. Natural airborne fermentation allows the airborne yeasts to ferment the wort without adding any other yeasts, but there is more of a chance of having contamination as this 'natural fermentation' can receive bacteria through the air as well. . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our perfect pias are slow steamed for 26 hours in hornos, converting the natural agave carbohydrates and starches into the fermentable agave sugars for the fermentation process. must fermentation and usually rely on spontaneous or pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain inoculation. Natural occurring yeast is added to the 'wort' or agave juice and 'beer' is created containing an alcohol content of between 5 and 9 percent alcohol/volume. Some bad elements that are usually produced need to be cut out, for possible health reasons, taste and quality. Today, this process is often completed in hornos, which is an oven made of brick or clay. Distillation is done slowly at a low temperature so as to allow an amount of heads and tails to remain in the distillate, to keep some of these flavors, as it is in these heads and tails that much of the flavor resides. To turn the mosoto into a spirit, it has to go through the fermentation process. In order for tequila to be tequila, it has to be produced in one of the five areas in Mexico from which it's allowed: Michoacan, Tamaulipas, Guanajuanto, Nayarit, and Jalisco, the most famous and where most tequila comes from. Its a fast and economical way to distill tequila. After the agaves are cooked, they are then juiced mechanically. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This includes products like Jose Cuervo Especial, Don Roberto, and Campo Azul. The second and usually the last distillation takes 3-4 hours. For Corazn Tequila's fermentation process, we use a proprietary yeast that helps us achieve its unique profile rich in flavors and aromas. After fermentation, the tequila is distilled and then aged in oak barrels. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. On Facebook, many know me by the name Lou Agave. Since alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, it will turn to steam before the water does, and rise up in the still. Before bottling, most tequila is filtered through activated carbon or cellulose filters. . You may also know this type of tequila as silver. After fermentation the wort (juice) has a low alcohol level of about 4% and not normally higher than 7%, so it's like beer. I think it would also be interesting to further restrict the analysis to blancos for us purists. The basic requirements for fermentation are yeast, water and the juices of the cooked agave. The two main categories of yeast used in tequila are commercial brewers yeast, and yeast that comes from pre-cultivated existing yeast, that has been preserved. Learn the step-by-step process of making Patrn Tequila, and the differences between our tequilas and how to enjoy a proper tasting. In the tequila industry, fermentation is traditionally achieved at sugar concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g x L(-1). Some examples of tequila produced in this way are all Sauza products, Casa Dragones, and Cazadores. Diffuser/Roller Mill (73.19): A diffuser used in conjunction with a roller mill happens when the diffuser is used after cooking with heat. The whole tequila process starts when small agaves (hijuelos) are planted and grown for several years, usually between 5 and 7 years. Just nine years later in 1600, tequila was being mass-produced. Just for fun, lets take a look at the various types of stills used in the production of tequila. I am totally independent & honest. First Distillation: Physical separation of the alcohol from the agave pulp and juice, producing what is known as "Ordinary" Tequila. This is excellent material! When all the available oxygen is used up, yeast will convert sugar into . These stills were made by a local artisan on the premises of the distillery. In . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Why not join us and the rest of our tequila-loving community on these fine sites: Please join, follow, and introduce yourself. After the mosoto has fermented, it needs to be distilled, which is a process that not only purifies the liquid, but also creates a higher alcohol concentration. Once fermentation is complete, the liquid can finally be distilled, but it takes two distillations before the liquid can be considered tequila. A well known master distiller I spoke with said, "you'll have the risk that the first sugar you converted into alcohol, will start changing to a vinegar in the natural process before you finish to convert the last sugar." This process turns a plant into a tequila that can be used in a variety of different drinks or sipped neat. However, 51% of the sugarsneed to come from the Weber blue agave plant. For instance, the bottles ofTequila Tezonhave two metal plates engraved with symbols for the elements that are essential to tequila: Agave, Fire, Tahona, and Spirit. None of these results surprise me. In this case, the idea is to improve the speed and efficiency of the brick oven by combining it with autoclave-cooked agaves. Tequila is produced in municipalities located in Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, Tamaulipas and any agave spirits produced outside these areas are designated as mezcal.What are the steps to producing tequila? fermentation time, and, most importantly, the period of aging desired. It is the same process used to make other alcoholic beverages, including liquors, and it . The juice is then transferred to the fermentation tanks. We are Grover and Scarlet, tequila fans who just cant seem to get enough of tequila. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Get the full picture of your on-premise performance in any market or on any menu with Overproofs Menu Analysis. The agave plant is the most intriguing part of the tequila production process. You can do your own research on the brands youre interested in by using the new advanced tequila search tool available on our website, which uncovers the processes behind each bottle of tequila. Interestingly with wood vats, the wood gets impregnated with yeast from prior lots, and this helps jump start the process as opposed to stainless where the process has to be started fresh each time. The Milling. Autoclave (78.19): This process is much faster. This is a super fast process, used in conjunction with a diffuser (a super modern machine used by brands who place efficiency and cost savings above all else.) Once the agave heartsare harvested and transported back to their distillery, they begin the transformation into tequila. If left untouched, the plant will grow a tall spire called aquiotefrom the center which can reach heights of 15 feet or more and produce flowers. Water is an important necessity, as agave sugars must be diluted in order for the yeast to ferment them. 3 Amigos Tequila fermentation process begins with small amounts of yeast that is added to the extracted sugars that are fused in large stainless steel tanks to start and control the fermentation process. In 1975, Spains King Carlos IV issued the first commercial license to produce tequila to the Cuervo family. The tanks are wide open and exposed to the outdoors - and that adds to the fermentation process, letting the tequila breathe," Kissick said. They are more expensive than a still made of stainless steel, and they will wear out over time. . Of course, distillers have always appreciated the functional role that yeast playsspirits could not exist without it. In warm weather, fermentation generally takes 2-5 days, but in colder weather it can take as long as 12 days. I would like to thank all the companies and people who took these pictures and charts, which are readily available on the internet. where the steam softens their texture and their starches become sugars suitable for fermentation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Distillation does not produce alcohol, it only concentrates the alcohol that is already present. However, it is important to remember that brands can include additives in products that are labeled tequila. The single-cell organism, which multiplies vigorously in the presence of oxygen, is essential to the fermentation process that precedes distillation. The agave plant is harvested and the pias (large central cores) are cooked and crushed. Official Mexican Standard for Tequila NOM-006-SCFI-2005. But, in honor of this annual event, we thought it would be fun to dig into the Tequila Matchmaker database and pull out some statistics that will make you firmly establish your tequila geek credentials at any gathering. Where is Tequila Mainly ProducedMexico is in control of which regions of the country are authorized to produce tequila. Through the fermentation process, many factors influence the higher alcohol content of tequila, which are molecules such as isobutyl alcohol and isoamyl alcohol, and ethanol. They are mature at 7 to 10 years of age. An extended aging process helps to create more depth in the flavors and gives it more of an earthy taste. A fast fermentation process and/or using closed fermentation tank tops can result in a yeasty (bready/sour) aroma/taste.. not what you want. This gives it more body and a silky texture. Autoclaves can cook a batch of agave in 7-12 hours. A modern descendant of the alembic is the pot still, used to produce distilled beverages, and is usually copper or stainless steel. In the fermentation room, the process of making tequila mirrors every other distilled spirit. The fermented mosto (or wash)is 4-10% alcohol and the goal is to distill it to a concentration of around 55%. Tequila is a distilled beverage that is made from the fermentation of the sugars found from the blue agave plant once it has been cooked, the main sugar being fructose. Standards must be upheld and met for any tequila brand that wants to be sold under this title. Each barrel imparts different notes to the finished tequila and is carefully selected by the distillery. Many connoisseurs say that triple distillation removes too much of the agave taste, and I agree with that. It also allows the Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) to hold tight regulations over its production. It is a great debate; some people will compare the modern autoclave to a microwave and the brick oven to using a traditional oven in your kitchen. Acetaldehyde at low levels of concentration provides a pleasant fruity aroma but, in high levels, it offers a pungent irritating aroma similar to a rotten apple. Fermentation generally has two stages, the first is aerobic, where oxygen is present, and is a very rapid process where the yeast double it's colony size every four hours. Distilling the sotol plant into a spirit also resembles the process of making both Tequila and Mezcal. This involves placing the mosoto and yeast in wooden barrels or stainless steel tanks for anywhere from 3-12 days. During the fermentation process the sugars are transformed into alcohol within large wooden vats or stainless . They used their knowledge of the distillation process to convert the Aztecs traditional pluque drink into what we would recognize as a spirit. Will you write one that speaks to the fermentation process? This is longer than most diffuser products because they dont use acid to speed up the process. The shredders are reminiscent of those used to mill sugar cane that have long been used in the production of rum. In 2022, tequila is the second most popular spirit, behind vodka. Sourcing the Agave. Roller Mill/Tahona (79.1): Combining these process is something that Siete Leguas, Patron, and Olmeca Altos does. Tequila production is a complex and artful process, as there's more to the expressions than meets the eye. The juice that is extracted from the pias is then combined with water and yeast and allowed to ferment. Grover selected a 50.7 kilo mass of perfectly cooked, slow-roasted agave (it spent 3 days in a brick oven at the Fortaleza distillery). Heres the Proof. The first step in this process is to bake the agave. Today, there are over 22,000 formally registered agave farmers in the primary tequila-producing region of Mexico. Each plate is affixed by hand and its cork is crowned with a volcanic stone-like material, reminiscent of the tahona wheel because that is a key in their process. How is Tequila Made? This type of tequila is aged for at least a year in American or European barrels, although, some producers will include other types of barrels in the aging process. Tequila Corazon is produced at San Nicholas Distillery and the grounds are flanked with a row of large, outdoor stainless steel ovens to bake the agave pinas. He went on to say, that a fuller population of yeast prevents such disaster. There are a few examples of well made triple distilled products, but not many. Tequila started as an agave-based alcoholic drink that was made by the Aztecs and used in a variety of important ceremonies. Liquor bottles tend to have a certain shape or style and each style of liquor tends to follow a trend. Olmeca Tequila, for example, uses both types of cooking processes, and it gets lower scores among our users because its a mixto (not 100% agave) tequila. Fermentation. Tequila is an agave-based spirit that is derived from agave and produced in Mexico. Some fibers are broken in the process, but not as much as the roller. Here are the basic steps involved in making tequila. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Once they are loaded in, the pit is covered by dirt and left to do its thing. Unlike whisky where the majority of time is spent in the ageing process, producing tequila requires a vast amount of time invested in cultivation. Let's learn about Brands & Agave Spirits on FB, Instagram, and YouTube. The combination of yeast fermentation and the secondary fermentation from the natural microflora of the Highlands makes our process truly unique. Screw Mill/Tahona (83.86): This is a combination that will speed up the tahona process. They feel that their gentle maceration with a tahona, let's them end up well below industry standards at this stage, so they are able to retain more complex and natural flavors. Tequila Production, including Agave Harvesting, Cooking the Agave, Shredding the Agave, Fermentation, Distillation, Aging and Bottling Tequila. After the first round, distillers are left with a cloudy liquid known as ordinario. We took every rating within the Tequila Matchmaker app database (48,345 in total) and analyzed them based on three different steps in the production process: Cooking/Hydrolysis; Extraction; and Distillation. Tequila is a characteristic alcoholic beverage of Mexico. Required fields are marked *. For this reason, there is usually some level of copper somewhere in the process, even if it is a small part. First, the agave needs to be harvested. This keeps the drink from having these potential benefits ( 1 ). The sensory qualities of tequila obtained by this process are characterized as conveying less intense impressions of agave and burnt sugar. Usually, reposados are used to create super flavorful margaritas that provide a more dynamic flavor profile. Great article. Most quiote are removed so the plant can concentrate its energy on producing the highest sugar concentration possible in the pia. Get to know tequila as the sophisticated spirit it is with Patrn's Tequila Guide. This process was used hundreds of years ago, and is still how mezcal is made. The fermentation process can take anywhere from seven to 12 days and is usually done in large wooden vats or stainless steel tanks. Do tequilas from an autoclave have a diminished flavor. Its production takes place during the first stages of the fermentation process and in many cases, parallel to the formation of ethanol. This tool is used to remove the leaves from the pia bulb. It does not store any personal data. The 6-year old agave came from Mexpan, Ixtln del Ro, which is located 80 kilometers from Tequila in the Mexican state of Nayarit. Autoclave/Brick Oven combination (72.42): Some products will mix their processes to achieve a particular flavor profile. At many of the modern distilleries, stainless steel autoclaves are used instead of brick ovens. I say we owe the yeast a big 'Thank You'. Herradura uses a 100% natural fermentation process. The main characteristics of the heads are strong fruity and floral smells and tastes, and that is why it is so important that with a gentle maceration, this one producer gets to keep his full heads. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. All that is needed here is yeast, the juices of the cooked agave (called must or wort) and water. Fermenting the Agave Juice; The fermentable sugars in the aguamiel are converted into ethanol using yeast and nutrients, which speeds up and better controls the fermentation process. When acid is used during the conversion process, it can take as little as 4 hours to complete. help improve bone health and density. Today's tahonas are operated either by tractors or a central engine that slowly moves the arm attached to the wheel around the pit, but they require a worker or two to work the pit as the 2-ton wheel crushes the agave. The increasing domestic popularity makes many celebrities want to start their tequila business. Most distillers throw away the heads and tails because these hold the majorityof the impurities. Even today, farmers use the traditional method of cutting the agave with a special knife known as a coa. For tequila 100% (100% agave sugars), fermentation will utilize only the agave-derived juices. A second distillation is what brings the alcohol . This is important to keep in mind, with the heat in central Mexico. So, when choosing tequilas to celebrate National Tequila Day (or any tequila day, really) you may want to keep these factors in mind. These modern ovens are often towering structures that can bake an astounding amount of agave in a single run, and fit an adult person with over 4 feet of space overhead. Hey, we're all about being social! Unfortunately, agavins and other sugars in agave juice are converted into ethanol during tequila's fermentation process. This plant contains a core bulb known as the pia. Going through the second round will create a clear silver liquid. Experts expect the tequila market to expand to over $15 billion by 2029. 'Natural fermentation' from airborne yeasts is sometimes used, but takes much longer, and although brands like to throw terms around, most all brands use yeast, as fermentation can not occur without it. The main differences between mezcal and tequila are the types of agave used, the fermentation and distillation process, the regulation (tequila) or lack thereof, and most importantly the history, tradition and point of origin of the two spirits. Why not join us and the differences between our tequilas and how to enjoy a proper tasting or... Without it for fun, lets take a look at the various types of used... Distilled spirit community on these fine sites: Please join, follow, and it for anywhere seven! 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