bone. The bottom left image shows the retraction and protraction of a mans mandible. The central, vertical axis of the body, including the skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage. A physical therapist is a licensed professional who develops individualized treatment plans for their clients. The meaning "bare or mere outline, rough draft" is recorded by c. 1600; that of "supporting framework" of anything is by 1650s, hence . Unlike the closed fracture, in the open fracture, the two bone halves are misaligned. Circumduction is the movement of a body region in a circular manner, in which one end of the body region being moved stays relatively stationary while the other end describes a circle. Assign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time. In this position, the radius and ulna are parallel to each other. UKPSC AE. In the male, it is a funnel shape. sheer. Making educational experiences better for everyone. spinal fusion . Menu. For the mandible, protraction occurs when the lower jaw is pushed forward, to stick out the chin, while retraction pulls the lower jaw backward (see Figure 6.9(j)). 1. myelo-: , myelo- ( m'el, m'-l ), Do not confuse this combining form with mylo- or myo- . Together they provide rotational movement (supination and pronation) of the forearm. It consists of the 12 pairs of ribs with their costal cartilages and the sternum (see Figure 6.3). (n.d.-b). Malignant tumor of the synovial membrane. Health topics: Fibromyalgia [PDF]. This article contains a list of word roots, and a few additional suffixes and . Itis is a suffix meaning inflammation. 1. The shape of the pelvic girdle is different for males than females. It regulates body temperature, protects underlying layers of tissue from sun damage and prevents pathogens from freely entering your body. In Occupational outlook handbook. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. lightweight. Once youve gotten to know the specific parts of the skeletal system a bit better, its time to put your expertise into practice by breaking down the root words into meanings and useful applications.


Heres a list of important skeletal system root words and combining forms.

Root WordWhat It Means
Kyph/oHumpback (posterior curvature of thoracic spine)
Lamin/oLamina (part of the vertebral arch)
Lord/oCurve or swayback (lordosis: anterior curvature in\nlumbar spine)
Lumb/oLower back, lumbar region
Myel/oBone marrow
Scoli/oCrooked, bent (scoliosis: lateral curvature of\nspine)
Spondyl/oVertebra (referring to conditions of the structure)
Vertebr/oVertebra (referring to or describing the structure)

Familiarize yourself with this list of the combining forms used with bones.

Combining FormExampleWhat It Means
Acetabul/oAcetabulumHip joint
Carp/oCarpalsWrist bones
Clavic/o, clavicul/oClavicleCollar bone
Femor/oFemurUpper leg bone
Fibul/oFibulaLower leg bone
Humer/oHumerusUpper arm bone
Ili/oIliumPelvic bone
Ischi/oIschiumPelvic bone
Lumb/oSpineLumbar region
Mandibul/oMandibleLower jaw
Maxill/oMaxillaUpper jaw
Metacarp/oMetacarpalsBones of hand
Metatars/oMetatarsalsBones of foot
Patell/oPatellaKnee cap
Phalang/oPhalangesBones of fingers and toes
Pub/oPubisPortion of pelvic bone
Radi/oRadiusLower arm bone
Sacr/oSacrumSacral area of spine
Scapul/oScapulaShoulder blade
Tars/oTarsalsAnkle bones
Tibi/oTibiaLower leg bone
Uln/oUlnaLower arm bone

Now, check out this list of the combining forms used with joints.

Combining FormWhat It Means
Disk/oIntervertebral disk
Ten/o, tend/o, tendin/oTendon

The roots, as always, are essential medical terminology knowledge because once you master these roots (those good ol Greek and Latin ones, that is), you can break down any skeletal-related word and discover its meaning. The axial skeleton has 80 bones and includes bones of the skull (and face), vertebral column, and thoracic cage. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes myasthenia gravis fact sheet. The human skeletal system consists of all of the bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments in the body. Some understanding of the derivation of anatomical terms from their classical origins will help to fix their meanings and spelling in mind. The archaeologist found skeletal remains. The femur is the longest and strongest bone of the body and accounts for approximately one-quarter of a persons total height. bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral column spinal intervertebral cervical vertebrae thora the largest tarsal bone; forms the human heel, a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast, having an open or latticed or porous structure, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity, tough elastic tissue, mostly converted to bone in adults, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular, a space that is enclosed or surrounded by something, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral column spinal intervertebral, the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes, a line of units following one after another, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral, reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading, a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts, a round bump on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid, situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid, the outermost or farthest region or point, of or relating to or near the femur or thigh, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter, the outer and thinner of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen, a membrane-covered gap between bones in an infant's skull, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture, a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle, bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow, the upper and widest of the three bones making up the hipbone, pertaining to the space between two vertebrae, junction by which parts or objects are linked together, a thin plate or layer (especially of bone or mineral), any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part, a band of fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages, of or relating to or near the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal, relating to or situated in or extending toward the middle, containing or consisting of or resembling bone marrow, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian, the growing part of a long bone between the diaphysis and the epiphysis, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal, animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal, process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist, cell that functions in the breakdown and resorption of bone tissue, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast, abnormal softening of bones caused by deficiencies of phosphorus or calcium or vitamin D, abnormal loss of bony tissue due to a lack of calcium, of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal, a small flat triangular bone in front of the knee, the structure of the skeleton supporting the lower limbs, a dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles; contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the enclosed bone, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis, situated nearest to point of attachment or origin, a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle, a physician specializing in rheumatic diseases, any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or toward the sternum in humans (and similar bones in most vertebrates), childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D, flat triangular bone on the side of the shoulder in humans, any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium, an abnormal passage leading from a suppurating cavity to the body surface, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure, the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus, butterfly-shaped bone at the base of the skull, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital, of or relating to the spine or spinal cord, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral column, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus, a growing together of parts or structures, congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes, the bone in the ankle that articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle joint, of or relating to or near the tarsus of the foot, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal, a band of tissue connecting a muscle to its bony attachment, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral column spinal intervertebral cervical vertebrae, the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen, the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle, extending or lying across, in a crosswise direction, one of the bony prominences developed near the upper extremity of the femur to which muscles are attached, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular, small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral, a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle, the inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm, one of the bony segments of the spinal column, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull vertebral column spinal intervertebral cervical, of or relating to or constituting vertebrae, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic vomer sinus skull, the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord, thin trapezoidal bone of the skull forming the posterior and inferior parts of the nasal septum, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular zygomatic, of or relating to the cheek region of the face, bone joint muscle orthodedist rheumatologist osteoblast osteoclast calcium sesamoid diaphysis epiphysis epiphyseal metaphysis periosteum articular cartilage cortical haversian medullary cavity cancellous spongy tra becular trochanter femoral tubercle tuberosity condyle fossa foramen fissure sinus suture fontanelle frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal maxillary mandibular, Created on November 30, 2009 Therapist is a funnel shape skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage unlike the closed fracture, the. 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