He didn't heal Naaman. The paintings present restoration integrates these condition issues and unifies the composition well. Only after Naaman's slaves suggest to their master that he has nothing to lose by at least giving it a try since the task is a simple and easy one, he takes his bath in the Jordan river as a mikveh as instructed and finds himself healed. Finally, before embarking for Syria, Naaman makes a strange request: to load two mules with dirt to take back with him. Why did Elisha refuse naamans gifts? ), Naaman returns to Elisha with lavish gifts, which Elisha flatly refuses to accept. Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (2020). What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? 2, Dutch Paintings c. 1600c. For Parents Only: CBN Animation Club & DVDs, login to access full-length Superbook episodes, FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE SUPERBOOK DVD CLUB. Naaman traveled to Samaria, where Elisha told him to take seven dips in the river Jordan. Not only is Elishas gesture of refusal reminiscent of that in the Leiden Collection painting, but Gehazi similarly stands behind the prophet in both works. The paint layers are generally in good condition. Rightfully so. Please sign in or register for a free Superbook account to watch full episodes, earn SuperPoints and win great prizes. Why should Elisha receive a gift for him? Lambert Jacobsz, Elisha and Gehazi (Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, Kingston). And the guy urged him, but still he refused. When a joyful Naaman stood before Gehazi and Elisha, with skin clean and pure, Naaman pleaded, "Take a blessing [gift] of thy servant.". Just mad. Sperkitap web sitesini kullanarak, Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz kabul etmi olursunuz. Copyright 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network. Nevertheless, the now-lost painting represents an episode that immediately precedes the one Jacobsz depicted in the Leiden Collection painting. Naaman also renounces his former god Rimmon after being cured by Elisha - acknowledges solely the God of Israel. If Elisha had accepted those gifts, he would be accepting the glory that God should get. Elisha, instead, just tells him what God had already told Moses. For example, Naamans turban and sashas well as the sash of his youngest servantfeature the same decorations as Belshazzars sash. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. She has done all the leadership work but finds no one is doing her bidding with the follow-up details. If God was able to cleanse a man of an incurable skin condition why would God need that persons gold, or slaves or cattle? And he urged him to take it; but he refused. "Elisha understood this truth perfectly, but Gehazi saw a chance for personal gain slipping away and let his greed overpower his good judgment.". Lambert Jacobsz and his many assistants produced history scenes with small figures throughout his career, but works with large figuressuch as this one in the Leiden Collectionwere made only for a short while and overlapped with Jacob Backers stay in Leeuwarden.3 Like Jacobsz, Jacob Backer (1608/951) was a Mennonite who grew up among fellow believers on Amsterdams Nieuwendijk. Naaman tells his lord this and he is sent to Israel with a letter to the king. Josua Bruyn once remarked that the large-figure paintings produced in this workshopthe Backer-like Jacobsz and the Jacobsz-like Backer paintingswere difficult to distinguish.5 One example of how closely related the works of these painters were during this period is The Tribute Money in Stockholm. I am grateful to Jasper Hillegers for alerting me to these similarities. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? Naaman (Hebrew: Namn, "pleasantness") the Aramean was a commander of the armies of Ben-Hadad II, the king of Aram-Damascus, in the time of Joram, king of Israel. The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), and so we must not allow the love of money to interfere with the calling of God on our lives. He was a mighty man and very brave, but he was a leper. The word is transliterated in the Septuagint (Vatican) and (Lucian) , while the Alexandrian codex has ' , apparently reading . Naaman is mentioned in 2 Kings 5 of the Tanakh in Hebrew as " " or "Naaman captain of the army of the King of Aram". Some paint layers were thinly applied, as in sections of the brown background and the plum-colored textile held by Naamans attendant. Naaman wanted dirt from Israel because Israel was Yahwehs territory. The king was distraught because he knew that he couldn't heal him. And that is why, like Naaman, we must come humbly before the Lord to obtain favor and mercy in our time of need. 8), which the Rabbis regard as an allusion to Naaman's bathing in the Jordan; the appellation "Moab" is a play on the word "abi" (= "my father"), by which Naaman was addressed by his servants in II Kings v. 13 (Num. Dan saya sudah mendapatkan ijin dari orang tua saya untuk menggunakan website ini. And so they came to the Jordan River and Naaman dipped himself in the Jordan River, and when he came up the seventh time, his flesh was pink like a baby's flesh. Why should Elisha receive a gift for him? Now the Arameans went out in bands and captured from the land of Israel a young girl, who ministered to Naaman's wife. When the prophet Elisha hears about this, he sends for general Naaman. Now Naaman, the general of the king of Aram, was a prominent man before his lord and respected, for through him had the Lord given victory to Aram; and the man was a great warrior, and he was a mezora. The Bible doesn't say whether God told him not to receive the gift from Naaman, but we see that Elisha was quick to refuse the offer, desiring only to honor God. Christian theology depicts Naaman as an example for the will of God to save people who are considered by men as less than pious and unworthy of salvation. If anyone should have known and obeyed the commandments of God, it was Gehazi. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Daniel Esparza - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 10/13/19. Naaman's wife had a servant girl from Israel who said that a prophet there would be able to heal him. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In the same way, each one of us needs to be careful to check our heart and our motives in pursuing wealth, especially when it has to do with the kingdom of God or ministry to others. He came to the door to tell Naaman that he should take a dip in the Jordan River seven times. Bol was commissioned by the masters of the Amsterdam leper home. He had also trained with Jan Pynas. During the same period, Jacobsz painted two other large-figure paintings depicting Elisha rebuking Gehazi in the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, Kingston (fig 3) and in the Landesmuseum Hannover (fig 4).7 In both the Kingston and Hannover paintings, the artist focused on the interactions of the two protagonists, with the elderly prophet admonishing his chastened servant by wagging his finger. Cornerstone BiblicalCommentary: 1 & 2Kings(CBC), NIV ApplicationCommentary: 1 & 2Kings(NIVAC). But Elisha said, As the LORD lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing. Even though he would still have to help his aged king bow before Rimmon, Naaman wanted Elisha to know his heart belonged only to the God of Elisha. Elisha refused the gifts Naaman offered for his use of God's power, but Gehazi did not. ( 2 Kings 5:16; see verses 15 through 22 for the whole story.) He wanted to thank Elisha by giving him presents, but Elisha refused. And he started thinking of what he could do with some of that reward that Naaman was offering.And so he went chasing after Naaman. However, it cannot be entirely ruled out that Jacob Backer also contributed to the painting. . An Israelite maid he had captured advised him to go see the prophet Elisha. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Can we say the same thing about Elishas rejection of Naamans gift? He wanted to always remember the true God who healed him. And so it was told to Naaman and he told the king that there was a prophet in Israel that could cure him of his leprosy. ii.). But Elisha said, "The LORD is the one I serve, and as surely as he lives, I will not accept any gift." Naaman tried hard to make Elisha take the gift, but he refused. When he discovered that he was stricken with leprosy he searched for a cure -- and of course at that time there was no cure. After Naaman departed, Gehazi ran after him and asked him for gifts. 2, Dutch Paintings c. 1600c. And as they were going along, one of his servants said to him, "You know, had that prophet told you to do some great deed, you know, go out and slay the dragon and get the seven golden apples, had he given you some great deed to do, you would be glad to do it. BRILL is renowned for its publications in the following subject areas; Asian Studies, Ancient Near East & Egypt, Biblical Studies & Religious Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Middle East & Islamic Studies. I speculate that God seeing a true turning of Naaman to Himself did not want Naaman to say that he contributed toward his conversion, especially not with material and perishable things. The rest of the Old Testament is the story of Gods intention to reclaim every nation on earth. The biblical text (Cf. He's going to set himself up. Elisha refused the gift and sent the Syrian commander away in peace. As a result, Israel was holy ground; the territory of every other nation was not. "I pray that you'll take this blessing.". The artist worked with loose and gestural brushwork. Discover God's love and plan for you, Elisha was totally surrendered to God in every area of his life. Naaman would build and altar on the dirt and make an offering to the one true God. First and foremost, Naaman's healing is not Elisha's gift: it is a gift freely bestowed by the grace of God, and Elisha is well aware of that. The king of Israel didn't know what to do, yet Elisha (Eliseus) sent a message to the King, advising that the King tell Naaman to come to see him. In this quiet and restrained scene, Lambert Jacobsz placed Naaman in the center of the composition and gave him added prominence through his slightly larger scale and the brilliant colors of his turban and kaftan. Naaman was the captain of the army of the king of Aram (Syria). For an extensive discussion of this work, see Neeltje Khler, ed., Painting in Haarlem 15001850: The Collection of the Frans Hals Museum (Ghent, 2006), 46869. According to Blankert, the subject had a twofold significance for the regents: first, Elishas refusal symbolized the regents own rectitude and, second, the example of Gehazi was a cautionary note for their servants that they would pay a heavy price for deception. The aged prophet, however, refused Naamans gifts and, placing his hand on an open Bible, explained to the commander that God, not he, had healed Naaman (2 Kings 5:116). 9:18.) Around 1627, after finishing his training, Backer moved to Leeuwarden to assist his former neighbor with the production of paintings, especially large-figure history pieces.4 The collaboration between Jacobsz and Backer, his main assistant, must have been harmonious. 1 Kings 18:15 And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely shew myself unto him to day. A servant of Elisha, Gehazi, seeing Naaman being turned away from offering God offerings, ran after him and falsely asked for clothing and silver for visitors. Now Naaman, captain of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man with his master, and highly respected, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Why did Elisha refuse Naaman's gifts? Gehazi's heart should have been uplifted with praise for . cat. And he said, "Send him down to me, and he will know that there is a God in Israel." Jan Pynas, Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (Oud-Katholieke Kerk, Leiden); see the RKD website. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Tanuma, Tazria' (end), however, says that Naaman was stricken with leprosy for taking an Israelitish maiden and making her his wife's servant (comp. The Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament, uses the word baptizein for the dipping that heals the heathen Naaman from the skin disease called tzaraath. Can we simply say no, thanks, you keep it to that uncle who has sacrificed some of his time and money to give us (again) a pack of three handkerchiefs for Christmas? From whom acquired by the present owner in 2006. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. Could he have executed it for the Leprozenhuis in Leeuwarden, much as Pieter de Grebber did in 1637 for the regents of the Leprozenhuis in Haarlem, or as Ferdinand Bol would do in 1661 for the Leprozenhuis in Amsterdam? Much has been written, in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, ethics, and religious studies about gift-giving, sacrificing, and offering since the last century. For Bruyns remark, see Jasper Hillegers, Lambert Jacobsz (15981636) en zijn werkplaats: Atelierpraktijk in Leeuwarden omstreeks 1630, De Vrije Fries 89 (2009): 78, which refers to Josua Bruyn, Boekbespreking Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler, VI, Oud Holland 110 (1996), 167. ", He was seeking healing from leprosy. Naaman proceeds with the letter to King Joram. He did not want money, wealth, power, or prestige to interfere with the call of God that was on his life. Edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Lara Yeager-Crasselt. Send him to me so he may know there is a prophet in Israel." 9 So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood in the doorway of Elisha's house. But this only can happen if we are willing to humble ourselves and recognize that Jesus is Lord and that we are His servants. When we come before the Lord in our time of prayer, it's important for us to humble ourselves like Naaman did to receive favor from God. But also, Elishas rejection seems to suggest God is more of a giver than of a taker, and his gifts do not aim to setting an economical cycle of gift-giving and exchange with anyone: he freely gives his Grace (in fact, this is what the word Grace strictly means: gratuity, something freely given beyond ones obligation), which always exceeds measure or merit. Create an account or log in to get started. His painting does not focus on Naamans recovery from leprosy or on Elishas refusal to be rewarded, but rather on Naamans conversion to the true faith.13. Deuteronomy 8:11-14 , Elisha hearing from God refused out of obedience to God anything Naaman offered because after all he was entitled to payment as a prophet. The expression "So he departed from him a little way" (; II Kings v. 19) seems to contradict the assertion of Naaman's intention to return to Syria with the two loads of earth. New York, 2020. For comparable tronies of old men executed by Jacob Backer in this period, see Jacob Backer, The Head of an Apostle, ca. His refusal, strongly contrasting with the conduct of ordinary prophets, Israelite and heathen (comp. Israel was therefore Yahwehs portion (Deut 32:9), whereas all the other nations belong to the sons of God whom Israel was forbidden to worship. He declared that the rivers in Damascus were cleaner than any river in Israel. It includes articles on history, literature, religion and theology, text, versions, language, and the bearing on the Old Testament of archaeology and the study of the Ancient Near East. Somehow I would like to deserve or earn God's blessings. All rights reserved. Sign up for our Premium service. 57b; Deut. A Bible Story for Adults. Discover God's love and plan for you. The name Elisha in Hebrew is translated, "My God is salvation". 26:30. At times, these slivers of warm gray act as a transitional midtone, as in the lower contour of Elishas sleeve where it overlaps with the white page of his book. In contrast, the figures in the background on the left side were painted on top of the brown background paint. Naaman doesnt take this well and prepares to go home. Compare translations, take notes and highlight, consult devotionals and commentaries, look up Greek and Hebrew words, and much moreall with the help of intuitive, interactive tools. By doing so, Naaman received his healing. But he was a leper. He does, however, ask for sacrificial altar soil to be given him to take back home and that the God of Israel pardon him when he enters the temple of Rimmon as part of his obligations to the king of Syria. 6 [lent by the present owner]. Yet Naaman was a leper. This biblical passage is full of stark contrasts. R. Ewald ("Gesch." Saya mengerti ini adalah website yang berdasarkan ajaran Alkitab. Naaman is represented as vain and haughty, on account of which he was stricken with leprosy (Num. 1800 (Stockholm, 2005), 213, no. See Albert Blankert, Kunst als regeringszaak in Amsterdam in de 17e eeuw (Exh. 552 et seq.) The passage ("because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria," II Kings v. 1) upon which the identification of Naaman with Ahab's slayer is based by the Rabbis is referred by G. Rawlinson, however (in the "Speaker's Commentary"), to the Syrian triumph over Shalmaneser II. ), "It is, after all, by divine power that men are able to perform priesthood miracles," states the manual. Naaman and the Servant Girl Naaman and the Servant Girl Back To All Episodes Naaman and the Servant Girl Episode: 305 Season: 3 Joy is upset because she's in charge of a big service project. Then Naaman said, "If you will not accept this gift, at least do this for me. 1800 (Stockholm, 2005), 59, no. (2 Ne. (comp. Naaman was a powerful man and a warrior who was used to giving commands and having those commands obeyed. 358; see also the RKD website. 10 Elisha sent out a messenger who told him, "Go and wash seven times in the Jordan; your skin will be restored and you will be healed." 11 Naaman went away angry. thinks the king referred to was Jehoahaz, while Schenkel ("Biblical Lexicon") suggests Jehu, but the general view is that it was Jehoram. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. A4. The king of Israel suspects in this to him impossible request a pretext of Syria for later starting a war against him, and tears his clothes. 3238 and 3913. [4], According to Rabbinic teaching, Naaman was the archer who drew his bow at a venture and mortally wounded Ahab, King of Israel (I Kings xxii. Gehazi was Elisha's helper. A person is not born a Mennonite, but only becomes one when mature enough to decide based on personal belief to follow the Christian faith, much like Naaman, who came to that revelation through the actions and words of Elisha. Elisha hearing from God refused out of obedience to God anything Naaman offered because after all he was entitled to payment as a prophet. And he took it and put it in his house. He's trying to start a fight. "Now Lord, I'm going to serve you and I'm going to go out and witness, and I'm going to pray, and I'm going to do this and " I'm telling God all of the things that I'm going to do for Him because of what He's done for me. 212. Since 1951 the journals has been generally recognized to be indispensable for scholarly work on the Old Testament. Most likely, Naaman would have expected Elisha would come out of his house to perform some ritual, or that he would have led him to some special magic place to heal him. Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. When Naaman offered Elisha money and clothes, why did Elisha refuse? Such may have been Elisha's feeling. Didn't go anywhere. Jacob Backer, The Tribute Money, 1630s (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm); see Grel Cavalli-Bjrkman, Dutch and Flemish Paintings, vol. Gehazi told Naaman that Elisha had changed his mind and now Elisha wanted the gifts. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When he discovered that he was stricken with leprosy, he searched for a cure -- and of course, at that time, there was no cure. Throughout its existence the company has been honored with many awards which recognise BRILL's contribution to science, publishing and international trade. Lambert Jacobszs interpretation of the story is consistent with Mennonite beliefs. Joy is upset because shes in charge of a big service project. Gehazi was Elisha's young messenger and servant. The baths cured Naaman. Just to accept the fact that God loves me and to receive His gifts gracefully. (2 Ne. I think Elisha was rebuking not only the actions of Gehazi, but also the attitude of his heart. imdi bu mesaj kapatabilir veya Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz okuyabilirsiniz. Naaman hears that Elisha, the prophet of Israel, can heal him, so he makes the trip. A life of luxury based on the security of wealth, rather than a life of obedience. The first small-figure picture is known only from a description in Lamberts inventory, where it can be gleaned that a landscape formed the backdrop for Gehazis attempt to inveigle Naaman into giving him the gifts. Furthermore, the uniform purple color and trim of the gift cloak given in the Leiden Collection painting are somewhat similar to that in De Grebbers The Wrath of Ahasuerus, 1628 (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm); see Grel Cavalli-Bjrkman, Dutch and Flemish Paintings,vol. 1, J.A. The dirt which is Yahwehs domain is holy ground. Ltfen Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz dikkatlice inceleyiniz. Elishas healing of Naaman in the Bible (the leper [and] commander of the army of the king of Syria) is a familiar story to many (2 Kgs 5:127). Elisha's servant, Gehazi, was not happy. Only a few Dutch paintings depicting this biblical narrative have survived, most of them by artists working in Amsterdam and Haarlem in the first half of the 1600s. I can hire me some servants. He was a powerful general, highly respected, and wealthy. After Naaman was cured of leprosy, he offered Elisha gifts for his use of priesthood powers. Was it a time to accept money and garments, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male servants and female servants?". 20-7). By using the Superbook website, you accept our use of cookies. Amsterdam, Royal Palace) (Lochem, 1975), 4146. Jacob de Wet, Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (present whereabouts unknown); Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler, vol. Naaman then traveled to Samaria to see Elisha, but the prophet never received him: he just sent a messenger to meet Naaman and his entourage by the door. 5; comp. Naaman believed that There [was] no God in all the earth but in Israel (2 Kgs 5:15) and wanted to return to his homeland with holy ground. Michael S. Heiser is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (M.A., Ancient History) and the University of Wisconsin- Madison (M.A., Ph.D., Hebrew Bible and Semitic Studies). For example, the artist often divided the picture plane and juxtaposed his main protagonists in this manner, as in The Disobedient Prophet in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm (fig 5).11 The old prophet in that painting, moreover, resembles Elisha.12, A final question concerns patronage. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? In fact, he almost lost out on his healing because he did not want to follow the instructions of Elisha to bathe in the Jordan River. The leprosy was gone.He was so excited he headed back to the prophet's house because he was loaded down with all kinds of gifts that the king of Syria had sent. But we rebel against that simplicity. He knew the request came from a sincere theological change of heart. In Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts, Jacobsz, a devout Mennonite teacher and biblical expert, was more interested in conveying the conversion of a great leader to the Christian faith than in portraying physical drama.14 With the painting in The Leiden Collection, Jacobsz showed himself to be both a talented painter and an earnest Mennonite teacher. And the prophet starts laying out the things that he had in mind to do with this money. Perhaps, as he walked back, he was thinking about what he could do with such a large sum: he could buy olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, and have servants rather than being a servant. What happens when someone rejects a sacrifice, a gift, an offering? Jesus taught His ministering servants, "Freely ye have received, freely give." The Bible doesn't say whether God told him not to receive the gift from Naaman, but we see that Elisha was quick to refuse the offer, desiring only to honor God. 16001652/3), who executed the biblical narrative as a portrait histori for the regents of the Haarlem Leprozenhuis (Leper Asylum) in 1637 (fig 1).1 De Grebbers work shows some affinities with Jacobszs painting in its compositional format and half-length depiction of elaborately dressed figures, but the two paintings differ greatly in character and in their treatment of the biblical subject. And he said, Did not my spirit go with thee, [when you received] when you went out to their chariot and stopped them and you received the money, and you received the garments, and the oliveyards, and the vineyards, and the sheep, and the oxen, and menservants, and maidservants? The leprosy that was upon Naaman is going to be upon you and your family. Issues contain fascinating articles in English, French and German, a detailed book review section as well as extensive review articles. [1] When the Hebrew slave-girl who waits on his wife tells her of a Jewish prophet in Samaria who can cure her master, he obtains a letter from King Ben-Hadad II of Aram to King Joram of Israel in which Ben-Hadad asks Joram to arrange for the healing of his subject Naaman. Did not my heart go when the man turned from his chariot to meet you? Naaman was a "ger toshab," that is, he was not a perfect proselyte, having accepted only some of the commandments (Gi. When Elisha became aware of Gehazis duplicity, he punished his servant by infecting him with the disease from which Naaman had just been cured. The Mekilta (Yitro, 'Amale, 1), however, places Naaman's conversion above Jethro's. When the two meet, Elisha tells him rather dismissively that he needs to take a bath in the Jordan River. He is unfamiliar with the Jewish tradition of the ritual bath (mikveh) as it appears in several sections of the book of Leviticus (for example, in Lev. Oh how simple it is. Scattered pinpoint losses are also found in the more thinly painted areas. 6 (ascribed to Pieter de Grebber by Fred Meijer). R. vii. Leprosy has been a scourge on the human condition for thousands of years. Naamans unusual request stems from the ancientand biblicalconception that the earth is the locale for a cosmic turf war. Every nation on earth not accept this gift, an offering to the door tell. An Israelite maid he had in mind to do with some of that reward Naaman... And to receive his gifts gracefully strange request: to load two mules with dirt to take with! Healed him a young girl, who ministered to Naaman 's wife same decorations as Belshazzars sash ordinary,. Jr. and Lara Yeager-Crasselt distraught because he knew that he had in mind do... 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