Only British and Commonwealth subjects serving in the armed forces were eligible for this medal, the highest award in the British honours system for combat valour. McInerney was a staunch advocate for the Iraq War. Gen. Jay M. Bargeron has been nominated for appointment to the rank of major general. He earned a BS degree from the United States Military Academy in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University in 1972. Patricia Pickering has been the Chairman of the Foster Hotel chain since her father, Andrew Foster, died in the years between World War II and the Korean War. DAVID H. BERGER. Former Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney speaks during a video in which he makes a variety of false claims. McInerney made these claims in an interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio & WVW-TV, a conspiracy-tinged website with stories like Voter Fraud, Treason, Psychological Gaslighting Enemies Inside the Wire and The Existential Threat to Our National Security; Is the CIA Using Technology to Enslave and Control The American People? and The Democrats Plan For Secession if They Lose the 2020 Presidential Election and Their Partnership with China to Defeat America From Within., In his interview with Howse (which was preceded by an exclusive first interview with retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn since his pardoning by Trump) McInerney said that Trump and attorney Sidney Powell have got the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion working with them, because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ or the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.. She was not at all pleased with Fleming Pickering being recalled to active duty, and at first refused to believe it had been ordered by President Harry Truman personally. He also talked about the Wuhan Flu and his contention that it was intentionally released as a biological weapon by the Chinese Communist Party. He is a graduate of West Point and also has a master's degree from Georgetown. Born on 30 Jul 1932. As improvements in cargo-handling equipment are made, they are installed in his ships and their cargo terminals. [3], After graduating from USMA in June 1959, McInerney was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army. He volunteered for the Marine Parachutists, earned his jump wings, and was assigned as a supernumerary officer to the First Battalion of the Para-Marines. Putnam's Sons), 1998; page 548), Griffin, W.E.B. Pickering establishes Special Detachment 16 of the Marine Corps to deal with secret missions in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Area that are not entirely supported by Supreme Commander MacArthur. It is a scenario that makes the antics of animated spy Archer seem plausible by comparison, spun by the former assistant vice chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force. You are being lied to by your phone, television, and your deep state government. Thomas G. McInerney was once a highly respected military leader who became the Air Force assistant vice chief of staff. If anyone had asked me, I would have voted 'yes.' Officer of the Day. Ernie is an advertising executive at the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency in New York City,[19] working on the American Personal Pharmaceuticals account, the company owned by her father. From the November 2, 2020 article: By the time the Korean War broke out, she appears to be the CEO of Foster Hotels, based in San Francisco but spending a fair bit of time traveling in the course of her duties. Jack Stecker first appears as a seasoned Master Gunnery Sergeant who sees more than a little of himself in Ken McCoy and helps him adjust to life at Quantico. But a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases. After The Basic School he was sent to NAS Pensacola for flight training. General David H. Berger assumed the duties of Commandant of the Marine Corps on July 11, 2019.A native of Woodbine, Maryland, General Berger graduated from Tulane University and was commissioned . General McInerney was born in 1937, in Havre de Grace, Md., and graduated from Garden City (N.Y.) High School in 1955. [23] Because she is living with her husband in Tokyo while he is assigned to the naval element at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, we can presume she is either on an extended leave of absence from J. Walter Thompson or has left the agency, probably the latter. Following the success of that mission, he returns to the United States and continues to fly Corsairs for the rest of World War II, shooting down more Japanese and being shot down himself more than once. While on a visit to Tokyo, he is contacted by Captain Ken McCoy. Nothing further is known of Ernestine Sage's life. But that wasnt the case, said Gabriel Sterling, Georgias voting system implementation manager. Director for Joint Force Development, J7. SEAC Ramn "CZ" Coln-Lpez. He gained a reputation for hunting enemy trains, important and dangerous targets, painting locomotive silhouettes on his Corsair to mark each kill, determined to become the Marine Corps' first "Locomotive Ace." "Somebody senior to Macklin if Macklin is the idiot everybody seems to think he is, I don't think he should be in a position to give orders. The couple became engaged just before McCoy set out to deliver the Special Channel equipment to USMMCHI (the United States Military Mission to China) and subsequently to stage and carry out Operation Gobi in March 1943. When it looked as if the Killer was about to be involuntarily separated from the Corps, she tried to tempt him into joining the Bannings and the Zimmermans in a real estate project which would have had the families building estatelets on land owned by the Bannings on a couple of South Carolina islands. McCoy gives him an intelligence analysis that concludes the North Koreans are readying an attack on South Korea. Coming To Light! "[15], Captain Macklin was sent ashore with the rest of the Operation Windmill team. General McInerney was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1930, and graduated from Georgia Military Academy. Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinerney explains the rigged USA voting system. Ken promised he and Ernie would be married on his return from the mission. From there, it was copied to other YouTube channels and promoted on Twitter, Facebook and Parler, before the platform was taken offline. When Fleming Pickering was transferred from the Navy back into the Marines at the direction of President Roosevelt and assigned to head up the Office of Management Analysis, Rickabee was seriously annoyed. Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, then-Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox asked him to take a wartime commission as a Navy Captain, to act as Knox's plenipotentiary in the Pacific theater. What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics? Books online: America's End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country, 2022, We also discussed the utter idiocy of allowing any American travel to China for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. But specific individuals who were rumored to be antifa activists dont actually support the movement, and a report that claimed a facial recognition firm had identified members of the movement was later corrected. He is a West Point graduate who flew combat missions over Vietnam. Marine Corps Brig. In a video viewed tens of thousands of times on Facebook, a retired Air Force officer makes a slew of inaccurate and baseless claims about everything from the Capitol insurrection to the coronavirus pandemic. 2. PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION. General Willoughby, MacArthur's Chief of Intelligence, has informed MacArthur that all is quiet in Korea, squashed McCoy's contradictory report, and attempted to railroad McCoy out of the Marine Corps. Section 1. He observed that "The Corps had a maybe unwritten policy that if you were reduced in grade, you were transferred ", which saw the McCoys sent to Japan. He worked for then-Captain Ed Banning in China before the war, but proved to be unfit for intelligence work. A retired Air Force lieutenant general, McInerney served retired from his position of assistant vice chief of staff at Headquarters U.S. Air Force, in Washington, D.C in 1994 after 35 years of. Unfortunately, despite his skill as a pilot Pick suffers from a lack of maturity that repeatedly (and deservedly) lands him in hot water. After charges are dismissed, Banning sends McCoy on convoys to "get him out of sight", and discovers McCoy has great talent as an observer and evaluator of Japanese military readiness. McCoy successfully rescues Pick Pickering two months after Pick was shot down while shooting up an enemy train and evaded capture by the North Koreans, and continues his intelligence operations in Korea. "Shows normal ballot processing.". He also becomes involved in investigating a possible security breach of MAGIC, the top secret communication system and Japanese codebreaking and analysis operation. After Macklin disobeyed the G-1 (Personnel) colonel's order to remain in his office until McCoy, who was on leave prior to separation, was located to be shipped to Washington and duty with the CIA, he is in trouble for disobedience of a direct order. George Hart, a St. Louis homicide detective before the war, was conned into the Corps by a zealous (and unscrupulous) recruiter. As a result, he said, Trump is using the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection to pursue justice. September 5, 2021 "Afghanistan: Invasion or Planned Handover," was the focus of discussion during a special September 4, 2021 episode of the syndicated radio program Caravan To Midnight, hosted by John B. Vincent John Ciuccoli '94 CLAS, a native of Connecticut, reported to US Marine Corps Officer Candidates School in Quantico, Virginia for the 10-week Platoon Leaders Course in the summer of 1993.Upon graduating from Villanova University on 15 May 1994 he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. Published: 19:09, 21 Oct 2020. This updated version of a weeks-old theory originally amplified by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came from an interview with McInerney, who offered no evidence to support his claim. After his retirement in 1994, McInerney went on to become a Fox News military analyst in 2002. The theory goes like this: An employee in the U.S. embassy in Rome worked with a board member of Leonardo, a defense contractor, to commit voter fraud in the 2020 election. He is commissioned as a Mustang Captain, enabling him to stop persecution of McCoy by 1st Lieutenant Macklin, a self-serving (and dishonest; unusual for a career Marine and Naval Academy graduate) officer McCoy knew in China, who had previously given McCoy problems. 305th military intelligence battalion kraken, QAnon 305th military intelligence battalion. [29][30] Both the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied that such an attack occurred. Lt. General Thomas McInerney lays it all out plain and simple for everyone to hear. VIEW BIO. He participates in several secret missions under Brigadier General Fleming Pickering, including landing on Japanese-controlled Mindanao; staging the rescue of two Marines manning a Coastwatcher station on the island of Buka; being sent on "Operation Windmill" by General Pickering to evaluate the sanity of General Wendell Fertig and the resistance potential of his U.S. They became so widely distributed on social media that numerous accounts on Twitter falsely claimed that five soldiers killed in a Sinai helicopter crash were really killed in the firefight with the CIA. She returns to her home village, bringing Major Banning's wife, Ludmilla Zhivkov, with her. He was commissioned as a fighter pilot flying F-86s and . He makes it through enemy lines and is returned to the States. After retiring, McInerney spent more than 16 years as a military analyst for Fox News Channel, He was fired from the network in 2018, according to the Arizona Republic newspaper, after inaccurately claiming during an appearance on Fox Business Network Thursday that torture worked on Sen. John McCain, who endured a brutal 5 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. McInerney graduated from the Armed Forces Staff College in 1970 and from the National War College in 1973. [6], Based on the fact that when the story picks up in June, 1950 McCoy is once again a captain, it is clear he was caught up in the reduction-in-force that happened to the armed services after World War II. The two achieved mutual respect. So far in 2021 108,000 entered U.S., "Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly. General David H. Berger assumed the duties of Commandant of the Marine Corps on July 11, 2019. President Trump won in a landslide and the Dems left so many footprints that this TREASON must be stopped!! [13] (The wound stripes he was awarded during the war were converted to the Purple Heart plus two gold stars in lieu of the second and third awards when the Purple Heart was reauthorized in 1932.). Howse then raised the issue of U.S. Special Forces troops seizing the server farm in Germany. The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is a training unit based at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and has been assigned to Army Training and Doctrine Command meaning that it hasnt been participating in any operational missions since 1990. The rumor spread quickly anyway, Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab. Vice Director for Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J8. When McCoy's report turns out to be right on the mark, Pickering is recalled to active duty as a USMC Brigadier General and is named the CIA's Deputy Director for Asia, essentially the same position he had held in the OSS. During the First World War, he was a Marine corporal, and was thrice wounded in action during the Battle of Belleau Wood[12] where he was awarded the Navy Cross (the Navy's second-highest award for valor and the equivalent of the Distinguished Service Cross). [3], McInerney's military awards and decorations include the following:[3]. He then joined the Air Force, and completed initial pilot training at Bartow Air Base, Florida, and Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, in November 1960. The story features a tightly knit cast of characters in various positions within the Marine Corps, Navy, and upper levels of the United States Government. (New York: G.P. Assigned to Quantico as a mess officer, he attempted to prevent Ken McCoy from being commissioned. He might have found this a worthwhile thing to do, but was spared the necessity of making a decision when he was called to extended active duty first with the Corps and then with the CIA. REALITY, YouTube video from Ann Vandersteel, Jan. 8, 2021, District of Columbia "mRNA is not a vaccine" it's "actually an operating system" that's run by Bill Gates to program humans. Senator Patrick Leahy, the second-highest ranking official in the United States Senate, has been hospitalized as a precaution after feeling unwell, his office says. McInerney: COVID-19 isn't a problem. Unlike the majority of pre-World War II regular Marine Corps officers, Banning is a graduate of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina. Following the Gobi Desert assignment in 1943, Zimmerman is promoted to Master Gunner by direction of President Roosevelt. Following their graduation and commissioning, they remain in touch, occasionally being involved in the same mission. "[16] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office. McInerney was born March 7, 1937, in Havre de Grace, Maryland, and graduated from Garden City (N.Y.) High School in 1955. Fishpond United States, America's End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country by LTG Thomas McInerney MG Paul E VallelyBuy . Putnam's Sons), 1995, page 262. His guest on the podcast, McInerney also has a long history of making false statements and spinning unfounded conspiracy theories. The pro-Russian activists were vastly-outnumbered. Feeling he has nothing to lose, he contacts his former boss, Fleming Pickering, and asks him to get his report (which, never having been entered into the intelligence filing system by Willoughby, he was able to spirit out of SCAP HQ without anyone noticing) into the hands of the CIA. One of the Telegram accounts that posted the piece is attributed to retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, an 83-year-old former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump. The letter echoes . He was not joking. The general pointed especially to Pennsylvania and Arizona, reporting that 330 thousand votes were shifted from Dr. Oz to Fetterman, and in Arizona about 36,000 were shifted from Kari Lake to Hobbs. On the train from Boston to Philadelphia, McCoy meets a friendly civilian named Malcolm Pickering ("Pick" to his friends). The U.S. Marines accused of murder and other charges in the case of the Haditha killings in Iraq cannot get a fair trial, says retired Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney. In Danger's Path (New York: G.P. When Marines first landed on the Pacific island of Guam during the Spanish-American War and established Marine Barracks Guam in the village of Sumay, we began a century-long relationship that. "[17] As a result, Macklin spent the rest of the war with the guerrillas in the Philippines, without command responsibilities, until the islands were liberated. [20], In May 2018, McInerney appeared on Fox Business News and asserted to the show's host Charles Payne, that torture had "worked on" John McCain (when he was a POW in North Vietnam) and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John',"[21][22][23][24] referencing an unverified claim made against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000. Fake news of a Special Ops raid from a retired general a few Contacts and Address NAMALA Contact Information: Command Main Line: 202.685.0100/DSN 325-0100 Executive Officer: 202.685.0102/DSN 325-0102 Senior Enlisted Advisor: 202.685.0112/DSN 325-0103. General Archer Vandegrift recommended him for the Legion of Merit for his service in that role, which medal was awarded to Pickering by President Roosevelt personally.[14]. CISA said on its rumor control page that bad actors would not be able to change election results without being caught. Once again, Pickering uses McCoy as his eyes and ears on the ground and gives him his head. Following this, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and reassigned to Australia to help the Corps prepare for the transfer of the First Marine Division there for rest, rehabilitation, and re-equipping. 9050, which authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Navy to issue a citation in the name of the President, to Navy and Marine Corps Units for . In 2008, it was revealed that the Pentagon under the Bush administration supplied McInerney with talking points to use in his commentary. He is a Harvard graduate with a degree in hotel management, having learned the business from the bottom up, starting as a busboy and working up to substitute assistant manager. He expected to be pulled out when the first supply submarine arrived, but instead was ordered to remain with USFIP under the command of an OSS Major. In August 1974, he became the air attach to the U.S. Embassy in London. He did, however, double down on his claims. He was sent to a hospital in Australia, where Major Jake Dillon recruited him as a "hero" for a war bond tour because while he is a scumbag, he is handsome. Washington, DC And then he started talking about the . Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Chicago, Illinois, United States. Later, the two and their children become part of a caravan of American soldiers, sailors, and Marines both active duty and retired, who intend to escape the Japanese by crossing the Gobi Desert to India. After writing a self-serving report on the missionary convoy mission where Corporal Ken McCoy earned the nickname "Killer McCoy," Banning sent him home from China with an efficiency report that should have seen him thrown out of the Corps. ", US GOV finally admits that Covid started in the wuhan lab.. Naval Institute Related Articles P References Marine Corps General Officers and Senior Enlisted Leaders May 2020 In October 1986, McInerney was assigned as vice commander in chief, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. [7] Although McInerney said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely. Video and photographs from Washington show people wearing and waving Trump-branded hats, T-shirts and flags. 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