The Story of Selene. The months had their own personifications as well, who were all born from Selene. Finally, although this account is more in doubt, some stories say that Selene and her brother Helios together birthed one of the generations of the Horae, the goddesses of the seasons. Also known as Mene, she is traditionally the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. There is no mention of Selene as a goddess in either the Iliad or the Odyssey of Homer,[22] while her only mention in Hesiod's Theogony is as the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios and Eos. [149][150] In addition, a type of flat, round moon-shaped cake was called 'selene' ("moon") and was offered "to the goddess. The moon goddess Selene had two siblings the sun and the dawn, also known as Helios and Eos respectively. Epimenides, in the theogony that was ascribed to him, also calls her lovely haired, perhaps due to the Homeric Hymns themselves. According to Lucian, Selene had a rival for Endymions love named Myia. Selene, goddess of the moon, truly represented the moon itself to the Greeks. [68] However, the first account of the story comes from the third-century BC Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, which tells of Selene's "mad passion" and her visiting the "fair Endymion" in a cave on Mount Latmus:[69], And the Titanian goddess, the moon, rising from a far land, beheld her [Medea] as she fled distraught, and fiercely exulted over her, and thus spake to her own heart: After all, mythology is storytelling at its finest. The moon was thought to influence people in other ways, as well. [76] The Roman playwright Seneca, has Selene abandoned the night sky for Endymion's sake having entrusted her "shining" moon chariot to her brother Helios to drive. In many paintings and sculptures, Selene is traditionally depicted with the crescent moon in her vicinity. [128], Originally, Pandia may have been an epithet of Selene,[129] but by at least the time of the late Hymn to Selene, Pandia had become a daughter of Zeus and Selene. The name Selene is also quite popular in the English-speaking world. Selene herself most often wore a crown of gleaming silver, which matched her silver chariot. [10] The Greek Stoic philosopher Chrysippus interpreted Selene and Men as, respectively, the female and male aspects of the same god. One of the names given for Selene, and occasionally for an independent personification, was Mene. Depending on the author, the chariot was either silver,[6] snow white,[7] or gold. While Selene was known for pulling the moon across the sky in her silver . Athena, also spelled Athene, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva. The Greek word for the moon was also the word used to delineate the months. in, Palagia, Olga (2005), "Fire from Heaven: Pediments and Akroteria of the Parthenon" in, Parisinou, Eva, "Brightness personified: light and devine image in ancient Greece" in, Robertson, Noel (1996), "Athena's Shrines and Festivals" in, Savignoni L. 1899. Mene The personification of the months was sometimes an aspect of Selene and sometimes a separate goddess. Selene - Mythology. While not traditionally moon goddesses, those like Isis and Nyx have associations with or are connected to the moon in various ways. During the night, Selene would drive her chariot with the moon across the sky. In some versions of the story, the goddess abandoned her duty and left the night sky so she could be with the man she loved. The three siblings clearly worked in conjunction with one another, since their roles and duties are so intrinsically linked. The light that humans saw from earth emanate from them, a legacy of their lustrous father. It was only later, when Selene began to be conflated with other lunar goddesses, that she was openly worshiped. For this the Greek gods were to be worshiped. Selene, (Greek: Moon) Latin Luna, in Greek and Roman religion, the personification of the moon as a goddess. Selene was a beautiful goddess with long, flowing . Thus, both the sun and the moon were seen as gods embodied in those forms. Does the sculpted girl speak to women too?" [23] She was, however, the subject of one of the thirty-three Homeric Hymns, which gives the following description: And next, sweet voiced Muses, daughters of Zeus, well-skilled in song, tell of the long-winged[24] Moon. The most well-known story of Selene is her love of the mortal man Endymion. It was devoted to Selene, under the name Pasiphae, and to Helios. Zeus heard of that, and ordered Selene as well as her siblings Helios (Sun) and Eos (Dawn) not to shine, and harvested all of that plant for himself. Updates? Even though she, along with her siblings, was a Titan goddess because of her parentage, the three of them became quite central to the Greek pantheon and were accepted as Greek gods themselves after the fall of the great Titans. Obbink, Dirk (2002), "'All Gods are True' in Epicurus" in, Obbink, Dirk (2011) "56. Even if he were sleeping, he would not be parted from the goddess he loved by death. [32], Selene was rarely worshipped, at least in earlier periods of ancient Greek history. These were Eiar, Theros, Cheimon, and Phthinoporon, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. 260 M-W; Epimenides, FHG 4 frag. 17th century bronze statue of Hercules and the Nemean Lion; possibly French. She is pale, beautiful and indefinably alluring. However, in the science fiction book The First Men on the Moon by H.G. There is a magnificent frieze in the Pergamon Altar, now kept at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, which depicts this battle between the Giants and the Olympians. This is at times accompanied by stars to depict the night sky, but the crescent moon was perhaps the most recognizable of Selenes symbols. In ancient Greek mythology, Selene, is the Titan goddess of the moon and is said to drive her glowing chariot powered by beautiful white horses across the sky each night. Selenes siblings and Selene herself carried on their fathers legacy by shining light from the heavens upon the earth. The idea that Selene would also give easy labours to women paved way for identification with Hera and the Roman Juno and Lucina, three other childbirth goddesses; Plutarch calls Selene "Hera in material form. Secretive and shy, she enjoys flitting silently through the night with a pearl-white or silvery chariot. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. [79] While Quintus Smyrnaeus wrote that, while Endymion slept in his cave beside his cattle: and slid from heaven to earth; for passionate love, drew down the immortal stainless Queen of Night. In it, Selene is depicted as fighting alongside Helios and Eos, seated side-saddle on a horse. Those that do exist are somewhat generic (like the previously mentioned epithets). In memory of the beautiful Endymion, the fly still grudges all sleepers their rest and annoys them. The altars to Selene were few and far between. [31], Ampelus was a handsome young male satyr and the first love of the god Dionysus. Mene, a name that she was also commonly known by, meant the moon or the lunar month, from the root mens which meant month. This is an attribute that she shares with her Roman equivalent Luna, where the latin luna also means moon.. Selene was one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses, and her story is one of the most captivating in Greek mythology. [86] Additionally, on a rein guide for a chariot a goddess thought to be Selene with a crescent and veil over her head is depicted, who stands with Helios on a gate tower and tries to repel the attacks of snake-legged Giants. [44] The 7th century BC Greek poet Alcman makes Ersa ("Dew") the daughter of Selene and Zeus. [122] As frequently depicted on Roman sarcophagi, Selene, holding a billowing veil forming a crescent over her head, descends from her chariot to join her lover, who slumbers at her feet. In time, however, some early Greek philosophers and scientists did attempt rational explanations for lunar eclipses (e.g., Democritus, frag. Not only was she the goddess of the moon, but she was considered a personification of the moon itself and that was how she was portrayed by many of the old poets and writers. [56] While the sun chariot has four horses, Selene's usually has two,[57] described as "snow-white" by Ovid. [25], Two other sources also mention her hair. 127 ff (trans. 200 (cited in the scholia on Aristophanes Frogs 1033); Orphica frag. Oil lamp fragment with the head of Selene, early classical period, Muse de Die. [16][18], Although attempts have been made to connect Selene to Helene due to the similarity of their names, in two early dedications to Helen from Laconia her name is spelled with a digamma (Ancient Greek: , romanized:Welna), ruling out any possible connection between them. Grapevines then rose from Ampelus corpse, from which the heartbroken Dionysus made wine for the first time. "[80], Lucian also records an otherwise unattested myth where a pretty young girl called Muia becomes Selene's rival for Endymion's affections; the chatty maiden would endlessly talk to him while he slept, causing him to wake up. Selene was never completely forgotten by the Greeks, but many of her duties and attributes were taken over by Artemisover time. This she shared with her siblings and other goddesses like Nyx. The most famous story of Selene, however, concerns her love for a mortal man. [110] In later art, like other celestial divinities such as Helios, Eos, and Nyx (Night), Selene rides across the heavens. She began to do this every night, leaving her chariot behind and making the sky dark with her absence. According to some, she bore fifty children while her lover slept and dreamed of her beauty. The three children have become much more well-known in general Greek literature than their parents, especially after the fall from grace of Hyperion, who stood by his brother Cronus in the latters war against Zeus and was banished to Tartarus for it. 13 In later times Selene was identified with Artemis, and the worship of the two became amalgamated. [103], In Lucian's Icaromenippus, Selene complains to the titular Menippus of all the outrageous claims philosophers are making about her, such as wondering why she is ever waxing or gibbous, whether she is populated or not, and stating that she is getting her stolen light from the Sun, causing strife and ill feelings between her and her brother. She had two siblings, Helios and Eos. [63] A famous example of that is Aglaonice of Thessaly, an ancient Greek astronomer, who was regarded as a sorceress for her (self-proclaimed) ability to make the Moon disappear from the sky ( : kathairen tn selnen). However, her greatest love was a lowly mortal named Endymion. Many people believed that labor and childbirth was easiest during the full moon and prayed to Selene for aid. The bull panicked, threw Ampelus and gored him to death. How Did Uranus get its Name as Per Greek Mythology? In this aspect she was closely associated with Dionysus. The myth of Selene, the moon goddess, is no exception. [29], Selene played a role in some versions of the myth of the Nemean Lion, a ferocious and invulnerable beast slain by Heracles as the first of his Twelve Labors. That leaves Artemis and Selene. It is fascinating how the ancient Greeks saw the beautiful but solitary celestial body in the sky and proceeded to weave romantic tales about the goddess that was supposed to embody it. Both Theocritus in his second Idyll and Pindar write about how young women would pray to or invoke spells in the name of the moon goddess for help with their love lives. It was also believed to influence many aspects of their personal lives and even the actions of the gods. Corrections? Selene, one of the younger generation of Titans, was also the Greek goddess of the moon. [77] The Greek satirist Lucian's dialogue between Selene and the love goddess Aphrodite has the two goddesses commiserate about their love affairs with Endymion and Adonis, and suggests that Selene has fallen in love with Endymion while watching him sleep each night. Eos represented the warm light that could be seen coming up above the horizon before the sun appeared in full. In many cases it rested on her brow or jutted out on either side of her head like a crown or horns. Pandia was the personification of the full moon and may have originally been another name for Selene before the myths made her the daughter of Selene and Zeus. The most important of Selenes symbols was her moon chariot. Around this time, Selene came to be identified with more important goddesses such as Artemis and Hecateidentifications that expanded her role in Greek religion. Selene appeared each night over the water, shining all the more because she emerged from bathing in the sea. Accessed on 27 Feb. 2023. So she is a sure token and a sign to mortal men. This story seems to have made its way into Roman mythology as well since many of the greatest Roman scholars, from Cicero to Seneca, have written about it. In their stories, it is Diana, the Roman counterpart of Artemis, who falls in love with the beautiful mortal. Sometimes this develops in later worship as they are identified with other deities or gods. In her later identification with Artemis, Selene came to be called Phoebe or Cynthia. [82], Gaia, angered about her children the Titans being thrown into Tartarus following their defeat, brought forth the Giants, to attack the gods, in a war that was called the Gigantomachy. Artemis is also a Goddess of the moon. This is a relatively late text. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. And a memorial of her couch abides still neath the oaks; for mid the copses round was poured out milk of kine; and still do men marvelling behold its whiteness. Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History 3.57. [12] Also from Artemis, Selene was sometimes called "Cynthia", meaning "she of Mount Cynthus" (the birthplace of Artemis). What are Pan God Powers in Greek Mythology? Occasionally she asked her brother to take over her duties so she could spend more time on the ground with Endymion. She was frequently distinguished by a crescent moon over her head (or occasionally a lunar disk).[9]. While we often think little of the moon today, in the ancient Greek world the moons cyclical movement through the sky played a central role in their concept of time. In Greek mythology, Ceto was a goddess of the water. He may have been a pioneer in the field of astronomy and some sources even claimed he was a mortal son of Zeus. Because Basileia's other brothers envied these offspring, and feared that Hyperion would try to seize power for himself, they conspired against him. Nyx is the goddess of the night and is thus associated with the new moon. 1392). The goddess of the moon does not seem to have been the object of much ritual worship in the early Greek period. Selene personified the moon and was one of the Greek goddesses of the night. [64][65] Those who brought down the Moon were thought to bring ill fortune upon themselves, as evidenced by the proverb ("you are bringing down the Moon on yourself") said for those who caused self-inflicted evils; some witches supposedly avoided this fate by sacrificing their children or their eyeballs. 245 M-W; Pherecydes, FHG 1 frag. Though Selene was ultimately able to fight the creature off, the scars from their battle remained forever carved on the face of the moon. Not only was she the goddess of the moon, but she was considered a personification of the moon itself and that was how she was portrayed by many of the old poets and writers. According to Greek mythology, the moon goddess Selene was the daughter of two Titans (mythological giants) called Hyperion and Theia. She was the Greek goddess of the Moon and her sisters were the Eos and Helios. [112], Selene was often paired with her brother Helios. There are a number of stories about the moon goddess Selene in Greek mythology, in association with the other Greek gods, especially Zeus. [91], Selene also played a small role in the first of Heracles' twelve labours; whereas for Hesiod, the Nemean Lion was born to Orthrus and the Chimera (or perhaps Echidna) and raised by Hera,[92] other accounts have Selene involved in some way in its birth or rearing. Her Roman equivalent is Luna. [6] In the Doric and Aeolic dialects, her name was also spelled (Selna) and (Selnna) respectively. She announced the coming of her younger brother. If you have read Greek mythology and the famous epics of ancient Greece, you may be quite familiar with her brother Helios. Selene (Greek mythology) The goddess of the Moon. Like Helios with the sun, Selene drove the moon across the sky each night in a chariot. This might have had a role in the later identification of Selene with Hecate, who was, after all, the goddess of witchcraft and spells. When Gaia heard of a prophecy that a mortal would help the gods to defeat the giants, she sought to find a herb that would make them undefeatable. 14 In works of art, however, the two divinities are usually distinguished; the face of [4], The name "Selene" is derived from the Greek noun selas (), meaning "light, brightness, gleam". Zeus slept with the human queen Alcmene, of which encounter Heracles was born. In the center of the main panel Selene descends from her chariot, whose horses are held by a nymph, to join Endymion, who lies to the right. The poem describes the radiant light that shines from her head and calls her bright Selene. The moon goddess is described as white armed goddess and bright tressed queen and the poem celebrates her loveliness. Hesiod, Catalogue of Women frag. Seneca, Madness of Hercules 83; Hyginus, Fabulae 30; Aelian, On Animals 12.7 (citing Epimenides); etc. This was called a casting down of the moon, or in the case of a solar eclipse, of the sun. Selene had an altar at Pergamon, at the sanctuary of Demeter, the goddess of spring. Without Selene giving way to Eos, Helios could not bring the sun back to the world. Greek Mythology >> Galleries GALLERIES. The Greeks followed a lunar calendar, in which months were delineated by the cycles of the moon. 3. That was a basic unit of how the Greeks measured time in the old days. Her list of powers are unmatched, as far as lunar goddesses go. In Greek mythology, Selene was traditionally depicted as a beautiful young woman, with perhaps paler than usual skin. She was born as one of the second generation of Titans, who were overthrown by the Olympians. Moon gods and goddesses have existed in all ancient pantheistic cultures for a very long time. Selene and Helios together were said to be the parents of the four Horae, the goddesses of the seasons. His rites also brought a form of madness about in his followers, who often celebrated under the light of the moon. Indeed, it reflects the fascinating way the Greeks observed the . [140] Nonnus also identified Selene with Eileithyia. With Zeus she is the mother of Pandeia goddess of dew. Let's take a closer look at her story. In the Greek calendar, they used the phases of the moon to calculate a month made up of three ten-day periods. But in other versions of the Endymion myth, Selene begged Zeus to make her lover immortal so they could be forever. [52] There are no mentions of Selene's chariot in either Homer or Hesiod,[53] but the Homeric Hymn to Selene, gives the following description: The air, unlit before, glows with the light of her golden crown, and her rays beam clear, whensoever bright Selene having bathed her lovely body in the waters of Ocean, and donned her far-gleaming raiment, and yoked her strong-necked, shining team, drives on her long-maned horses at full speed, at eventime in the mid-month: then her great orbit is full and then her beams shine brightest as she increases. In later eras, she became associated with madness as well. [158] HMS Selene (P254), a 1944 British submarine and Ghia Selene, a concept car from the Ghia design studio from 1959, also bore her name. However, the most famous myth about the goddess of the moon is her romance with the shepherd king Endymion, who the ancient Greeks said was one of the most beautiful mortals to ever exist. She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The menstrual cycles were known as moon cycles in many cultures of the world, measured as they were by the monthly lunar calendar. The goddess took offense, and sent a gadfly to sting Ampelus' bull. With Zeus she is a sure token and a sign to mortal Men dark with her brother.... Mortal man seneca, madness of Hercules and the moon as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse driving. ] snow white, [ 7 ] or gold, early classical period, de... Even claimed he was a basic unit of how the Greeks measured time in the early Greek period statue! 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