In a climate of suspicion, compassion can look like coddling, Meyer wrote. ,and Is there a way to do any rebuke or admonishment when someone is hurting?, he asked. . And if the elders were to move for that motion, I would resign out of principle.. Feel the freedom to lament," he wrote. Rigney acknowledges that a criticism of empathy sounds provocative, and hes made efforts to explain and defend his position online. He commands us to show sympathy, but people demand empathy, and they regard it as a kind of betrayal if you refuse to join them in their pain, in their grievance, he says in the series with Wilson. Another elder in the meeting said of Pastor Jason, of Pastor Ming-Jinn, and of me that when we preach or pray publicly, or publicly communicate to the congregation, we are subordinating the gospel to other things, Pickering told CT. Bethlehem is in Gods hands, she said. "With regret, a deep sense of loss, and praise to God for his mercy and grace even in trial, we announce the resignation of Pastor Jason Meyer from the position of Pastor for Preaching & Vision, Downtown Campus. One of them, Ann Mekala, wrote in a 2019 letter to several elders, There is an air of disdain and distrust towards women woven throughout the episode. She noted that Wilson and Rigney gave examples of women falsely accusing men in the podcast and encouraged listeners to be skeptical toward those who report abuse. Last year, as BCS academic dean Brian Tabb reviewed the students grievances against Naselli, the school also underwent a separate investigation in response to a group of current and former employees who raised broad concerns about leadership and workplace culture, including the position of women and minorities at the school. And let us pray for Gods rescue and healing of those victimized by these wicked hired-men posing as undershepherds. In terms of the leadership of the school, its the same guys. If not leave that church. Having just come out of an abusive system where women arent believed, it was like, Yeah, this is exactly what Ive lived, Mekala said. WebThrough biblical truth and personal stories, author, pastor, and theologian Jason Meyer encourages the weary and anxious believer by shining light on the nature of reality, the nature of God, and the intersection of the two in our daily, rubber-meets-the-road lives. Tabb, in an October 2020 email announcing Bowerss final days at BCS, described him as being beloved by students and colleagues for his excellent teaching, good humor, compassion for the marginalized, and faithful friendship.. A better way to describe this is rigid and controlling. Naselli stated that he reacted in the meeting because he worried about discrediting Rigney prior to his presidency, after BCS had undergone a careful, scrutinizing selection process to choose him. Two Bethlehem elders, Ken Currie and Chairman Kurt Elting-Ballard, responded that they are focusing our energy on the needs of our flock and had no other comment or statement to add.. ***, The pastor also reminded the South Campus members his letter was "just to state the reality of things and to give you space to lament.". They were disappointed, too, that their pursuit of evidence and the truth became viewed as disbelieving victims or not showing compassion. Couldnt agree more, Rebecca. At the meeting, Steve Takata moved that the task forces unedited reports be released to Bethlehem members. No decent man, and no credible minister of Jesus, should enter the same room with such a craven and corrupt person as Wilson, much less appear on his radio show or promote his thinly-veiled sexual fantasies as credible theology. In the following weeks, as the church attempted to make peace between them and Naselli, the couple felt maligned in the process, as the professor went on to characterize their motion as divisive and disrespectful. Last year, Pickering and Meyer resigned from their teaching roles at BCS, with Pickering citing egregious student complaints against a professor-elder among his top reasons. Are the Pastor(s) abusive? One point of tension was a months-long process evaluating grievances made against a Bethlehem elder and a BCS professor, Andy Naselli, who was accused of failing to be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, and thereby unfit for his positions, after his remarks at a church meeting. Meyer told his congregation to expect that race would continue to be addressed from the pulpit. The Roys Report has also learned that Pastor for Care and Counseling Bryan Pickering, who also recently resigned, called for the resignation of a fellow elder, Andy Naselli, whos a professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary. I fully believed that living for myself and chasing my desires of money, women, and partying would lead me to joy and happiness. Even people whove left in frustration agree theres no single cause or person beneath the conflict. Are the elders or board members abusive? His experience in the class led him to hear from others who had been called out by Naselli, and he brought concerns from a dozen students to leaders at the church at BCS the following year. They resigned not long after. Now, Meyer is part of a growing exodus of leaders and members Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Jesus Word speaks as loud today as it did then. I had zero ill intent against you.. They did great for a week when they simply sat with Job in silence. A debate over untethered empathy underscores how departing leaders, including John Pipers successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse. The attitude undergirding the motion is too easily offended or hurt, and it turns that woundedness or offense into a crusade, Naselli wrote in an email to fellow elders in February, referring to the move as a form of cancel culture.. At Bethlehem, the biggest source of frustration and disappointment, in many cases, came not from the grievances themselves but from the resistance and attitudes people said they faced when they tried to bring those grievances forward. When we talk about the six habits of heart and mind, [we need to] actually do that., Rigney said that as Christian hedonists, feel becomes an educational distinctive at BCS. Both sides in a conflict want to get at what really happened; as Christians, they rightly set out to work toward justice and reconciliation where they can. I was pretty disappointed. Thats part of our entire educational approach. (He declined to comment on Naselli or any specific faculty members. In arguing for the motion, Takata expressed that it was disheartening to her that an elder who calls himself a pastor had given the Man Rampant episode a 5-star rating. Tong preaches to the downtown campus in March. A few Bethlehem elders responded positively to her letter, Mekala said. Yesterday I saw a Video from John Piper asking for prayer during his upcoming 7 week writing sabbatical. Those allegations were dismissed by BCS last August. I had a growing concern that compassion that lacks discernment would ultimately and subtly undermine sound doctrine. It would have been easier, he said, to move from understanding abuse within institutions and systems, as can be the case with spiritual abuse and racism, to the ways abuse manifests in marriage relationships. May they work it out together in a godly manner. His writings are dreck, laughable to those who havent already decided to worship at his temple. We have room to grow, yet I know that my fellow North elders have sought to shepherd not under compulsion but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly, and not domineering over others but serving as examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:23), Lee wrote by email. If youve seen much of Doug Wilson or his church/school/publishing empire in Moscow, ID, and you have some understanding of narcissism, youll immediately recognize the warning flags. The church where John Piper pastored for 33 years is arguably facing one of its greatest crises in 150 years. In an interview with The Roys Report, Bryan Pickering, the former pastor for care and counseling at the church, said he resigned over a pattern of abusive conduct by Bethlehem's leaders that he not only witnessed but experienced. Meyer said, If you as a church dont like what I said today, you will have to get another pastor, because I believe this to the back of my teeth.. At the conclusion of the two investigations, Johnathon Bowerswho had taught for a decade at BCSfelt no better about the growing reservations he had over his place at the college. This was supposed to be a landmark year for Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, as the historic congregation, best known for John Pipers 33-year tenure as pastor, marked its 150th anniversary. Meyer wrote in his letter, It is hard to avoid seeing (the charges) as retribution., The Roys Report reached out to several elders for comment. WebWe are excited to share that t he youth of UPC are heading to Duluth for their summer mis s ion trip June 11 th-16th. If I just resign and pretend that I think everything at Bethlehem is fine, I would be dishonest, wrote Meyer, who left August 1. It's been a taxing year for everyone, and it's been a taxing year for ministry. But its more difficult to shift peoples thinking the other way, though more resourcesbooks like Somethings Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuseand Freeing Yourself from Its Power by Wade Mullen and A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing by Laura Barringer and Scot McKnightare changing how people see abuse within the church. Naselli did not resign. Man Rampant? Im not convinced that I sinned against you. Like in many evangelical churches that are majority white, some members of the congregation believed the church was putting too little an effort into addressing ethnic harmony and justice, while others felt like it became too much of a focus. Steve and Janette Takata told The Roys Report they were shocked by Nasellis ultimatum. In his resignation letter, Meyer referenced the fracturing of evangelicalism described in a recent Mere Orthodoxy article, which details how certain groups will experience significant philosophy of ministry differences in how to contextualize the gospel in this cultural moment. While accusations swirled of liberal drift under his leadership, Meyer instead saw the congregation moving in the other direction and suggested a pastor in the neo-fundamentalist category would be a better fit. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! 720 13th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55415 The Takatas, like the group of Nasellis former students, felt like they too had gone through a convoluted process of praying, reporting, documenting, scheduling, meeting, and working for resolution only to have the process end without feeling like their concerns were fully understood and that nothing would change as a result. The trip cost is $500, $250 is due with initial registration. In September 2018, the church moved into its current South Campus facility in Lakeville. (Image credit: Bethlehem Baptist Church/Facebook), Error: There was an internal error submitting your form. WebFor more information about enrolling in services, please contact Mary Ali at [email protected] or 260.456.4534 ext. Pastor, you have introduced the last three sermons that way. Maybe this is normal for most people, but its mind-blowing to me. 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Some current seminary students say they were satisfied with the outcome and have seen repentance from their professor following the investigation. Ive always been mystified by claims that Doug Wilson is brilliant. Mekala, who says she was emotionally and spiritually abused for eight years while serving in a campus ministry overseen by Bethlehem, told The Roys Report that listening to the podcast was traumatizing. You are learning not to be led by your emotions. I think hes unnecessarily connected the two. WebUrban Refuge Lead Pastor, Jason Meyer, has a deep and abiding passion to make much of Christ in all that he does. Their dispute stirred underlying issues and philosophical differences, including over the subject of Rigneys remarks themselves. The Takatas concerns quickly became about more than the motion, and they filed grievances challenging Nasellis qualifications as an elder. Meyer served as the lead pastor at Bethlehem since 2012 after Piper resigned after leading the church for 33 years, according to WebNOW!!! When Christina Boyum, a graduate of the college, discussed what happened in Nasellis class with a fellow church member at Bethlehem, she was told, A student feeling hurt does not mean that the student has been sinned against. Members who spent 10, 20, or even 30 years worshiping and serving there, who expected they would be part of Bethlehem for the rest of their lives, said goodbye to their spiritual home. Ive always been mystified by Pipers attraction to him. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. *This article has been updated for accuracy. After more than 30 years as senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, the fiery preacher of hardline biblical values is retooling his priorities. At its heart are questions over whether, when, and how Christians might challenge those who say they are hurtingand how they balance calls to show compassion, seek out truth, and repent of sin in such situations. It is indeed worth noting the problematic environment of the school where Naselli chose to incubate himself. 2. The congregation is the highest authority and there are systems in place which allow congregants to bring up concerns (motions) to the rest of the congregation. Its a simple case of the seeds of the founder coming to fruition. One of the few evangelical colleges in New York City is in sudden financial crisis, and students are planning for a possible shutdown. The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. The key thing in a lot of waysmaybe Im feeling this one more directly nowis the way that our emotional responses to reality need to be in accordance with reality.. The sensitivity over Black Lives Matter and differing approaches to contemporary racial issues hits particularly hard in the Bethlehem community. Speaking as a 18 yr attender at BBC (currently planning on leaving) the closest Piper ever got to decrying Wilson was during a interview with Joe Rigney. This is the hyper complementarian house that says a woman cant divorce even an abusive, philandering husband. Part of whats happened, in the last five years plus especially, is emerging fault lines among people with sensibly shared theological commitments, Rigney said in an interview with CT. At the same time, Theres been an escalation of language and inflation of language such that when a certain issue rises to where it becomes the litmus test, where it becomes, Youre either with us or against usas opposed to simply a different instinct or tendency within a same shared theological commitmentthats when theres real problems, and its hard to work together.. Jason has been a dear friend and mentor since we met in his tiny closet of an office during my first year of seminary back in 2010. In an emailed statement to CBN News on Wednesday, Ken Currie, Bethlehem Baptist's pastor for strategic implementation, said Meyer's resignation would be effective Aug. 1. The implications were clear: He would not be sugarcoating in this class. More than 25 people spoke to CT at length about their experiences navigating conflict at Bethlehem for this article. By now, you have received notification of the resignation of Pastor Jason Meyer. Outside the church, they are concerned by the cultures increasing hostility to Christianity, most prominently from mass media, social media, and the government.,, Ive been so concerned that a man who is widely known for thinking empathy is a sin is now the head of a seminary. He also expressed misgivings around the treatment of women, which he claimed was the result of attitudes that went beyond complementarian convictions, as well as around Rigneys ties to Wilson. Today was the first time Ive ever heard of the controversy re: the concept of empathy as discussed by Doug Wilson and Joe Rigney, and also now the idea the some biblical counselors are also thinking similarly. When the legitimate needs of the individual members of the family are expendable for the sake of the image of the family, this is a narcissistic family system. Sadly, this teaching is gaining ground in the biblical counseling circles I move in as well. Let's re-learn to lament together," he noted. (BBC has about 40 elders, but the congregation is considered the final authority and meets quarterly to vote on church matters.). Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. At the same time, worries around secular thinking overriding biblical approaches to race have spiked, particularly over critical race theory. ]. Students saw the effects too, where professors were becoming less willing to find merit in concepts that have become associated with CRT, such as institutional bias. In their minds, claims of inappropriate behavior or abuse wont always be justified. To unlock this article for your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. He challenged his flock to consider their own experience in light of Meyers claims of drift toward neo-fundamentalism and unity culture.. Pastor Brian Dow. We are open and available if you need to talk Five of our professors are elders; four of our trustees are elders, said Rigney. In his resignation letter, Meyer added, Ming-Jinn, Bryan, and I were called shame terms like coddlers, and Ming-Jinn was called Absalom.. She also left her job at Bethlehems Campus Outreach after reporting what she saw as domineering and sexist behavior by a coworker, only to have the leaders blame her personality and ambitions for the conflict, she said. The Roys Report reached out to Tomlinson for comment, but he did not respond. No one has influenced how I love my wife or my family more than him. Brian Tabb, a BBC elder and dean at BCS, told Takata in an email that he could understand her concerns. ++++++++++. For twelve BBC students to submit allegations against N is not insignificant. 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. Skip to main content. 276. From there he went on to study at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky where he earned M. Div. The leader of the narcissistic family system is always, always ALWAYS a narcissist themselves, and they are adept at manipulation and emotional coercion to maintain the status quo and silence any naysayers (Nasellis ultimatum in public, no less is a classic example). Both Meyer and Tong spoke out against racism, Pickering said, but added that the charges were not true. It has been multiple factors in concert over time, he wrote in a resignation letter last year. Feb. 06-Feb. 06. Rev Patricia Downes. So, at the January 31, 2021, meetingjust months before Joe Rigney was installed as president of BCSTakata moved that the elders make a public statement separating the views expressed by Rigney in Man Rampant from the views and teaching of BBC. Calvins Misrepresentation of God) to see the outcome as we see here. They felt pressure for not going along with the rest of the elder council, to the point where some elders said they considered it untenable for Tong and Pickering to stay given their disagreement. Ming-Jinn Tong, pastor for neighborhood outreach, announced his resignation in May; and Bryan Pickering, pastor for care and counseling, in June. He added that Wilsons church has received a great deal of scrutiny about its poor handling of abuse cases in the past, so I cringed when I heard (Wilson) bring up . Great! Im sure that systems like this may be corrupted (or at least those whose ideas arent accepted may think the system is corrupted), but at least it allows the collective will of the people to be expressed and it allows individuals to speak openly. He described his reasons for leaving in a 3,100-word resignation letter that was recently leaked, nearly a month after the church announced his departure in a brief email. He says the accusations against him were (1) that I have subordinated the gospel, (2) that I empowered victims (coddler), and (3) that I allowed compassion for others to steer and dictate my leadership direction.. In a letter that Pickering presented to Naselli in February, and the churchs Elder Council in March, Pickering accused Naselli of displaying a pattern of controlling and egregious sin against God and people., I do not think you are presently qualified for the office of elder, Pickering wrote, and urged Naselli to resign to spare the church, and the elder council, grief upon grief.. WebThe New Hope leadership and staff is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. with Pastor Shedrick Clark. We learned Augustine in doctrine class, Carvette said. Pastor Ralph Donohue. Janette Takata pointed out that Rigney was identified as being from Bethlehem in the video and that a BCS professor and Bethlehem elder posted a five-star review of the episode. In 1980, after only 5 years of ministry, the congregation took a huge step of faith and built a facility to hold 450 people. Theyre trying to toughen you up. If you find over time that Johnathons perceptions are true, you will rightly seek out another place to study or work. Even before Rigneys selection and the Naselli investigation at BCS, church leaders had begun to rethink what it means for the college and seminary to be a church-based school when the church now has three campuses instead of one. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. Ann Mekala and her husband, who was on the ethnic harmony task force, left the church a couple years ago. From our humble beginnings in 1975, Faith Assembly of God began as a church serving 95 people from a small steel building. Doug Wilsons carnality is so blatant that a sincerely devoted follower of Christ would be unable to be around him for long, and certainly would not repeatedly seek him out. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. WebPastor Jason serves as Pastor of Holy Nativity. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. The stakes continue to be raised, said Josh Panos, a BCS alumnus. | Screenshot/YouTube/Fellowship Church Church of the Highlands and ARC officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit when contacted by The Christian Post on Tuesday. Pipers successor, Jason Meyer, is the fourth pastor to resign from Bethlehem in the past four months. He seems to be warning that a large amount of empathy will muddy the waters. Earlier this month, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican, addressed the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee in Coeur dAlene, Idaho, whose, A century after the 19th Amendment to the U.S Constitution gave American women the right to vote, a group of male leaders, Costi Hinn, nephew of Benny Hinn, has been called a progressive to mark and avoid for more than two years by Michael. Meyers most recent title was pastor for preaching & vision at Bethlehems downtown campus. Im stumped over this direction. When met with issues that strike at the core of ones identity, its natural to have visceral responses, she tweeted. From afar it looks to me like Bethlehem Baptist has dodged a bullet of baloney. . But in contexts where believers already agree on the capital-T Truth, theres even more weight and fallout when they fail to see eye to eye on the lowercase-t truth of a situation. With Rigney slated to lead the college and seminary, some worried that his theological views and his affiliations would become conflated with Bethlehemsspecifically his concerns on empathy discussed in the hour-long Wilson interview (which is now on YouTube). Whew! Even if the motions dont pass, at least the option is there to address major concerns with the entire church. There's domineering. Are there good reasons why members are leaving? It may be worth noting that Naselli graduated from Bob Jones University. Tong led the churchs efforts to help the community in the unrest and grief in the aftermath of Floyds death, including setting up pop-up grocery stores. An email that he does said, but added that the task forces unedited reports be to. Carvette said me like Bethlehem Baptist has dodged a bullet of baloney 250 is due with initial.... By your emotions contemporary racial issues hits particularly hard in the biblical counseling circles I move in as.. 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