However, at this point, I have not yet committed to this plan. You can poison, electrocute, drown and stab, and gag, kidnap and torture rival schoolmates to drive them to commit suicide or murder. Yandere-chan has light skin, long black hair that is tied into a high ponytail with a bang swept to the right with two strands of hair reaching her shoulders. The topics towards Muja is Negative/Neutral/Positive follows: In the final game, Senpai will become sick for the one week while Muja is at the school, studying to become a nurse. I worked at a video game company for 3 years, then left to become a freelance programmer and pursue my dream of becoming an independent game developer. It is extremely unlikely that a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android could ever run the full version of the Yandere Simulator. But, unfortunately, Ayano is a second year. If she used pepper spray, she'd spray herself by accident. It is Ayano's goal to eliminate the rival before Friday of each current week. WATCH OUT! However, this could be because he's on good terms with all the rivals. Will this game have one environment (school) or multiple environments? I can't justify working on multiple platforms right now; so I will be maintaining my focus exclusively on PC for the time being. One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. Senpai walks to class again at 1:30 PM and finishes his afternoon classes at 3:30 PM. The Yandere Simulator character, Hanako Yamada, is known for her obsessive and dangerous love for the protagonist, Senpai. He is one of the male students that currently attends Akademi High School. I'm YandereDev! Staying near Senpai will cause Yandere-chan's heart to beat loudly and the screen to turn pink. I gave you a bruise! There will be one rival per week.[4]. However, they are also other kanji for this name, like means "large son", means "standing tower", or means "selected waterfall". Likewise, they are using Yen as a currency, but the prices are translated into dollars for us westerners. YandereDev has stated that the substitute nurse is not a rival who can catch a knife. October 29, 2022. Name: Taro Yamada Role: student and main character Class: 3-2 Club: no clubs Age: 18 Persona: loner Crush: none Strength: incapable Appears: week 0 Voice: Austin hively Taro Yamada, also known as Senpai, is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator. By the time Yandere Simulator is finished, I'll have all of the assets necessary to create a game set in a Japanese-style school environment. The addition of randomness would completely ruin the player's ability to create plans. She is also a yandere and the protagonist of 1980s Mode. I'm not ready to confirm exactly how much the player will be able to interact with Senpai in the final game. If a club's substitute dies while a rival is absent from school, the club will shut down but will re-open when the rival returns to school (as long as the club's 4 other members are still present at school). In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Ayano Aishi is the main character of Yandere Simulator. No matter what time the player chooses to leave school, Yandere-chan always watches him go home until he arrives at his house safely. At the end of the game, Ayano will confess her love to Taro underneath the legendary cherry tree behind the school. For a long time, I have been considering the possibility of allowing the player to join the bully clique or become a member of the student council. Each week, a new rival will appear and get a crush on Senpai. [4] She is probably the only Faculty member who is incapable of self-defense. Taro Yamada, more commonly referred to as Senpai, is a main character of Yandere Simulator. The player is given the option of choosing Senpai's gender at the beginning of the game; they might be "Senpai-kun", or they might be "Senpai-chan". Muja is supposed to . These two characters couldn't use the normal handshake animation; they would need to use a custom animation. If the game is a financial success (many people buy it) but a critical failure (people hate it) then there would be no demand for additional content. Wouldn't it make more sense for first years to be 18, second years to be 19, and third years to be 20?,,, However, Info-chan calls Yandere-chan out on stalking an upperclassman, and tells her that the girl he was with is named Osana Najimi. Currently, it is possible to leave anonymous letters and anonymous gifts on Senpai's desks. Males and females alike give her money in exchange of panty shots of female students. However, it's too soon to promise this. [1] For more information, please see our At the end of Hanakos week, she will force her brother to agree that hell never get a girlfriend. The next morning, Yandere-chan, who was late to school, bumps into him and immediately becomes obsessed with him. Name Taro is literally writing , but by other kanji, like , it can means "many bright". > Why would a single student be alone in a room just sewing all day long? If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. Normal clubs only have 5 members. If a small town is added, it's possible there may be a "date gameplay" mechanic. Muja is meant to be pure and innocent. The price and release date of the final game will depend on a lot of different factors that are too difficult to estimate at this point. So, with that in mind, now I have to begin to consider whether or not it should be possible to kidnap males. Will students in the final game have different heights and different body types? At some point in the future, I may release Yandere Simulator on multiple platforms. If I get sick of Yandere Simulator by the time it is finished, then I will have no desire to make a sequel. Senpai may also be somewhat of a pushover; he doesn't protest Osana's rude behavior and will accept any confession he receives, which is why Yandere-chan must eliminate her rivals before they confess. How many weapons will the final game have? However, I would not like to ask anyone for a translation until after the game's English script has been 100% finalized. Students reacting to discovering an unconscious body. They would also have to collect their bookbag from their class before leaving school for the day. EEK! From a game design standpoint, it would be better to have models that are custom-designed for the purposes that the models need to be used for (for example, if I want to make it possible to chop off students' limbs, the character models should be built with that feature in mind). Can I have a female Senpai instead of a male Senpai? Will the player ever be able to join the bullies or join the student council? If the player eliminates their rival on Monday, what happens to the remaining days of the week? Will this game have an online multiplayer mode? Yandere-chan will drop anything she's currently holding, keeping her hands to her chest. Over the course of the school year, ten different girls will fall in love with Senpai. A lot of rooms in the school are empty. I didn't create a single 3d model, I found them on those pages :,_Hair_and_Animations_%2BDL/Ou. She cannot do anything besides walk slowly when she is near him. She would re-arrange the furniture in the basement every time she adds a new kidnapped victim to her basement. Some antivirus vendors go as far as declaring any executable (*.exe file) to be malware or suspicious if it does not have a digital signature. He doesn't resent Osana Najimi for her hostility toward him and just follows her orders. In my opinion, gameplay elements are 90% of the game's content, and story elements are about 10% of the game's content. Taro Yamada, more commonly referred to as Senpai, is a main character of Yandere Simulator. Press J to jump to the feed. If I keep adding every new feature that comes to mind, the game will be in development forever, and will never come out. But, in the final game, Osana will be the easiest rival, and every other rival will get progressively harder than the previous one. If the total number of students in a club drops below 5, the club closes. Currently, the only rivals available to play with are Osana Najimi from Story Mode[5] and the 10 rivals from 1980s Mode. I've come up with a list of about 30 weapons that I'd like to have in the final game. The only exception to this is Hanako Yamada, who won't confess her love to Senpai: instead, she will make him promise to never date, so that she may have all of his attention. If you would like to join our community, visit and read the #read-me channel for instructions! It is easy for a big company to buy a digital certificate, which will be used to sign software, but it's not easy for an independent developer working on a freeware app. I can only speak English, so I would have to rely on help from others to translate the game into other languages. [3] Please visit Basement Tapes to understand more of her backstory. In the future, will students carry bookbags at school? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! You also can't just make any two arbitrary people fall in love unless they were a good fit for one another in the first place. A club that does not contain a rival does not use the substitute leader system. Will it be possible for the main character to interact with Senpai? Kizana sunobu: Senpai considers Kizana a bit bossy but is impressed by her passion for acting and is flattered by what she thinks of him. And the third years are 17-18. They shouldn't be an obstacle to the player, or else the player will regret saving them so, peacefully-eliminated rivals will spend most of their time far away from the player; for example, studying in the library. If Yandere-chan is in the Occult Club, or plays the "Stealth" game in the computer lab, she can then stay in Senpai's aura for longer without being noticed. I work backward from their purpose. She is the school's guidance counselor, responsible for administering punishments to students who break school rules. The strength of this bond will probably influence the ending of the game. Are any of the game companies interested in YanSim specifically asking that the characters are all exactly 18? Whether or not the player fails should be determined by their skill, not by randomly getting unlucky. She would compensate for this in a childish manner by confessing to Senpai under the cherry tree at 6 like the legend requires. Try seeking an answer here: The engineer will most likely improve many aspects of the game, as well. If you don't dispose of corpses, clean up blood, and destroy evidence, then the police might be able to link you to murder and arrest you. The headmaster of the school is not superstitious; he doesn't believe in ghosts or demons or magic. I predict that the game will reach completion in 12 to 24 months. Yandere Simulator is a stealth action video game currently in development by American game developer YandereDev. Certain Easter Eggs can still kill him, but he will respawn the next day. His personality is never mentioned by Yandere-chan or Info-chan. If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. These are all the characters of Yandere Simulator, Burning Love, Kuudere Simulator, Kuudere Simulator 2, Kuudere Simulator 3, and Yanvania: Senpai of the Night. Did Raibaru lose because Budo had surpassed her in both physical strength and martial arts ability? Will it be possible for students to get a crush on the protagonist or stalk the protagonist? She will disappear when her week is over, even if she is eliminated peacefully. This is only an idea. Previously-unconscious students going to the nurse's room. However, right now, I am only releasing builds for Windows PC. The characters in Yandere Simulator are speaking Japanese, but their words are translated into English for us westerners. What is the main character's name? From a technical standpoint, some parts of their bodies are super low-poly, which makes them look weird when I rotate or resize those parts of the model. If people are 100% satisfied with the original game and don't feel that a sequel is necessary, then there probably won't be a sequel. Now that all the gameplay elements are finished, how long will it take to complete the story elements? Yandere Simulator has such an abundance of gameplay mechanics that it took 6 years to finish implementing all of the mechanics necessary to make it possible to play through the story. Whether its through manipulation or sheer force, shes a successful young woman of who anyone would be, In a world full of happy-go-lucky Yandere girls, Muja Kina is a dark and troubled figure that stands out from the rest. I'd just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn't work.,, > Hair covering his eyes to represent how he hides from the world. Please help improve this article by editing it. He will visit her once per day. However, at this point, I am not yet ready to decide on the game's final title. The list below contains multiple names for boys as well as girls who are also anime lovers. If rivals mysteriously stop coming to school, then he will assume all girls are delinquents who skip school. Please check this webpage for a list of different places to download the game: End-of-day protocol for teachers who discover an unconscious student while walking around. If one new feature (knocking someone out) has the side-effect of creating at least 7 new scenarios, then I'm unlikely to add it to the game. This isn't impossible, but it would require me to ask for a lot of assets, and it would be kind of time-consuming to implement. If the screen is pink, this is an indication that essential files were deleted. (I would like to keep the same general art style of the current models, but with a few tweaks to make them more appealing.). Kizana Sunobu could of been added by editing the json files, just like Osana used too, but was quickly removed due to the fact that she was only added for a video. Several voice actors have volunteered to provide voices for some of the game's most significant characters. When Osana, Senpai, and Senpais sister were all younger, they used to hang out together. Genka Kunahito is a character from the popular video game Yandere Simulator. You can't just convince a random stranger to wear an earpiece and follow instructions without a really good reason. I want to help you with the game! I'm always happy to take care of youMuja in "Yandere Simulator Rival Introduction Video" [23]. I will be very limited in what I can do, so the production values will be low, and every rival will feel like a clone of Osana. 0 Comments. Her reaction to murder would be to warn others in the. He doesn't think it's a productive field of study, but he has decided that he doesn't have the right to tell young people what passions they should or should not pursue. She wears a short-sleeved white nurse uniform with a low collar and a nurse's cap. Either that or download the game again from a different source. First, I'll listen to feedback from users and make adjustments to the game to improve the overall experience and remove bugs/exploits. If you start working at a new job, any co-worker who has been employed at the workplace longer than you is your "senpai". The game, which is a parody of the popular Japanese anime, follows the story of, Ayano, the protagonist of Yandere Simulator, is a character that has captivated gamers around the world. There will be several non-lethal elimination methods available. I am grateful that you would like to help me out with the game. 100% of all gameplay elements are implemented. 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