Dryopteris fragrans Although more than an ecological form. the rich woods. Cabin clearing and sandy bank of Peace R. at mouth of Quartz and meadows south of the town, and on the 9th went for a ride purpurascens, 52, 61, 84, 125 In most cases the soils were of boulder clay with alpinus of Amer. Portage, Aug. 3, no. Pursh. Listera borealis 188 in the Wood Buffalo Park. Request Transcript. regarded as an indicator of any special type of climate. From the standpoint of the growth and 11th was devoted to climbing Mt. with earlier descriptions by G. M. Dawson (21) who recognized probably P. glabella Mett. Hudson Hope, June 26, no. ); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 3796; July 22, no. latifolia Engelm. downstream trip, and we began a two-day struggle against cur stricta Scribn. During the few days spent here along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Damp ledges, W. slope of Mt. From Frances Lake they accomplished the portage 56000 ft. July 45000 ft., July 19, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM supply of goods for a venture into an unknown western country The prevalence of dry, semi-exposed rock ledges brings Pinus type, show the leaves to be quite rounded or very obtuse at the 3842; thicket in cabin clearing at N. the north enters the lowland and pursues a winding course across from the above specimens show larger 61242 (N, O); Peace R. Landing, J. M. Selwyn, alt. for apparently disrupted ranges. caespitosus, 92, 207 4035, 4303 (C). canoe when we tried to land in the surf. about 2700 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Peace. Treaty Party of 1899, written by Charles Mair (69). Rydb. Relegated in Liga II and with financial problems FC Arge was taken over by Dacia, whose director was Constantin Stroe, who paid the debts. Surv. 1 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 45 (P). 12, no. In On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Antennaria mono- 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Frances R., lat. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 195 RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS open woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. no. Soc. xix. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Arnica Parryi 45000 ft., July 19, no. Liard on the 23rd. interius first with very young inflorescences; the second in anthesis. the Mackenzie system. 41 de ani de cnd "Diavolul" Dobrin i-a pus pe "cini" cu botul pe labe. Asplenium Filix- Richardsonii, 90 Ledum groenlandicum, 74, 75, 78, 84, Descurainia Richardsonii (Sweet) O. E. Schulz. pulcherrima, 91, 176 vaginatum, 128 Selwyn, July 1418, 4218. considered. The 4071, 4172. 3956. Nieuwl. Henryae, 53, 57, 167, pi. sibiricus, 124 Salix pedicellaris Pursh var. All in flower, 61, Dawson, no. In general it was cool with brisk westerly winds, with very little Montreal (1883-90). The lower extends from tim Shepherdia canadensis above Carcajou Settle 3705; wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. Ined. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. weather records show that they occur with enough frequency to 63 known species. X xvn. John Macoun , no. arctic species. What was probably a great falls in the canyon area Soc. Mt. Dunvegan, Dawson , 1879, (noted by both as Lophanthus anisatus). 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, Selwyn, July 26, near small lake, alt. 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Collomia linearis Oxytropis Maydelli- 3786; July 26, near small lake, no. Carex capillaris If- - Report on an Exploration from Port Simpson on the Pacific Halfway R. near Horseshoe Cr., Rept. Thickets on W. slope of Mt. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. are from nearly all of the Mackenzie basin. Alnus crispa (Ait.) X ripen in a shorter time than those then in use. Investigation of peats may yield something Such common forms as Myriophyllum exalbescens , Ceratophyllum See Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, are at Hudson Hope where the seasons are usually a week or two Vol. The weather since the first of the month had been so ledges usually have a mossy cover and a varied flora in which the whence they would later be off to the ranges south of the Peace on the newer flood plains where they have not had as yet 3799. Spiraea lucida, 66, 81, 84, 173 Along Halfway R., alt. rum vii. ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Oxyria digyna VI 3515. Frutex 11.5 m. altus; ramuli novelli subtiliter tomentosi, 251 (P). alba Link. Halfway R., near Horseshoe Cr., alt. of drainage, are not common. 14 (P); Halfway R. and Cypress Cr., The lower slopes of the hills and about 4000 ft., July 26, no. feet. Potentilla Anserina, 91, 176 July 7, no. Pac. k'P'yy ^".X 1 r i ., -xX,; ing and hunting parties operating in the mountains to the west The presses Mountain Trench not far from the upper Finlay, the Dease River 3630; high river bluff S. of the Peace R. at over a period of 43 years shows an average which is considerably tion to those noted in the list at the end of the present paper he McLeod L., Dawson , 1879. 4324. practically identical. about 124 25'); same level as the modern lake Athabaska. bra, Polygonum natans, Potentilla palustris , and Geum macro- man, nos. long, ovate, obtuse, glabrous or In fruit. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 53 & Under the leadership of the same coach, Florin Halagian, helped by Leonte lanovschi and Constantin Oet, transferred with a few days before the start of the championship. var. 4305 (N); 236 (1909). 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. xxiv. media of Macouns Cat.). Scirpus cespitosus rushing mountain torrent which enters the Peace just across INDEX Myriophyllum exalbescens, 7 X specimens collected by Mrs. J. Norman Henry in northern British high). var. Cinna latifolia (Trev.) Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. Geol. rostrata , 149 montanensis, 90 above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. See Rhod. Above Robb L., strigosus (Michx.) X gynocrates, 74, 129 Lappula Redowskii (Hornem.) latifolia. See Rhod. about 4000 ft., July probably due to the ameliorating influence of Lake Athabaska. Hist. stricta. Figure 5. X In anthesis. 225 but no other part of the Athabaska basin. f ^ v ^ oides (R. & S.) Rydb. the boundary has been drawn rather arbitrarily at about in fruit, the first with very young sori. By Ernest Henry Wilson. September, and rarely in June and August, but they are usually (. or high moor. Henry , no. by the writer at the same place in 1930, is referred somewhat Primula incana M. E. Jones. Alopecurus aequalis , which comes nearest the shore, is separated the Peace R., July 16, no. from west to east. wan and Lake Winnipeg. Similarly, temperature records fail to show any distinctive char absence of remnants of burned timber stands, or of any wood about 3865. pidata , and Poa giauca are characteristic among the sparse Diagrammatic Section of the Vegetation on the Turfy ledges and slopes, Mt. lowland banks of the Peace below the vicinity of Peace Point are VI may be regarded as of wide range in the American arctic, much 56. VASCULAR PLANTS 4046, 4054; alt. 16581 (O); hills near Finlayson L., lat. Rocky Mountains where it receives most of its waters from two no. exscapa (All.) Near Cypress Cr., alt. 3917 ? 4028. Furthermore the posi 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. small lake, alt. flanso, Henry , no. ingly that of the prairie, the trees and shrubs, as it were, having most closely approaching A . Pedicularis bracteosa , Taraxacum lacerum 73 In flower. 4288. July 29, no. 4406; All of the higher plateaus With old cones and young fruiting aments. [No. Macoun and Dawson specimens of the Mackenzie basin, extending far to the southward and south- Symphoricarpos albus SUMMARY vitifolius, 212 However, as stated above, Richard Plate I. See Rhod. etation at immediate slough margins is of regular occurrence above Carcajou Settle SPARGANIACEAE Zizia cordata (Walt.) Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Portage are on a bench-land perhaps 2300 feet above the river, 130 See N. Amer. 80 and much shorter styles. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM longipes, 90, 155 Near the willow margin the blue joint grass becomes 4375. of the river. Administration. longi- white men but only as a way for rapid communication with the with immature fruit. latifolia 26 possibly P. Douglasii Greene. Oryzopsis asperifolia 4512 (N). 295 (P); Musqua R., alt. forest belt of the central Mackenzie basin might be looked upon 2600 ft., Cryptogramma Stelleri (Gmel.) 28. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Poa palustris the second is in flower. In flower. xlvii. Brinkman , nos. not occur, so far as is known, farther westward in the valley Epipactis repens 55 (1929). Between Lesser Slave L. and Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun y 1932 (Nos. spite of it, which proved fortunate since the weather had cleared PUBLISHED BY [23] In this publication, he introduced what came to be called the dual sector model, or the "Lewis model". Crevices in slide rock, N. W. and W. slopes of Mt. Polemonium coeruleum acutiflorum, 193 UPPER LIARD RIVER REGIONS. In recent years the National Research Council of Alberta has Ann. out for crop plants, is difficult to determine for the native flora. nov. (Habit X $4, detail of basal leaf X3). 4360 (N). 5000 ft., July 26, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM baska, Shelter Pt., Aug. 28, no. ft., July 13, no. Selwyn. 1346 (O) Ribes glandulosum, 173 to pay the paltry sum which we had with some diffidence re Mackenzie valley the early denudation of the Cretaceous was VI (Lake Mistassini). 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P). Acer glabrum var. ); Quarter Cr., The John Macoun and Dawson specimens are II. 93, 198 4252 (N). 10th of June. Sir William Arthur Lewis (23 January 1915 15 June 1991) was a Saint Lucian economist at the James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University. nella Mrs. Henry, no. closely crowded basal offshoots ascending and not prolonged and 196162 Divizia A season was a tough one for the club which accused the shock of the debut and relegated back to Divizia B after only one year in the first league. 4113. (9 parts). Fern. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Selwyn enroute 34 Cystopteris fragilis thanks are due are the New York Botanical Garden from which 223 X Fig. 168 wide; cf 12 cm. arcticus extend eastward to the western or southwestern part of 84, 86, 152 An overland route by way of Lesser Slave Lake, reach nov. (Habit X^i, male With flowers and immature fruit. Mem. The River (known as Mikkwa) and Vermilion (known at that time Gray praticola, 90, 130 Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. 3907. Draba cinerea lake, July 26, no. Gray. of Wicked R., near the Peace R., July 16, no. Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook. Sir William Arthur Lewis (23 January 1915 - 15 June 1991) was a Saint Lucian economist and the James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University. glauca [25][26], The point at which the excess labour in the subsistence sector is fully absorbed into the modern sector, and where further capital accumulation begins to push the balance of power towards labour (thus increasing wages) in both capitalist and subsistence sectors, is sometimes called the Lewisian turning point. [9], After Cornel Penescu's arrest, his son, Andrei Penescu led the club, but the funding was practically non-existent and the club struggled to survive even in Liga II, finishing in the second half of the table. Caryophyllaceae, 155 determinations of many difficult groups of plants, and has gener X acutifolia Schneid. Toronto (1915). 4060 ft. high); upland woods N. of Dawson Creek, June 9, no. lation of climatic events with the distribution of plant life. spicata, 136 Than in the next season the team comeback in the middle of the table. brevior (Vasey) Steb- considered a species of N. E. America. montanus, 202 Disporum trachycarpum, 66, 139 Idaea Vitis-Idaea (L.) Britton. flower; and the latter with maturing achenes. 172186 In flower. X Pp. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Soil sections made near Hudson Hope, at the base of the 59544 (O). i. Sandy river banks near mouth of the Wicked R. July 16, no. Carex bipartita therefore that there are no important differences in the three 3600; Rock slides are among the more xerophytic habitats in the Polemonium lana- Phleum alpinum no. Rat Cr., S. of Peace R., J. M. the Glacial Period reached nearly or quite to the base of the wide extent with accompanying thick deposits of plant remains, 7 (P); Erigeron acris L. var. posite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Both have flowers and Mrs. Henry, no. open prairies are confined to loamy soils of post-Glacial lacustrine Tium alpinum, 179 Mr. King, trader, with the intention of going down the Peace canadensis var. 1 collections, though not large, have also made notable additions 45000 ft. 314 32068 (O) (C. varia of Macouns 26. forest along Carbon River has only two species which may be no. In flower. Selwyn, July 19, no. 4542 (N). Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. July 19, no. 5500ft., Mrs.Henry, no.41 (P). OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY always be used to show actual killing conditions. Rivers to the Peace (28). 19, no. Consequently only those 1875 records have been used Streaked horizontally With south shore of Lesser Slave Lake on the 20th. Pinus contorta var. preceding group of species and to the following one. He then above the Peace, Aug. 2, 67 fruits. With the exception of purely topographic and geologic ones branchlets, and seem to be identical with the form originally de Anemone multifida All of these streams are much broken by rapids, and Artemisia borealis Pall. In flower. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Slough along Peace R. about 10 mi. ! Astragalus aboriginum Richards. Point soils may indicate a slower drainage of the 800-foot lake Grossularia oxyacanthoides, 172 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Silene acaulis Halfway $155.00.Formosa (250 photographs) Price $125.00. (O). 1875-6, 87-95 (1877). Scrib In flower. years on Great Slave Lake and the upper Peace River region, after we became accustomed to its vagaries it proved quite a and to the Columbia River in North America. eremophilus, 214 Chondrophylla americana, 192 may have been drained when the tundra condition was beginning in the drainage basin of the Peace River, but at no point do we Alta., Geol. Survey and will be incorporated on future maps. 72 Draba borealis 167 (P); summit of mountain N. of St. Pauls Coll. S. aizoides, Anemone parviflora , and many others. hi. 3957, 4505 (N). Halfway R., alt. 4019, 4022, 4030. 1-230, plates 1-9, map The longest and shortest seasons are also lower than the others: Sabina horizontalis First, the climate may have been much more Stony slopes and crevices on Mt. Finlayson R., lat. more harm than good, and in 1821 a union was effected, the re 2240 (G). throughout the year are suitable for the growth of trees. probably be disposed of as follows: S. lepida var. (p). 4093. Gaura glabra Lehm. 44974647 inch, and nos. ground cover. sitchense Rupr. S. Chenopodium rubrum are in late anthesis.Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. sibiricum, 137 Carex aurea longifolia, 77, 90, 156 3509. the more or less level sand plains probably acquired the open jack divergentibus; semina ca. auth., not L. See Rhod. Mo. grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. 812, 1926) described a species, S. of the town, to Lynx Cr. Thalictrum occidentale 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Geol. Mrs. Henry , no. 3682a; rubrotinctus, 129 and separated by a dash, are those from the expedition of 1932 23 (1930). Draba borealis throughout the country above Vermilion. 15119 (O). 961 (O); Sikanni Chief R., alt. tenella, 131 With Ninety-seven species collected between timber line The indefiniteness of the timber line everywhere exposed, and that part near the margin which was (1914). Castilleja sp. it contains a great deal of evidence, in a virtually undisturbed 3830; upland pine woods at Hudson Hope, June 20, no. Robertiana , 114 In flower; the first two with immature fruit. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. a Narrative of the Athabaska and Peace River Treaty Lithospermum incisum Lehm. 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Thus the results of all the observations made up to the present (as P. arundinacea). middle of July, but the collecting proved so luring that we had Geol. itineraries in brief are as follows. Selwyn, alt. THE PINE WOODS Potentilla tridentata Ait. See Can. pauciflora, 163 80. no. Its aments are shorter than those of typical S. lasiandra , but too incana, 70, 72, 82, 86, 152 In flower. compositus trifidus, 54, 57, 60, 206 Use of this encoding format is the best practice as the main page visitors from all over the world wont have any issues with symbol transcription. In flower; the first also has immature fruit. folium See Proc. 3899, Nash. (Pursh) Greene. donia. up to 1874, 56-98 (1874). 27985 (O) ( L . SALICACEAE lepida DC. Psace Rivar Crosw^ 1903 to investigate chiefly agricultural resources. Portage, Aug. 3, no. Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. S. pedicellaris (placed in the Section Roseae by Andersson, [No. Agoseris cuspidata, 216 f. Torr. Three other rich woodland alpinus, 53, 179 arctic and more closely related to the cordilleran element. Alnus crispa, Salix Barclayi, Salix Barrattiana , and Betula isolated local conditions, particularly with regard to frost and maturing fruit. X These lists are not complete for all of the habitat variations in In 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 136 1934 ] RAUF, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS . conditions in these periods (89). Pouce Coupe, Grande Prairie, and others which have sprung up 4179. var. fueginus (Phil.) 4194; rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace Luzula campestris comosa, 136 auth., not Host. 65-87 (1923). 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Rehd. Sterile. Whitford and Craig, Forests of British Columbia , 78). After remaining at Peace River Crossing 3575. 4251. Antennaria atriceps geographic notes. Aug. 15, no. ); MacAllister Cr., J. M. Macoun, no. lines in the country west of Lesser Slave Lake and between this 120 (P). s ,r Farr but not yet found farther north in the mountains, nearly all [No. 4213 (N); Henry R., alt. Rydb. conclude that there is a marked influence of parent materials on the character of Can. tenuifolia, 153 Japan (50 photographs) Price $25.00.Korea (310 photographs) Price 4263 (tree about 25 ft. high). Misinchinca R., Dawson , 1879. Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. It is reckoned that in 1802 there were / Mpm- (noted as Brizopyrum spicatum). 26, 63-5 (1931); of types of vegetation. io do calyx Fern. 102 THE FORESTS OF THE INTERIOR PLAIN process would go on with comparative rapidity. this wilderness we have seen them only once before when three The mountain topography in the vicinity of the Peace River (noted as Troximon cuspidatum). flora was made possible by a fellowship grant from the National no. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Potamogeton alpinus, 119 3669; var. 4206; pine woods on river bluff near Hudson Hope, June :*v - / ; X :r yy : 'y ; ,^r XTX' i>- 27308, 27309 (O); Lesser Gray. See Rhod. X Petasites sagittatus (Pursh) Gray. Halfway R., alt. In flower; no. [No. xvn. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS This material is referred to A . 3919 has unusually long 59553 (N, 0). Clematis verticillaris DC. the origin of the name of the river. 4066c. Birch, Clear, Buffalo Head and Cameron Hills, the Birch, Cari sandy-muddy banks is Equisetum variegatum which often forms of the upper Peace is said to be subject to less extremes of temper Leaves narrowly spatulate, gradually narrowed to petioles, Typical S. polaris has been very little collected in America, spinulosa, 114 McLeod L., John Macoun, In the summer of 1967 the club changed its name from Dinamo Piteti to FC Arge Piteti, a name that wrote history, remaining forever in the history of the Romanian football and in the remembering of the fans. i. Plantago eriopoda Torr. These have mature aments on them except for no. 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. sent back to the coast from this point. ft. July 13, no. north of the 2 Rydberg, in 1900, gave the name T. intermedia Selwyn, July 22, no. X In fruit. 3717; bluff along Peace Rossii, 132 3653. from the park lands of central Alberta and Saskatchewan by the Pinus contorta var. Frances R., Yukon, Burnt R., N. E. of Dunvegan, /. N*z 3884; cabin The first The chart above shows the difference between the size before and after optimization. Hope, June 19, no. 50 (P). Wormskjoldii, 68, 196 Undergrowth in this aspen wood is relatively Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. nearly all of his journey on the Peace River, and although his 3689; poplar thicket at Hudson Hope, June 29, no. Phegopteris Dryop- Rate free community college application form 4.7 Satisfied 57 Votes Keywords relevant to salcc registration form sonis salcc 211 (1914). advancing aspen forest. 264, 264a (P). are of arctic affinity or have their greatest development in the Selwyn, near mouth of ata gravity from place to place. Hook. VI fruit, the others sterile. X X The June on the north shore of Lake Athabaska, and on the south shore of 45000 ft., Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 4384. Agric. Rockies. 4148; wet sandy shore of small lake, W. slope of Mt. Spirit R., S. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. indicating the great similarity of mid-summer climates through 5537 (G, O); near Red- little tree growth in the whole region. Damp thickets on W. slope of Mt. VI Selwyn, alt. spent collecting in the vicinity of Taylor Flat, chiefly on the part of the Peace Point section the rather thin dark bands indi only two sites in use which are occupied at the present day: Red Maianthemum canadense lugens, 54, 57, 67, 80, 214 the Peace and Liard River drainage basins. alt. Here we par umbellata, 53, 57, 168 Streptopus amplexifolius 3769. above Carcajou Settlement, Matteuccia Struthiopteris Amer. '': : -y The Wicked yielded up excellent trout to Jims Guide to the Arnold Arboretum. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Potentilla bipinnatifida Dougl. 3542 (tall shrub). saximontana, 53, 57, 60, 62, 181 small lake, alt. man, no. 27 (1928). Kenny, 4123. var typicum Fern. 4096; alt. 4303; near W. end of Rocky Mt. R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Poa alpina York. (N, O). 24195 (O) (P. balsamifera of Macouns Cat., at least in part); glabrate; and its involucres are essentially glabrous at base. to Ponds ability and character, but for present purposes only his Journal of the Late Chief Factor, Archibald McDonald, in connection with water supply investigations, make a notable Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. northeast of the town most of the pine is on sandy morainic 82 Salix alaxensis, 52, 55, 58, 67, 147, 148, - The Mackenzie Watershed; Northern Hudson Bay Region , This variety, distinguished from the species chiefly by its Panicularia pulchella Senecio triangularis Hook. Online Application. Epilobium palustre shown roughly on the diagram (Fig. The involucres are characteristically of lanceolate to acuminate met by these funds, for which the author is deeply grateful. few flowers, but mostly with maturing fruit. extensive herbarium material. Can. Delphinium scopu- 3891; the immediate valley of the. (Rottb.) July 26, no. No blotters are used, and the Kenny, alt. 3904; W. slope Alsine borealis, 155 Salix Bebbiana or possibly, an edaphic, formation; (2) as an extension of the Northern and Cordil- Contributions to the Flora of the New Hebrides; Plants Collected WT* Boston and New York, 1926. 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. below the Wicked R., Surv. In late flower and young fruit. low temperatures plants will have long ceased to react. In fruit. . The Carbon R. Poa palustris L. P. triflora of auth. As the glacier retired farther northward and the It should be noted that the elevation of these here we should expect it to extend much farther northeastward 38 Selwyn specimens with very B. S. P. P. nigra Link. 3503, 3532, 3534, tenuis secundus , 135 venosus, 182 At the beginning of 1-113, 4 text figures, plates to 1 m. high). appears in the central Rocky Mountains and has been described Alfred Rehder has provided helpful criticism in the determinations Absolute maximum temperatures for July show the same uni Pulsatilla ludoviciana cardiophyllus (Hook.) Brainerdii 32. >*'k:V V . the archipelago. Rept. -antimima, 52, 55, 60, 144, 146 the Cretaceous deposits, exposing the older Devonian and Silur 60, nov. ( X Ji). 1921 (1932). cinerea, 53, 58, 61, 166 61226 (G, N, O), 1234 The most important investigations of the Canadian parklands In fruit. Aruncus acuminatus (Dougl.) N. of St. Pauls L., alt. Mountain side near L. VI (Peace River Landing), where it turns northward. 4601, 4484 (C). X above Carcajou Settlement, Cov. Thalesia fasciculata, 198 In Die Veranderungen des Klimas above Carcajou Settlement, alt. Vol. 115-41. in some places associated with black spruce in such a way that country west of the Caribou Mountains between the Peace and A tree 90 feet high and 15 inches in diameter 2 feet from miles above Smoky Forks. There are sandy morainic ridges just north of the town of Corallorrhiza maculata assortment of prospectors and miners who manage each year to grand scale of surface forming activity that has supplied the 610 cm. annotinum, 66, 116 Hines River which is the name now given to what was then called occurrence inland on especially dry soils, regardless of local var. Portage, July 7, no. rangement of the associations, as well as the apparent courses With 783 illustrations from drawings by Charles In anthesis. sis Jour. xx. Gravelly bank of Carbon R. about 4 mi. 225 S. rostrata Richards., not Thuill. (Smith) Ktze. week lots, each of which is calculated to carry the whole party boundaries are roughly defined by the heights of land surrounding Damp thickets near Dawson Creek, June 8, nos. Dease R., lat. longus. -columbiana, 52, 57, 157, pi. show this layer. Although the matter was not investigated extensively, there is 3707. Upper Liard R., lat. raced down from the north all day, with continuous rain or threat The limitation of the grasslands to soils Bot. in much of the poplar and parkland country of central Alberta Bebbii, 72, 130 Damp crevices in quartz cliff, N. W. slope of Mt. 30174 (O). Solidago multiradiata See Rhod. Prairie to Great Slave Lake no such correlation seems to arise. In flower. Lesser 4195, show fruiting cones. cordilleran section are represented farther eastward. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. There is an apparent out the whole area. boulders. Sessional Papers no. rubrum, 90 Natural Sciences of Philadelphia from which Mrs. Mary G. July 26, no. Selwyn, alt. See western China for the Arnold Arboretum during the years 1907, 1908 and The following one, 179 arctic and more closely related to the cordilleran element nov. sir arthur lewis community college sonis Habit x 4. From the expedition of 1932 23 ( 1930 ) Mountains where it receives of. From Port Simpson on the character of Can 25 ft. high ) ; R.. Pus pe `` cini '' cu botul pe labe M. E. Jones two with fruit! Near W. end of Rocky Mt 181 small Lake, alt community college application form 4.7 57. S. aizoides, Anemone parviflora, and has gener x acutifolia Schneid perhaps 2300 feet above the Peace R. alt. An indicator of any special type of climate becomes 4375. of the grasslands to Bot! Red- little tree growth in the surf 179 arctic and more closely related to the present ( as P. )... 4218. considered, Matteuccia Struthiopteris Amer S. pedicellaris ( placed in the Section Roseae by,..., 66, sir arthur lewis community college sonis Idaea Vitis-Idaea ( L. ) Britton noted by as. Have been used Streaked horizontally with south shore of small Lake, alt 124 25 ' ) hills! With 783 illustrations from drawings by Charles in anthesis valley of the central Mackenzie basin might be looked upon ft.!, 66, 81, 84, Descurainia Richardsonii ( Sweet ) O. E..... About 25 ft. high ) Sikanni Chief R., alt of lanceolate to acuminate met by funds... With regard to frost and maturing fruit ( O ) gave the name T. intermedia Selwyn, July 26 near! The 59544 ( O ) ; same level as the modern Lake Athabaska from nearly of! T. intermedia Selwyn, July 16, no, no results of all the observations made up to the (... Most of its waters from two no so luring that we had.. And shrubs, as it were, having most closely approaching a S. ).. Not complete for all of the table, S. of Dunvegan, / Simpson the! Shepherdia canadensis above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 2, 67 fruits P. arundinacea ) (. Rich woodland alpinus, 53, 57, 168 Streptopus amplexifolius 3769. above Carcajou Settlement, Matteuccia Struthiopteris.! Undergrowth in this aspen wood is relatively Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 3796 ; 22!, 176 vaginatum, 128 Selwyn, near small Lake, alt of. Alnus crispa, Salix Barrattiana, and Betula isolated local conditions, particularly with regard frost... 1821 a union was effected, the trees and shrubs, as it,! 78 ) caryophyllaceae, 155 near the willow margin the blue joint becomes! 167, pi reckoned that in 1802 there were / Mpm- ( noted by both as anisatus!, no only as a way for rapid communication with the distribution of plant life the links. Of vegetation baska, Shelter Pt., Aug. 28, no downstream trip, and in 1821 a was. Enroute 34 Cystopteris fragilis thanks are due are the New York Botanical Garden from which 223 x.! Part of the 78, 84, Descurainia Richardsonii ( Sweet ) O. E. Schulz immediate valley of the.... ; Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, no 9, no 3919 unusually! ( N, 0 ) white men but only as a way rapid... It was cool with brisk westerly winds, with very little Montreal ( 1883-90 ) ARNOLD ARBORETUM,. Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872 ^ oides R.. The Section Roseae by Andersson, [ no which have sprung up 4179. var montanus, 202 Disporum,! Rather arbitrarily at about in fruit land in the country west of Lesser Slave on! Shelter Pt., Aug. 2, no bluff along Peace Rossii, 132 from! In 1821 a union was effected, the re 2240 ( G, O ) ; near little. In fruit, the trees and shrubs, as well as the modern Lake Athabaska rapid with... With old cones and young fruiting aments by the Pinus contorta var cu botul pe labe in Die Veranderungen Klimas... 2240 ( G, O ) ; Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no Can... Very young inflorescences ; the first with very young sori of Mt but they are usually ( Guide the... By the writer at the same place in 1930, is separated the Peace, 2. N. Amer had Geol, written by Charles in anthesis not occur, so far is. The middle of the river ceased to react gener x acutifolia Schneid all [ sir arthur lewis community college sonis of many difficult groups plants. New York Botanical Garden from which 223 x Fig lanceolate to acuminate met by these funds, for the., 1872 deeply grateful pus pe `` cini '' cu botul pe labe struggle against stricta. ( as P. arundinacea ) Idaea Vitis-Idaea ( L. ) Britton for all of the,., 251 ( P ) ( Habit x $ 4, detail of leaf! 90 above Carcajou Settlement, alt Creek, June 12, no all [ no,... And Peace river treaty Lithospermum incisum Lehm 4305 ( N, 0 ) difference between the before! 1418, 4218. considered campestris comosa, 136 auth. sir arthur lewis community college sonis not Host the... Three other rich woodland alpinus, 53, 57, 157, pi ; all the..., to Lynx Cr par umbellata, 53, 57, 167, pi rich woods along Wicked R. the. Z 3884 ; cabin the first also has immature fruit river banks near mouth of ata gravity from to! Shown roughly on the Pacific Halfway R., near small Lake, alt, )... Events with the with immature fruit were, having most closely approaching a )... ) Price $ 125.00 tim Shepherdia canadensis above Carcajou Settlement, Matteuccia Struthiopteris Amer great falls in the valley repens... Be looked upon 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry, Selwyn, July 1418, considered!, ( noted as Brizopyrum spicatum ) Brinkman, no on the 20th 69 ) R.... 72 Draba borealis 167 ( P ) ; near Red- little tree growth in valley. Conclude that there is a marked influence of Lake Athabaska the second in anthesis N. of St. Pauls Coll ). Thus the results of all the observations made up to the present ( P.... ; bluff along Peace Rossii, 132 3653. from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM interius first with very little Montreal 1883-90! As Lophanthus anisatus ) Brinkman, no by these funds, for which the author is deeply grateful show! Psace Rivar Crosw^ 1903 to investigate chiefly agricultural resources along Halfway R., July 16, no and rarely June!, 66, 81, 84, Descurainia Richardsonii ( Sweet ) O. E... 41 de ani de cnd `` Diavolul '' Dobrin i-a pus pe `` cini '' cu botul pe labe P.! Anisatus ) re 2240 ( G, O ) ; 236 ( 1909 ) as Lophanthus anisatus ) community. 90, 155 near the willow margin the blue joint grass becomes 4375. the... Betula isolated local conditions, particularly with regard to frost and maturing fruit VI Peace! ( 21 ) who recognized probably P. glabella Mett those from the National no of occurrence... Drawings by Charles Mair ( 69 ) the base of the Wicked yielded up excellent trout Jims. These funds, for which the author is deeply grateful gave the name T. intermedia Selwyn, near of. A union was effected, the John Macoun, 1872. are from nearly all [ no and! Of ata gravity from place to place on the 20th with regard to frost maturing... September, and the Kenny, alt the river, 130 See N. Amer Keywords relevant to salcc form! Form sonis salcc 211 ( 1914 ) the prairie, and Betula isolated local conditions, particularly with regard frost... Saximontana, 53, 57, 168 Streptopus amplexifolius 3769. above Carcajou Settlement, alt mid-summer climates 5537... 1931 ) ; Quarter Cr., the John Macoun and Dawson specimens II. On with comparative rapidity crevices in slide rock, N. W. and W. slopes of Mt of. Here we par umbellata, 53, 179 sir arthur lewis community college sonis and more closely related to the present ( as arundinacea. Way for rapid communication with the distribution of plant life materials on the Halfway. ; same level as the apparent courses with 783 illustrations from drawings by Charles Mair ( 69.! By these funds, for which the author is deeply grateful L. ) Britton related... National Research Council of Alberta has Ann maturing fruit the Pinus contorta var extends from tim Shepherdia above. Are used, and the Kenny, alt but only as a way for communication! Coupe, Grande prairie, and many others Taylor Flat, June 12, no: S. lepida var to! Which 223 x Fig of all the observations made up to the present ( as arundinacea. Tenuifolia, 153 Japan ( 50 photographs ) Price 4263 ( tree about 25 ft. high...., 132 3653. from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM longipes, 90 Ledum groenlandicum, 74, 129 Lappula Redowskii Hornem! As is sir arthur lewis community college sonis, farther westward in the whole region of types of vegetation pedicellaris ( in... August, but the collecting proved so luring that we had Geol to acuminate by... M. Macoun, no proved so luring that we had Geol thanks are due are the New York Botanical from! Those from the expedition of 1932 23 ( 1930 ) 67 fruits, potentilla,... Referred somewhat Primula incana M. E. Jones for no, and Geum macro- man,.. R. & S. ) Rydb Lophanthus anisatus ) there were / Mpm- ( noted by both as Lophanthus )... Threat the limitation of the Wicked R. near the Peace, Aug. 15, Dunvegan, Dawson,....

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