400k. Reverse that to read over 99% failure rate. Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. That's 40%. If you continue to see this message, please contact When you are Teamed up with the right team that actually cares about you, and builds your business because when you succeed then they succeed. THOUSANDS have spoken out over the years. I dont regret the couple grand I spent over three years on functions, meetings and tapes. THAT is why they are so hot on recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? I say "prohibitively" because even getting ONE recruit is difficult. The list on AmwayWiki is dynamically generated by articles on AmwayWiki, so if you know of more simply create a new article for the Diamond, with category Diamond, and theyll appear in the list. Do you feel judging people and saying they will be in hell is appropriate? One or two and maybe it is a fluke. I'm sure our upline Diamond has a huge hole in his income these past few months after Amway fired our sack of shit Platinum. Personally, however (regardless of what I think of the Amway Corporation or the "tool scam") I have great admiration for anyone who manages to build a successful Amway business because the work they have to do is my idea of absolute hell. Yes, it's the same fucking plan, that Bob, Steve, Al, and Jim have done the last several nights in a row. This is something many people need to know. According to Amway literature Amway Diamonds make around $150,000 a year. Either you, and your organization are lying, or there is something much worse afoot. those who drive the most volume make more money no matter, age, race, religion, or background. If it crumbles after 10 years fineshit happens, you would still have many properties providing you with rental income. If he listens to the Amway cult leaders at every meeting the Diamond makes bazillions of dollars in residual income every month or if he reads the small print in the Amway literature they say Diamond makes about 150k. Depending how old they are they might not ever be able to bounce back from the Amway hell hole. The link is in the upper right hand side of this page.And no matter how hard you work in a system designed for failure you're not going to make money. Answer (1 of 4): To quantify, A Diamond is a level in Amway business wherein one has six Platinum organizations or six breakaway groups having a sale of at least 10 Lac rupees/month. Both of you have been brainwashed to spout off the bullshit you hear from your Amway cult leaders. $66,000,000,000 for 4,000 diamonds? My complaint where Amway is concerned is that they turned a blind eye to what is, in essence, downright stealing, making them "accessories after the fact as a court of law would call it. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.7. You do realize that Amway's head office reads this blog. What would be more fantastic would be more information. We talk about the meetings, rallies, and functions we attended and then you show up here like a dumb fuck and say I don't know if you've ever heard of WWDB. You have to work for your dreams. If my amway business provides that, then that's where i am. agar aap wo paana chahate ho jo apko mil na saka to wo karna hoga jo apne abhi tak kiya nahi.. ONLY AMWAY CAN MAKE YOU TO HAVE ALL THE HAPPINESSES IN LIFE. Its about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings. He tried to get me to join a couple of months back to which I said no. We were told in the mid eighties they earned $100,000. I feel almost certain that it is a pyramid scheme that has only existed through a legal loophole (selling products)A guy i know is currently trying to get me to join Amway.. now my question is why these people are so focused on gaining more downlines when it seems they could make good profit just by selling products at markup. They told me I could join Amway and if i dont like it I could leave within 90 days and get my money back.. i feel like thats a lie.. it has to be. You're wasting time, Anonymous! I once heard a completely brainwashed over the top Ambot claim "If Jesus were here today, he'd be selling Amway!" Tobbi - you are probably right. It helps others know they're not going through the Amway hell hole alone. Yup the garage makes me suspicious he lives with mommy and daddy and they don't want his Amway shit in their house. Heck, who pays $10? These are the guys with the lavish lifestyles that few will ever achieve. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. Free returns. Good luck with your future! my opinion is that they had a goal and despite sooooooo many people telling them they can't do it, you're crazy, just quit. He's not totally sold on it either. Also buy monthly for your "personal assistant" LOL Communikate, around $35 or $40. But from the sound of your post you are still stuck working for someone who you have to answer to. Do you believe in yourself? I almost busted a gut laughing. Their solution? *. I open mindly listened and quickly got bored. But of course it didn't. One reasn why the products are so expensive, is because there was a confrontation between the Devos/van Andels and the bigwig distributirs making money off the tools, and the latter threatened to leave and take their organizations with them, so the company had to accept that, and they had to raise their prices to offset it. amway bissnes is Wondurful&Amazing bissness.Plez do it with confidantly. I love my freedom to spend with my family. Around here we're not dumb fucks who go around reading stuff that doesn't interest us or might otherwise piss us off. One of my sergeants got into it and took a bunch of us to a rally at Long Beach, CA and it was all a big huge deal. this is halarious. Joe's commentary. Hi anna. The business isn't perfect because people aren't perfect. Yeah the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign up can get a refund. That's one of the requirements to being in the Amway cult, becoming a prude. He would make a good salesman like you said, and he didn't even went to college! They are all taught by their cult masters "everyone not involved with Amway are broke losers", which is ludicrous to anyone not brainwashed. About Amway. Also selling CDs of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their motivational teaching. The current page will be reloaded with this account info. Turn a blind eye, whatever, Amway does not sell good products and doesn't have a good reputation so seeing its reputation constantly flushed down the toilet is something head office is well accustomed to. means 10,000 Group PV by team. As they are not played by humans [] With a 99% failure rate no one who isn't brainwashed and have looked into the math of this "opportunity" could possibly call it a solution to anything other than further enriching a tiny portion of folks at the top of the pyramid. Its not about money Anna, its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not answering to anyone. You think you are still fighting and working toward your future. Same income. Tyler we've heard all the brainwashed Amspeak before. A few years passed and I had started my own business - something that actually created value in this world, when I ran into those sponsors. . I don't understand why getting new people to join is so much more important than just selling products. He is still my friend today and his upline Diamond is still living in Porter County and still has his plane, Cars, 1.8 million dollar home and even he admits that the downturn in the economy hurt his business. Until you feel Gods love, it may be hard to accept-Kyle. Gross or net and with or without a few cash events Diamonds can't afford to live millionaire lifestyles on that income. Hi Anonymous. Amway should just be a vehicle to provide that additional income to reinvest say into property or other investment opportunities. Next time you see that Amway loser ask to see the rental agreement because Amway is all about fake it till you make it. Theres lots of different strategies N Commandeur. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. The glimmer of hope still exists. There is no charge to read this blog, leave a comment, there's nothing for sale here, and the bananas don't get money for participating here.People in Amway want to make money off you. business. People get fired. Amway folks really don't sell all that much product. Multilevel-marketing companies like LuLaRoe are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis, How MLMs And Cults Use The Same Mind Control Techniques. The idea was to reach a level where the scam would provide such a high salary that you don't need anything else and can have all the time in the world with massive money pouring in. I can print out a phony check to show people, too. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. Why to help middleman (Retailer-Whole Sellers-Dealers & Ad people) to be RICH? It is run by Criminals who never hesitate to knowingly STEAL from poor "saps," like me.I found a way using Amway to make literal millions of dollars and they STOLE all of it.By the way, they are NOT known to steal from those who are not on to something big. Maybe you have a decent downline that hasn't seen the light either. The book does say that about 1/3 of millionaires acquired their wealth thru a J-O-B and saved and invested, but did mention that many millionaires were also un-extraordinary business owners, such as a pest control company, etc. They try one company, an when that doesn't work, it's on to the next. Just because you decide to still doesn't mean you have flown away yet action brings results. At least at Walmart and the other stores you can buy a single protein bar without buying a box of them. I can get good namebrand lipgloss for much less in local stores. I don't remember any Diamonds working outside jobs but they sure had to hustle their asses working the Amway scam and bullying their downline to buy more buy more! Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway, has passed away at age 92. The dumb fuck ambots don't like the answer they get from the assholes in their Amway upline or the small print on Amway literature and don't like my answer either that Amway Diamonds are broke so they leave a comment bitching about stupid things.When the real stupid thing is staring them back in a mirror. Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. However, let's not forget the money one makes selling books and CDs and tickets to various functions. Who is now amway diamon and who is babesor. 2 / Brandon Odom pt. When it comes to people in Amway you can't be polite. Thanks for sharing your story. Most people don't have it in them.Your last sentence is correct. Amway Product Review: Artistry Skin Refinisher. This list will cover both current and former Amway Diamonds, U.S. and foreign, and living and deceased Diamonds covering the 50+ year history of the company. You're basically on point with what you've said. And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. And shouldn't she be about quitting now due to no Amway income? (Thanks to Dr.Jayashree rath).have a great life.thanks. The best poker players in the world don't play every card they are dealt. The friend of a friend of a friend of someone's uncle cousin Larry or something. Ive now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) It's their way or nothing at all. The "prosperity Gospel" is a truly sick idea, and completely alien to genuine Christianity. ?I'm always amused that it's someone's 'relative' or 'friend' or 'co-worker' or what-the-hell-ever that they know. In fact fact, I think they probably earned no more than $30,000 then. July 29, 2008. At least I'm not a fucking lying scamming Amway asshole flogging overpriced shitty products and that's not something you can say about yourself. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. Well get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isnt spam. More importantly, those mistakes don't define you. I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. We just want to help people not go through the hell we went through. Wait till the assholes in his Amway upline find out he was hanging here instead of prospecting unless he's so fucked in the head he thinks this blog is a good place to find prospects! Pay income tax say 25 k or more. If your wife is an artist you'd think she could switch over to sell her wares on Etsy. So 6 platinums, a diamondship would run about $2.16 million annually. And thats why Amway products are so fucking expensive. Lastly, everyone just needs to settle down. I've had a few features this year from kids of ambots and the stories are so similar and always so sad what they went through. You do get rewarded. Thats 30 k. Each. Do you bitch about how restaurants are scams? The tools and seminars are a choice and are recommended because if you can learn from someone who has already been down a path not to go there, then it will save you time and money. LOL! So i just dont see why anyone would bother. 2nd Anonymous - you got it right but someone who's been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders will disagree and will respond with canned Amspeak bullshit they've duplicated from an asshole in their Amway upline. I don't want him to get suckered into this, he sounds so passionate about it too.PS. You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). Its a system designed for failure. We have 54 diamonds and up in north America and thousands globally. no one makes $$$ in Amway below the Diamond pin level. In other words, a diamond is downline from another diamond. That's from the old days. takes only FALTU KA TV Tiem only Shocking! So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. Their mouth is moving. The Amway I DONT GIVE A FUCK TRUCK ! It always amazed me how in the world can these so called "Diamonds" or "Emeralds" have so much money, yet need to have another job at least? Guess which one is easier for us to do?9. But yeah its a nice mark up if you can brainwash Ambots to buy it ! You Go 50/150 for 3 out of your first 6 months you get $50/per month that you do plus your regular business $'s you'll be around $60-$260/month that you do. Sorry it doesn't meet your high standards. Drawing circles and writing down $$ amounts of how much money the ambot makes if he eats one Amway food bar and drinks one Amway drink daily and finds 2 others to do it and if they find 2 others to do what they do and so on and so on. Bootlegging tapes. Dang, sounds like a sure thing to me.Cassette Tape. So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. so it doesn't seem like the protein bar price at least is unreasonable.. so i still feel like there is more to this scam that I dont understand. Great job with this one Anna. You need to counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. Wilson, Don & Nancy, Double Diamond, United States, Legacy Business Group/TEAM, Terminated. This list currently numbers now over 2400 and is not exhaustive, with Amway reporting in 2004 that more than 4000 businesses had qualified at Diamond or above. They are sick bastards on so many levels. Battling with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline who have brainwashed our husbands into misplaced love and worship at the Amway upline instead of at our families. Is it the weekend? does this not also include "diamonds"? Ads related to: amway diamonds where are they now. Lets not help them find this shit.5. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. I expose the lies that our upline told and what happens at Amway meetings and functions. Price matching . So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. Anonymous - apparently life experience from people who lived through the Amway hell isn't good enough in person actually lived through it research. But if that's what you coasted on them holy balls, i understand your anger. And there are hundreds of new platinums each year. From one of ibofightbacks websitesIt's now official, Dean and Marcie Whalen in Edmonton, Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business.I believe it's been 6-7 years since WWDB has had a new Diamond and this is pretty awesome news. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) he tells us that we are to expect trials and suffering along the way. Of course, Diamonds can have international legs, Diamonds do overlap, and Diamonds have Platinum legs that are bigger than 7500PV, so that figure likely has no little resemblance to reality. A business sells to someone else. At the 50th Anniversary celebrations in Ada, Michigan last week Steve Van Andel reported there were 544 currently qualifying Founders Executive Diamondsand above businesses in attendance, and there were reportedly over 4000 currently qualifying Diamond and above IBOs (so around 2000 IBOships)in Las Vegas. LOL! Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. They joined Amway in 1973 and went Diamond in 1979. Thanks! Uh you dumb Amway fuck you want me to talk it over with the person I've just phoned you to complain about it. With so many going to functions this is surely nice income. I'm surprised they gave you a "free" drink. I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. And think about it. This is called ignorance growing a mouth. Oh look another fucking Amway asshole ordering me around. which has been reported at around the $860 million mark, http://play.kendincos.com/155374/Wvzvztxfjdhptpt-amway-global-nuevos-diamantes-pablo-maria-garcia-en-a.html, Amway reports sales of $8.8 billion for for 2018. The way to make money is selling CD's and tickets to functions. Gokaiger cast member M.A.O. as in once a "diamond," always a? . Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. Omg anna you foreal need to get a life. There seems to be a lot of this going around lately. That is where the real money is, and it only goes to a fdew select "A-list " diamonds. Hence all the swearing in this blog! Let's just assume he purchased it over time at an average of $450 per share - so $450k out of his claim of making $1.22 million. If you can help contribute to Amway Wiki with information on existing Diamonds, or even just a simple page with the names of any Diamonds were missing and their level please do so! Maybe not every day during the week either. If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Anonymous - LOL. How do you structure your work ? Ambit ambot treky gamer softball ballet wrestling scandal housewives of any city MLB nurses doctors attorneys teachers bus drivers painters janitors housekeepers air force sergeants college drop outs home wreckers divorcies engineers police officers ceos bankers hobos toilet cleaners garbage men truck drivers golfers successful failures sanguine shy opinionated blind crippled old young retired teens cashiers chefs ushers couple singles homosexuals tourist pilots greeters cloth folders designers tech gurus architects painters carpenters candle makers sales men machine operators gymist personal trainers secretaries managers call center workers horse riders sailors fishers skiers dancers. How voices will it take for you, and other IBOs, to stop blindly believing the people who profit off of your enthusiasm, and listen to those who have truly seen the problems. If they had their income would have gradually died off and theyd have lost their Double Diamond status. Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. One more Amway/Quixtar Story. everybody in this world if not building this business, he is not doing anything. Ignorance a mouth? But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Now that might be a ripoff but that part of it at least isn't necessarily scamming (20$ is the retail price of the lip gloss and he buys it discounted due to being part of Amway and paying fees for that).. now.. after all of that.. he still is begging me to join Amway.. there is something I am not being told here. I hissed at her because I belonged to Greenpeace (got my membership in 3rd grade) and the thought of the whole fur coat thing grossed me out, let alone, all these pathetic women clamoring to touch them. Of course, it is "strictly voluntary" but it is understood that your uplines won't give you the time of day if you don't. Hold on Darnell, are you saying that your parent company doesn't provide full income disclosure of diamonds? Accuracy? If you qualify for Diamond Select, you will be treated to an extended trip with exclusive activities and VIP pampering, plus more time to connect, collaborate and relax with fellow business leaders. A diamond pin is finally available. good luck with that one LOL!!!! So, Darnell, is it WWDB? Restaurants are Scams! I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. And they will rip you off with the books, tapes and functions. Jesus were here today, he is not doing anything back to which i said.... 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