448. Iba (Arabic origin) meaning 'pride'. 14. 394. Kasdeya (English origin) meaning 'female demon of poison'. The word means smoke, darkness. Hes commonly represented as a bearded man holding a thunderbolt but is sometimes depicted with an eagle when he doesnt have his weapon. 77. With contributions by E. Arsenio Manuel. 253. 357. Chedipe (Hindu origin) is a demon from Hindu mythology that enters homes to bring impurity and ridestiger at midnight. 16. 206. Nimue (Celtic origin) is a queen who outgrew the mighty wizard and later became mad without any guidance. Raijin is also often seen in the company of his brother, Fujin, and his son, Raitaro. Asura (Sanskrit Origin) Asura is a monster featured in the manga 'Soul Eater'. 255. 181. Astrid (Greek origin) demonshavinghuman faces and body resembling owls. This demon is a being that personified the abyss. 335. Xenovia Quarta (Japanese origin) Demonic being with blue hair who can reincarnate. They each were said to have ruled over a particular type of night. 447. 396. 86. Tabitha (English origin) is a demon who haunts college students. One of the well-known girl demon names. Astaroth, (Christian Origin) is an important demon name in Christian demonology as it was the name of the Great Duke of Hell. Sonneillon is the demon of hate and envy. 457. The power to manipulate demonic lightning of Hell. The Deities of the Animistic Religion of Mayaoyao, Ifugao. 429. Like the Greek god, he was also associated with the natural phenomena of the sky. In a Winnebago tradition, its an emblem of war. Camio, (Christian Origin) this demon name comes from Christian demonology. Zagam (Arabic origin) signifies an 'fallen angel'. Eligio (Italian origin) meaning to choose. Kore (Greek Origin) this demon name comes from Eleusinian mythology and is the spirit of birth and resurrection. Raiju is the companion of Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning. Itzcoliuhqui (Aztec origin) meaning 'curved obsidian blade'. Gaap (Christian Origin) is a type of demon mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon. This is mentioned in various prayers,[4] Psalm 29, and discussed in writings of Kabbalah. 107. 154. 262. The Gods and Goddesses. He is the patron of thunder and lightning and used to be invoked in order to maintain peace between enemies. 134. 208. Ukobach (Christian origin) represents fire demon. 151. 115. Murmur (Christian Origin) is the 54th demonic spirit of Ars Goetia and a duke of hell. Mikaribaba (Japanese origin) The greedy one-eyed creature used to put anentire town in peril by their greedy pursuits. 216. 207. 168. [1] Raijus are given negative connotations as many things were happening in the sky, beyond human beings of Edo period's reach. Kyra (Celtic origin) meaning 'little dark haired one'. Perdita (English origin) means 'she who is lost'. July 2020 462. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Creatures from modern fantasy fiction and role-playing games are not included. He is believed to lie upon sleeping people at night. 442. Raijin is usually alongside another god named Fuijin, who was the god/Kami of wind. Caym (Spanish origin) referring to crocodile. Allatou (Arabian origin) was a demon that whispers to tempt its victims. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Daki (Japanese origin) is a strong demoness who has murdered numerous Hashira. Ceraunoscopy is divination by observing lightning or by listening to thunder. Apollyon (Greek Origin) is another word for 'devil' in the language of Greek. Delphyne (Greek origin) is a Delphic serpent that was killed by God. 73. 383. 449. Media related to Raijin at Wikimedia Commons, "Narukami" redirects here. Since lightning was often considered a manifestation of the gods, locations struck by lightning were regarded as sacred, and many temples were often built at these sites. Shahmaran (Persian origin) A hybrid between a snake and a woman She was the serpents' queen. Shamayla (Hindi origin) meaning dark beauty. 427. August 2020 349. 6. Sila (Arabian origin) One of the most evil jinn, capable of changing appearance and leadinghumans to their death. This is a list of legendary creatures from mythology, folklore and fairy tales, sorted by their classification or affiliation. They had a body that was a mixture of the three largest human-eatinganimals such aslion, hippopotamus, and crocodile. Patasola (South American origin) a jungle spirit that kills men after seducing them with its beauty. 273. 66. As well as depicted in ancient cultures as being weapons harnessed by the Gods and causing mass devastation, lightning has caused upset in many modern wars too. 34. Nure-Onna (Japanese origin) Japanese yokai amphibious entity with snake-like appearance that wasfrequently resonated with devouring humans. 45. Lightning in cultures has been viewed as part of a deity or a deity in of itself. Demonology is the study of demons or peoples beliefs in demons. Bad Ash (Unknown Origin) was the name of the demon in the 'Evil Dead films.'. 3. 380. 58. The myth of the thunder animal probably came about as a way of explaining the natural phenomenen of ball lightning. 274. October 2020 Mammon (Biblical origin) meaning 'an evil demon'. 364. 368. Dialen (Christian origin) A demon with goat-like feet that is considered to be friendly toward people. In the Bible, lightning (and thunder) are used, for example, for the wrath of God (Exodus 9:24; 2. Nerio (Roman origin) is the Roman goddess of war. Agash (Quebec origin) one who can put curse and evil eye. 196. Manila: Oriental Commercial Company. April 2019. Also known as Lei Shen, Lei Gong is the Chinese god of thunder. 345. KuchisakeOnna (Japanese origin) is a wicked figure from folklore that wields sharp objects and slits the mouthof its victims with scissors. Jahi (English origin) meaning 'evil'. 11. 302. 232. Chort, (Slavic Origin) In Slavic folk tradition, it is a malign spirit or a demon. Tengu (Japanese Origin) Tengu were supposedly goblins who lived near the mountains. Polytheistic peoples from many cultures have postulated a thunder god, the personification or source of the forces of thunder and lightning; a lightning god does not have a typical depiction, and will vary based on the culture. Folding screen depicting Raijin alone, by Tawaraya Statsu (15701640). Akhkhazu (Akkadian Origin) in Akkadian mythology, she brings fever and plagues. 158. Old Man) is the god of thunder, sky and weather. Verin (Christian origin) signifies 'demon lord'. Thyone (Greek origin) is an alternative name for Semele. Okiku (Japanese origin) Okkiku was a woman who suffered horribly and then transformed into a furious demoness. Jemisha (Sanskrit origin) meaning 'queen of darkness'. 12. 248. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. University of California Publications in American Archaeology, 227353. Haures (Japanese origin) If he is not confined in a black triangle, he will also attempt to mislead and trick his summoner. May 2020 Juiblex (Unknown Origin) is the name of the monsters in the role-playing game 'Dungeon And Dragons,' who act as villains. The Japanese believe that the thunder god is responsible for a bountiful harvest, so Raijin is still worshipped and prayed to. 188. He is a Great Marquis of Hell and is supposed to be a fantasy creature of the sea. Vritra (Sanskrit origin) signifies demonic serpent. 439. He was a prince of hell. Alabasandria (Egyptian origin) signifies a demoness leading to miscarriges. 342. 19. 241. Titania (Greek origin) meaning 'Giant'. Aku (Finnish Origin) this demon name comes from the animated TV series 'Samurai Jack.'. Although his father was the giant Frbauti, he was included among the Aesir (a tribe of gods). Cozbi (Hebrew origin) meaning 'A Liar' is often a trait of demons. 432. Vapula (Hebrew origin) is a powerful Duke of Hell who teaches philosophy, mechanics and sciences. Old Man) is the god of thunder, sky and weather. Wele Gumali (African origin) meaning someone who bringing misfortune. Ram (Japanese origin) Demoness havingthe ability to see another being'sfield of vision. 76. Bushyasta is considered to be the demon of sloth. The Celtic god of thunder, Taranis was represented by the lightning flash and the wheel. 464. Some Japanese parents tell their children to hide their belly buttons during thunderstorms so that Raijin does not take them away and eat them. 287. Combined of both a natural wonder and scientific power that isnt yet able to be harnessed, its no wonder that lightning features heavily across time and history. The worship of Jupiter declined after the death of Julius Caesar, when Romans started the worship of the emperor as a godand later the rise of Christianity and the fall of the Empire in 5th century CE. Its cry sounds like thunder. The name itself stems from Watanabe's legendary defeat of the ogre Ibaraki Dji () at Kyoto's Rashamon Gate. Demon names can be found in various places; for instance, in the role-playing game 'Dungeons And Dragons,' there are nine demon lords called Demogorgon, Orcus, Grazzt, Baphomet, Yeenoghu, Juiblex, Fraz-Urb'luu, Kostchtchie, and Eliab. Durukti (Hindu origin) was demoness in Hindu mythology she was the wife of demon Kali. Milim Nava (Japanese origin) demon lord with excessive power who could come off as impatient and immature. Gorgon, (Greek Origin) this demon name comes from Greek mythology, where the term is applied to three sisters whose hair consists of venomous snakes. Jorogumo (Japanese origin) are spirits that seduce men by transforming into seductivewomen. Barbatos, (Christian Origin) this demon name can be found in Christian demonology. In the myths recorded in the Kojiki, after Izanami died from the wounds inflicted on her by the birthing of Hinokagutsutchi, her husband Izanagi followed her down into Yomi no Kuni, the land of darkness. He is one of the Kings of Hell who controls 72 legions of demons. 95. While, some scholar believe that Paguma larvata was brought by soldiers of World War II as pets,[1] the bearish resemblance of Raijus in paintings from Edo period also suggest that Paguma larvata (Masked palm civet) have been in Japan since much earlier. The Lightning Monster is said to resemble an electrified animal hybrid, with the foreparts of a goat, and the hindparts of a crocodile. 214. They like humans and help them with their work or present gifts to them.Dialen is female demons that have goat feet from Graubuenden. Nakime (Japanese origin) Demoness Nakime follows her victims before killing them. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. 278. 245. Golgotha (Aramaic origin) meaning skull. In Chinese tradition, hes identified with the god Ti-shi, but in Cambodia, hes known as Pah En. Ayame (Japanese origin) is a wolf demon who kills magicians. 116. Other legends say that Raiju will only hide in the navels of people who sleep outdoors. 128. Eve Reese (Japanese origin) is a demon from the black-winged tribe with the ability to make magical armour and a potential demon lord. The "Demon Slayer" is a mythical Heian Period sword given to Watanabe no Tsuna () by his leader, Minamoto no Yorimitsu (). We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. 298. Krasue (Thai origin) meaning 'nocturnal'. Tacito (Italian origin) means 'silent'. 177. Hes believed to hurl thunderbolts at anyone who wasted food. Kiwanuka starts wild fires, strikes trees and other high buildings, and a number of shrines are established in the hills, mountains and plains to stay in his favor. Dimme (Sumerian origin) is a demoness causing fever and sickness of newborn babies. 122. He was regarded as the king of the Olympian gods, and the most powerful of the Greek pantheon of gods. Nabaloi Tales. Philippine Mythology. Sugaru then tied him up in a sack and took him to the Emperor. Banch Sarayashiki (Japanese origin) is a fabled being that was killedwith cruelty and comes back to torment the living. Rimmon (Hebrew origin) means 'pomegranate'. Agrat-bat- mahlaht (Jewish origin) who, according to Jewish folklore, appears to men in their dreams as a stunning woman and tempts them. 174. [1], Prkons/Perknas is the common Baltic god of thunder, one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon. Merel (Dutch origin) meaning 'black bird'. Beelzebub is considered a powerful demon and the patron deity of Ekron, a Philistine city described in the Hebrew Bible. Dzoavits (Native American Origin) this name comes from Native American mythology. Rukia Kuchiki (Japanese origin) She mostly uses restraining and damaging abilitiesin her attacks. 233. 131. Tamasi (Hindu origin) means 'night'. Naburus (Greek origin) meaning 'a marquis of hell'. 369. Lightning Demons were hostile creatures native to the Demon Dimension. 130. 471. A lot of characters in popular culture have been named the same. It is described in the Lesser Key of Solomon. 445. 389. Human beings have always been obsessed with the supernatural, and thus, we have a lot of names for demons, devils, and other entities. Bune, (Christian Origin) this demon name comes from Christian demonology. Bushyasta, (Zoroastrian Origin) is the name of a demon in Zoroastrianism. It was the name of the protagonist, played by Johnny Depp. In Dictionary of classical mythology (pp. Archimonde (French Origin) is a demon name from a series of video games called 'Warcraft'. Duana (Irish origin) meaning 'dark' and 'swathy'. 205. 200. [5][3], In one legend, Raijin is shown to defend Japan against the invading Mongols. In a Winnebago tradition, it's an emblem of war. 239. Lightning Demons, also known as Gray Demons were a Demon variant enemy encountered by Raziel in the Post-Blood Omen and Early History eras of Soul Reaver 2. All-Nations Publishing. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user. The name "Raijin" is derived from the Japanese words kaminari (, meaning "thunder"; on-reading rai) and kami (, meaning "god"; on-reading shin or jin). 7. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. 249. 420. 118. According to Hindu mythology, he was killed by the demon hunter Bhima, who was also a Prince and destroyer of evil. For other uses, see. Leyak (Indonesian Origin) this demon name comes from Indonesian mythology and means 'evil witch.'. In popular culture, Jinn is depicted as a spirit trapped in a lamp that grant wishes to human beings. Kiyohime (Japanese origin) a human who, after being rejected by a monk, transforms into a spiteful demon. Sugaru first petitioned Raijin in the name of the emperor to give himself over willingly and cease the storm, to which Raijin laughs at Sugaru. 267. Mindy (American origin) meaning 'black'. 24. Annabelle (Hebrew Origin) was the name of a demon doll in 'The Conjuring' movies. 15. 202. Hes been working in the field for years and has amassed a great deal of knowledge on Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Mesoamerican, Japanese mythology, and others. 84. While the beast is generally calm and harmless, during thunderstorms, it becomes agitated and leaps about in trees, fields, and even buildings (trees that have been struck by lightning are said to have been scratched by Raiju's claws). Persephone (Greek origin) is the wife of Hades and later became the queen of underworld. Hecate (Greek Origin) was the name of the Greek Demon of the underworld. 304. Norse mythology features many fearsome weapons, and one of the most dangerous was the sword Tyrfing. 238. 415. 237. Krampus (German Origin) He is a half-goat half-demon responsible for punishing children. 13. Cimejes (Hebrew origin) is demon described as a warrior riding on a black horse who posses the ability of locating treasures. Objects struck by lightning are said to have been struck by Raiju's claws. He had drums he would beat (similar to the Yoruba Thunder God Shango) that would create thunder. Legion (Latin Origin) in Christian demonology means a 'group of demons.' Raij (,"thunder animal" or "thunder beast") is a legendary demon from. Wilson, L. L. (1947). Alacacin, C. (1952). 438. (Irish) Demon name, Dearg-Due, meaning red blood-sucker. 247. Touka Kirishima (Japanese origin) She is a ghoul with the ability to change the hardness of her one wing at will. Ingrum (German origin) meaning 'Angel raven'. 435. He is depicted as a demon who strikes a drum to create lightning. Melanthaha (Greek origin) meaning 'dark flower'. Ciguapa (Dominican origin) she has blueish skin andattracts men to her cave fromwhere they cannever leave. August 2019 Tamayo (Japanese origin) is a demon who studied about Demon transformation. Esteban, R. C., Casanova, A. R., Esteban, I. C. (2011). Metztli was a deity of the night, the moon, and of farmers. Wood, G. L. (1957). 140. Louhi (Finnish origin) meaning 'trance'. Amaya (Japanese origin) refers to 'night rain'. Ruka Rengoku (Japanese origin) She is a mother who is bedridden but wnats to use strength for the benefit of people. In painting and sculpture, hes depicted holding a hammer and surrounded by drums, which produce thunder and lightning. Daemon, (Latin Origin) this name is derived from the demon in Latin, which is daemonium, which translates to 'demon.' 474. Thamuz (Christian origin) refers to representative of hell. Barbas was a demon described in the Ars Goetia as the demon of fear. 286. 69. Set (Hebrew Origin) In Egyptian theology, a Set is a form of the devil who lives in the underworld. It was claimed that dead Raijus are essentially real dead animals startled or knocked off from the tree during tempestuous weather of Japan. Southeast Asia Institute. Akeno Himejima (Japanese origin) Akeno is a stunning young demoness with longblack hair andviolet eyes. In Christian demonology, Gaap is a demon president. Jilaiya (Malaysian origin) meaning 'young thunder'. Caliburn: The sword that proved King Arthur's lineage i.e. 31. The name appears in the series of the same name, 'Diablo'. 244. 400. Its often depicted on the totem poles of the Pacific Northwest, as well as in art of the Sioux and Navajo. 8. It is an undead creature that comes from Albanian mythology. Sayah (Arabic origin) means shadow'. 155. The lightning comes from his hammer Mjlnir. 149. The gem-faced civet has also been considered the inspiration for legends of the kuda-gitsune. 124. Abere (Melanesian origin) is a demoness from Melanesian mythology and is believed of trapping and devouring humans. In Islam, the Quran states: "He it is Who showeth you the lightning, a fear and a hope, and raiseth the heavy clouds. Against the invading Mongols [ 3 ], Prkons/Perknas is the Chinese god of thunder, sky weather... The ability of locating treasures folklore that wields sharp objects and slits the mouthof its victims with.! 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