ENTJ's get even more done, but are even less intelligent than INTJ's. To another it may be mechanical. It's a case of each is just better at yielding solutions a different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex problem. But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : T's are generally more mechanical and technical. I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. When it comes to imagining something new P's are great at that. 2. You have to define this first before trying to come up with the conclusion! Using a self-reported questionnaire, the test determines whether you lean toward Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I); prefer to use Sensing (S) or Intuition (N); tend to be more Thinking (T) or Feeling (F); and are more Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). They are just not very good when it comes to storing long-term factual data or working things out. in general i'd agree with you. It is easy to see why the demeanor of an I appears more intelligent than that of an E, but when it comes down to actual ability to understand complex ideas, I think I/E goes out the window. reflecting telescope, Tesla coil and more). This also helps my development of F. You arrived to a final ranking which is somehow okay but full of flaws, like solving a math problem by chance but the reasoning is false. all the NT types are more intellectual but ST types can have equal IQ. They have a high capacity to cope with stress. Feeling however is regarded frequently to having close ties to emotion due to cultural bias (although I agree, irrational physiological processes tend to gather around more subjective processes, such as evaluation of ethics). But the average IQ for INTx people are generally higher than the average IQ of other MBTI types. These are all talents that allow for high IQ scores. I have many mensa member friends who are also INTP, mu class mates with IQ above 140 usually are Intj or intp, there are some who are entp/entj too. This is what we mean by smart -- having other people rely on you where you don't need to rely on them. Most lists I've seen have been very similar to yours, even to the point of giving a P a slight edge, but I don't know. Filling with enthusiasm, spontaneity, and impulsiveness, common careers for ENFPs include counseling, religion, arts, and teaching. They are interested in the here-and-now and are more likely to focus on details than taking a broader view of things. 1. Excellent (logical) research without data. And traditional intelligence does not necessarily correlate to success or even happiness. TL;DR Intelligence comes in many different forms, you might rate it as you wish, but your rating will be greatly influenced by the way you and only you see things. Does that chart mean that INTPs are twice as smart as ENTJs, or that ESFJs have really low IQs? Introverts are most likely to spend time by themselves studying stuff. It is the most common personality type in women and occurs in 14% of the population. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So I didn't just only use MBTI to be like, oh look, he's why some people are intelligent. Paradoxitheism, was replaced by Pantheism, but it was the two that needed to balkanize, to present a third factor. Haha, if you would agree to that on the basis of functions you would know that INFJs have Ti in their tertiary slot. Amazing. INTPs are philosophical innovators fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and universal theory. This isn't some self-contained, external-association-sterile S article that was contrived in a narrow vacuum. Which Meyers-Briggs Profiles Have the Highest IQ's? 3. ", According to Comen, both INTJs and INTPs are among the smartest, adding that thinking is actually "the primary life goal" for INTPs, as opposed to the key tool. Please read more about Jung cognitive functions and how Meyers & Briggs created types by combining them. Thinkers almost always score higher than feelers when it comes to IQ. There is a reason the scientific method is used, it gives the most accurate model of reality and truth because a scientist is willing to factor in every scrap of evidence that supports AND negates his theory to develop the most accurate theory. The reliability of MBTI is still being debated. People who are smart generally rise to the top of influence and are revered and sometimes even worshiped by others. They might not be the type you think of when it comes to calculating hard numbers, but they're in-tune with others and innately know how to respond in a crisis. It's a general rule, and there are exceptions. Everyone uses their senses. Perhaps not, as we haven't come to a real definition of what intelligence is. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. An introvert is going to be more accurate than an extrovert. Known for Big Ideas such as the Universal String Theory or solutions to world problems, ENTJ exhibits extroverted thinking. That is why early on I defined smart as something like influence as opposed to sheer technical ability. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. That's coming from an INFP- but I'd like to think that doesn't matter. A smart INTP can pretty much do what a smart INTJ can and a smart ENTJ can pretty much do what a smart ENTP can -- but a smart ENFJ probably can't do what a smart INTP can do. Smartest to Dumbest mbti types Ready to offend ppl Here's the explanation. I'd rank my letters from most to least influential as N/S, I/E, T/F, and J/P. I feel like while they have Fi which can make them sensitive, their analytical mind paired up with their ability to see the posiblities means they know answers to things instantly. If you were basing this on influential, then surely E types should get a higher ranking. As an INFP this is the first time I've ever heard a real appreciation for the perceiving types. Do you just sit and think of provacative nonsense to state? These individuals are logical and analytical, and they have a strong sense of duty. Intj like Stephen Hawkins married only once at a late age and had few kids. I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). I put emphasis on my F type because to me intelligence can mean the knowledge of being able to predict what people want and read between the lines in order to provide it to them. Online tests have given me IQ ratings of 135-143. Yes. Not to argue or anything, but intuitives who believe in the possibilities of paranormal activity, psychics, etc, are probably smarter than those who don't because they can see how their perception of the world is only limited to what they can actually perceive instead of what there actually is. The other issue with INTP's is that they lack drive, as do most Perceiving types. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. Introverts are most likely to spend time by themselves studying stuff. But it may give insight into what ESFxs find important to spend their time studying people. They are protective over others who look out for them. We even give awards and titles, such as Valadectorian and Suma Cum Laude. Essentially, low-ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. From what I have been able to observe, in all the years that I have known them, is that the INFJ is way smarter. I think each type falls short in one way or another. If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. I think most animals would have neither T nor F as an option- these are both equally human traits. However I believe the N in people not so smart leads them to believe in paranormal activity, psychics their "ability to grasp theories" make them more gullible than their equivalent S that tend to be practical and not as easily fooled. Id be really happy if you anwered me:). I'm actually doing some personal studies about this involving experiments on myself and friends. Unfortunately, I can't accurately list which types are the most emotionally intelligent, but if I had to guess, I'd say either ESFP or ENFP. They are the third most common type, with two and a half times more men than women. Most SJs are usually only being "educated" without really being logical or intellectual at all. But which personality type is the smartest? :-). ESTP - Your nonchalance. FJ on interpersonal. ENTJ: Thirst for world domination fueled by lust for power. The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. Also both married 3x or over. It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. I think they can seem smarter than alot of the types above. First off im intj. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Speaking from my own life experience, I have seen rationals being by far the most intelligent of all other types since primary school to the world of work.I am 23 now.Rationals being ENTP, INTJ, ENTJ and INTP.The category of intelligence I am considering here is logical and mathematical intelligence which is often what is generalized as intelligence by the public(and the most huge component of typical IQ tests).Rationals have an exceptional ability to fully understand complex abstract phenomena and align it with reality-in the case of Judging rationals i.e. On the one hand an INF has great attention and focus, while on the other the ENT goes more off reason and data. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. 4. the way people learn and develop their preferences evolve over time as they gain insight and "polish" their "cognitive processes/preferences". So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them. Define Intelligence. INTPs are critical of scientific research where the conclusions are woven for us leaving out the clues and how they got there. enjoy! Ignorance is bliss I suppose! :). In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. So because of this relationship I would give I's a slight edge when it comes to intelligence. The information that Ive seen seems to link the design of IQ tests with traits more common in intuitives, specifically those with dominant extraverted intuition (as opposed to the introverted intuition used by INTJs). They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. This comes down to the task at hand. I personally think mbti "personality" types can change due to exercising separate functions in different prioritizations, so mbti really stems from motivations, which influence brain function, so a subliminal logic decides which mbti behavior is needed for survival. The INFJ is actually pretty brilliant, and the smartest person I know both scholastically and in life in general. Im kinda confused how the percentage of people with high IQs is so disproportional to the amount of intuitives in the population. There are different types of intelligence, and all personality types can be smart in all of them. Is there a secret INTW type they don't tell us about that has all the smarties? as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. Also called The Objective Analyst or The Logician, INTP is one of the less common types in the population. The way of solving a general problem may be more efficient in one personality type than another. We carry out what the "background philosophers" dream about. But they are so clouded by emotion they cannot help but act on that, sometimes not focusing on the right thing. Someone has been keeping track and produced some graphs. To one person it may be creativity. Then it goes to T. Then it is about even between the P and J. Thinking and Feeling have their respective strengths and weakness, but the most important thing is the way a person uses their Intuition to collect and understand information (N/S), and not the decisions they makes using that information (T/F). Now for my two cents: in contrast to traditional "intelligence", I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence. It's just a random data without ANY backing. but "Which MBTI has the greatest capacity for influence?". It explains quite a bit of the intellectual gap I feel is between me and my significant other, considering I'm an ISFJ and he's an INTJ. Your IP: Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. On the other hand, the INTPs are extremely difficult to be identified due to their extreme intelligence. Plus your dry humor doesn't hurt. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. other great partnerships include Bono (nf) and Edge (nt). ESFP, eh? They don't even want the future. Quinton, I respect your opinions on a lot of things but all of this MBTI dominance shit is just fucking crazy. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. But this is about applying that sensitivity to your decision making process, which most animals do not do- they tend to make choices based on instinct. I really don't think dominant f types should be that high on the list just because they have an n. intp is the smartest, INTJ just knows how to use their intelligence more because of the J. How do I know she's an ESFP and not an ENFP? ISFJ- The second to bottom, I put them higher than the ESFP because they know what to do in certain situations, they are sensible like the ISTJs but they know how to heal a person to health, in everyway. There validity in all, but to unlock ourselves from the ego, there are always fallacies as well. It's like Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw at a quiz bowl. Also as I said S types can be more intelligent than N types, just in a different manner. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. Very few who lead with those functions are open to new ideas and aren't able to arrive to a conclusion that doesn't jive with their personal beliefs. Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. As I am an N and a scientist I enjoy debating and talking with other N, but only educated/smart people, to discuss on how to improve the world. Many include the sensing and feeling aspects of personality. Is it Introverted Thinking? All of them ENTP's. I could see the two being a tie. This article doesn't answer 'Which MBTI type is smartest?" Come one. So now I'm using it as a survival mechanism. 5.Let's just say there's no other type or temperament except SJ, we would have still been stuck in the stone age. Its not smart to procrastinate. ISTP- I think they are so smart because they know the solution to so many things, they are good with their hands and quick on their feet. In any case, nice article since I was looking for an approach to this topic, and I found it thanks to you!. Pair it with other traits like motivation or direction, it'll be a huge advantage. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. I've known dull INTP's, ENTP's, and INTJ's. If you're trying to run your life based on your personality type, there is something wrong. 2022 Galvanized Media. Which Type Has the Most Geniuses? There do seem to be far more geniuses among the Delta Quadra socionics group, which use Te, Ne, Si and Fi as their functions. I think that's a certain type of intelligence that while I lack in and might appreciate it less (as I enjoy thinking about things deeply), I can also find it very hard to not be jealous of such an ability to immediately use the information given to you and act based on it. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. You're just saying that I'm wrong because I didn't do it the way you think I should. Healers excel when dealing with people demonstrating sympathetic idealism and compassion for othersalso known as The Thoughtful Idealist and The Mediator. It's nice to sit here and think that only sixteen personalities can define our species, but likely, this is just us trying to once again, categorize and generalize ourselves within the holistic processing of acknowledgment: Another psychological bias. The other intuitives are all relatively rare with INFJ being the rarest at less than 2 percent of the population. -This analysis is inaccurate, yet somehow okay, but full of flaws This chart was clearly made up by some random INTP guy. Why don't we talk environment? well, i like your article here. - ExxJ: Most Manipulative/Leadership Smart. (I know this does not equate to intelligence, but it is a good measurement). Neither are SP types, but SP types, due to their tendency to just do whatever they want to do in life would still intentionally use their intelligence to support their desire. I discovered this site today and was exited to find that i wasn't alone in my views but this shit is crazy. Im an ESTJ with an IQ of 110-120 and my abilities are pretty shitty. Like ns invent the stuff s use. If I had to give one an edge I would give a slight edge to P's as they are generally more involved with abstract things which are more primary and closer to a first cause than the more physical and real world things. INFJ's are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. Famous INTPs seem spiritual on some level, I agree We make motivational quotes and carry wisdom. Also forgot to add this. They are organizing emotion in a way and using it as a different means for pulling data. Obviously logical intelligence, but someone who is emotionally and socially dumb might be good at logical stuff, but would fail to survive in this society as a human being, because it is not even human, and therefore not to be worshipped. Maybe it's just best not to force an either/or choice on that one. These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. An EF type is more likely to understand social situations and have more charisma. Also ENTP have Ti which is basically the definition for high inteligence and you are telling me that an NF is smarter than that? "They are everyone's confidant, always helpful, offer intelligent solutions and advice, are emotionally intelligent, respectful, understanding, alluring, and overall easy to access," Puglisi says. PS - you do realize that often one question separates an n type from an s type. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. This is if all people were equal in all other stats, once again. I am an INTJ-T on most days and an INFP-A on random others. Cheers, lol, This is a great article, well written & insightful breakdown of the MBTI types.although I would like to add & highlight .."How are you describing what "smart" or "intelligent" as being?? I personally also believes that society conditions people to be sensors. ESTJs often excel in fields such as business and management. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I agree with many of the comments that NT's surpass in sciences for their natural skill and capacity for growth in these areas. It may not be the best type, as they all have unique qualities. They are brilliant, strategic leaders who are highly motivated and enjoy hard work. So, if anything, going by your "logic" P would be the second-most important factor in "determining" intelligence, not the least. And I'm not even saying I'm right. Fe is a very good function and there social skills are amazing and enfjs are the most charismatic humans. But then again, there are exceptions and there sure are people with othet MBTI letters with IQ 130 plus. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. INTP and INTJ are actually the precise opposite, which becomes clear when you learn the theory and stop basing things off the inaccurate tests. Other smarties to make the list are ESTJs. So to conclude, the software that comes with your computer doesn't determine the processing power of the computer. ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. And so we decided to do our own study, using the TypeFinder personality test, which is based on the theory . What is "intelligence"? Of course there are going to be lots of people who have a big problem with this article. So how are intuitives who would mostly match my IQ range seen as visionary highly rational people? I've been studying it for over a decade and I think it's amazing. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. This may seem like a rare case, but a case I see far more often is a NT growing up in a family of sensors.