You probably have felt a connection to certain places. This is Joel from Wyoming. Thanks . We would England has dozens of sacred sites and pagan places that converge on one particular ley line running southwest to northeast. employing a celestial metaphor to reimagine historical objects relating to civic identity, map making and territory charting. The energy of Nature here in Cairns is sublime. [22], Wedd's ideas were taken up by the writer John Michell, who promoted them to a wider audience in his 1967 book The Flying Saucer Vision. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. According to researchers, the innermost Van Allen radiation belt dips exceptionally close to the earths surface, one possibility for why the region is so strange. Its mostly desert! The specially commissioned Stones arrived with me in Australia just a couple of days before I left for the South Queensland events. best of luck. Johnson stated that "ley lines do not exist". These are locations with strange and unexpected electrical and magnetic activity. [30], Part of the popularity of ley hunting was that individuals without any form of professional training in archaeology could take part and feel that they could rediscover "the magical landscapes of the past". . Solar Plexus Chakra. Once you have a ley line map, print it out and lay it on top of a local map to see where the lines travel and intersect. They set up natural sanctuaries and called the intersections of ley lines their sacred sites. After all, we are part of the planet earth. I had relentless butterflies in my stomach. I chose a park bench on the front side of the Tocobaga Mound, as far away from the other park visitors as possible. This grid shows many well-known archeological sites and areas of unexplained phenomena. Some believe the statues are alien faces, while others say they are stylized versions of Polynesians who inhabited the area. Touching the Ley Line Opening will begin a challenge, spawning enemies for you to defeat. Yes, ley lines can give off . You are awesome thank you so much for the information. Where are the coordinates of the Ley Lines? These align with the original 12 points of the Icosahedron on the grid. [11] The term ley derived from the Old English term for a cleared space, with Watkins adopting it for his lines because he found it to be part of the place-names of various settlements that were along the lines he traced. The Becker-Hagans grid shows how sacred geometry governs the physical universes structure. The Chinese called them dragon currents. He argued that straight lines could be drawn between various historic structures and that these represented trade routes created by ancient British societies. Never go back. However, many of the sacred sites are remote or challenging to navigate the terrain. The hustle and bustle of an entire civilization of people traveling up and down the mound. So, today travelers still avoid these areas if possible. Ley Lines & Vortexes. Sacred Geometry. This St. Michael's Ley Line runs from Great Yarmouth to Penzance. unearth hidden narratives of people and places from within institutional collections. I live in Pinellas county as well & will most certainly visit Tocobaga this week! Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. If you feel revitalized after taking a dip in the ocean, hiking in the mountains, or dipping your feet into a creek, then youll feel the potency of being near or on a ley line. Thanks to the precision of modern map-making and accurate satellite imagery it is now possible to see the scale to which ancient temple-builders engineered a network of sites around the world with near ruler-straight precision. Other forms of ley line magick include: drawing love to oneself, abundance, grounding, and cleansing. [1] Here he interpreted ley lines by reference to the Chinese concept of lung mei energy lines. [30] Another key book produced among the ley hunting community was Mysterious Britain, written by Janet and Colin Bord. The most inhospitable climates on the planet are the poles. The idea that ancient sacred sites might have been constructed in alignment with one another was proposed in 1846 by the Reverend Edward Duke, who observed that some prehistoric monuments and medieval churches aligned with each other. We vibrate the surface, and a shape appears in the sand. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and airplanes. [38], Paul Devereux succeeded Screeton as the editor of the Ley Hunter. One of the deepest locations under water is the Hebrides Trench. The 1960s and 70s saw all manner of New Age theories, and leys began to be automatically associated with lines of energy, flying saucers and strange psychic experiences. For example, the Nautilus shells logarithmic spiral enables it to grow without changing shape. He proposed that an advanced ancient society that had once covered much of the world had established ley lines across the landscape to harness this lung mei energy. You may have felt certain areas seem to emit positive or negative energy. [47] However, belief in ley lines persists among various esoteric groups, having become an "enduring feature of some brands of esotericism". Is it no wonder these corpse roads run along ancient ley lines? Walking to the top of the mound, I received flashes of the Tocobaga tribe that once inhabited the site. where you live. The work acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. This site is a region on the northeast coast of Hawaii. I recently went on a quest to find my local ley lines. [34] Ley hunters often differed on how they understood the ley lines; some believed that leys only marked a pre-existing energy current, whereas others thought that the leys helped to control and direct this energy. Let the pendulum swing or circle on its own. Copyright UTS - CRICOS Provider No: 00099F - 12 June 2019 03:05 PM. The Seattle Arts Commission contributed $5,000 to the project, bringing criticisms from members of the public who regarded it as a waste of money. EVER. [25] Translating the term lung mei as "dragon paths", he reinterpreted tales from English mythology and folklore in which heroes killed dragons so that the dragon-slayers became the villains. Dowsers and energy workers worldwide have found that in certain spots on the energy lines, the charge is even more powerful, likening them to acupuncture points. In this way ley lines are surprisingly inclusive, connecting the sacred and crucial sites of ancient worship across the planet. That info was just as good as no info. Now, you have the network of alignment used in Eastern thought and medicine. Do you feel nervous? I was taken to a mound by a friend a few years ago near my city. Business Consulting and Technology Implementation, Postgraduate Communication Research Degrees, Business Analysis and Information Systems, Undergraduate Information Technology courses, Postgraduate International Studies Research Degrees, International Studies and Social Sciences, Short course and microcredential participants, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building. Let the pendulum swing or circle on its own. Easter Island is remote, some 2,300 miles from the west coast of Chile and 2,500 miles east of Tahiti. Latitude: -37.7193699 Longitude: 144.8467249 Similar Places: 1. Gerard from Alice Springs. Although he gained a small following, Watkins' ideas were never accepted by the British archaeological establishment, a fact that frustrated him. The Becker-Hagens gird (2) shows the pattern that aligns them. Most statues face inland instead of out to sea to greet travelers. Well examine twelve of these sites, which have some interesting points in common regarding their location on the grid and the properties these locations exhibit. A ley line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. Karachi is the home of the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro. The exhibition includes a changing selection of historic material loaned specifically for each venue, allowing new and distinct local narratives to come to light in context with the commissioned work. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and planes and the sighting of unidentified flying objects. MOST Haunted Places in Florida: Ybor City, Lake Okeechobee and More! [44], In 2005, Ruggles noted that "for the most part, ley lines represent an unhappy episode now consigned to history". Commissioned by Panel (Glasgow) and created by Kate Scardifield, Ley Lines was developed through a period of collection and archival research during a residency in U.K. supported by Creative Scotland, and through a Research Fellowship with the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (MAAS) and Sydney Observatory. Along this grid of straight ley lines can be found burial mounds, effigies, stone structures (standing stones, circles, pyramids, dolmans, Stonehenge, etc.) This definition makes sense but doesnt provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. I didnt know much about spirit mounds/medicine wheel back then, but enough to know theyre sacred and to be respected. The mound is beautiful luscious greenery and centuries-old trees dot this man-made hillside that overlooks the Bay. The knowledge of creating Ley lines is supposed to be lost. Some call it the West Australian Basin because it lies east of the Ninety-East Ridge and West of Western Australia. Polar lights (aurora Polaris) are natural phenomena in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Blog/Posts If you live in Europe, there are literally thousands. Ley hunters often combined their search for ley lines with other esoteric practices like dowsing and numerology and with a belief in a forthcoming Age of Aquarius that would transform human society. I had a feeling it was built by the Natives on or close by a ley line. I made an educated guess and asked if the spirits were mad at the Spanish men who came from the water. Then you can plot these extra points on the grid. Just like we have our own energy centers or chakras, Mother Earth also . Take Action, Use the Contact Form We find this design on many turtles. Then I compared this map to the ley line map and found a match. [18] Watkins died on 7 April 1935. [34] Professional archaeologists, whose view of the ley hunters was largely negative, took little interest in such research. [32] One criticism of Watkins' ley line theory states that given the high density of historic and prehistoric sites in Britain and other parts of Europe, finding straight lines that "connect" sites is trivial and ascribable to coincidence. Or at night for fear the fairies might carry them away. See About Page[addtoany], Front Page I have been able to find water and pipes but I have never been able to find nor confirm a ley line. Ley Lines & Vortexes. A headless black dog, ghostly lights known as corpse lights, and soul-sucking wraiths have all haunted these terrifying trails. Yes it is in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. (10) BBC News Article on Ley Lines, Privacy Policy The ruins central area extends approximately 200 acres (80 hectares), making Great Zimbabwe the largest of 150 significant stone ruins scattered across Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration (SP4SE). THE ELITE ARE shutting down these earth accesses, the Bahamas is proof. hey Gerard, I live in Australia as well, have you been to a place where you have experienced a ley line? What Are Ley Lines? I wanted to ask what was your choice of drug that day . Check out a ley line map and youll see. Arthur's Stone, Dorstone. Irish West Ley Line 303 miles .___. This basin bears the name of William Wharton (1843-1905), one of the first to discover it. This is a sacred journey and you should prepare as such. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. As we change the frequency of the vibration, different geometric shapes appear. A letter to the observer (5 jan 1930), notes similarities with watkins theories and the local natives of ceylon, who had to travel long distances to the salt pans. Ley lines in the United States are rumored to connect points of spiritual significance to Native Americans. The page is authorised by the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President (COO). From another, it is a frustrating tale of missed opportunities. A vast expanse of old trees covered in Spanish moss, a []. Alexander Light July 12, 2016. Take a cleansing shower or bath before traveling to these sacred sites. I live in the north of Australia. These places of power are where two or more ley lines cross and are often known as Ley Nodes, Nodes, or Nexuses. Ideally, youll take a pendulum with you. [1], From the 1940s through to the 1960s, the archaeological establishment blossomed in Britain due to the formation of various university courses on the subject. I have done work for years and have lived here my whole life..and am in the middle of a battle, I feel,. These patterns are part of a larger scheme and lead to sacred geometry theory (9). In my recently published Australian historical novel White Spirit, which I co-wrote with Lance Morcan, we mention songlines which relate to a spiritual awareness the First Australian (Aboriginal) people have of the landscape and sacred landmarks. I live in Soap Lake Wa. Ley lines are man-made energy lines, created by stone formations such as stone ships or other ancient archaeological structures. [22] It was later edited by Paul Screeton, who also wrote the book Quicksilver Heritage, in which he argued that the Neolithic period had seen an idyllic society devoted to spirituality but that this was brought to an end through the introduction of metal technologies in the Bronze Age. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. Our bodies contain the essence of these intricate patterns. You won't find these lines on a geographical map nor in your typical history book. Theres a map of the U.S. with ley lines smack dab in the middle of the article. Learning Options, Thank you, for an interesting read. [1] In his view, these straight tracks were ancient trade routes. i live in cairns wanna get in touch and share knowledge, Ive allways beleaved evertime i was reborn this time failure isnt evan action. Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. I am going to go and check out some map now, I would like the chance to go and visit some! Drugs eye NOT INVOLVED LOL. Planetary grid of "Ley Lines" and vortex anomalies such as: Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island, Devil's Triangle, Giza, etc Atlantis Ufo Dogman Encounters Lay Lines Aliens Australia Map Mystery Monsters Australia Line Map - Ley Line Maps - Directory of Sacred Places Solar Plexus Chakra Egyptian Pyramids Ancient Egyptian Ancient Wisdom [27] He viewed archaeologists as antagonists, seeing them as the personification of the modern materialism he was railing against. Thank you for this most interesting article! What Are Ley-Lines? The project seeks to. This view was promoted to a wider audience in the books of John Michell, particularly his 1969 work The View Over Atlantis. You can also, You can use a pendulum to dowse and find certain areas at the site that have a high energetic charge. The Devils Sea is south of Tokyo. [9], His work referred to G.H. Landmarks such as the Egyptian Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, and others have been found to fall on ley lines. UTS acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug Nation, Ancient legends talk about how people could tap into the earths energy at specific points. [5] He subsequently began drawing lines across his Ordnance Survey maps, developing the view that ancient British people had tended to travel in straight lines, using "mark points" along the landscape to guide them. [44] Its last editor, Danny Sullivan, stated that the idea of leys was "dead". - - On the winter solstice, I trekked out to a cold and muddy Avebury Henge, out in Wiltshire, to talk about . [34] He was one of the founding members of the Dragon Project, launched in London in 1977 with the purpose of conducting radioactivity and ultrasonic tests at prehistoric sites, particularly the stone circles created in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. The phenomenon spread across the world, and New Age enthusiasts were eager to seize the idea of cosmic forces and aliens wholeheartedly. It is one of the earliest major cities. Ley lines and sacred geometry vibrational energy are the patterns of life. The exhibition includes a changing selection of. On a map, these monuments do line up, along with many others along the way, such as Mont Saint-Michel in France and places in Italy. 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Dutchess County Police Activity, Articles W