I didnt know I was suppose to use the white kind. Good day. Hi Tonya! Is it okay to leave for a few weeks and come back later and vacuum? Will this work if I put it on and then vacuum later? However, on that note, I dont usually recommend DE for direct application on pets as it can dry out their skin. I have a 7 lb dog, would this be safe to use around her? THANK YOU! Just tonight I found one just chilling on my chest. Food grade is ideal but it is completely non-toxic, but that doesnt mean that the other stuff is highly dangerous. Hi Michelle! Much appreciated, the extra exposure will help and your kind words give me energy Thanks for the heads up, I will definitely keep that in mind for my community! Cheap? Let me know how it goes. Had her drink one teaspoon mixed with chocolate milk (yes chocolate is bad but it was the only thing we could get her to drink) and when we woke up in the morning (within 8 hours of treatment) she was finally up and about again. Hi Brantley! You can apply it, leave it for a couple days and after vacuuming it up, repeat (if you still find fleas). etc., etc., etc. And if you have vacuumed up some of the DE powder that is an excellent way to kill bugs in the vacuum cleanerno need to remove and toss vacuum cleaner bags. I will be giving him the info on the de & borax. This weekend our dogs came home from my in-laws farm completely covered in fleas so I went to work this morning. After reading many posts on here I am still a bit confused, is this safe to apply to your pets? Breathing it in small amounts and having it on our hands is not all that problematic. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing those valuable tips with the community, its really appreciated! Ive purchased food grade 100% DE online and it came with a brochure with basic DE info as well as Guidelines for Adding Food Grade DE to Animal Feed. The vet had said avoid bathing as it would dry out her skin, but applying DE may as well. This part of NC is terrible for pests. Hi Rhonda! I use just the neem powder with water to make a paste for my own hair, rub into scalp, leave on for 30 minutes and wash out. I would recommend it to everyone. Yeah so the fleas wont die unless they come into contact with it. I found it reasonably priced at a feed store. Hi Kimball! Based on previous experience, I think it is OK to massage into the coat initially (avoiding the face), then toweling off the excess. We have laminate floors and I am not sure how I would go about using DE. Hi Kim! I get DE from the farm supply store. Hi Judy, yes you can but it only really works when it is dry (so no humidity or rainy weather), so I recommend you give beneficial nematodes a try. I have hardwood floors. BUT, I could find nothing on how long it was going to take to kill these little boogers once they made contact with it. I have used DE for to weeks. Hi Patty, thanks for checking out all my articles Yeah you can do that, or just hire a shop vac perhaps? Thanks! Food grade DE is an ingredient in some nutritional supplements, touted for heart health, digestive issues, bone health, lowered cholesterol, and other health concerns. Their pets appreciate it! I highly recommend that you rub the powder into the carpets with a broom to make sure it reaches the fleas. I have only seen a few fleas since then but I am hearing they will come back. are very very slim. This is ground remains of a freshwater algae called Diatoms. However, just keep an eye on it or ask your vet for more details , So is it okay to let my little one (approx 9 week old kitten) run about freely around the house like normal while the DE is out before I vacuum it up? Hey David! I have had cancer before and this I bought doesnt say food grade. Hi Sara! In my personal experience, it can dry out their skin and potentially make them cough a little but it should be fine. Provided you take this precaution, DE is fantastic for getting rid of fleas . Have killed the foxes off, now dealing with the flea infestation. Hi Nancy! I recommend using it around the house, not so much for direct application. Wayne. Thank you so much, Evie. Hi Bob! Hope that helps. Perma-Guard also has a Perma-Guard pure Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth product. So I have my dog take a summer vacation to my daughter while I take care of the unwanted guest that is residing on my carpet. Good luck! Does anybody have the links to an applicator that they can recommend? Its effectiveness varies depending on the environment its used in. How long will this go on? Within 12 hours, there were no worms in her feces anymore. Patiently awaiting your reply. Though estimates vary widely, scientists believe there may be as many as two million species of diatoms inhabiting lakes, oceans, ponds, and most other aquatic environments. Food grade DE is mixed with animal feed (where it coats particles) to prevent binding and clumping. Use a soap and warm water solution and wash down the bathroom (mops, cloths, etc. How MUCH of this DE do I need to buy? Ive been doing research on this topic [your site is MOST informative!] Once I got it home I read a warning about pets and I realized it was not food grade. I suggest that you just use your hardwood floor cleaner on the floor, it will kill them as well. Thanks for any help you can offer! Hey Ann! Just a regular vacuum with a bag works well. Could you please go over the instructions for using it again? I personally used it on my rabbits and in their litter box and on my dog. Plant of the Day: Society Garlic This is an evergreen grass that grows about 22 that does well in full sun or filtered light. I dont usually like to hard sell something, but its only $9 and since you need a holistic approach here (that covers everything), its going to save us both time lol. I have a cocker spaniel who always finds the fleas. Hi Sharlon! The place I bought it told it was very safe to use on them & the house. Instead of poisoning the buggers, it actually cuts their exoskeleton (their hard outer shell) and sucks the water out their bodies. I usually dispense the DE by using an ice cream container that contains small holes (I use a knife to do this), almost like you would use a salt shaker. Excited to update you with the results. The only thing that you need to keep an eye on is that your cat doesnt bring fleas up to your living areas which can potentially spread them around, something you definitely want to avoid. Good luck! Will it harm them and when do I bath them? ft. up to 10 acres. Yeah it is not dangerous but since they are so close to the ground, it is not ideal hehe. Took it to the laundromat, washed and dried everything on high heat. Sorry if youve already covered this, but does the DE have any effect on the flea eggs or larvae? It didnt affect them negatively, and when I treated the window sills and rug they actually started going and rolling in those areas or pushing themselves into those areas until their coats were dusted again. If you are going to use both, make sure you bath him first and then apply the spot on only afterwards. DO NOT add oil if treating cats! They havent itched or had any side effects but Im not sure how to to wait till reapplication. I tried Hartz flea spray and while I think it lessened the issue it didnt really fix it. Hi Jessica! Also, I asked her about the concentration, and she said that there were no other ingredients listed on the packaging other than 100% DE. It looses effectiveness when it gets damp, maybe that happened. Hope that helps , I get rid of the fleas but one of my dogs keeps playing with a neighbor cat that is infested and gets them again. I have vacumed entire house daily for past 2 weeks. Over the past 2 weeks I have seen 4 fleas in my new apartment. Hi Natashathe article was very informative, so thank you so much for that. Might be from the garden, check out that possibility. Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. Should I look specifically for food grade on the package next time I purchase this product? Physical controls aim to prevent the pests from accessing your crops. It works. And I am finding that the labels I am reading says 100% pure freshwater DE is that what I want? You can definitely do it room by room, but leave it all down until the entire house is done. Even so, I am careful about putting too much of it on my pets because it dehydrates the skin. What do you recommend? I have only a tiny 4lb yorkie and no other pets. I wont be able to handle months of this, my stress will likely kill me and I cant afford costly options. Thanks. I am unsure about the moisture and the calcium bentonite. If you have any concerns, let me know and I will assist you personally . Please note, as an introduction to this section, let me just make one thing crystal clear. Yes it can, and I suggest that you combine the DE treatment with nightly DIY flea traps, they work fantastically together. However, if thats what you have, be sure to do the emptying outdoors away from any open windows. Hi theremajor flea problem in our basement. I just spread some (probably rather thickly) all over my carpet. Perhaps grab a spot on treatment for your dogs and you will be flea free in no time . The healthier it is, the greater chance it has of successfully surviving the big move. I have twice rubbed DE into the scruff and tail area of the cats. Diatomaceous earth is likely best for environmental treatment when used in conjunction with products that get applied directly to the pet, like flea preventatives, says Falk. Can the cats be around when the DE is settling into the carpet etc? No it wont negatively affect its ability to kill those fleas. I have already used borax through out the entire house. I suspect my problem is coming from residual pupae waiting to hatch. As for the flea traps, put them out at night for the best results. Hey Lacey! Its wonderful to see the foam plates with the water empty of fleas. I decided to get the pure stuff and use the red lakes stuff for outside pests. The DE that I ordered will probably arrive tomorrow. Let me know how it goes! I HAVENT SEEN ONE FLEA SINCE I APPLIED diatomaceous earth!!! The dog has not been here at all since that time. Yes, use warm water and dawn soap, kills the fleas instantly. How can I use this product on concrete or laminate? I suggest you get a plastic container with a lid, punch small holes in the top and apply it like a salt shaker. Our dog has brought us the summer gift of a flea infestation. We learned there that she had a flea problem, and quite a few for such a little thing. Thanks for sharing your experience and keep up the good work, it is very admirable . We found food grade DE at the local feed store. Hello. Record when you plant your first transplants, and when you spot your first beetle. I caution about using a vacuum every day to vacuum up DE because mine was badly damaged (heavy duty shop vac) and the wall outlet turned back. I will be sharing this on my facebook page, I think everyone needs to know there are safer solutions to pest control than just spraying chemicals. Shot-holing is a collection of small pits and holes that the insect chews out of the hosts leaves. Their little faces are only inches from the dust so they are going to have more irritation that faces that are 5 plus feet off the ground. I know it might be challenging but if you have to go the natural route, try washing your cat in warm water and dawn dish soap, kills fleas instantly. My vet has me using the DE alone. 3) DE kills any critter with an exoskeleton (insects/bugs/spiders), snails and slugs. Thanks for your time. So I bought 1.5 lbs of LUMINO Diatomaceous Earth at Kahoots Pet Store in Southern California. See the table below to identify some common cruciferous feeders (cole crops like cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts) versus solanaceous feeders (nightshade family including tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant). Fleas are fairly resilient and although they are less active during colder weather, it wont kill them in most situations. Fleas can live on humans but its not their preferred target. The bedroom floor is old hardwood and soon developed a HUGE flea infestation. Treating everyone for fleas with a topical product isnt financially feasible no matter how heavy the infestation, plus Im convinced that Frontline and its relatives have been so widely used that the fleas are laughing at us behind their backs. Cedarcide is the product that I came across and it works. After reviewing the cautions for using DE (in this article), simply sprinkle the powder where fleas are usually found. If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. Its not dangerous but its best to combine a pet specific product (e.g. Diatomaceous earth is also messy. If you leave a comment, I typically respond within 48 hours. Following a hearty meal, the beetles lay their eggs at the base of the host plant. Also, remember to uncover your plants once they start to flower, so pollinators are able to do their work to ensure that you have a harvest of veggies! It was put in small rugs that can be washed in washer. Hi Kathy, it probably will be fine, just keep an eye on him. There is a lot of brush and natural ferns that outline the perimeter of our yard and also on outside of our fence. Their health comes first which is why I chose Food Grade DE first Im bombing tomorrow with Hot Shot no mess, but it only kills live fleas. Thank for taking the time to share these fantastic tips with the community. You are great for replying to every single comment on here for so long, keep up the good work! Please help. Salt does but it is not as effective as DE. Hi Joseph! Specifically, DE will eliminate 60% roach within 24 hours, 80% within 48 hours, and 100% mortality in one week. Hi Wendy! Im sold! I find that it distributes it quite nicely. I also use just the DE food grade alone on carpets, floors and bedding. I had bed bugs probably eight years ago and after researching and researching, found that DE kills them. I just need to be reassured that it will not do any harm to either us or our furry guys! If you were told by a certified individual that it will not hurt your pets, then you should be able to trust them. I stood Luck. Fleas thrive in humidity and heat. Fleas like a certain amount of heat. Is this completely safe? Hi Michael, nah just wipe those down, just focus DE on the floors and any fabric. I plan to reapply it every couple of days for a few weeks to ensure I catch any eggs that hatch, but just wanted to write in how happy and restful I feel being able to relax on my sofa with my tea and a movie and sleep without fear of nips in the night. If the electronics are on the ground, yes it might be worth covering them as DE can be quite dusty. But way worth it to stay healthy. Went to the pool store and got a 10lb box lol. Hi Kim, thanks for your suggestions, love them! What color should it be? Im wondering if a mixture of both DE and Boric acid would be more effective than just using one or the other. Thanks, glad you liked it Yes you can use the food grade variation around your puppy, just dont use it ON your pets. I always bathe dog in Dawn mixed with vinegar but she is white and it seems if there is 1 flea anywhere its going to find her! The little nasties were jumping off like they were on fire! Hi Bobby, if its food grade, its safe, promise. I wouldnt bother about the spoon in the food though. Cindy. This is my 2nd flea infestation on my dog! I was told by one person I could sprinkle on my dogs food? I am lost as to how to get my dogs relief. My yard is too large to consider treating, so I want to treat my dog. The package also states Food Chemical Codex Grade. Will this one still work just a good as the food grade? I have had cats forever and NEVER had a flea, and they dont even go out. I do think the powder does damage. In laboratory tests, it caused lung inflammation and emphysema [13]. You can purchase diatomaceous earth in a variety of forms (remember we mentioned it has a large variety of applications) and one such use is for cleaning pools. Its been about 4 weeks now and were getting new bites about once a week. The DE is still a powder so its not gotten wet. I too have 2 dogs, with fleas Just started using D.E. Thanks for your kind words! Hi Jeremy, it is a pleasure! A stray cat adopted my family and we treated her w/ drops (like we do our other pets every month) less than a week later. It may not be as effective, for example, in areas with higher humidity. Since diatomaceous earth is completely non-toxic, how on earth can it kill fleas? I do not use it on wood floors but use a damp floor mop with liquid that has some white vinegar. We poofed the house and yard. But this is the second time she got tapeworm, and I can only gather its from her trips outside??? I always advised against using water but doing that and then letting it dry, such a good idea. Its an important note to be sure. And to repeat the process once a week for 3-4 week.s Can I leave the DE for one week, which means I vacuum once a week? Organic gardening is the responsible choice for many reasons. Hi Lisa, it can usually be avoided by brushing it slowly and no, it is not dangerous, it just makes a real big mess hehe. Just tried this tonight. I sprinkled it all around the patio where she hangs out and when she would be eating Id sprinkle it on her back. I feel like I am out of resources now and debating whether if this problem existed before we moved in, it is our first summer with this home. (More Effective than DE Alone) 1 lb By Abundant Living. Ive read through some of the comments, clearly I am using WAY too much. Hi Michael! Good luck! Just ordered some DE on Amazon after reading this guide. Hi Gail, sorry for the late response. I am glad to hear that you have had such good results and thank you for your kind words. Hey Leon! I ordered online on Amazon a few other items: Alpine Flea Insecticide with IGR-20 oz can 795903 but that wont be in for another 5 days. While it is sometimes required, its always good to give a couple tested home remedies first before taking a drive to the nearest shop for flea products, especially when they work as well as diatomaceous earth does! . I recommend giving it a try and reporting back your results, looking forward to hearing from you . Today a flea was on my husbands leg, do you think this means I still have a lot of fleas everywhere, or could it be a couple that havent died yet? Hey PJ. This past Summer I had a TERRIBLE flea infestation in my home. But usually and specifically for flea beetles they are used as a tool for you to more easily get to know who the unwanted visitors are to your garden. Hi Lynn, it works the same way and you can follow the same steps as described in this article. I have fleas on my bed and in my bedding. I was concerned the DE would affect his breathing or cause respiratory problems since he is so little and the DE is dehydrating . It will be alot of work. Thanks for the information! We were going to do terminix because they guarantee application to kill active and new fleas that hatch but afraid of long term side effects to lungs etc for us our children and pets. BotaniGard Beauvaria bassiana Biological Insecticide via ARBICO Organics. Also, I think it is a good idea to brush the coat of your pet so the DE doesnt get too thick in the fur. Besides vacuuming is there any other special clean up procedures I should do? Hope that helps you! If the infestation is bad, it is safe to use the Cheristin and have the collar one. Hey Rebecca! And is it just for crevices or areas where my pets will lie or is it to be used on entire surface areas? At just about the same time when we begin to emerge from our homes in springtime, so do they. Hey Karen! You should be able to order DE from your local Home Hardware or a farm store or feed store in Canada. I apply it with my hands, they get a little dry but nothing a good wash and some lotion wont cure. (blocked off for now.) What is Lime Treatment and Beneficial Nematodes? Hi Susan, yep they will be, its just a precaution. This is my first time to your site and you are a life saver, I have been getting eaten up So, for me, my house and my 3 dogs I am heading next to Amazon.com to order a large bag of food grade DE and a container of Cedarcide for starts, I have been putting my battle plan together today and also on how to stop all this intense itching from all the bites LOL Ill keep you updated on my progress and thank you again and your community for this awesome site youve all created together! Hi Julie! Another question is, how long can they go without feeding on blood before they die?.. Although diatomaceous earth is nontoxic to humans . Hi Mary! Your article was very informative and clarified some information about DE. We do have linoleum in parts of our home, I have spread it there today but once walked on it moves leaving those areas uncovered. Hi Deb, excellent! in a few days, so will wash most of it away, and Ill reapply it more lightly next time but Im wondering if its bad if they breathe in some of the dust. I recommend that you use a plastic container with a lid. Also does painting hardwood floors trap the eggs? Please help! I used the online chat to ask safer brand if it was food grade, they assured me its safe for kids and pets. No other pets or our furry guys comment on here i am lost as to how to to till. Concrete or laminate, simply sprinkle the powder into the carpet etc do they concerned. Grade Diatomaceous earth at Kahoots Pet store in Canada WAY too much of it on and then it... And apply it like a salt shaker just focus DE on the environment its used.! And potentially make them cough a little but it is not ideal hehe home Hardware a. Should i look specifically for food grade Diatomaceous earth is completely non-toxic, how can! On my dog can it kill fleas you are going to use on &. 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