He has an uncommon grace to guide believers into closeness with the Holy Spirit. You literally damned me to your pagan hell and Im not even dead yet. This statement has been objected to by Christians who believe that the Bible has no record of such a statement. Read about Billy Graham. Hello Pastor David, I praise the Lord because he leads me to your program im always watching you on YouTube. According to Dr. Strongs Greek concordance, this Greek word kolasis comes from the root word kolaz and that word is defined as to punish, to curb, check, or restrain, to chastise or correct, and to lop or prune. #encountertv" That is DEMONIC behavior so are we really supposed to believe that David is a ordained minister of God with this terrible teaching and weak attempt at justifying a literal afterlife? Your email address will not be published. As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, Sodom and her daughters were never as wicked as you and your daughters. Money is required to fund and maintain ministriesthats just a fact. So we have a scripture in the bible which we believe to be the WORDS OF GOD that tells us that dead people do NOT come up from the grave. Thank you Pastor David for your teachings about the Holy Spirit. For He has put all things under His feet. But when He says all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. Then comes the end (the culmination), when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. The god of context is yet another example of one of Christendumbs sacred idols. The fact that I believe in Christ is irrelevant apparently. Everything about me was about Jesus. When people criticize others, in whose shoes they have not walked, they themselves are criticizing God in those people. So the proper rendering of the verse is to not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill your life (your carnal self) but rather, fear Him who can DESTROY both your body and your life (your carnal self) in Gehenna the Valley of Hinnom Does God really do this in the literal Valley of Hinnom outside of Jerusalem? John the Baptist was an angel, not a heavenly being but simply a messenger for that is what the word means and John the Baptist is called a messenger from the same Greek word aggelos. If my neighbor starts eating dog feces shall I then believe that eating dog feces is a real thing? Tuesday, 28 February 2023 06:32. What a person thinks becomes the driver and primary influencer of all actions. He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Southern California. He simultaneously attended a Charismatic Church and a Baptist School, which he believes laid the strong foundation for his teachings. How and where is the price paid? Lets read Romans 16:25 again; Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. He has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the evil heresies spewed all throughout Christianity. Inside pages are clean. It seems you are easily offended. Guess what!? The sound system was cheap. Jesus did not live in luxury and, as far as I know, did not have a home. David Diga Hernandez shares how the Holy Spirit illuminates Biblical revelation. The first commandment of God to man was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Look kindly on all who follow Jesus, Your Son. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. I began to hear the voice of the Lord at the young age of seven, but I did not come to know Jesus until I was eleven years old. The article I wrote about David Hernandez is based on 2 videos that he has posted on his YouTube page supposedly debunking universalism. that can NEVER die This is what the leaders of Christianity say is JUST punishment for the person that rejects God. For two years, he locked himself to pray for four hours. This is for those who are serious about media. I look forward to becoming a healing revivalist that will carry the burning touch of God all the days of his and also impact peoples lives. God used almost 100 preachers to form who I am today in ministry. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health. So the test of what is real or what isnt real is to be measured by the behavior of a godless heathen? David Diga Hernandez was born in Cerritos, California, in the United States, to parents who were both preachers. There is limited detail about what Jesus actually meant when He used the word Gehenna but I think we can agree that Jesus was NOT referring to literal physical fire. What is clear, is that the Greek word aionios does NOT mean eternal or everlasting. If this is what you want, Lord, confirm it through Benny Hinn.. I will never forget the look on his face while he was praying the sinners prayer & the way I could see a change in him afterwards.. Explicars los conceptos bsicos de probabilidad y calculars la probabilidad de un evento simple. Luke 16:1 He also said to His disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. The reason is because David doesnt have a clue what he is talking about. The messengers of the devil are HUMAN and it is but the leaders of Christianity that spread this most blasphemous and damnable message in their temples of terror (churches) not even realizing that it is Satans headquarters. I guess David doesnt understand the biblical teaching of the few and the many for he would not make a comment so littered with ignorance if he did. Several year ago, David posted a video titled, A Demonic and Dangerous Heresy that is Spreading like a Virus however, that video is no longer posted on his channel. ; 208 pages . This word is defined in Dr. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible as a herald or to officiate as a herald. You believe a lot of Christian dogmas that have no truth to it. The spirits in PRISON that is, the prison of SHEOL/HADES are DEAD PEOPLE! My face said everything it was tired and afraid. The revelation of the mystery of the preaching of Jesus Christ was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN next verse; Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting (SAME GREEK WORD AIONIOS) God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Now wait a minute The bible translators left aionios UNTRANSLATED in Romans 16:25 but then they somehow remembered to translate it as everlasting in the very next verse? There was an intense heat on my right hand. People can be corrected and people can be rehabilitated. In 2018, David posted two newer videos titled, Debunking the Heresy of Universalism and I will be critiquing both of his videos to shed a better view on the teaching of universalism and why David himself is a heretic of the true gospel and a spiritual terrorist of Christianity. And you think universalist have a twisted view of morality? You dont get the idea of hell. Yes. You can only fill a cup so much before it begins to overflow. Every single thing I said about David Hernandez is from direct quotes from him and then I used scripture to back up what I say. My main influences were these four men: my dad, my grandfather, Eddie Vargas (Ill tell you more about him in a bit) and my pastor, Omar Lopez. Imagine that, God likens people being burned in fire to be an abomination but were supposed to believe that this same God is supposedly going to burn the majority of humanity in some place called hell for all eternity? Case closed! The method combined an attempt to translate the original texts simply and literally with a dynamic equivalence synergy approach used to convey the thoughts behind the text where a literal translation may have been difficult to understand or even misleading to modern readers. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. David Diga Hernandez, YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL TERRORIST! Well, if we are to trust the scriptures, then we have a blatant contradiction. He says alluding to this argument, How can God punish someone for all eternity for a life of temporary sin? We have to be very careful in assuming that these spirits spoken of in 1 Peter 3:19 refer to actual living beings for even the dead had a spirit that was taken away at death. There was a constant awareness of God and the scripture. and guess what he says? The company is going under but the CEO says he has a plan to save the company. I didnt think it was. David wants you to believe that the purpose of Gods fire is torture but the scriptures liken Gods judgment to a REFINING FIRE and LAUNDERERS SOAP. In verse 2, first group rising to (everlasting life?) I didnt even do that good of a job, though I tried my best. I love the Lord more than anything. David then quotes Daniel 12:2 and surely this verse will prove his point. No one is perfect and as long as you have a working relationship with one of the trinity you can dismiss the naysayers! He is a pastor in a renowned evangelistic healing ministry in Southern California. Christ suffered for OUR sins (the sins of all humanity), the just (Jesus Christ) for the unjust (sinful humanity) for him to bring us to God. The punishment must end before the child can practice better behavior. Moreover, David also used to hold secret Miracle Services on his school campus and attend missions with his youth group. Heaven is the highest experience of love, truth, peace, and righteousness. Remember what constitutes a living soul which we learned in Genesis 3 and it is the combination of a body and Gods life giving spirit. The phrase eternal life is a misnomer because it places an impossible constraint on time implying that time never ceases. Death is the opposite of life. But what would you do for the sake of the gospel? He gives a pretty lame analogy to support his theory with his comparison of the Hebrew and Greek words ruwach and pneuma which are both translated as breath, wind, and spirit. He had that look on his face that says I am looking for a volunteer. The scriptures tell us that every word shall be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses so do we have another witness that tells us that God will accomplish ALL that He desires? I guarantee you that you didnt read my entire series on hell before you left your stupid comment. People like you need to a hell because its the only thing that makes you feel special. What is it that every Christian believes they have to do in order to be saved? You will know with confidence that the Holy Spirit lives in you. Course curriculum. He associates with the heretic false healer Benny Hinn so it tells you his brand of Christianity. Well, sinful humanity is locked in the grave (Hades) for the wages of sin is death. How can someone receive everlasting punishment without also having everlasting life? Lord be with us. During that period, I felt the strong presence of God, aroma smell. Gehenna is literally a transliteration of two Hebrew words from which we get, the Valley of Hinnom. You cannot use your moral argument against the universalist for it is you that tries to convince people that being tortured in fire is actually a righteous act of God. But after considering the story, Ive come to realize that it really isnt my story at all. In this encouraging message, David Diga Hernandez shows you 5 ways the Holy Spirit helps you to walk in your divine purpose. I felt a tingling sensation move up and down my right hand. But I persisted in getting my questions answered. Remember that David tried very hard to convince you that the Hebrew word `owlam means everlasting but we see in Hebrews 9:12 that Gods people no longer require the blood of goats and calves for the sacrifice of sins for Christ has atoned for the sins of the world once and for all. The true test is life because it is in life that we go through storms and go through many trials and tribulations. David Diga Hernandez is a spiritual terrorist of Christianity that has a YouTube channel called, "Encounter TV" which broadcasts his internet "Spirit Church" through video blogging on YouTube. A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host. There was, however, a major turning point. They have to believe that God raised Christ from the DEAD! Where would I be had I not learned to serve a vision before projecting a vision? And the overflow of power did, indeed, flood into the public places of my life. He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness. invitations to speak at other youth events. Time will eventually come to an end for time will be IRRELEVANT when mortality puts on IMMORTALITY! You see, some people view differences as a negative thing. Read Isaiah 26:9. Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting disgrace. Now, I am following all your teaching on YouTube. Gehenna defined as the post resurrection place of torment might not be too far off from an acceptable definition although I will confess that I do not share Davids zeal for people being tormented. David fails to mention in his argument that going to prison for a life sentence is typically reserved for the most serious crimes and while a person can go to prison for life, they are not sent to prison to be tortured for their entire life. There was no self-promoting desire in my heart. Even if I came into contact with him, God would still need to speak. Gods standard of righteousness is not the problem it is YOU and your entire corrupt religion that commits blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by assigning such rank evil to the Almighty. David Hernandez Ministries, PO Box 39670, Downey CA 90239, United States. The context of Psalm 90 has to do with TIME as if refers to mankinds experience of God. I am thankful for being a vessel for God in delivering people from the lies and deceptions of the church. The Greek words translated as ever in this bible verse comes from the Greek word AION which is appropriately translated as AGE in many bible verses. Show Encounter Podcast with David Diga Hernandez, Ep Condemnation vs. He approached me about doing a miracle service while on the trip. Very simply put, the rich man died and he was buried and where do dead people go? But before my ministry was ever expressed on platforms, it was cultivated through discipleship and private devotion to the Lord. The word angel comes from the Greek word aggelos and according to Dr. Strongs Concordance, aggelos simply means a MESSENGER. At the tender age of 13, David joined the ministry knowing that this was the life he wanted to lead and says it was here that he developed his close friendship with the Holy Spirit. 14 min; FEB 6, 2023; Praying with God's Authority Praying with God's Authority. Davids doctrinal beliefs have been subjected to criticism. He has an uncommon grace to guide believers into closeness with the Holy Spirit. This place was later identified as a literal garbage dump which could be used as a link to Christs analogy but there are no biblical references to the Valley of Hinnom being a literal garbage dump. Christ is talking about the judgment of God for God is a consuming fire but this is obviously symbolic language for God is not a literal consuming ball of fire. Davids first job at the ministry was as a Song Flipper- he had to make sure that the congregation had the lyrics to the songs as it was in the days before digital media. The SERPENT! I leaped at the opportunity. Heaven is a spiritual realm that exists in the mind. Damning billions of peoples family members to some godless hell to be barbecued alive not even for a quadrillion eons but for all eternity is rank evil. This is necessary in a world where we must learn and experience the knowledge of good and evil. How many so called Christians believe this lie? Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. His heresy of universalism states that everyone will go to heaven. What is a person supposed to learn or gain from being burned with fire? While we are still lying in bed, let's give thanks and fill our minds with Scripture. Luke 15:11-12 Then He said: A certain man had two sons. Many things contributed to my spiritual growth. You are one of the powerful preachers sharing His words. The pastors of Christianitys churches are indeed messengers but if what I have presented to you is true, then there is much argument to suggest that the pastors of Christianity are not sent from God. Jesus NEVER literally preached to spirits in some pagan afterlife. Please pray for me and my family especially for my 2 daughters for the fulfillment of Gods promises about their calling and ministry. So I preached my first sermon the next thursday. There is no consciousness in Sheol or Hades. Thank you David Hernandez for you teaching on holy spirit. Even with that said, there is still goodness that comes out of Gods punishment. In this context, it is of the ages or eons that that God is being linked to. original sound - David Diga Hernandez. And thats all about divine timing, so it is written. I did not think it necessary to do at first, but the fair amount of requests for it have moved my hand to write. The stars of heaven spoken of in the book of Revelation are a symbol for believers and not actual angels of heaven. According to Dr. Strongs Greek concordance, those words are not necessarily bad words to define thel but the problem occurs when we place such human limitations on God. I was brought into a private room after a TV taping. Is it possible that he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about? Impressive bio! So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. The presence, and power of the Holy Spirit was so beautiful and Gods words through David called many to the alter. I am not going to post his videos on this site because they are too long but here are the links if you would like to watch his videos that I will reference for all of my points of argument. Again, there is NO slack in calling God, the Eonian God or the God of the Ages for God created the ages and God is God in all ages. It has been the course of his life to his present state. Shall someone who is timid or fearful have the same judgment as a murderer? Luke 14:16 Then He said to him, A certain man gave a great supper and invited many. I first saw the Man of God on Sid Roths Its Supernatural, and I was glued! This is my first time listen to your sermons and your teaching. Jamie Twokowski, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Relationship, Books, TWLOHA, Andre Valadao, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Children, Net Worth, Songs, Teneshia Hudspeth, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Husband, Net Worth, County Clerk, Dr Kia Moore, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Marriage, Net Worth, Height, Divorce, April Dupre, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Husband, Height, Weight, Love Nola. When all things have been completed, Jesus Christ himself will be subject to the Father after Christ subjects all things to himself which will ultimately result in GOD BEING ALL IN ALL! Fund and maintain ministriesthats just a fact want, Lord, confirm it through Benny Hinn it... It possible that he has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the Holy.. Hernandez was born in Cerritos, California, in whose shoes they have believe! Power did, indeed, flood into the public places of my life you see, some to shame everlasting. 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