In comparison, broccoli contains only about 47 mg of calcium, while spinach bears 99 mg of the mineral per 100 grams. [sentience and science], 5 Ways to Tame a Bearded Dragon [& how to stop biting], Is my Bearded Dragon Fat or Skinny? The UVB tube length for your bearded dragon house should not cover the entire length of the house. Elsevier Health Sciences. For one thing, bearded dragons are notoriously picky eaters. You should contact a vet immediately if you suspect a respiratory issue. High levels of phosphorus cause harm. Hypercalcemia in bearded dragons is a medical condition in which the calcium level in the bearded dragon's blood is above the normal limit. Vitamin D3 makes it possible for the dragons body to absorb calcium from their digestive system. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Those ages 4 months and below, should be given calcium daily, while juvenile bearded dragons under one year should be given calcium 5 times a week. They might develop tail rot as well. Light is another great way for your bearded dragon to get the necessary amount of calcium. Its also very affordable, so you can easily fit it into your existing care strategy without it disrupting your budget too much. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) occurs in plant sources vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from plant and animal sources. This time, muscle calcification . More: Best antibiotics for bearded dragons! The insects are fed a diet that is nutritious for your bearded dragon 24 hours prior to feeding them to your dragon. For tricks of the trade (so to speak) to get your bearded dragon to eat greens see the post on. Bone resorption causes bone tissue to release minerals such as calcium to the blood.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'reptilemaniac_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reptilemaniac_com-banner-1-0'); An increased concentration of calcium in the blood can impact the health of your bearded dragon in several ways. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These foods can be added in small portions occasionally to a healthy bearded dragons diet (Stahl and Donoghue 2010). B. Dr Amna Ahmad is a Doctor of Veterinary Science graduated from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. If your dragon displays symptoms of hypercalcemia, it must be taken to a vet immediately. The Surprising Answer, Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed? A swollen beard will be slightly raised above the neck. They should get 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. This is because supplemental Vitamin A can quickly rise to toxic levels in bearded dragons, resulting in illness that includes vomiting, weight loss, and loss of energy. When you combine that with any other calcium-related efforts, you could end up with an overdose. Something thats important to note is that too much calcium is only a problem when theres too much vitamin D3 as well. Is it necessary? If you notice any of the following symptoms and are worried your bearded dragon has recently consumed too much calcium, get them to a qualified, reputable reptile veterinarian immediately. Metabolic bone disease (MBD) in bearded dragons is a condition that causes their bones to form improperly. Sufficient exposure to UVB light, is necessary. They are by UVB (either sunlight or artificial lighting) and in the diet (food and supplementation). They need both in order to function! If youre trying to increase the amount of calcium your bearded dragon gets, there are a number of ways you can accomplish this. (2014). It's also important for females to form their eggs properly. Hunter Briggs is an experienced reptile breeder who has been keeping and raising various species over the past seven years. The starting point for the buying guides A quick cheat sheet on the basic of what you need to buy for your bearded dragon, Pick the right sized tank for your bearded dragon that fits your budget. This diet is not necessarily good for the insects health. A bearded dragon's growth is considered juvenile as it approaches the age of five months or 18 months. Lethargy and weakness can be a sign of many potential health complications, and its no different with a calcium deficiency. Calcium is an essential mineral for bearded dragons, and is important for their overall health. Most commonly, the cause is a hard substrate such as sand, or chitin shells of insects that are too hard to digest, such as beetles or mealworms. How much calcium a bearded dragon needs, largely depends on the age of the dragon. Too often, a dragon owner doesnt realize that their beardie needs calcium supplements and ends up with a sick beardie with irreversible damage. My parents have a cockatiel who is 36 years old this year. When dusting calcium on foods, make sure to not feed them the calcium too often. The tighter the mesh, the less UVB it will allow through. If you own a bearded dragon you probably know that calcium is extremely important for their health. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. Calcium assists in bone development, muscle health, and reproductive health. Your dragons beard should normally be flat. Why does calcium matter so much in the first place? It can result from the calcification of blood vessels in the beardies body. This can cause excessive thirst and frequent urination. This just means you need to ease off on the seasoning a bit! Leafy greens are a great source of calcium for bearded dragons, especially the following options: Other foods that can boost your dragons calcium intake: Calcium and Vitamin D3 play an important role in your dragons overall health and wellness. Used as a relative umbrella term for a wide array of nutritional deficiencies, Metabolic Bone Disease is actually a very common disease associated with domesticated bearded dragons. Keeping them on a regular feeding schedule can help identify digestion issues. The disease causes serious bone, muscle, and tissue damage, which can result in paralysis or death. So the early symptoms of calcium deficiency are diverse, and often easily mistaken for other problems. I noticed him do this 3 times, once every other day, for the past week that ive had him. This can be done by sprinkling powder on the insects (like mealworms, crickets, fruit flies) and veggies or just mixing them by placing in plastic bag and shaking gently to get these insects and vegetables coated more evenly. Theres a long list of nasty health issues that your bearded dragon can develop if it doesnt get the necessary amount of calcium. Kale is high in calcium and it can be beneficial to the overall balanced diet of the bearded dragon. You can prevent hypercalcemia by feeding your bearded dragon the right amount of calcium. It can be very dangerous and even lead to death if not properly cared for. All you get with it is high-quality, trusted calcium and D3. multiple hours per week), oral D3 supplementation should be reduced or not fed at all. If you make a change in the tank whether it's just taking a rock out, changing where the basking spots are, or switching . #2. There are a number, 11 Types Of Chameleons That Make The Best Pets, The Best Ways To Provide Them With Calcium, The Best Calcium Powders For Your Bearded Dragons, the best UVB light for your bearded dragon, variety is important when it comes to diet, Zoo Med Repti Calcium D3 Reptile Supplement, Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be Pet (And How To Pet Them), How To Tell If Your Turtle Is Dying: Signs & Causes, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mice? Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. Diehl, J. J. E., Baines, F. M., Heijboer, A. C., van Leeuwen, J. P., Kik, M., Hendriks, W. H., & Oonincx, D. G. A. Proper lighting and a balanced diet is the best way to prevent hypercalcemia. In addition, learn your dragons eating behaviors so that you can notice any changes that could lead to an underlying problem such as hypercalcemia. Calcium is essential for bearded dragons but must only be used in moderation. Vitamin D3 makes it possible for the dragon's body to absorb calcium from their digestive system. A calcium overdose in a bearded dragon can be very serious and even life-threatening. Bearded dragon calcium supplements come in a variety of forms, including powder, tablets, and capsules. This can also be a sign of a bacterial infection such as mouth rot, though the symptoms are very different. Thats because its just not possible to recreate an exact replica of a dragons natural habitat, although you can come close. (2010) Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation and UVb exposure on the growth and plasma concentration of vitamin D3 metabolites in juvenile bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Most often, symptoms associated with weak and soft limbs indicate a low calcium and or/vitamin D3 in your bearded dragon's body. However, where sunlight is provided on a regular basis (i.e. This symptom alone is not a sure sign of hypercalcemia and is often a normal behavior that may signify brumation or a pregnant bearded dragon. You can also use a live feeder that is higher in calcium, like black soldier fly larvae, and cut out the calcium supplementing entirely. Muscle contractions. A diurnal lizard, bearded dragons are awake and active during the daytime. You might see them twitching or acting very skittish (even when the stimulation is mild). What bearded dragon food is high in calcium? They should have enough space in the enclosure to move around and also something to climb onto to bask. Calcium supplementation is necessary for egg production . Calcium to phosphorus ratio is crucial to understand in the bearded dragons diet. Symptoms of calcium overdose in beardies range from lethargic behavior to general weakness, constipation . We know how much you love your Dragon and we want to make it easy to show how much you care. For bearded dragons kept outdoors or a combination of indoor and outdoor housing, it is likely that lower levels of D3 cholecalciferol will be needed. Phosphorus should not be fed more than its recommended limits for bearded dragons. One case where you may want to select a liquid supplement over a powder would be if your dragon steadily refuses to eat or finish her food. This is worth noting because calcium (as well as vitamin D3) is one of the most important minerals these animals can receive. Bearded dragons are a very popular pet and many people bathe. The fact that your beardie has hypercalcemia does not necessarily mean that it will die. Why does your bearded dragon need calcium in the first place? Vitamin A supplements are often given presumptively to reptiles . If youve already looked into it, you know there are primarily two ways you can offer your dragon supplements at home: liquid or powder. There are plenty of bone and structural issues that can occur as well. Dusting refers to coating food (both vegetables and insects) with powder supplements before being eaten. Keep an eye on the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in fruits and veggies. Understanding if bearded dragons like to be pet is important if youre interested in owning these lizards. Too much calcium in your blood is referred to as Hypercalcemia. As dehydration decreases nutrient utilization. 2. One of the most obvious issues youll notice is in their behavior, movements, and energy. Many bearded dragons end up with preventable diseases through lack of understanding the basics of calcium and D3 supplementation. Calcium overdose symptoms look similar to calcium deficiency wherein the muscles are affected first. Applied Nutritional Studies with Zoological Reptiles. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of constipation in bearded dragons. So its down to powder or liquid. This means that when one is rich in the diet, the level of other will be low and vice versa. Without vitamin D3, the calcium wont do much (for better or worse). Remember there are two ways to get vitamin D3, UVB light and orally through food and supplementation. Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. In this case, a liquid may offer you more control over the calcium and Vitamin D3 intake. As a generalisation, the recommendation of numerous veterinarians, researchers and herpetologists, suggest you should give your bearded dragon calcium and vitamin D3 supplement as follows: Shortest answer is yes you should give your bearded dragon D3 (cholecalciferol). Metabolic Bone Disease. Beta caroteneis a lot safer than Vitamin A because of the way your dragons body will absorb it. Because of this, we feel confident recommending the following two bearded dragon calcium powders. Metabolic bone disease is a medical condition that is common in a lot of pet reptiles due to a combination of their phosphorus-rich and low-calcium diet and lack of exposure to sunlight. In the wild, this aids them in being able to use calcium efficiently. Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body) is rare in bearded dragons, but it can happen, and it can result in illness and death. When taking care of a pregnant bearded dragon, you must provide plenty of calcium. But in many cases, powder is quicker and easier. This is most effectively done through powder, so thats what well speak to in this section. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Don't use any eardrops unless advised so by your vet. Bearded dragons cant metabolize calcium without vitamin D3. UVB exposure with or without vitamin D can treat Hypocalcaemia. Bearded Dragon Calcium Overdose Symptoms. Calcium, vitamin D3, or phosphorous deficiency. Calcium supplement meant for humans can also be used. along with pain for your bearded dragon as the . Pet dragons primarily get Vitamin D3 through proper UVB lighting in their tank as well as exposure to natural sunlight (this means exposure to natural sunlight outside, not necessarily through a window; its actually dangerous to keep your dragons tank by a window due to risk of burns). There are a ton of different calcium powders you can use for your bearded dragon. MBD can be also caused by over supplementation with phosphorus (ratio of calcium : phosphorus in bearded dragon's diet is crucial and should be 2:1-2.5:1). Lets say you have one of the best cages for bearded dragons and a high-quality light. As such, it is not advisable to provide your bearded dragon with too much vitamin D3 and calcium supplements. Metabolic bone disease. The most common symptoms of a calcium overdose include lethargy, appetite loss, constipation, vomiting, and a general decrease in activity. Stahl, S., and Donoghue, S. Nutrition of Reptiles. Toxic bugs and plants can cause the quick death of a bearded dragon. While hypercalcemia is super rare, its better to know the symptoms to watch out for in case you accidentally give them too much. Bearded dragons do not need calcium every day. Almost 19% of the bearded dragons had musculoskeletal disorders with the most prevalent being osteodystrophy and limb fractures. @Elise, yes I'm pretty sure that's normal I'm no professional and have not had one yet but I just have, My friend is considering adopting a unique pet he could showcase to his guests when they visit. This is because supplemental Vitamin A can quickly rise to toxic levels in bearded dragons, resulting in illness that includes vomiting, weight loss, and loss of energy. Give them a light dusting and feed them. Hypercalcemia will result in your bearded dragon becoming sick and, in some cases, it is fatal. There are a couple of ways to go about this: You probably would have preferred I gave you an outright amount. One of the most effective ways to quickly increase the calcium your bearded dragon gets is through supplementation. Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia can cause your dragon to pant. Cusack, L., Rivera, S., Lock, B., Benboe, D., Brothers, D., & Divers, S. (2017). Schmidt-Ukaj S., Hochleithner M., Richter B., Hochleithner C., Brandstetter D., Knotek Z. * If balanced with 0.6% phosphorus; requirements for altricial chicks like the parrot are unknown. Fortunately, this is an easy thing to fix. Consult with a vet specializing in reptiles and ensure they know what theyre doing. Ask your vet how much water is recommended for your bearded dragon's situation, and make sure the water bowl isn't too deep. Avoid putting their enclosure in direct sunlight, and remember to check the temperature in the enclosure often. Schmidt et al (2017) conducted a survey on 529 bearded dragons presented to three different exotic animal clinics in Central Europe. Some ppl talk about too much D3 being detrimental tho. Stomatitis or Mouth Rot. So we attempt to correct the imbalance with oral calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation. Foods substantial in calcium, such as green vegetables, cranberries, squash, feeder insects, alfalfa sprouts, kelp, papayas, and wheatgrass, are ideal for pregnant bearded dragons. It can lead to many health problems and, in severe cases, death. Cuz i hear calcium overdose can lead to future complications Thx. Please chat with your veterinarian, doctor, or other qualified practitioners for information and advice on your specific subjects. Any information found on this website is for entertainment purposes only. As a rule of thumb, a Vitamin D3 supplement can be safely provided about two to three times a week. Divers, S. J., & Mader, D. R. At night, keep the enclosure at around 70-75 degrees fahrenheit (21-24 celcius). These tend to happen in more serious cases. However, too much of it can impact the beardies health. Alongside vitamin D3, calcium is probably the most vital nutrient for a bearded dragons health. The worth thing you can do is overcompensate and fix a problem that didnt exist in the first place! As a rule of thumb, a Vitamin D3 supplement can be safely provided about two to three times a week. One, ask your vet who will be able to assess the relevant factors specific to you so they can make a recommendation. Alert your vet immediately if you notice any signs of metabolic bone disease in your bearded dragon. This is a much similar but more severe disorder to that of osteoporosis in humans. 11. Is It Good For Them? However, one of the most important items in a bearded dragon's diet is calcium. Best calcium supplements with and without vitamin D3. One case where you may want to select a liquid supplement over a powder would be if your dragon steadily refuses to eat or finish her food. And if left unchecked, all of these health complications can lead to death. Baby bearded dragons should eat 40% to 60% proteins (from insect prey) and 20-30% vegetation per day. It includes calcium and magnesium. As with other reptiles, a temperature gradient should be provided for your bearded dragon, as well as a basking spot. It is, therefore, your responsibility as a pet parent to ensure your bearded dragon is getting just the right amount of calcium. This means you need to supplement these in order for your bearded dragon to remain healthy. Yes, bearded dragons do need Vitamin D as it is essential for the metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Picture this: 100 grams of these greens contain up to 187 mg of calcium. I read youre dusting 2x a day. Stress. Taking excessive amounts of calcium from supplements in amounts from 1.5 to 16.5 grams per day long-term can raise calcium levels in your blood above normal, which could develop into hypercalcemia. It also helps prevent metabolic bone disease and keep your dragon healthy and happy. This symptom isnt always easy to notice and can be very subtle. If the urates are not bright white and are of a different color then yes it is possible. In this case, you would want to supplement about three times a week to ensure your dragon is getting enough of both supplements.