BIOL200. Topics in Biology. Students may take a maximum of four credits per semester; maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the 40 credits of biology required for the major. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. You can log in to your 21-22 VCU Grad application to add or update information, but you cannot delete anything. The Lavender Celebration celebrates the achievement of LGBTQIA+ undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral candidates. Prerequisite: BIOL101, 151, or 152, or BIOL/ENVS 103. Welcome to VCU Grad VCU Grad 2022 Click here for COVID-19 updates and FAQs related to your application. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Each graduate receives a commemorative rainbow cord to symbolize their academic achievement. Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online or hybrid). Talk to your professors about research interests, picking future classes, and strategies for success in your program. Prerequisites: physics and calculus, or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent or permission of instructor. BIOL425. Everything you need to make college memorable. Biology Capstone Seminar: ____. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151; and BIOL152 and BIOZ152, all with minimum grades of C. The physiology, structure and adaptation of seed plants. Students will learn proposal-writing skills that will provide an edge in applications for a diversity of funding sources. 3 credits. 3 credits. Each graduate receives a commemorative Serape stole to symbolize their academic achievement. If you have specific questions about a specific ceremony, please use the contact information noted. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL512. The course is the second of two courses with the goal of equipping the students with the conceptual framework that will allow them to make sense and integrate the broad biological information they will be exposed to during their careers. Cellular and Molecular Biology. Study of primate evolution, demography, subsistence, reproduction, social organization, communication systems and ecology. 3 credits. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM301-302 and CHEZ 301L, 302L or equivalent. 3 credits. This course will examine the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron on Earth from both a historical perspective and in the context of global environmental change, considering the cycles individually while also acknowledging that there are significant interactions between these cycles. Communicating Research. Advanced methods are taught enabling students to interpret and present findings from the primary literature. A maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the 40 credits of biology required for the major. 3 Hours. By the end of the course students will be acutely aware of how science interacts with and informs society. 1 Hour. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM301, each with a minimum grade of C. Focuses on the characterization and understanding of the function and mechanisms of major physiological systems, primarily using human physiology as a model. 2019-2021: Major: Biology Mentor: Gretchen Neigh, Ph.D. Stacey Ruiz 2020-2021 : Michael Thompson . Community Science: ____. BIOL502. Basic knowledge of genetics is recommended. These cookies help us provide you with personalized content and improve our website. First Black Men in Medicine graduate returns for residency at VCU; Grand Ole Opry apologizes to Deford Bailey; Michelin-starred chef in New York City; DC Universe expands to include more diverse roster of writers and illustrators; Sharpton to DeSantis: Stop censoring Black history; When Black Men Bond Students read primary literature, communicate scientific findings and synthesize information from multiple sources verbally and in written format. 3 credits. Advanced methods are taught enabling students to interpret and present findings from the primary literature in this field. Topics include the history of stem cell research; the generation of pluripotent stem cells; the role of adult stem cells in disease and genetic disorders; the use of genetic engineering in stem cell-based curative gene therapy; and discussions of the ethical issues related to stem cell use in regenerative medicine. Pre- or corequisites: CHEM102 and CHEZ102. Barrier Island Ecology. BIOL610. Graduates must register to participate. approvals after the launch. Semester course; 1-4 independent study hours. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and BIOL310, both with a minimum grade of C, or graduate standing in biology or a related field. Semester course; 0-4 field experience hours. Call 804-828-9790 for more information. Aspiring gastroenterologist credits the program with opening doors to career in medicine. Plants, People and Culture. Virginia Commonwealth University - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation | Balfour Virginia Commonwealth University Change Your School Contact We're bringing the TRADITION to you. Prerequisite: BIOL317 with a minimum grade of C. A service-learning course coupled to course content and material taught in BIOL317. 3 credits. Biology Lead Preceptorship. Credits to be arranged. For more information, please reach out to Charlene Crawley via email: [email protected]. May be repeated for credit. Graded as pass/fail. A final report must be submitted at the completion of the project. 0 Hours. Wednesday, May 10, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. 3rd Place: Tie. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151, BIOL152, BIOZ151, BIOZ152 and BIOL317, all with minimum grade of C. A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the causes and consequences of infectious disease at levels from individual organisms to global scale. BIOL496. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL200, each with a minimum grade of C. A comprehensive study of select topics that is integrated with community science. Saturday, May 13, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Tickets are not required. Students will focus on understanding experimental approaches and practical applications critical to evaluate research in evolutionary biology and the ecology subdisciplines. Helps facilitate student involvement in research laboratories within the Department of Biology. Covers advanced topics in forest ecology, with a particular emphasis on Virginias diverse forest ecosystems. Crosslisted as: BNFO540. Additional credits from these courses may be applied to upper-level and open elective credits toward the degree. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours (plus online component). BIOL495. 3 credits. Semester course; 1-4 lecture hours. Students gain foundational knowledge of microbial energetics, growth and community dynamics, which is then applied to understanding microbial roles in biogeochemical cycling, climate change, agriculture, public health, wastewater treatment and landfills. Semester course; hours to be arranged. We collect limited information about web visitors and use cookies on our website to provide you with the most optimal experience. Enhance your networking skills and practice your elevator speech when presenting. A study of the molecular biology of the cell as it relates to gene expression, cell signaling, and cell growth and differentiation. Scientific Communication: Public Discourse. Graduates may bring up to 6 guests to attend the in-person celebration. Understanding of morphogen gradients, transcription, cell movements and signaling in development. I was able to focus on my art and academic work without the stress of worrying how I was going to afford tuition., Andr Lucero (B.A. 3 Hours. Welcome to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. Prerequisites: eight credits in biology. 89) Inaugural recipient of the Mallory Callan Memorial Scholarship. Prerequisite: BIOL318 or BIOL341 with a minimum grade of C. The origin and genetic history of modern humans, our historic colonization and migration, the utility of the Human Genome Project, our differences from other primates, adaptation to our environment and disease, and the ethical implications of genetic research in our society. Prerequisite: BIOL300 with a minimum grade of C. The epidemiology and pathological effects of eukaryotic parasites, including parasite life cycles and host-parasite relationships. 1-4 Hours. For additional questions email, Tickets are not required. Monday, May 15, 20231:30 p.m.Virginia War Memorial621 S. Belvidere St., Richmond, Va. 23220. BIOL320. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151, 152 and BIOZ151, 152, with minimum grades of C. A study of a selected topic in biology. 3 Hours. Field experience with community partners, including public parks, botanical gardens and organic farms. Aquatic Microbiology. 1 credit. 4 credits. in Biology. Students learn about the roles of transmission and coevolution in infectious disease ecology and how population models are used to inform management of epidemics and emerging infectious diseases. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151. 3 credits. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts922 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. Graded as S/U/F. 3 Hours. 4 Hours. Quantitative models will be used extensively to explore ecological concepts. Studies should include directed readings, directed experimentation or advanced guided inquiry all under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Lecture emphasis on evolutionary relationships; laboratory emphasis on plant recognition and identification, especially of the Virginia flora, including some field trips to areas of local botanical interest. 3 Hours. Limited seating. Virginia Commonwealth University Initiative to Maximize Student Development (IMSD) scholar graduate : March 1, 2021 by Student Affairs. Molecular and cellular principles of developmental biology in model systems, including flies, worms, fish and mammals. Laboratory Assistant Experience. 3 credits. As a young student, that recognition helped me realize that I had what it was going to take to pursue art as a career. A minimum of two credits is required for the course to count as a laboratory experience. Get familiar with the research process with the VCU Libraries. Prerequisite: Completion of the Biocore with minimum grades of C. Pre- or corequisites: BIOL492 or 495, and senior standing. This course will equip students early in their graduate experience with the knowledge, resources and skills to rapidly and successfully complete the requirements for an M.S. 2 Hours. 3 credits. I was able to focus on my art and academic work without the stress of worrying how I was going to afford tuition., Andr Lucero (B.A. Dec. 7, 2021 Meet some of VCU's newest graduates We interviewed 16 students in the weeks leading to commencement. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 Hours. Consenting to VCU's privacy policy requires the use of Javascript. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester and prerequisites. 3 credits. BIOL692. All of the graduates from 2020 and early 2021 will be contacted. 3 credits. 89) Inaugural recipient of the Mallory Callan Memorial Scholarship. Students will be familiarized and gain experience with key concepts of teams and leading teams, including values-based missions and goals, effective communication and feedback, stages of team development and leadership, diversity and inclusivity, mentoring and coaching, resolving conflict, project management, leading change, leaving a legacy, and assessment. 3 Hours. Create an ePortfolio to document academic/professional experiences, accomplishments, and reflections. Limited Seating. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. 0 credits. Information is still being collected. BIOL209. VCU's Common Book Program is a universitywide initiative that seeks to introduce first-year students to complex social issues through a common text. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. This curriculum also prepares students graduate study in biology and for admission into schools of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, and into allied health programs. Prerequisite: BIOL451. The program provides the strong background necessary for not only for graduate study in the life sciences, but also enables students to develop careers in a wide variety . Biology of the Seed Plant. BIOL631. Not applicable for credit toward the B.S. Topics include transport processes, metabolism, growth, stress responses and plant-soil interactions. For more information, please reach out to your departments administrator via email. BIOL676. They will have digested an array of topical issues relating to responsible conduct of research and be able to clearly articulate ethical and legal solutions to problems posed. Information is still being collected and the list will be updated once information is received. Fundamentals of human biology, including the structure, function and disorders of human body systems, principles of human genetics and inheritance, human evolution, and the interaction of humans with the environment. Jan. 12, 2023. If several topics are offered, students may elect to take more than one. Practice independent living skills (time management, self-care, & responsibility). BIOL420. Prepare for job offer negotiation by researching salaries, benefits, and other opportunities for flexibility. Find your application path by reviewing the options below, which will lead you to requirements and a checklist designed to walk you through the process. Included are discussions of the interactions among environmental quality and wildlife and human diseases and health. 5 Hours. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. BIOL310 and BIOL340 recommended. Friday, May 12, 2023NoonUniversity Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. We collect limited information about web visitors and use cookies on our website to provide you with the most optimal experience. 4 credits. Forensic Molecular Biology. BIOL548. Semester course; 2 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Seek research opportunities and apply for funding through. For a list of graduation events visit here. Problems addressed will include but not be limited to issues in genomic analysis, statistical analysis and modeling of complex biological phenomena. Tickets are not required. Introduction to the structure and functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and BIOL318, each with a minimum grade of C. The evolution of vertebrate forms as demonstrated by anatomical studies of selected vertebrate types. 2020-2021 Biology College of Humanities and Sciences Program description The Department of Biology offers programs leading to baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees; the doctoral degree is offered through the Ph.D. in Integrative Life Sciences program. Science Communication: Research Proposals. . First Black Men in Medicine graduate returns for residency at VCU. Students may specialize within many areas, such as molecular and cellular biology, genetics, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, systematics, physiology, neurobiology, and developmental biology. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester and prerequisites. Meet some of VCU's newest graduates. By clicking on "I agree", you agree to this use. Please enable Javascript functionality in your browser so you do not see this message again. Animal-Plant Interactions. Yeast and Fermentation. BIOL445. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: BIOL392, permission of the supervising faculty member and a research proposal acceptable to the departmental chair. Contact [email protected] for more information. 3 Hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Methodologies and applications of molecular biology as they pertain to the study of evolution, with a focus on systematics, speciation and biogeography. Students must complete a minimum of 20 service-learning hours with community partner(s). 3 credits. 3 credits. Semester course; 1-3 seminar hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and CHEM101, both with a minimum grade of C. Focuses on evolutionary principles, the role of natural selection in the evolution of life forms, taxonomy and phylogenies, biological diversity in the context of form and function of organisms, and and basic principles of ecology. 3 credits. BIOL330. Research prospective employers and create a job or graduate school search strategy at least 8 months before graduation. Semester course; 3 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. Friday, May 12, 20235 p.m.First Baptist Church2709 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. This course targets master's- and entry-level Ph.D. students. Evolutionary principles, with emphasis on genetic and environmental factors leading to changes in large and small populations of plants and animals, and the mechanisms responsible for speciation. Jos-Miguel Montenegro-Alvarado is Manager of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) projects based in Puerto Rico. 3 credits. Eukaryotic Biotechnology. Open to qualified seniors and graduate students only. Saturday, May 13, 20235 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219. 3 Hours. BIOL609. BIOL630. Open only to qualified seniors and graduate students. Introduces students to key elements of wildlife diseases, zoonoses, emerging infectious diseases associated with wildlife and humans, and both the conservation and health impacts of these topics. Enrollment is restricted to students with permission of the instructor and research mentor. Information is still being collected and the list will be updated once information is received. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Students gain an understanding of the principal controls on forest structure, growth and distribution and relate these principles to sustainable forest management. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 4 credits. For more information contact the School of Education's Dean's Suite at 804-828-3382. 3 credits. 3 credits. "Seek You" was named one of the best books of 2021 by TIME, NPR, Boston Globe, Buzzfeed, New York Public Library, Electric Literature and Kirkus. The goal of this course is to provide training in writing competitive research proposals. BIOL440. As a young student, that recognition helped me realize that I had what it was going to take to pursue art as a career. Provides a comprehensive examination of the fundamentals of human genetics. 3 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. The overall approach reflects the broad multidisciplinary, multi-scale reality of modern/contemporary biological sciences and will help students identify themes, patterns and processes that transcend the scales of biological organization from molecules to organisms. 3 Hours. Prerequisites: BIOL300, BIOL310, BIOL317 and BIOL318, each with a minimum grade of C; and 90 hours of undergraduate course work. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Saturday, May 13, 20231 p.m.Stuart C. Siegel Center1200 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. 23284. BIOL484. BIOL340. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. Animal Reproduction. Prerequisites: BIOL303 and 307 or equivalents. I was able to focus on my art and academic work without the stress of worrying how I was going to afford tuition., Andr Lucero (B.A. A minimum of three hours of supervised activity per week per credit hour is required. A lecture, field and laboratory course concerned with the development, succession and dynamics of plant communities and their interrelations with climate, soil, biotic and historic factors. The commencement will take place at the. As 80 percent of the worlds population (and 50 percent of Americans) lives within 50 miles of the coastline and humans use coastal areas extensively, understanding the natural roles and services provided by coastal ecosystems and their constituent organisms is fundamental for addressing management, conservation and response to climate change. 2nd Place: Lois Akinola - School of Medicine. Cancer Biology Thesis. Evolution and Molecular Markers. All Bulletins 2023-2024 Virginia Commonwealth University. BIOL475. 3 credits. BIOL332. A minimum of four credits is required for honors in biology. Professional Organizations. Singleton Center922 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. Enrollment is restricted to students with permission of the departmental chair and limited to students for whom a laboratory supervisor has agreed to mentor their laboratory assistantship. Be ready to pay the application fee A $70 state-required application fee must accompany all applications. Permission of instructor is required prior to registration. Become proficient in modern laboratory procedures Gain a broad knowledge in the four major areas of chemistry Understand the practical and ethical applications of chemical principles in society A degree in chemistry plays a key role in a variety of careers such as: Pharmaceutical Development Chemical Research & Manufacturing Science Education The breadth of course topics available to you from VCU's Department of Biology stems directly from faculty expertise in molecular and cellular biology, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, evolutionary and conservation biology, physiology, genetics, bioinformatics, forensic science and other disciplines within the field of biology. Prerequisites: BIOL 218 and 317 with minimum grades of C. Study of the characteristics, adaptive radiation and distribution of mammals, with emphasis on North American forms. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Presents major concepts in bioinformatics through a series of real-life problems to be solved by students. Plant and Animal Cell Biology. Meet with a faculty member to discuss your personal and professional interests. For more information email [email protected]. Not applicable for credit toward the B.S. Prerequisite: BIOL300 with a minimum grade of C. This course will discuss the mechanisms underlying plant development. Specific topics include basic genetics, primatology, paleontology and the hominin fossil record. Independent Study. 1 Hour. BIOL650. Prerequisite: BIOL317 with a minimum grade of C. Provides an integrative study of birds, including avian evolution and diversity, general anatomy and physiology, behavior, and ecology. 3 Hours. It's the day when thousands of them will be graduating. Prerequisite: BIOL496 in the same course with a grade of Pass. 3 Hours. Topics include intracellular transport, cell cycle control, signaling and cell motility. 3 Hours. By clicking on "I agree", you agree to this use. Integrates the effects of historical human demography, ecological disturbance, natural history, species interactions, barriers to invasion, invasive species management and impacts on natural communities and ecosystems. Crosslisted as: ENVS330. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Spring 2023 Universitywide Commencement Saturday, May 13, 2023, 10 a.m. Family and friends unable to join us in person may view the universitywide celebration via livestream at 10 a.m. EST on Saturday, May 13 at Prerequisite: BIOL317. 2 credits. Professional and Career Development in Biology. BIOL591. Apply to be a Diversity Ambassador with the. A study of the physical factors affecting the formation of barrier islands, adaptations of plants and animals for colonization and persistence in these harsh environments, and how coastal ecological processes conform to general ecological theory. Advances in Cell Signaling. This is a ticketed event. With careful planning, a study abroad semester works well during junior or senior year. Population Genetics. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Each graduate receives a commemorative Kente stole to symbolize their academic achievement. Essential topics include molecular measures of genetic diversity, estimating loss of genetic diversity in small populations, detecting inbreeding, resolution of taxonomic uncertainties, genetic management of T&E species, captive breeding and reintroduction. Semester course; 3 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Virginia Commonwealth University is an urban public research university with a leading medical center & top programs #UncommonVCU #VCURamily. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Medical Microbiology. BIOL626. BIOL459. Graduates must register to participate. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. 3 credits. BIOL333. For more information, please reach out to Dianne Stewart-Frausto via email: : [email protected]. Vertebrate Histology. Designed to develop skills in preparing and delivering oral presentations in conjunction with an in-depth study of a current topic in biology. BIOL284. Complete exams, applications, or self-marketing activities for after graduation. 3 credits. 2 Hours. Virginia residents Tuition, fees, as well as indirect charges are subject to change and all costs are subject to inflation. An examination of the cellular, molecular and clinical aspects of cancer development, progression and treatment. Past topics have included cancer biology, allergy and asthma, and autoimmunity. Prerequisite: BIOL607. Includes a variety of seminar discussions and activities including preparation of figures for publication and the crafting of a research paper with correct usage of the primary literature. and drugs of abuse (alcohol, marijuana, etc.). 4 Hours. Semester course; variable hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Tickets for guests are not required. For students holding the M.D., D.D.S. A study of the ecology of freshwater and coastal wetlands, including the physical and biological aspects of these systems, wetland functions at local, landscape and global scales, and wetland regulations and restoration. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Graded as satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Students read assigned topical papers before class, prepare critical analyses, discuss and debate selected positions. Ph.D. students in our program take courses designed for graduate students with an emphasis on research design and experimentation. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM102, each with a minimum grade of C. Basic principles of developmental biology and stem cells of vertebrates, pinpointing the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide development and stem cell biology. The basic principles and methodologies of molecular biology and genetics are applied to genome organization, replication, expression, regulation, mutation and reorganization. Conservation Genetics. Graded as pass/fail. Explore the major through your introductory biology and chemistry courses. Friday, May 12, 20236:30 p.m.W.E. 4 credits. Saturday, May 13, 20233 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. 3 Hours. D.D.S. Here are their stories. Crosslisted as: BNFO541. Prerequisites: MATH139, MATH141, MATH151, MATH200, MATH201 or a satisfactory score on the math placement exam; and CHEM100 with a minimum grade of B, CHEM101 with a minimum grade of C or a satisfactory score on the chemistry placement exam. An immersive study of tropical ecology with a focus on bird ecology and conservation of mangrove ecosystems through a unique blend of rigorous science and community engagement. Virginia Commonwealth University will hold fall commencement on Saturday, marking VCU's first universitywide in-person commencement ceremony since the COVID-19 pandemic began in spring 2020.. VCU will hold commencement at 10 a.m. at the Stuart C. Siegel Center, 1200 W. Broad St. Designed for biology majors. Explore peer leadership opportunities or apply for the. 4 credits. Prerequisites: BNFO201 and BNFO300 or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: BIOL317. Quantitative Ecology. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. GSWS - Emily Humberson: [email protected], Saturday, May 13, 20234:30 p.m.W.E. Integrated Bioinformatics. Learn all about VCU's Department of Biology, from our academics for undergraduates and graduates, to our mission-driven approach to education and commitment to research. The major through your introductory biology and chemistry courses the end of the fundamentals of human genetics: Neigh! 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