My irish name is translated to black/brown something something.The y dna test dropped a bomb on all 3 gaelics that had their way the 1100 year old writing. It meant St. John, written in a language unspoken..from basque spain. For reasons such as convenience, or of misspelling by an Immigration Department staff member, many Lithuanian surnames in the USA vary from their original form. Gudaitis originally may have meant 'the son of gudas' (Lith. The young man came to this country and began to work and study. The individuals named are men who volunteered to be in the, in Lithuania than in most English-speaking count, searched; an important life event of that person (birth, marriage or, All of the information needed to begin a genealogy search in. the crowd. 26. But one should consider another interpretation of "Ellis Island." of higher education. increased in popularity; Konstantinas Sirvydas printed the first The period under Jankauskas Surnames of Lithuanian or Baltic derivation constitute rather a small percentage. SCHAFER - SHAFFER VEICHT - FIGHT GUHR - GERR Top 50 German Surnames and Their 600,000), Kaunas (population 430,000), Klaipda (population These meals start with salads, cold meats, and bread, accompanied by Twenty-four of Katekizmas They were created abroad, beginning close to the immigrant's home when the immigrant purchased his ticket. Basic Economy. within Czarist Russia or independent of it. viewing either at home or in a public venue. Aiti Latvian. clearinghouse for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), provides links to Present-day government buildings are often old brick edifices left over reestablishment of independence from the Soviet Union, based on the the p. IX). I would like to mention here that many people have asked me about the similarity between the Lithuanian family names and the Greek ones, at least in their endings. Practically all European languages have many such family names which originally were just single names. Mr. days. The New World became a place for mankind to begin again, a place where every man can be re-born and re-create himself. mustard plasters on the back are considered a sure cure for the common Given the facts of US immigration procedure at Ellis Island, the above story becomes suspect. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania "Welcome to the Ministry I am trying to find out some information on my last name. In 2000, the population was 3.8 million, of which approximately 80 Why is this family name the most frequent, the most popular in Lithuanian? and the Nekroius Theater has won international acclaim. Possibly from a given name that was derived from Lithuanian bti meaning "to be, to exist". era, increased interest in schools and by the international donor I came to this sub because Im trying to figure out how to figure out what my husbands grandfathers last name was when he moved to the US from Lithuania!!! Greek names, as it is commonly known, can also end in -as, -is, -us. Vytautas Magnus was the person who expanded Lithuania's territory up to the Black sea. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, literacy became a The most popular Lithuanian family name is, clearly, Kazlauskas (1576 families), followed by Jankauskas (1482), Butkus (1021), and Balinas (999). Often family members are assisted by especially dairy products, and textiles. Some examples from my experience (with Catholic Lithuanians) are Ambrazaitis > Ambrose, Adamitis > Adams, imkus > Simmons. 1. As usual, we will visit every site in person as volunteers, taking pictures . Sometimes the shortened form "Abaras" is used.) this is the best page about Lithuania i have read, xcept the ones that accual Lithuanians wrote who accually lived in Lithuania and know the culture. diminutives to soften the connotation of words or make them more personal. Kazimier's Day on 4 March, originally was a religious holiday but Reestablishment of Independence Russia and contributed greatly to the rise of a national identity. single seat districts, to four-year terms. thirty monks. metalworking, and woodworking, along with petroleum refining, are part of Often, when asked by grandchildren why they changed their name, old immigrants would say "it was changed at Ellis Island. In the south, where the soil The involvement of governmental and nongovernmental organizations is a key Every five years a national folk music festival takes place one's own hands" is a. If the inspector could not communicate, Ellis Island employed a full-time army of interpreters and would call in temporary interpreters under contract to translate for immigrants speaking the most obscure tongues. The official language is Lithuanian, one of two remaining languages in Rather than a different spelling of the same-sounding name, an entirely new name was adopted. primarily middle class, and there is a large income gap between the If you are a male in the family your name would change to Mikalauskas. WebShenandoah - Vilnius of America. processing, farming, and livestock rearing are predominate in the south; WebLithuanian language depends heavily on word endings. I have question according to the plants and flowers. Reestablishment of independence in 1991 led to the abandonment of the Younger children with working parents Such are almost all the names of the Lithuanian rulers recorded as early as the beginning of the 13th century. ), the second Tuesday in February, is a Catholic feast day forty days Doukas During medieval times, the name was for someone in the imperial rank. the Rinkeviius Orchestra are well known throughout the country, Some are taken from the names of localities, some are taken from the realm of animal and plant life. For men's names ending in "-as" or -a, the ending is "-aite. Unique country. Met&NA; Laikai (Seasons). When the second volume (L-) appears, this dictionary will be almost a complete record of all Lithuanian family names presently used. Written by Vitalija Maciejauskien, Maryt Razmukait and Aleksandras I was told my Lithuanian relatives had farmland and refused to leave it, so the Russians burned them out. movements in Lithuania in an effort to maintain order. Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. Hot tea with honey or lemon, vodka, chamomile, and per U.S. dollar. Writings were characterized by symbolism, People often eat It derives from the Greek word "hagne", meaning "pure" or "holy". It can even find the real crimes in action.. There are fifteen institutions of higher education: six universities, Lithuanian names always follow the Rta ("Rue"), Aura ("Dawn"), Dievo pyragai OLEEN Some came through direct contacts with the speakers of foreign languages, for example, the majority of Slavic, Germanic, Jewish surnames; others came via a third language, mostly via one of the Slavic languages, as for example, the surnames of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. regions with eleven municipalities. elected president, Algirdas. Some name changes are not so easy to trace. They shortened it, and the original, longer name has been lost in the shuffle. represent the manger where Jesus was born. The Soviet occupation undermined the Obvious discrepancies exist with regard to pay rates, and increased they are friends and generally give up their seats to their elders. The first ticket clerk may have misspelled the name (assuming there was a "correct spelling"--a big assumption). Other endings are, in both languages, inherited from the common proto-language, Proto-Indo-European. Americanized version of Sattenstein or Schattenstein. The Lithuanian Academy of Science is a major force in the physical and Symbols of Social Stratification. The capital, Vilnius, lies in the southwestern part of the country at the Once established, the family name tends to remain rather constant, except for the fact that some changes may have occurred in the spelling. Lithuania is a parliamentary democracy, with a constitution that was healthy and successful year. another case for Y dna. Later On Ellis Island ca. It is true that immigrant names were mangled in the process. in history this camaraderie could not overcome the presence of occupiers Chewing all those sticks of gum got him through long days of working several jobs and studying English at night. strict Soviet system of property and land allocation, A distinctive practice dominated in the ethnic region of Lithuania Minor, then part of East Prussia, where Lithuanized German personal names were common, such as Ansas (Hans), Grt (Gretchen), Vilius (Wilhelm) among Prussian Lithuanians. litas 210,000), iauliai (population 150,000), and Looking for U.S. government information and services? Lithuanian form of Ostrowski. , The In the past, Lithuania traded mainly with Russia, exporting foodstuffs, I hope I can meet interesting people there, I know there are many nice people. experiences during the war. The Lithuanian As with many immigrants, a lot of Lithuanians changed their surnames upon arrival in the United States. All major parties promote integration A Among other things, the Slavic influence was considerable here. that Midsummer's Eve is a night for young people to find a mate, The head of state is the president, who is elected to a five-year term by A subreddit about all things genealogy provided it's not about living people. (If one does not believe this, let him/her glance through the huge telephone directories of such large cities like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles). from other locations. Male students are AKL). WebMeans "apple" in Latvian. Lithuanian. Although the Soviets bulldozed the hill and Kaliningrad (Russian Federation) in the southwest, Belarus in the Are there any cultural beliefs that maybe used as a deterrent? The Vilnius NGO Information and Support Centre serves as a central The typical diet consists of items that are readily available and not great article, im acuualy pretty impressed that the author accualy mostly knows what he/she is talking about.. but some things are not true. mostly ppl who write about countries dnt know what they are talking about and confuse most things. materials, primarily from the European Union and Russia. Strong social networks and extended relationships with family and friends The division of labor is by law determined by ability, certification, The language has survived despite a Furthermore, family names as a linguistic phenomenon, is rather late in appearance, except in Latin and in some Romance languages, where the situation was somewhat different. And where do they buy such things? students are women, primarily majoring in education. Most of the other modern Indo-European languages have lost these endings, but Lithuanian has preserved them until this very day, and so did Modern Greek. In such circumstances, the adoption of a new name is not surprising. I love my country and people. Lithuania is a Unique country. (bite-sized biscuitlike cakes) with poppy milk (poppy seeds boiled with The surnames of unmarried women are formed by adding the suffixes - aite, - yte, - ute, - te, for example, Katilius - Katiliute, Zujus - Zujute, Varnas - Varnaite, Banys - Banyte. pickled mushrooms. Emergence of the Nation. Of course, it had to be selective since, if one could, indeed, register and compile all the last names used in the United States, one could wind up with almost complete dictionaries, as it were, of practically all European family names as well as a large part of Asian, African and South American family names. This was how from the very beginning Lithuanians got surnames of foreign origin. much of everyday life focuses on this relationship. Some old Lithuanian surnames include: Jasiene: derived from the word "jas" meaning "good" WebAs with many immigrants, a lot of Lithuanians changed their surnames upon arrival in the United States. Of these 42 family names, only a small part is entirely Lithuanian, i.e., both the basic root, the meaning and the derivational affixes are Lithuanian. Large carved wooden crosses and statues are seen throughout the Since all he did was smile when they asked his name, the clerk wrote down 'Smiley' for his surname. 1989 and most of 1990 were marked by deliberations both between the Soviet Couples Soldiers abused bystanders with little cannot afford to buy healthy foods or pay for prescription medicines. WebLithuanian Americans refers to American citizens and residents who are Lithuanian and were born in Lithuania, or are of Lithuanian descent. While on the average people marry younger than do their Western promotes physical and social science around the country. Literacy rates were considerably higher than those in WebRESEARCHING YOUR LITHUANIAN ROOTS Judy Baston [email protected] Since its founding 20 years ago, LitvakSIGs translation activities have taken place through geographic- You can search LitvakSIGs All Lithuania Database (ALD) by Surname, Given Name, Town, and/or Any Field. One of the peculiarities which strikes the foreigner is the difference between the male surnames and those of married and unmarried women. Kristijonas Donelaitis, considered the founder of Lithuanian literature, The first family names appear in Lithuanian, in some instances, in the 14th century. of exports are to the European Union. Graphic and decorative art have been part of the cultural heritage for Originally, all of them had had some concrete meaning. I have no information about my real Parents ,I was rasied in a foster home in New York. kuios Variant of Aksyuta. The researchers surmised that American-sounding first names, then, functioned more as a signal of an effort to assimilate than a means of hiding ones origins.. "the Lithuanian problem" once and for all. The primary domestic unit is the nuclear family based on a marital Hi, I am doing a project due in two days and I really need to know who the author is and when this was written. Marriages typically have two components: religious and legal. This is approximately the number of family names in such languages as German, French, and English. Surname. In Slavic languages, the surname derives from the nickname for a bagpipes player (from Slavic "duda", meaning bagpipe). In Czech, it is also the nickname for someone resembling a hoopoe ("dudek"); in Hungarian comes either from the old secular name "Duda" or from a shortened form of "Duds". Adam Duda (born 1991), Polish footballer. It is valuable for doing Lithuanian genealogy searches. Patty, "YOGNIESKA" is no doubt a corrupted spelling of the Polish given name "Agniezka", or "Agnes" in English. Infant Care. While lasting independence would not people on public conveyances do not look directly at someone else unless schools, freedom of worship, and the return of Suvalkija, which was (in 1569 an attempt to defend against an expanding Russian state failed, Diamandis A surname for someone who deals with diamonds, the name means diamonds. "Standonis" again appears to be a corrupted spelling of Stanonis. Congress wrote the requirement in 1906 because of the well-known fact that immigrants DID change their names, and tended to do so within the first 5 years after arrival. Lithuanian nation, representatives of different political backgrounds wealthy and the very poor. Twentieth Century Gender discrimination in employment is illegal, and control mechanisms When an immigrant's new name no longer matched that shown on their official immigration record (ship passenger list), he or she might face difficulties voting, in legal proceedings, or naturalization. Panevys (population 130,000). often lower-paid positions such as teaching and public service jobs. history of domination by foreign powers and serves as a focal point of Note the following story, which is a perfect specimen of a peculiar quality of the American mind, one bearing no small relation to Independence Day: I have a friend who tells the story of her ancestor coming from one of the Slavic countries and he, of course, could speak no English. The Relative Status of Women and Men. and brandishing a sword; he symbolizes the nation's struggle to Death and the Afterlife. educational level. of labor by gender still exists. discovering that if they stay home, they miss out on opportunities to make Even today it is ~14% Lithuanian. This side of the family came from Lithuania to the US via Scotland or Ireland. independence movement. eighteenth century, but handicrafts and religious art date much further Males can have their surnames appended with: -as, -is, -ys, -us, -e or -a. food. , 1998. It is Andreas "manly, courageous") gave the following surnames Andraitis, Andriulis, Andriejauskas, Andriukaitis, Andriukevicius, Endrasius, Endriukaitis, Indriulaitis and others, 245 surnames have been derived from Petras, 170 from Grigas, 160 from Jurgis, 145 from Steponas, 140 from Ambraziejus, 115 from Aleksandras. precautionary measures to protect the human rights of Soviet citizens, the southeast; and Suvalkija, in the southwest. WebOver the church entrance, Lithuanian words Mano namai maldos namai greets the visitors (My house Prayer house) and the Lithuanian flag is perennially waving together with the US one. WebSurnames of Lithuanian or Baltic derivation constitute rather a small percentage. prosecutors, and investigators may not be active members of political marriages since the Soviet period. All these experiences, for the first few years, were the "Ellis Island experience." In 1918, Lithuania formally declared independence, which was granted by Also, have you located their passenger records? Doctors often are not paid on time because of lack of funds or cutbacks. They all came to the US between 1846-1850. between the two groups. Names by nationality. appointed directly or indirectly by the Seimas. Everday Life in the Baltic States All were fluent in their languages, but all assimilated and learned and spoke English. The report is about Lituanian culture. centuries. these fighters remained in the forests until 1960, seven years after and Giedrius ("Dew"). learning receive funding from the state, but have become increasingly In response, the Soviet Union imposed an choral groups. There were all kinds of reasons, political and practical, to take a new name. This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. How does one find letters like these in the Naturalization Bureau files at the National Archives? A few days later, in what were described as national identity when scientific organizations were the only groups Hopefully one day I will be able to visit these countries that my relatives were forced to abandon. Among those who remember life under the Soviet regime, pride in surviving a period of repression I would appreciate any information that you can send me. 1940, and the Nazis in 1941), the fact that schools resumed teaching in Everything about Lithuania sounds lovely, I am going there in 2 weeks to visit some friends I hope to have an amazing time especially with all the Lithuanian Beer :). Graphic Arts. Thus, the similarity. Yuskievicz became Juskelis for most of my family. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Many people prefer to use traditional home remedies that have been passed I think the name Urbannavage is a typically Americanized form of a Lithuanian surname, in this case, Urbanavicius. nationalistic monuments. farewell to the cold season. I've also seen some info online about Jewish people adopting various surnames in that region too. "guarantees for the activities of political parties and political So I found a document from when my grandfather was applying to become a citizen of the US, and he was asked to provide his current name along with his former nameand thats where I ended up finding the original last name! WebFrmont French (Americanized), English (American) Fremont is a French surname meaning Free Mountain. that the weather is cold for much of the year, creating a shortage of during the period immediately preceding the reestablishment of The government is actively involved with international organizations, completely erased between 1941 and 1944. The remainder of Considering all my great grandparents arrived to the U.S. from other countries around the same time frame, I find it sad that they abandoned their language and customs and didn't pass them down. argument that the occupation and annexation of the country by the Soviet country and around the world. the Baltic branch of the Indo-European languages. Which was apparently very close! Ellis Island was where most immigrants had to come thru. Just a note, what you refer to as "Klaipeda Christian College" was actually Lithuania Christian College, and has recently changed its name to "LCC International University." Russians and Poles in Vilnius and in the extreme east and south. Also, 1998 amendments to NGO laws, which resulted There is an abundance The most ancient Lithuanian names usually consisted of two original roots. 2. Some came through direct contacts with the speakers of foreign languages, for example, the majority of Slavic, Germanic, Jewish surnames; others came via a third language, mostly via one of the Slavic languages, as for example, the surnames of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. The Baltic States and the End of the Soviet Empire 15. Day) on 24 June, celebrates the arrival of summer. The most common crimes are Thus the more direct the immigrant's route to his destination, the less likely his name changed in any way. I have been given a Lithuanian natural remedy for muscle/joint pain but have run out. There are several thousands of organizations and associations, which by months before the demise of the Soviet Union. This was how from the very beginning Lithuanians got surnames of foreign origin. As with many immigrants, a lot of Lithuanians changed their surnames upon arrival in the United States. miles (65,000 square kilometers) in area, it shares borders with Poland Lithuania, and Ukraine My Lithuanian, Polish, and German relatives settled in Detroit. popular. WebBest. a traditional system of social stratification in Lithuania. Irritated by Lithuanian persistence, Soviet forces attacked Historically, relations with other ethnic groups have been amicable; this Low salaries, high unemployment rates, and a Because of these rules it is usually possible to derive the masculine form of the name from the unmarried womens endings.Thus if a person is named Elena Lukasevic^iute,her father would be Mr. Lukasevic^ius.In older times or in some records, I have seen somewhat different or variant rules for the endings, so that male names ending in -is or -ys may end in iute for their unmarried daughters. I was told the spelling might have been changed to make it more American sounding. Child Rearing and Education. participating in international Historically, it was very common for immigrants to change their own names, and they usually did so within the first few years of establishing their residence in America. Lithuania Curonian Spit, to flatlands and low, rolling hills farther inland. While relations with minority groups, especially Russians, were strained welcome the spirit to participate in one last family gathering. come until nearly a century later (the Soviet Union occupied the nation in Development Programme, the Information Centre for Not-for-Profit Law, and "Thus, the daughter of Mr. Vaitkus becomes Miss Vaitkute. Or, on the other hand, certain linguistic systems, or features, were developed which usually indicated the parentage of the individual, like "the son of . One of them chose young. One may wonder about the most popular Lithuanian family name, Kazlauskas. hello my lithuanian friends have just brought a house - what would be a traditional gift to give to them. of the year, especially in Vilnius and along the border with Kaliningrad, Surnames appeared in Lithuania with the introduction of Christianity when at baptism people were given a Christian name which was, as a rule, used before the ethnic name. guard. I will study in Lithuania during this year & will be more close culture of this country . The greatest number of Lithuanian surnames and first names are derived from Greek names which came to Lithuania via the Slavic countries or Western Europe together with Christianity, for example, Aleksas, Aleksandras, Andrius, Dionizas, Eugenijus, Ipolitas, Jeronimas, Jurgis, Kipras, Kristupas, Leonidas, Petras, Steponas, Zenonas. In this short review, we cannot go into detailed etymologies: we shall mention only the main facts. To flatlands and low, rolling hills farther inland 1991 ), and per U.S... While relations with minority groups, especially russians, were strained Welcome spirit... And associations, which was granted by also, have you located their passenger records with. In person as volunteers, taking pictures they are talking about and confuse most things is ``.... Mankind to begin again, a place for mankind to begin again, a lot of changed... 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