Organizational goals can be achieved by trusting the employees judgment. "Maslow's Hierarchy and McGregor's X and Y Theory." Motivation occurs only at the physiological and security levels of Maslows hierarchy of needs. Theory Y managers maintain more control and supervision over their employees than Theory X managers. McGregor makes the point that a command-and-control environment is not effective because it relies on lower needs for motivation, but in modern society those needs are mostly satisfied and thus are no longer motivating. Theory X and Y, first published in the book The Human Side of Enterprise from 1960 (ok, definitely, work motivation is not something new) which brought as a provocation the question: What are your assumptions (implicit as well as explicit) about the most effective way to manage people?. 1. supervision B. Frederick llerzberg. 4. Aliyah, a senior public relations manager, follows McGregor's Theory Y approach to management so she maintains a low level of control and supervision over her employees. If team members perform well under control, an authoritative management style can be used. It increases the workload for employees who take the option. In his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, he outlined a new role . If the employee becomes productive and motivated, the theory is working. What was the ultimate result of the Hawthorne studies? They try to avoid responsibility; therefore, extreme control is required. Some employees may become sluggish when given the authority to work as per their convenience. Most people avoid responsibility and need constant direction. As Jim Collins puts it in Built to Last,the right people will do the right thing regardless of the bonus or reward.. B. the humanistic view of management. This book describes the development of two new theories X and Y. B. the humanistic view of management. Theory Z McGregor's XY Theory remains central to organisational development, and to improving organisational culture. Most workers put safety above all factors associated with work, displaying little ambition. McGregor himself pointed out that there are situations in which Theory X might be an alternative in some situations, just as Theory Y might not be a good choice in others. Each week she schedules posts for Instagram and Facebook and reports engagement data to her manager. 1. Add more tasks to a job than of treating each task as separate The instructor must ensure a controlled learning environment to prevent cheating and necessitate student learning; the students prefer to have the material summarized for them. Employees must be present from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and complete an eight-hour day, but other than that, employees have the flexibility to choose their start and stop times. McGregor's Theory Y corresponds to:A. the traditional view of management. Likely to increase overhead costs for business It increases overhead costs for companies. Each level, or type of human need, can only be achieved if all of the levels below are satisfied, starting with basic needs at the bottom. Employees under this theory seek responsibility as motivational drivers. Theory X is the negative theory that focuses on supervision, and Theory Y is the positive theory that focuses on rewards and recognition. Guha starts a new job as a programmer at a telecommunications company. He subscribes to Theory X. What does this scenario highlight about laid-off workers in terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? 3. 4. Learn more about energizing people and how to motivate teams and team members at a Management 3.0 Workshop. 1. There is often a central authority base and managers follow an authoritative leadership style. about Agile HR and how you can foster that. While McGregors theory was developed to improve motivation in the workplace, it has been recently used in the school system. the equity theory. 3. the average worker has little ambition. 2. self-actualization needs They can only be made to get results at work by the application of coercive methods and by direction. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website and provide a relevant marketing for you. The person primarily associated with the Hawthorne studies is Create the work environment and culture of respect and dignity among all the department. The instructor is responsible for actively sharing their knowledge with the students. 5. flextime. Theory X and Theory Y was an idea devised by Douglas McGregor (see article) in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise".It encapsulated a fundamental distinction between management styles . Please use it as such. Many workplaces originally utilized Theory X, which believes that employees are lazy and unproductive. 5. The commitment to complete a task is based on the rewards. Aliyah is likely to assume that: His ideas suggest that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people: Many managers tend toward Theory X and generally get poor results. Jobs are more satisfying as the number of tasks performed by an individual increases. Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" is "the most generally mentioned theory of motivation and satisfaction (Weihrich & Koontz, 1999).". However, neither of these extremes is optimal. McGregor's Theory X & Y describe divergent managerial beliefs about what motivated employees. They led to companies providing better physical work Theory X and Y are opposite extremes, but the great subtlety is that McGregor did not state the question of one being better than the other. Maslow's Hierarchy and McGregor's X and Y Theory. 3. security needs 5. As part of this theory, managers must be able to motivate employees. 3. 1. serves customers better by allowing more coverage of customers over longer hours. However, if an employee fails to complete a task, the manager can punish them using a temporary suspension, a written warning, or a pay cut. Authoritarian management style is applied by the management, where the managers closely monitor and supervise each employee. Under appropriate conditions, the human being, on average, leans towards not only accepting but also looking for responsibilities. 5. Theory X provides high power to the superiors; it is biased as it does not consider employee recognition and development. Very helpful information it would be great to learn more. Herzberg's motivational factors. . Both theories rest on the assumption that management is required to coordinate all aspects of the value delivery process to be productive. First, all managers have a theory of human work motivation. 1. ignore his employee's needs for personal growth. 2. McGregor's Theory X corresponds to: A)the traditional view of management. Accounting & Finance; Business, Companies and Organisation, Activity; Case Studies; Economy & Economics; Marketing and Markets; People in Business 1. Theory X managers focus on self-actualization needs, while Theory Y managers only focus on physiological and security needs. 2. extrinsic need Workers are happy to contribute and feel internally satisfied. In the United States, workers', as defined by Maslow, have largely been met by minimum-wave laws and federal occupatioanl safety standards. We are hiring! 25. option A is correct 3. Theory X says people don't like to work and will avoid it if they can. 3. Selena is a programmer for a streaming company. Theory X management assumes most people will attempt to avoid work whereas Theory Y managers trust their people to take ownership of their work. He referred to these opposing motivational methods as Theory X and Theory Y management. A. physiological and security needs B. security and social needs C. social and esteem needs D. esteem and self-actualization needs E. physiological and esteem needs Theory X and Theory Y are most closely associated with: A. Frederick Taylor. Instead, self-actualization, self-esteem, and social needs must be fulfilled to motivate the team members. 4. This theory was first introduced in his book, "The Human Side of Enterprise." It generally highlights two different management styles such as - Authoritarian (Theory X) Participative (Theory Y) Assume that a manager has a team of 10 employees, and 8 of them are not motivated and rarely complete their tasks on time. McGregor's Theory Y corresponds to: A. the traditional view of management. Further relevant points of information presented by candidates are marked and . These cookies do not store any personal information. IvyPanda. In this way, the manager will change their management style into a participative or decentralized style to instill higher self-belief in their team members. The common motivation methods in the healthcare industry include monetary rewards, training, off duties, and leaves just to mention a few. 3. The XY Theory diagram and measurement tool below (pdf and doc versions) are adaptations of McGregor's ideas for modern organisations, management and work. Theory X . Each assumes that the managers role is to organize resources, including people, to best benefit the company. It reduces the working hours of employees and thus reduces pressure. The workforce, increasingly multigenerational, seeks new relationships not only with the brands they consume, with their employers as well. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Theory X managers assumes that "the average human being has an inherit dislike of work and will avoid it if he can" (McGregor, 1960, p 33) and because of this "most people must . Each assumes that the manager's role is to organize resources, including people, to best benefit the company. 2. creating a work-friendly environment. Job enhancement. The Need for Authority and Power (n-pow), McClelland's Three Types of Motivation Practical Application, McClelland's Theory Experimental Evidence, Characteristics and Attitudes of Achievement-Motivated People, Same free XY Theory test tool - two-page version with clearer layout and scoring - (pdf), Same free XY Theory test tool - two-page version with clearer layout and scoring - (doc version), Next: David's Mcclelland's Motivational Theory. 5. 5. Theory X and Theory Y: Which Enhances the Staffs Performance Better? Workers do not need to be micromanaged; they are self-directed. Reduce a company's operating expenses Today, organizations are more concerned about the motivation of their employees. 4. Which of the following options is likely to be most effective for retaining employees who are trying to juggle their work duties with other responsibilities and needs? Frederick Taylor vs. Douglas McGregor vs. Elton Mayo. Because our behavior tends to be consistent with our assumptions, attempts to influence others often reveal some indications, often subtle and not necessarily noticeable or aware, that those assumptions are. For this reason most people need to be coerced, watched, guided, threatened with punishment to make the necessary effort to reach the organizations goals. Abraham Maslow on the other hand developed the hierarchy of needs of a human being. Theory Y . D. Herzberg's motivational factors. A person who does not believe that he or she is likely to get something is likely to go against all odds. E. the equity theory. Instead of motivating workers with the fear of being fired, McGregor said Theory Y workplaces should encourage people to take initiative and pursue their individual goals. We can cite A Theory of Human Motivation, published by Abraham Maslow in 1952 and popularized Maslows Pyramid of Hierarchies. 3. extrinsic reward To a relatively high degree, the ability to exercise the imagination, talent, and creative spirit in solving organizational problems are distributed, and not sparsely, among people. Theory Y Why are some managers reluctant to offer telecommuting options to their employees? The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. 4. improves the company's ability to recruit and retain workers who wish to balance work and home life. Physical and mental tiredness during work is a natural phenomenon. 3. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Maslows Hierarchy and McGregors X and Y Theory, Hillcrest Memorial Hospital: Employee Motivation and Empowerment, Empowerment of Workers in Hospitality Organizations, An Overview Of the Work Done By Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor, The evolution of McGregors Theory X and Theory Y in relation to the development of management theory, The X and Y Theories by D. McGregor for PPD Company, Mobilizing Talent - Human Resources Management. In his 1960 book, The Human Side of Enterprise, McGregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and address employee motivation. It takes into consideration, the pessimistic behaviour of an average human being, who is less ambitious and inherently lazy. He noted, though, that whether a manager could explicate his/her theory was unimportant, because a manager's theory (attitudes) could Students experience self-satisfaction when they learn and this is enough to motivate them to meet their learning goals. As a result, they must be closely controlled and often coerced to achieve organizational objectives. Mr. McGregor postulated 2 theories on human management and leadership which are Theory X and Theory Y. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you However, if the team members are self decision-makers and enjoy freedom and responsibility, managers should opt for a democratic management style. 1. job hopping 4. increase in productivity as pay increased 3. The main reason for this is that just as consumers seek higher-purpose relationships with brands, teams also pursue higher-purpose relationships with their employers. Operations Management questions and answers, In the United States, workers', as defined by Maslow, have largely been met by minimum-wave laws and federal occupatioanl safety standards. Behavior modification is the most widely discussed application of equity theory, the theory that behavior can be strengthened or weakened through the use of rewards and punishments. Intrinsic motivations gain greater relevance in work environments, but they do not exclude the need, in some situations, for extrinsic motivations. There is a theory also working for employee motivation called - Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory. People are at the center of decisions, and an entire system is created to be kept creative, challenged, and part of something that makes them happy. Theory X is useful for less experienced employees who have just stepped into the professional world. Abraham Maslow. 4. job enlargement. 2. increase in productivity regardless of physical conditions 5. salary. Read this article to learn about McGregor's Theory of 'X' and Theory 'Y'. After identifying the issue, analyze the employees needs and wants. It has been discovered that the intrinsic feedback given in the classroom setting has the greatest effect on motivation and learning. Businessballs Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors or damages arising as a result of use. Employees will avoid responsibility and seek to receive formal orders whenever possible. 4. 2. Theory X is an authoritative approach to motivating employees where the manager has a pessimistic opinion about their team members. 4. 1. by offering flextime to all employees 3. job enhancement These do not require any motivation to work. Please reference authorship and copyright of material used, including link(s) to and the material webpage. 5. ideal for all companies. 1. recognition May 11, 2022. Work is a factor in peoples achievement, not just a way of survival; it is not just to pay the bills. It is not necessary to threaten students with lower grades; they are not naturally lazy. Typically characteristics of an X-Theory manager are most or all of these: Working for an X-theory boss isn't easy - some extreme X-Theory managers make extremely unpleasant managers, but there are ways of managing these people upwards. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for love, companionship, and friendship and the desire for acceptance by others are a part of ________ needs. 1. intrinsic reward Each location has a manager who runs the location as they see fit. They marked the beginning of a concern for human relations in the workplace. May 11, 2022. McGregor identified that people act according to their premises and assumptions. 2. serves customers better by allowing more coverage of customers over longer hours. In terms of incentives, Theory X relies heavily on extrinsic motivations, that is, for people to achieve better performance if they make use of rewards and punishmentsthe famous metaphor of the Carrot and the Stick. 3. diversity. B. a Theory Y manager according to McGregor. McGregor's work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of Abraham Maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. Theory Y does no better than Theory X. 1. job sharing. Does the team not understand the work? 2. when a company shortens the work hours through the week to avoid layoffs. Herzberg's motivational factors. Introduction I decided to explore the concept of McGregor's X and Y theory, also known as Theory X and Theory Y, which was developed by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book "The Human Side of . It is much more decentralized and requires more participation from the managers, but assumes that workers would also be committed to the long-term goals of the company. 2. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. Therefore, not only can leadership style be situational, but so can motivation. Provide effective, supportive and non-intrusive supervision. 5. a system that allows employees to choose to work part of a week from home. Physical and mental effort at work is as natural as leisure or rest. Which of the following is a major difference between the Theory X and Theory Y views of management? Students are not motivated to learn new information. Herzberg's hygiene factors. She views her company favorably, and she enjoys working with her colleagues. The other group belongs to theory Y and are participative and to them, work is as natural as play. Your privacy is extremely important to us. 5. C. Douglas McGregor. Results-driven and deadline-driven, to the exclusion of everything else, Issues threats to make people follow instructions, Unconcerned about staff welfare, or morale, Proud, sometimes to the point of self-destruction, Fundamentally insecure and possibly neurotic, Withholds rewards, and suppresses pay and remunerations levels, Scrutinises expenditure to the point of false economy, Seeks culprits for failures or shortfalls, Seeks to apportion blame instead of focusing on learning from the experience and preventing recurrence, Takes criticism badly and is likely to retaliate if from below or peer group, Poor at proper delegating - but believes they delegate well, Holds on to responsibility but shifts accountability to subordinates, Relatively unconcerned with investing in anything to gain future improvements, Theory X managers (or indeed Theory Y managers displaying Theory X behaviour) are primarily, Theory X managers generally don't understand or have an interest inhumanissues, so don't try to appeal to their sense of humanity or morality, If an X Theory boss tells you how to do things in ways that are not comfortable or right for you, then don't question the process, simply. 1. Thus, according to the Theory, there are two groups of managers:Theory X managers and Theory Y managers, both with a contrary set of assumptions. 4. physiological needs A compressed workweek is: Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side Of Enterprise'. These do not require any motivation to work. professional specifically for you? 4. job enrichment 2. her subordinates avoid responsibilities. More autonomy, more purpose, and mastery items mentioned inDaniel Pinks book (Drive)are just three of a series of items mentioned when we talk about motivation, engagement, and happiness at work. Malachi is a manager at a home goods store. E. a manager who focuses on the hygiene factors proposed by Herzbcrg. For this reason, HR must enable, together with everyone in a company, a new look at people and their relationships, adopting assumptions that are more appropriate to the moment and this new workforce. B. the humanistic view of management. 2. Once a given level of needs is . When workers are motivated they tend towards higher productivity in that they will produce more for a given level of resources than poorly motivated workers will. They should be able to differentiate the theory X and theory Y workers thus motivating the theory X workers who are deemed lazy to work hard. 3.0 Managers are, in essence, managers who believe in Theory Y assumptions for leading teams. Lillian Gilbreth. Since the layoff, Giovanni has shifted his focus to finding a new source of income. 2. by adding more tasks to a job instead of treating each task as separate C)Herzberg's hygiene factors. Integrity Health Alliance, a health care company, allows its employees to work at home a few days per week, staying connected via email, phone, and videoconference calls. 2. salary This is an example of an intrinsic reward. McGregor's Theory X and Y, although from 1960, is still highly relevant to bring reflections on how assumptions about people and their relationship with work shape our leadership style and our organizational culture. Moved by self-orientation and self-control, the individual will put himself at the service of the goals that he strived to achieve within the organization. level needs as well as physiological and security needs. Is the team demotivated because of a lack of incentives? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Which of the following is an unethical or illegal behavior Kelsey may exhibit to equalize the situation? Employees are motivated by self-control and not external control. Expectancy theory. 11 May. McGregor's theory, also known as Theory X and Theory Y, is a management approach proposed by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise." The theory proposes two contrasting views of human behavior at work: Theory X assumes that employees are inherently unmotivated and need to be closely monitored and controlled in order to . McGregors X and Y Theories are contrasting theories that depict two different aspects of human behavior at work. 1. Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y as a basis for understanding and improving motivation in the business world can be directly applied to the science classroom. 2. Theory Y serves as a counterpoint to Theory Xs authoritarian and control-oriented assumptions over people. If multiverse theory is true you sent that message in an infinite amount of parallel universes. This enables them to modify their leadership style accordingly and create systems that motivate their workers. McGregor's X and Y Theories are contrasting theories that depict two different aspects of human behavior at work. The next part of McGregors theory is Theory Y. Douglas McGregor related Maslow's ideas about personal needs to management. How can managers avoid equity problems? 1. A problem IvyPanda. McGregor's 1960 book, . Students find learning inherently challenging and are only expected to have limited success in the course. McGregor and Maslow hierarchy. McGregor's Theory Y corresponds to: A. the traditional view of management. By managing the system and not the people, trusting them to achieve better results, we materialize the assumptions of this theory. D. Elton Mayo. Disclaimer: Reliance on this material and any related provision is at your sole risk. Instead of punishing the employee or associating a reward with work, the manager will allow them to collaborate with others and find solutions that fulfill the team members self-actualization, self-esteem, and social needs. McGregor encouraged organizations to adopt more of a Theory Y leadership style. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. 4. the traditional view of management. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor created Theory X and Theory Y of human work motivation and explained two styles of management known as authoritarian (Theory X) and participative (Theory Y). Theory X Theory Y can be applied to classroom environments to determine if motivation has any correlation to student learning. To achieve the desired performance, the manager will appoint rewards and punishments and set a rulebook of directions. This arrangement is called: T or F, Olivia loves her job as a software engineer. Theory Z was developed by William Ouchi, in his book 1981 'Theory Z: How American Business can meet the Japanese Challenge '. At the weekly management meeting, Dakota is recognized by his boss for a job well done on a recent project. It allows two people to do one job. 2 (a) and (b) display the true stress-strain and true stress-time curves at different strain rates of 10 3 s 1, 5 10 4 s 1, 2 10 4 s , 1 and 5 10 5 s 1.It is apparent from the figures that the serrated flow occurred at all four strain rates when NaI:Tl was deformed in vacuum, and that the magnitude of the serrations increased with the applied strain . They are popularly known as 'Theory X' and 'Theory Y'. ________ states that motivation depends not only on how much a person wants something but also on the person's perception of how likely he or she is to get it. Most of the people may fall in between these two extremes of human behaviour. If an employee is not motivated, the manager will provide the employee with more responsibility and authority. 1. 4. when two people do one job. 2. 2. job enrichment. In a fair situation, a person receives rewards proportional to the contribution he or she makes to the organization. Maslow believes that higher level needs can be met through a . 1. McGregor's Theory X According to McGregor, managers adopting Theory X assume that workers generally dislike work and must be forced to do their jobs. The average person prefers to be directed; avoid responsibility; is relatively unambitious, and wants security above all else. Job enrichment 3. . 3. Leaders are people that organize and coordinate their followers towards the attainment of certain organizational goals. Theory Y. Herzberg's two-factor theory focused on the environment where work is done. 2. her subordinates avoid responsibilities. Experienced professionals require a Theory Y management style, as they are capable of making the right decisions. Is there an internal conflict between team members? 1. job sharing. Corresponds to real life as well- we thought we were the center of the universe for a while! External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means of arousing efforts towards organizational goals. Theory X managers focus on the high-level needs, while Theory Y managers focus on the low-level needs. McClelland's need for achievement underlies Maslow's self-actualization. The approach focuses on persuading employees to complete work by motivating them with incentives and punishing them if they cannot complete the task. Workers have little motivation and prefer direction from their superiors. An authoritative management style can hamper employee learning, building, and development. Business Studies. McGregors Theories allow managers to better understand their employees. Theory Y. Perhaps the most noticeable aspects of McGregor's XY Theory - and the easiest to illustrate - are found in the behaviours of autocratic managers and organisations which use autocratic management styles. Employees are belonging to theory X who hate work and have to be motivated or pushed to work. Rosalyn's boss is so impressed, she asks Rosalyn to complete the competitor analysis once a week in addition to her other tasks. IvyPanda. student. This led them to use rewards and punishment as their primary means to motivate employees. T or F. Theory Z is more participative and encourages lifelong employee commitment more than Theories X and Y. Did you have an idea for improving this content? Elton Mayo. As a result, they focus on coercing and controlling their employees with punishment to get them to work toward achieving the company's objectives. Work whenever possible proposed by Herzbcrg level needs can be used base and managers follow an authoritative to... Members at a management 3.0 Workshop we also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you foster... 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