I seen a lot of people drop contact with streamers in this post over the years. They went from a bar, to a house party, to her hotel lobby, and then WitWix went home. right?? But then gets in a cab and 5 hours pass by (but apparently wasn't allowed to use her phone once) before arriving to the next place which apparently Joe grabs her phone/purse after they get in and can't find for several hours. Its overly detailed. Don't think he did anything, he just kinda faded away. Being entertaining doesn't make someone a good person. Tori admits that the following abusive messages made her break down and end stream. I told him as much when he tried to get me to masturbate for him again, BaconDonutTV accused of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to Tactical_Pinup, mother of his 2 children here. More accusations here. People are good at forgetting this in these kinds of threads. That's why, like, I'm listening to the accuser but I'm also holding fast to "innocent til proven guilty"but threatening an apparent sexual assault victim with a C&D rubs me the wrong way. He has deleted his account. EDIT: here is a tweet from his ex, Chey, with proof of their relationship being romantic in sense (please note it has Cry's real name, Ryan Terry). My girlfriend asks not to spank her then lays down with the paddle next to her. He has a bad history. I will always hold guilt over my actions that night, but I hope that I can use it to help others in any way possible. They knew what had happened but waited for the victims to share their story. They used to live in the same neighbourhood and eventually went to the same high school where they became best friends. Sadly you're apparently asking for too much. Spook is Dutch for ghost. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. Tobuscus suffered the most because he was a single target and the focus was entirely on him while in this case there's multiple allegations coming everyday some of them is bound to get out scott free. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here. I don't get involved either way and I just agree with whatever angry person is complaining at that moment if it's in person. I would just hate to see innocent people's careers ruined over allegations that any random twitter user can make. Not saying thats what youre doing, just saying many will try to act in bad faith for various reasons. and. You'll have to sit through an hour of stalling, one more hour talking about penis, then if there is time in the last hour, they might squeeze this story after discussing the n word. It's like the only place on Reddit talking about it from what I've seen. Power and fame is attractive too. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? 3 https://streamable.com/7vbmwn Yea some of these are just people upset they slept with someone who had no actual interest in them other then having sex. For sure, and I think the writer was kind of playing stupid in the moment and while recalling the incident. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. LilyPichu update here. @dexbonus They need to. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. He got a streaming deal with FB last year iirc. I'll be following that one for sure. Playing hard to get is a thing and sometimes being persistent pays off. I don't think JP has ever mentioned it and it seems like it blows over every time. So Swifty and Angry Joe were just horny weirdos. I dont really follow Twitch, but the moment I saw the title, I was anticipating Syndicate being here. But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids. Dota 2 subreddit post about it here. THINND accused of domestic abuse here. fuck google for changing youtube all those years ago :D, i dont think theres been anything new with him. I'm sure the fans of all these people that are accused felt the same as you before allegations were released. These Twitter heroes should think about that for a second. We're on the internet. An update from Twitch on the investigations of recent allegations here. Why not just let that one usage fade away when it is clearly already so obscure? Yeah, it is shocking but this community seems to be handling the issue much more responsibly than most other subreddits. I didn't read every single one of them, but it feels like groupies with regret. I kept telling him I didn't want to, I didn't even want to look at him. It's english as another word for ghost too and can be used as slang for CIA agents. You are probably thinking of when he dresses up in the banana suit. My ex Henry "HenryG" Greer, was verbally, emotionally & mentally abusive and had sex with me when I did not and could not consent. Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. He admitted to it on his channel, uploaded a video. All season long, Joe tried to protect Paco from his mother's abusive boyfriend Ron (Daniel Cosgrove) and in the finale ended up killing him in front of Paco's eyes. contents of the C&D letter, https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275158506287427586, https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275157261468327937, https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275163280512700416, https://mobile.twitter.com/IAmSp00n/status/1274905297266413568, https://twitter.com/Just_Lunes/status/1274733518673915904, https://twitter.com/KarasMaii/status/1275101786077040640?s=20, https://clips.twitch.tv/SullenWittyCheetahCmonBruh, https://www.twitch.tv/videos/657864918?t=00h15m26s, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2CE3w_N8RbzPMtS0modqaQ, https://medium.com/@survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0. Fast forward, I was going on a trip to see my friend in Vegas, and Paco suggested that I come over to his place. 'Everybody's doing it', so to speak. I'm also sure some will be false accusations that won't lead to anything. Hes always been a class act in my book. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. I am back to updating this with more information and updated links. You are important. Have some faith in your game. He hardly got any hate for it for some reason, Tmartn took most of the heat. yellowpaco too who was friends with offlinetv for a while. So the story is a bit more, whether it's truth or not isn't for me to decide though. And right here a girl is saying she almost killed herself because of that dude. I assume this is Sp00nerism, the former Creature? He occasionally posts some stuff on IG. He was 20+. Sascha Steffens, Co-CEO of Method, accused here and here. ", "and kept putting himself on me saying he wanted to have sex. lmao when I saw the name prosyndicate I was confused. It's really hard to figure out based on this information. I request everyone read the allegation against SayNoToRage before trying to end his career. Yes reddit, let's once again all jump to conclusions and destroy ppl lives over some random accusations without the slightest proof. Basically if you try to spread lies about someone that is harmful to them as an individual and/or their career is a potential crime. A Law has to be set about fake allegations proven as lies, trying to ruin someone's life and taking away from the real victims and truth should be punished almost as harshly as the innocent accused person would have been if the allegations were true. Just also need to not lift up the few to ignore the many. Ive never met with anyone because I still have trust problems from the catfish. By David Gasper. This has been going on for years now but its been very vague on her end. I didn't bother responding further to this. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100. , To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. Innocent until proven guilty should be the default. It's a horrific situation, all around, and something that definitely shouldn't be scoffed at/dismissed out-of-hand. bruh whats happening. Can we use this as an opportunity to also cancel keemstar? But the internet mob wont care most likely and a lot of these guys will lose their reputation regardless if these stories are true or not. Just that occurs over many months and called their first time "coercion." Method Josh has been accused of multiple things including rape here, and grooming a 14 year old here, other accusations here. BaconDonutTV response here. I was always in pbats stream around the time the original grooming accusations happened and he definitely did it. Most of the people who say "spook" died of old age ten years ago. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and . Being well groomed, clean-cut, and charming gives them easier access to victims, and said victims let their guard down because the person doesn't fit their preconceived notion of a "creep". Isn't it a delicious irony that the guy that looks like the most degenerate, waste of a human life is one the kindest guy on the platform? I guess the 2nd time was fine, but that first time was a no no. What boggles my mind, is that this shit is still happening. and then writing this bad fanfic. About Grant. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). Jackie and Michael are coworkers at a large law firm, who decide to meet at Jackie's for dinner one night. Fortunately at least the legal system still has due process, even if people don't want it to. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. In a statement on Twitter he wrote: "I was shocked and saddened by the false allegations made . hug for too long = rape even though I initiated the hug. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. That's just social media for you. It isn't like they don't know, they have just be conditioned to chase clout at every opportunity. What a roller coaster of emotions, I read a lot of this mistaking Badger for Dodger (TotalBiscuit friend group). Maybe shut the fuck about about your bad date and cringe experience whole people are speaking up about genuine rape? While it wasnt in person (online things like skype-sex) and he claims he wasnt aware that they were underage, its still a terrible situation all around. i was wondeirng this too. Fair enough that she doesn't do youtube but you would think to pass along your card just in case anyways. All I knew is that it was a very bad breakup and Witwix was really affected by it and blamed himself entirely. Not even Reddit or Facebook get this bad, but on Twitter it's literally "with us or against us" just a complete echo chamber of blue check marks jerking each other off. 4224. Itmejp not even surprised dudes always been a sleezeball. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. Exactly. Because the whole narrative is that these women are being silenced so unless you have a mountain of proof you are doomed. Its what Leo dicaprio uses, its what the twitch streamer uses too. I don't like JP but that guy knows how to organize a good show with great cohosts/guests lol. A racist. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. Sexual assault is contact or attempt to contact on a sexual manor, depending on the state rape can fall under sexual assault. Can we change the title from "women" to "people" considering we have a male victim as well. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. he probably paid for good lawyer(s) with all the money he scammed from kids. So yeah this is advice to people to think worst case scenario rather than just with their genitals. Im glad he is being completely barred like he was meant to from the beginning. It's like the worlds weakest smokescreen. I had found Paco's stream and was drawn to his charisma and influence. For some reason I thought I remembered his parents leaving him a big house when they passed. Its gonna be exhuasting for you to do that and even if you do some people will not believe you. They are often used by big companies legal teams as intimidation even when they have no case as you said, but theyre not inherently bad or scummy. I keep getting stuff from here in my popular feed. This girl definetly has mental issues, but not from being raped it seems. This is what happens on twitch when you ignore behavior of an OG and give favoritism. Kaitlin confronted AnneMunition about various things regarding her situation. I already see people take these accusations as a fact. Anyone read the AngryJoe one? Imagine everything you say or write is being read out as dispassionate court transcript by a prosecution against you and behave accordingly. A responsible human being would've talked this out between themselves but no, because he came onto me verbally, lets make everyone assume the wrong things and hate him. His response here. From the shitty 80s boner comedies that teach men that their only goal is to fuck women to Carly Rae Jepsen's music conditioning women to have sex with men they've just met. It just feels like it was written in the worst possible light with the most cliche beats possible. Wait so Kaitlyn is both accusing someone else and being accused of similar things? Other Dota 2 esports personalities have also made allegations of sexual harassment. You NEED TO tell him when he's crossing a line, you NEED to be VERY CLEAR went trying to stop it, you NEED TO NOT keep hanging out and having sex with him multiple times afterwards. He has responded. He felt like when they were together that their sex life was either great or non-existent. His response here. Welcome to modern times. That makes me so sad. So unless it was also proven that the woman's story was fabricated, we shouldn't rush to call her a liar either. Jrg Kachelmann I don't believe women until the man has been found guilty by court. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). I hope she gets prosecuted over this, it shouldn't be this easy to ruin a man's life. I mean at which point do you blame someone else but yourself for what happens to you, if you can't even fucking say that hey, I have a boyfriend and I'm not into this shit. Let's Play! Yeah saw that and it made me wonder wtf is going on. So far, he's proven that Lorien is lying. throwback to when a man old enough to be my grandfather who is also married with kids slid into my dms, Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here, Hi eshear TwitchSupport Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. What a fucking joke. It started 14 years ago and has 112 uploaded videos. I've been accused of sexual assault today: I've gathered information that pertains to the subject. Wassabi Productions is a comedy channel on YouTube. @mariahcarriesu. Anyone can be a completely different person when that stream is off. hollllllllly shit. (@stuartgibson). They just want to defend their hero. Fyi he has evidence against that too. ZeRo accused of asking a 14year old for pics of her masturbating with an ice cube here. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, Yeah i remember that time too, i didn't think it was this bad though, sad and disappointing to learn all of this about a streamer i really liked (even tho i haven't watched him in so long), he seems extremely mentally unstable and i hope he gets help. and got nervous thinking some of these seemingly nice boys turned to be monsters. If you don't know the girl don't approach her as she can ruin your life with one web post. There were creepy dms being leaked not even related to Kaitlyn really sucks to hear she went through some shit too. Well Omeed married them in their fake wedding. Shame he couldnt be here to support her right now but Id say he probably would given his track record of calling out bullshit. at least they'll have something interesting to talk about now. These are allegations, not confirmations. I know HJTenchi is one of them. The other one that doesnt surprise me and also kind of blew my mind was Kaitlyn. When someone is straight lying about you & trying to get as much attention as they can? The site inhabited by self-proclaimed SJW "heroes". Casually trying to ruin someones life by reconstructing history because your emotions change.. People cry on here every day about twitch mod abuse, and how twitch mods treat female streamers differently, jokes about women on twitch being forced to sleep with twitch staff etc, but when a woman comes forward and accuses a twitch mod of doing exactly those things, they demonize her? It's so scary that can happen to anyone and usually the majority of people don't wait to ssee proof. Sucks people have to even mention the Destiny community in this. Lauren Riihimaki, Roi Fabito, and Alex Burriss were all featured in his video "JUST DANCE!". Elisa was a 21-year-old Canadian student who disappeared in 2013 at the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles while she was travelling across the US. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. It happened 2 years ago, one girl come out live on stream and all twitch did is DELETED VODs Also.. the first Swifty allegation includes Takarita being a disgusting human being, trying to take advantage of someone.. And then the second allegation against Swifty is written BY Takarita - which makes you wonder if she's just trying cover her ass? Sociopathic, predatory manchildren and deceitful harpies with princess syndrome are what you end up with when you haven't learned how to interact with real people, or take responsibility for your actions. I'm a fan of witwix and I have been watching him since the early boshy days. He asked a girl to have a three way kiss and she said no and that was that, he went on his way, "I was then told i'd be lame if i didn't at least do SOMETHING. Basically allegation from his ex that he allowed another man to rape (using the legal definition of rape here) her after blindfolding her along with a consistent toxic and manipulative behavior. His response here. It's surprising and at the same time unsurprising. Not so long ago Johnny Depp had his world turn upside down because of literally the same shit. This is fucking stupid.. Good thing this is bubbling up to the surface. damn if those texts were after she should be sued for libel. The Week Staff. diegosaurs response here. shit was fire. https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20. He was born in Hawaii, but is half-Filipino and half-Japanese. Its like she had to specifically mention dick because then youd REALLY know it was rape. Jimmy met a veterinary technician named Emily there, who he fell in love with, and decided to build a life together with her in Texas. National Sexual Assault Hotline Link 1-800-656-4673, National Domestic Violence Hotline Link 18007997233, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Link 1-800-273-8255. Those are some kinda big to big names that usually have pretty wholesome/nice communities. His long response to the accusation here. Yep theyve said exactly that. Not joking. I assumed he vanished into irrelevance after that whole debacle. FinalBossTV accusations here. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9jpa. Greg and daina got married and started making new vids on their YT channel with Jacob. Why would I ask a habitual liar and someone I never talked to about her grooming guys 10 years younger than her? Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? No its not. Not really 'both are bad' kinda thing here brother. Dont jump to attack; dont jump to defense, investigate and draw a conclusion. And yet, if you look at the most recent tweet of the second accuser you posted somewhere above, people are legitimately trying to use him defending himself to prove he is guilty, you just can't make this shit up. Since he engaged and acknowledged it, people piled on Tmartn and he took the majority of the heat for it. Sure, but she could also be afraid of it because she doesn't have the money to wage a lawsuitwhich JP obviously does have. The most recent Ryan Higa girlfriend is Arden Cho. I read the whole twitlongers those stories paint a really disgusting image of Swifty. He has a sister. I just don't understand it. I do not condone a witch hunt of those accused of alleged abusive behavior. The level of hero worship is off the charts. He has responded. Yeah, the way the story was told just seemedodd. I love tyler and xqc as well, but we do not know them. Didn't people learn after what happened to Johnny Depp? My mind was alert replaying over and over what happened. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to the second accusation here. Everyone moved on, Phantoml0rd on the other hand.lol "%?". Such a shame. And she even admits it, for 4 years, despite no contact, she kept thinking about him. That's relieving. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. She uses similar phrases from the first accusation who btw is hiding replies of people calling her out, feels like they collabed or she just got inspiration from the first post. Important thing to note, however you can believe victims while still holding judgement until all of the evidence is provided. EDIT: I just read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. From what i 've been accused of asking a 14year old for pics of masturbating! 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