Inside, Emma begins unearthing a creaky floorboard that is interrupted by Henry kicking the door. Zelena denies the accusations, and Regina later learns the Evil Queen is actually the culprit. But the womens troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. They embrace and depart shortly after. He prompts Emma to come along, however, she tells him that she has a session with Archie. When they learn unwanted news about the baby's health, the couple ask Emma to do something she is unwilling to do. That night, she meets Hook at the dock, after he has disposed of the shears into the sea. She confesses fears about being lonely if Mary Margaret leaves because she considers her to be family. He explains that Zeus brought him back as a reward for stopping Hades, while Emma is overwhelmed with happiness at having him back. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Emma and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. "I lost track of time myself." Looking a bit worried, Emma mapped out the store in her mind, wondering if she had enough time to grab the items on her list and something extra. Elsa tries removing the wall, but it mysteriously does not work. An argument breaks out between Emma and Regina as Elsa pleads for them to mend fences. ("The Outsider"), After a car crashes into Storybrooke, Emma drives to the scene while accompanied by her parents. He shares his supposed real-life love story, in which he was an artist who loved his wife but she didn't love him. Please consider turning it on! At the loft, Emma vows to not use the shears, and instead, find another way or accept that she is meant to die. Still having trouble with the flame, Emma talks to Regina about the allure of the darkness and her unwillingness to give it up for some unexplained reason. With the final battle no longer an issue, Emma and Hook's wedding is resumed for the next day. My dad came running over to me trying to comfort me. However, she rushes to the scene of a scuffle as Aurora, who deliberately followed them, attempts to harm Mary Margaret and they are pulled apart by Mulan. Storming into the sheriff's office, Regina reports Henry has run away again. Emma had managed a few smiles herself as Killian cooked the frozen chicken and French fries for her brother, teasing the little boy over whether he was eating a chicken or an ancient reptile. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. With the genie lamp, the Queen uses a wish to grant Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. She nearly chokes him, but Mary Margaret pulls her away. Regina, having doubts about Zelena's claims, heads to the vault for evidence of their familial connection. Leaving Henry in Regina's care, Emma goes with Elsa to the pawnshop. I took a deep breath and I heard a tiny baby cry. Now that Emma and Regina are married, all they want is to add to their family. ("The Bear and the Bow"), Unable to sleep, Emma continues weaving dreamcatchers, oblivious that Hook has noticed her worrying behavior. A rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. Emma looks at the letter herself, tracking down Henry at the diner, to reason that his mother needs space. Mary Margaret doesn't take her claims seriously and guesses she is still not over Neal, which Emma denies. Regina argues the women are villains, but they deserve second chances like herself, which Emma agrees with. David then called me again. The white ethereal inspired gown worn by Emma in, According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma's sense of style changed in. Tinker Bell weighs the risk as not worthy unless they have a way to leave Neverland and she makes off for her tree house. If you don't like this type of fanfic, then please don't read. With her and Regina's combined magic, the group break out and run for the portal. SuperCorp family chaos! Unable to best Emma, Hook reveals his true identity as a shocked Mary Margaret pulls his hook out of his satchel. She believes Mary Margaret is being framed and begins trying to work against the building case. Emma uses a locator spell on Ashley's shoe, and as she is following the shoe, she is joined by Hook and Henry. Henry, however, does not believe Regina is doing the right thing by pushing him away. They learn this is Hyde's doing, and that he purposely brought over the people in it from his realm. In order to prepare for her portrayal of dark Emma, Jennifer Morrison did lots of research with mythology books and old fairy tale books, and read about the history of swans and the etymology of "swan". Mr. Gold believes that he deserves thanks for bringing Emma to her parents, breaking the curse and saving Henry's life, which she is doubtful he has any credit in. Recognizing the name, Emma checks a newspaper microfiche, eventually locating a Lilith Page, who was her childhood friend Lily. Emma Swan is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time and the protagonist of seasons 1-6. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. When questioned, Elsa tersely admits finding her sister Anna's pendant in the pawnshop and is looking for her. Freezing from the cold temperatures, Emma stays awake by talking. I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." Emma wants to take Henry home, but Graham interrupts to show them John Doe's bloody hospital bracelet. Inside the entrance, a barrier, capable of blocking anyone with a shadow, keeps them from progressing. To this, Hook cruelly describes her biggest flaw, in that she self-sabotages her own happiness by pushing people away, which is why she'll always be an orphan. Archie discloses that the fairytales are Henry's way of coping with problems like his difficult relationship with Regina. Since Hook continues to press her, she admits that everything she's doing now is because of him. Then, he leads them to a giant beanstalk stretching up into the sky, and explains there is an enchanted compass at the top, but first they must deal with the giant guarding it. Emma is flabbergasted they secretly began growing magic beans during the time she was still in the Enchanted Forest, and instinctively picks up that her parents truly want to go back to their land. Emma, David, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina link hands as the portal opens, but Cora refuses to appear. ("The Return"), Emma turns to Mr. Gold for assistance in taking on Regina so she can have Henry. When Emma mentions her knack for finding people by trying to decipher their stories, Henry realizes the storybook can tell them how Clorinda's story was supposed to end, and this will reveal Ashley's location. Forcing him to surrender at gunpoint, Emma then gives chase when the man runs away only for him to be caught by David. As Emma departs in the elevator, she clasps her hand with Killian's, only to have to let him go the further up she travels. Emma assumes the fresh cut on his cheek was Pan's doing, but he divulges that Henry did it. Seeing the darkness seize Regina and with the rest of the town at risk, Emma decides she must let it take her instead. A woman, Cleo, correctly guesses that Emma is the baby that was abandoned. And not everybody is equally happy about them. Emma is shocked to learn Anna did know Mr. Gold, then Rumplestiltskin, though he claimed to have no knowledge of her or Elsa. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. Emma's hand tremor is triggered when she grows frightened of what will happen if their mission fails, but Hook calms her down by reminding her of the story of Snow White and Prince Charming, and how she was born from true love, the most powerful magic that enables her to do anything. "No, he went out sailing and we've been trying to get a hold of him." She tries to kill him, but he tricks her into giving him the sword by reappearing as Henry in disguise. Regina, despite being angered that Hook is alive while Robin remains dead, sets aside her emotions in favor of finding out the cause of the tremor. Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. From this, Emma recognizes Regina framed her, but Mary Margaret bails her out. Abruptly, Henry leaps out to reveal knowledge about where John Doe is because he's looking for Mary Margaret. When Emma refuses to listen to her, Regina disguises herself as the Queen and arrives at the knighting ceremony, where she proclaims her intent to destroy them and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. The betas tried a magical remedy for Derek's melancholy, and now Stiles has a three-year-old who looks like Derek. They receive an unexpected appearance by Lancelot, who is revealed to be Cora in disguise. Regina, stunned to see Henry, is pulled aside by Emma to be questioned about the new curse, which the mayor denies involvement in. As the two hide from the spider, Gideon continues to build up Emma's trust by apologizing for trying to kill her and assuring her that all he wants is to free the Black Fairy's prisoners, however, when they reach a dead end, he shoves Emma into a sticky web, trapping her in place while he steals Hrunting, revealing that he can open a portal to go kill the Black Fairy once Emma dies. Later, she returns upstairs, overhearing Arthur praise Regina for healing Robin, which he sees as proof she is the savior. Emma pushes Regina out of the way when the Wraith moves to grab her. Emma is 22 and pregnant. Set at the end of season 2. Regina only says it's a "complicated history" and all the better if Tinker Bell doesn't meet her again. She states that if there is still a path of redemption for August, he must travel it on his own terms. Mary Margaret insists that she has been framed. Though tempted to change her mind, Emma believes she simply isn't fit to be a mother. Himself, the great Lord Voldemort, with children. Was Dark Swan inspired at all by Swan Lake? He remembers pretty much everything from that day. Before Emma leaves to find the culprit, Regina insinuates, judging from the snow monster and ice cave-in, that the savior is incapable of her job. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Emma explains she wants to be sure Henry, who seems so troubled, is doing all right. Snow White is up all night with worry, and continues to worry when she doesn't show up in the morning. They reach a farmhouse and deduct that someone is living in it. By evening's end, Hook asks Emma out on another date, which she seals with a goodnight kiss. Emma makes a passing comment on Henry's claims about fairy tales, though Regina has no knowledge of any of that. Regina, citing that Emma has more experience in the Land Without Magic, convinces her to come along so both their missions can be fulfilled. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. Afterwards, she goes back to her apartment where other residents of Storybrooke are also gathered in mourning. Once James' identity is known to her, Cruella drives up to join him. Neither of them expected that this would bind them together through a child which as far as the laws of magic are concerned, is both of theirs. Henry states they should probably tell Regina, though Emma worries that either way they will pay the price. Hoping to fix the mistake, the two head for Rumplestiltskin's castle. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross, and co-star Mckenna Grace. ("Sisters"), Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan. Additionally, it will give Henry the false impression that his parents have a chance of getting back together. When Emma collapses, Elsa is encouraged by David, who persuades her into melting the ice. Through browsing, she discovers the Hancock County Courthouse has a file on her. At the clothing store where Tasha works, Emma also buys a red leather jacket similar to the one Cleo used to wear. He claims every single story in his book is true and even she is in it, but Emma is still skeptical. They set sail as soon as a portal opens from the last magic bean. Before heading in, Emma talks about her worsening rapport with Regina, and understands that when she hurts someone, there's no way of getting the person back. After a warm farewell to Emma, Elsa walks into the portal as Kristoff follows her in. Emma could feel the other woman's heart beat forcefully against her own chest as she relaxed against her frame. She then shows him the ring she found and becomes momentarily dismayed when Hook looks upset at her, though Killian assures her he is not. Emma has been very careful not to reveal who she is, and she is around Regina an awful lot". During questioning, Emma asks about a book and drawing that she found on him earlier, but Will claims they mean nothing. Gideon instead tells her about his experience with the depravity of the Black Fairy's soul and what she has done to other enslaved children, all of whom he promised to save and Emma will either have to comply with his demands or never see Hook again. Emma's cheeks somehow burnt even hotter and she furrowed her brows deeply while pouting. Hook decides he is staying in the Underworld after Hades' defeat, to which Emma gives up on trying to persuade him that she forgives him, and for his own closure, he needs to forgive himself. When she tries to take Neal into her care, an unsure Mary Margaret refuses. Upon hearing from Hook that August has gotten better, she goes to tell him about the illustration and the key that Henry found. However, she'd rather bring him out of town so he can be away from Regina for good. Belle, now freed from the sleeping curse, arrives looking for a new place to stay. She wants a shortcut to fix her issues, but he advises that giving herself time and effort. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Emma wishes to know why Ingrid has been watching her since childhood, and the Snow Queen implies she erased her memories to protect her. ("Hat Trick"), While headed off to work, she is approached by David, who clarifies his last encounter with Mary Margaret, and that he doesn't actually think she is guilty. At Merlin's tower, when Regina presses her for answers about how she knew about David and Mary Margaret's sand induced state, Emma admits what she did with the dreamcatcher. Having known from first sight that she had to have her, and that she would make the girl hers. Her foster mother notices Emma's longing looks and tries to assure her that she will have a family one day as well. Going by Hook's advice, Emma finally forgives her mother, recognizing that she needs to stop punishing her and she understands what happened in the past with Lily cannot be undone, but it doesn't change the good person Mary Margaret has become. However, Emma hasn't told Henry about her relationship with Hook yet. Tamara says nothing and takes the paper back. To Emma's shock, Aurora informs her that she met Henry in one of her dreams. #onceuponatimefanfic, I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I heard a scream. Fanfic that contains little Emma or little Regina, and is centered around Regina and Emma, romantic or platonic. From speaking with Sean's father, she learns about Ashley's adoption contract with Mr. Gold. She had no memories of her biological family. Phoned by Belle, she heads to the library to find a passed out Will and hauls him into a cell. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's handsthe Dark Curse. With her and Mr. Gold's combined powers, they shrink the spider before Emma kills it by stomping on it. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." They bond over having powers they can't control and figuring out who they are beyond their titles; Elsa as Queen and Emma as the savior. Emma helps to light a cannon as Neal releases the Shadow over it, firing the creature into the air, to which Regina projects it into a sail to fly everyone home. The couple's fervor for each other grow in intensity, however, things cool off once Snow unknowingly walks in on them. Upset, Hook demands an apology from Will, but Emma brushes it off. When Emma visits Hyde again, he tells her that all saviors have been cut down by villains and that the villain she'll face could be one of the newcomers from his realm. Emma is touched by Hook's confession and shares a kiss with him, just after David has left the shed with the potions, which Hook was helping him to get without Emma's knowledge. ("Page 23", "A Wondrous Place"), Learning from Leroy that Hook was spotted at the docks leaving on the Nautilus, Emma comes believe Killian has truly left her for good and then tells her father the truth about Hook's involvement in Robert's death. , then please do n't like this type of fanfic, then do! Right thing by pushing him away curse, arrives looking for a new place stay... 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