Teaching Writing . Character, Communist state, Drama, Inspector Clouseau, Irony, Literary technique, Paradox, Responsibility, Social Duty, Socialism. Grade: A really neat, clear and well organised essay. Much appreciated! Most students are familiar with PEE in their . How To Structure A Response to An Inspector Calls. Arthur Birling explains the familys capitalist philosophy when he says a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own which suggests that he feels that he only has responsibility for his own family and himself. The well-known nature of this metaphor makes it seemingly self-evidently true to the audience. The Inspector then goes on to say that We don't live alone. B. Priestley, Performance. Priestley redeems her partly to show the morally repugnant nature of the Birlings lack of redemption, through juxtaposing their response with hers. Barnett, D. (2022). She struggles to get by and is unable to cope with the strains that she is forced to be under at her age. Y - why it is there. The Inspector states that if we share nothing else, we have to share our guilt. We see this in the line, Ill never, never do it again to anyone. To really understand Mr Birling and his role and function in the play, we need to understand what his 'creator' , J.B. Priestley is trying to do and why he 'created' Mr Birling. Priestley uses Mrs Birling to teach the audience a lesson and to show them how not to behave. The setting of this play is before world war one and two, and also the sinking of the Titanic, thus showing Birling foreshadowing future events, and adding to the dramatic irony. There is an inference that they will be punished in hell for not caring about the way those less fortunate are treated. Set in 1912, an Upper class English family are celebrating their daughter's engagement when their evening is interrupted by a police inspector. Posted 6th April 2013 by Unknown. The Theme of Responsibility in an Inspector Calls by J. Through tension between the characters, the main theme that we dont live alone, are members of one body, and are responsible for each other is revealed. By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. What is a PETAL paragraph? as they grow. Instead of a young girl killing herself through drinking bleach, I would instead have a young girl who has committed suicide through a drug overdose and alcohol poisoning. In the play An Inspector Calls by J B Priestley, the characters of Sheila and Eric are used to represent the younger generation in Edwardian England, a time when traditional Victorian values were beginning to become obsolete. Priestly also shows through Shelia that she was the next generation, with the new ideas of how people of another class should be treated and how the other Birlings are still living in the old, traditional frame of mind, which is harsh and uncaring to others. Clearly, Eric sees Eva as just another conquest and objectifies her as someone (or something) that he can use for his own pleasure. Birling speaking on the phone when the person has rung off indicates also that his social authority is over; creating the sense that there is justice has lost what he really cared about. Here, the inspector is presented as an omnipotent being. This links to when he says, a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own. The repetition of the pronoun his emphasises that he only takes care of his possessions and doesnt think twice about others. Her parents continue to ignore her desire to grow up, infantilising her again by suggesting that shes just tired and hysterical, though they cant ignore her final words when she refuses Geralds ring again which clearly shows that she has grown up enough to express herself completely, How does Priestley present Mrs Birling as an unlikeable character? Priestley was aiming to ensure that the shifts in society happening in 1945 were strengthened and that everyone felt that responsibility for others was important. An Inspector Calls - Examining the Role of Sheila After the Inspector h An Inspector Calls - Examining the Role of Sheila After the Inspector has Left Examining the Role of Sheila After the Inspector has Left An Inspector Calls is a play that was written by J.B. Priestley in 1945 and is set in 1912, focusing on a respectable upper class family . This is an exemplar An Inspector Calls essay - Grade 9 GCSE standard - based upon the AQA English Literature June 2019 exam question. At the beginning of the play she is a young, nave girl who is happy to be told what to think and do; by the end she is the only character who really takes responsibility for the death of Eva and is happy to tell her parents that she thinks they are wrong. We begin to discover the hidden depths behind each character's outer appearance as the play continues. This would make it more accessible for everyone, such as students. The role/function of the Mr Birling character in the play. Arthur too is confronted about his dealings with Eva Smith, but immediately states that the girl has been causing trouble in the works. In act one, Mr Birling makes several threats to the Inspector about his connections with the Chief Constable. 2. In this instance, Priestly uses his characters to illustrate the importance of being responsible.. An Inspector Calls Character Topics: Responsibility, Social Duty and therefore he is suggesting that it is the younger generation that have the responsibility for adopting more socialist principles. He also points to the wider selfishness of a society that is driven by profit and with no structured welfare . An Inspector Calls - Examining the Role of Sheila After the Inspector has Left Examining the Role of Sheila After the Inspector has Left An Inspector Calls is a play that was written by J.B. Priestley in 1945 and is set in 1912, focusing on a respectable upper class family; the Birlings. 'a hard-headed, practical man of business' (p. 6) As time has changed, so has the way in which society views them even if the ideas are identical. Priestley uses the inspector to make the audience fearful as they are persuaded to think that the inspector is a God-like character imposing judgement on society. This shows how Mr Birling feels threatened and uncomfortable with the Inspectors presence. This is ilistrated in the quote "Well, we've several young women there, y'know, and they keep changing. An Inspector Calls Quotes. B. Priestley uses the inspector to convey that he wants society to change and become more empathetic towards the working class instead of perceiving them as being disposable. The inspector is described as giving an impression of massiveness. This is interesting as it makes it clear that he isnt massive but should give that impression. As a direction this is a bit of a nightmare for a, that makes him seem huge. The play "An Inspector calls" was written by J.B. Priestly in 1945. How does Priestley explore the theme of responsibility in the play? So, the answer to this question is, that there is one technique, PETAL. Clearly, Eric sees Eva as just another conquest and objectifies her as someone (or something) that he can use for his own pleasure. Priestley had a popular radio programme which was cancelled for being too left wing by the BBC. His final warning, however, that if we do not learn this lesson we will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish, has a slightly different meaning in the two time periods. . It is strongly didactic and powerful. An Inspector Calls is a play with lots of political messages as well as social messages. socialism now then the wars, and all the horrors that came with them, would return again. em w. 23 followers. Mr and Mrs Birling do not change and are only concerned about their reputation - the possible scandal or Arthurs knighthood. class. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. In Act One, Mr Birling makes a few significant speeches that have the use of dramatic irony. Back to English Literature Notes (for popular Inspector Calls character profiles and themes) Arthur Birling Quotes and Notes; Theme - Social Class Viral Feed (find out how to finally enjoy school, join the climate change campaign, or shop top tech to buy. Compare Priestleys presentation of Eva Smith and Shelia Birling. Sheila came through as a caring and thoughtful character and also an intelligent and realistic girl. The fact that Mr Birling is threatening the Inspector is, , though the Inspector brushes it aside. She begins to stand up to her parents who still look down on Eva. The plot of this dramatic play is based around a visit by an inspector to an apparently normal and well-respected family. In an inspector calls Mr Birling is introduced and makes claims such as "The titanicunsinkable , absolutely unsinkable" and "I say there isn't a chance of war" . The play is studied in many British schools as one of the prescribed texts for the English Literature GCSE. An Inspector Calls Essays One of the best things you can do to revise for any English exam is to read examples of essays. Also, it exposes to the audience his sense of higher class entitlement linked to his lack of responsibility for things that are not directly his fault. Arthur and his wife Sybil seem happy, although Sybil is reserved at the meal. writing your own paper, but remember to Required fields are marked *. The repetition and qualifiers enhance the dramatic irony as he was wrong about both of these things. There is also more than a suggestion of violence when he admits that he got to a point where a chap turns nasty Priestley implies that Eric forced himself on to Eva and thus there is a clear suggestion of rape. Attract the reader's attention and make sure they understand what this paragraph will cover. As the play continues and everyone finds out that inspector Goole was a fake, the parents of Sheila and Eric both start to downplay the events of that evening. This is because he is inspecting them, almost as though hes looking through them and into their soul. to help you write a unique paper. In the play, a family have their dinner party interrupted by an inspector who comes to visit. We often do on the young ones, the inspector replies, suggesting that his socialist values are more affective on younger people. An Inspector Calls is a play written in 1945 by J.B Priestly. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. "An Inspector Calls" Grade 8/9 Character Analysis of Gerald Croft Module Poetry Institution St. Anne's Catholic High School For Girls This essay has gained full marks (Grade 9) for its analytical structure and for exploring sophisticated ideas as well as maintaining a purpose and theme for the duration of the essay. This is demonstrated when he says A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own. Is it the one you wanted me to have? she asks him, a phrase that suggests she wasnt really interested in what she wanted but only what Gerald wanted her to have. Write about: how Sheila responds to her family and to the . while the Inspector represents the newly educated middle classes, who would rise up and form a bridge between the elite and the working classes below them. An inspector calls: Looking at retail development through a sustainability lens. This can be seen in the quotation, Im sorry Eric didnt know, after finding out it was her son she was talking about when she said he should take full responsibility for Evas pregnancy. Though Birling admitted that she was a good worker, he clearly saw his profits threatened by her behaviour and made an example of her. Not only could it be argued that the inspector is an immensely powerful figure but also that Priestley uses the stage directions that Inspector Goole's arrival to act as a symbol for how he wants society to improve. This gives the audience the impression that the inspector is an unbiased figure; they will be persuaded to listen to him and change their views. J.B. Priestley believed in socialism and he used large amounts of his plays to try and convince people to his way of thinking. Suddenly the tension starts to rise as soon as the children speak directly against their parents stating if you must know its you two who are being childish (55). The entire play is used as a motif for the wars; if society proceeds to not improve the way in which members of society treat each other, the world wars will repeat in an endless cycle until we learn. In both these respects she could be viewed as being ignorant to the reality of what her luxury costs others, or how difficult the times ahead will be. The imagery Priestley draw from is biblical by nature. This suggests he only believes he is responsible for himself and his family because when he says mind his own business he is showing a lack of care for other peoples problems. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. lighting should be pink and intimate until the INSPECTOR arrives and then it should be brighter and harder.) The play's success and reputation were boosted by a successful revival by English director Stephen Daldry for the National Theatre in 1992 and a tour of the UK in 20112012. Here, he is seemingly ok knowing that she was forced to kill herself all because of something that started out with him originally and a sign of regret is not to be found. This suggests that the day is coming to an end and the blackness of night is . Some individuals possess greater authority than others. The older Birlings breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that it was all a big prank, whilst the younger members think on the errors of their ways. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. This is reflected in the inspector, who is a mouthpiece for Priestley as he uses the metaphor, we are all part of one body to imply everyone should look after one another. The Individual as Described by Emerson and Melvill President Eisenhower and the NATO Essay Example fo Forest Soils on Acid Essay -- Ecology Nature Envi Humorous Best Man Speech - The Grooms Life Mountain West Health Plan Case Analysis Essay, Causes and Effects of the English Language Essay. By this stage she is known as Daisy Renton a name that perhaps reflects the fact her position: daisies are simple flowers that call to mind the innocence of daisy chains; while the appearance of rent in her name reminds us of what she did to her body in order to survive. Clearly, Eric, with his privilege, is used to getting his own way and Priestley wants us to see that for Eric Eva is something to satisfy his own desires, merely taking advantage of Evas misfortune. We are responsible for each other. These three concise sentences summarise the lesson Priestley was trying to convey to the audience. Priestley wants the middle and upper classes to transform from abusing their power to dominate and exploit the working class to instead being more responsible for their actions and treating people more sympathetically. Eric Birling is first presented as the ne'er-do-well son of the wealthy and hardheaded businessman Arthur Birling, but later he proves his worth as an honest man. Sybil Birling is blinded to the problems within her household and herself, and therefore tension is created when she directly contradicts the viewpoints of her children. Head of English with 16+ years of classroom experience sharing PPTs, printables and visual aids to get students of all ages skilled up for AQA GCSE + OCR A-Level, A model Paragraph on an AQA Literature Paper 2 Question on **Arthur Birling **for An Inspector Calls. Priestley presents a strong message about responsibility throughout the play. An Inspector Calls was set in 1912, a time in which society was divided by not only gender but by social class. Sheila's mature attitude was shown throughout the play, and her guilt and willingness to learn from her mistakes were also displayed. If you treat one person unacceptably then you never know what effect that may have on them and others around them, if you do your bit to treat every person with decency that you meet then you will have no regrets with what you have done. B. Priestley Overview Contents Study Revise My Notes Plot and Action Characters Themes, Contexts and Settings Form, Structure and Language Progress Booster [ Add note to page Planning your answer Stage 3: Plan for paragraphs Use paragraphs to plan your answer. She was outspoken, resilient and gutsy as she led a group of workers on strike in an attempt to get higher wages shed had a lot to say-far too much- so she had to go. E, However, good sport links to hunting which suggests that Eric is a predator and Eva his prey. There are many factors that need to be considered when casting, performing and staging a production of the play. The inspector, however, believes that we are , . In this way, the inspector is talking about the socialist ideas which suggest that because we all live together we should look after each other. One may argue that the younger generations are more impressionable and naive while the older generations are very hardheaded and assertive. Clearly, Eric sees Eva as just another conquest and objectifies her as someone (or something) that he can use for his own pleasure. However, Sheila says hes been steadily drinking for two years, showing she is either trying to get him into trouble or is keen to get him help. You must ensure that all the points you make are relevant to the question and. If you use this formula, you can have a different structure for the essay paragraph. Perhaps it is about bri. The word all also highlights his belief that anything to do with community, such as helping others and being responsible for one another, is ridiculous. 4. He uses all his techniques to show his message and make sure the audience understand it. You can almost hear his sarcastic tone as if community is an absurd idea. Sheila Birling, the sister of Eric, also starts out by admitting to her role in the death of Eva. However, good sport links to hunting which suggests that Eric is a predator and Eva his prey. Priestly has deliberately set his play in 1912 to emphasise on the differences and his themes between the society at that present time (1945), and in the past. Priestley suggests that a pressing issue with the twentieth century society is that people are reluctant to take responsibility for their actions. I was quite justified (19). Mr Birling and the Inspector good for AO2, A panic paragraph without quotes that picks up on some key moments from the rest of the play good for AO1. Shes also described as being excited an adjective that suggests she is looking forward to her life. should have no doubts that his understanding of the world is from a higher place. Eric, Sheila's brother, drinks heavily and appears . In An Inspector Calls, Priestley portrays inspector google as a peculiar mysterious man. An Inspector Calls is one of Priestley's best-known works for the stage and is considered to be one of the classics of mid-20th century English theatre. Priestly shows the importance of caring for others within your community by showing that if the Birlings had looked after Eva Smith and treated her with any respect then maybe it would have prevented her suicide, because she would have been in a lot happier state of mind. She was quite childish and used petty excuses for her actions I told him that if they didnt get rid of that girl, Id never go near the place again. But it might have done. She has a more compassionate approach to Eva and her life as she learns about the suffering that this girl the same age as herself had to go through. J.B. Priestleys use of contrasting characterization within the Birling family in the play An Inspector Calls creates tension and communicates his theme that one must take into consideration the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for them. His final speech is based on the great moral authority he has gained through the entirety of the play and is in a sense cathartic. Preview 1 out of 3 pages. An inspector calls. She realises that there is no need to treat a person the way that the Birling family did, no matter whether it was the same girl or not everything we said had happened really hadnt happened. PEEL, TEEL, PETAL Sound familiar? B. Priestley, Man, Responsibility, Sheila Gordon, Social equality, Sociology. An Inspector Calls is a memorable play from the mid-1940s, written by the popular English dramatist J.B. Priestley. Mrs Birling uses her powers for bad as she influenced the committee to refuse Eva help. The consequences of the events in those 33 years led to huge changes in society. Here, the Birlings represent the wealthy and. Their reputation - the possible scandal or Arthurs knighthood continuing well assume board..., suggesting that his socialist values are more impressionable and naive while the older generations are more impressionable naive. People are reluctant to take Responsibility for their actions the use of dramatic irony as he was wrong both. Google as a direction this is a predator and Eva his prey technique, Paradox, Responsibility, &., Communist state, Drama, Inspector Clouseau, irony, Literary technique, Paradox, Responsibility sheila! 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